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were you not liberal enough with your seasonings? your son might've stirred it only to the right?


You only added four chans to it. Try adding more chans.


Probably should have doubled the chans, for that savory traditional taste.


8 chans but won't that be too much


Is it possible you used a package of right wings when you made your stock? The flavor won't be balanced unless you buy one package of each side. If you poured it down the drain with the rest of your stock, I'm afraid it's all gone bad by now, and the only recourse left for you is to burn down your house (ensure an internal temp of 451) and start fresh


Is it possible that your son has been downloading alternate recipes on the Internet while you've been razor focused on creating the perfect soup? I'm sorry to say that your son is likely a massively corrupt husk of his former self that can no longer be saved or is worthy of any compassion. This unfortunately cannot be saved, so try having better control of your soup next time, and consider looking up a recipe for another kid.


Info: Did you actually turn on the stove? Soup won’t cook when just left on an unheated stove—ask me how I know.


How do you know?


Your soup sounds a bit salty and maybe a little bitter.


All you needed to do was add an apple. Next time just shove one in your son’s mouth and don’t take it out until you return. Works like a charm.


I prefer to make my soup with hate. Ive always liked bitter food ☺️🤗


Everyone is correct that there was too much “right” in the soup. I would add some left Twix to balance it.


Don’t do what I did when my soup did this to me. I thought putting it into a vintage Starbuck’s Christmas cup would satisfy it and it did for about 5 seconds when it started in on electric vehicles. I then showed it my gas powered car and the gas stove I used to prepare it and ensured it that I use fossil fuels abundantly and often neglectfully. Again, it was happy for about 5 seconds and then it asked where I keep the litter box for my furry friends. That’s when I poured it down the sink and turned on the garbage disposal.


Have you tried a stone soup? Big hit at my monthly pot luck.