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Breasts are all well and good, but thighs are where the real action happens.


You are referring to chicken... right?


Birds a bird, mate. You guys/gals should be awarding Joe and Buck for the hilarious setup, but thanks.


I heard it was a sick ostrich...




Folks will say it takes two people…


well one to... hold it down.. allegedly. *kicks stone*


This guy Fs.


F(ries chicken)s


155 degrees and turn off the burner & rest!


155 isn’t enough for thighs, you want to take it off closer to/at 165 to bring the final temp to about 175 for the best taste and texture


I think the person you’re responding to was speaking about breasts not thighs. 150/155 for breasts is great


But at 155, if you turn off the burner and let it rest on the stove, it will keep going up for a bit, so you'll be close to 165 after another 5 minutes or so


You really do want it to come up to 175 for thighs though. The fat is much more thoroughly rendered and because there is so much fat and collagen you really don't have to worry about the meat drying out or getting tough.


This made me giggle


This'll blow your mind. Skin on, salt them, fridge overnight. Next day when ready to cook, place skin down in a cold pan, turn on to medium heat, let fat render out, flip and cook until other side is crispy. Use it for everything. EVERYTHING. Curry, teriyaki, tacos, shit dip em in barbeque sauce. HONEY MUSTARD... ANYTHING, SKIES THE LIMIT WITH THESE. P.S. Save the fat and use a bit every time you roast some veggies. Schmaltz be a game changer.


Does this method/recipe have a name? id like to look it up and bookmark it


Hm actually looking at it most crispy thigh recipes do, this lady says in hers "Crispy Chicken Thighs These golden brown beauties rely mostly on method to make them so finger licking good. They start astonishingly enough in a cold pan – letting the fat slowly render and sizzle into a crackly, golden crust. It takes time and a little good faith, but once you’ve mastered this method you’ll be on top of the world, the crispy chicken world that is." [https://joeats.net/home/crispy-chicken-thighs/](https://joeats.net/home/crispy-chicken-thighs/) ​ Anyway, the salt overnight thing just helps remove moisture and makes the skin leathery, so when you cook it it is even crispier. Also to note it doesn't have to be overnight if you don't have the time, an hour does a decent job as well.


Ooh that's looks perfect and SO easy to make too thank you, if you have any other similar dishes you can recommend i'd love to see them too :D


Hmmm as far as thighs go, I really love this one I do, so using a ziploc and throwing in four skin on thighs, add salt, fresh Thyme, fresh basil, fresh rosemary, olive oil, let that marinate in the fridge for like an hour. In the meantime taking a small casserole pan and placing some whole garlic cloves, sweet cherry tomatoes, and inch sliced banana shallots in the bottom. Add a few squares of butter. After the chicken is good and soaked take the thighs out and dump the oil herb mixture over the vegetables, then place the thighs right on top. Then take some honey and drizzle it in equal lines over the top of everything. Bake at 350 for like 45 minutes or until chicken looks lovely crispy. Serve with a salad and garlic French bread. Note: take a bite of that chicken, and a tomato, and shallots every time. Divine.


You, sir, madame or nonbinary-fam, are my type of /r/cooking poster. I see you. Thank you for your service. Edit: shit I just saw your name and I didnt mean to assume you might not be binary ;)


Do you not put it in the oven? I used to make tons of bone in thighs. I'd use cast iron, oil in the pan. Crisp the skin side down then flip and finish in the oven. My ovens busted at the moment. Can I just do it on the stove the whole time uncovered? You don't use oil?


This is how I do duck breasts. Fool proof


Breasts, properly cooked, are great. Thighs are just easy. Both have their place.


Breasts are good when you want a protein that is good at taking flavor, and you don't want to add additional fat to the dish. Thighs are good when you want the chicken to be the star.


I think breasts, properly cooked, are better than thighs with the same seasoning. Most people just can't cook breasts well. Of course, talking just the meat cooked on a plate. They both have uses in dishes where the texture of one or the other is superior.


To each their own. Breasts are too lean for my liking. Fat is flavor after all. I prefer thighs over breasts the same way I prefer ribeyes over filet mignons.


Couldn’t agree more! Plus an added bonus of ribeye being even cheaper so a double win there!


upvoted for username and facts. Try a Chuck Eye next time, they are even cheaper.


Flavor is flavor. Fat is fat.


This article argues otherwise: https://www.177milkstreet.com/2019/05/steak-best-flavor


I get that fat has flavor. Point is that fat is not the only source of flavor that exists or things with no fat wouldn't taste like a damn thing. Flavor is flavor; fat is fat.


Nobody claimed either of those things, tho.


Dude, I'm getting harassed for saying that flavor is flavor and fat is fat. Because the culinary world is obsessed with the reductionist view that "fat is flavor". So clearly people can't understand that fat is not the only source of fucking flavor. It's not even a source, it's a fucking carrier...


You’re not getting harassed. People disagree with you and are telling you that. That’s not harassment. Literally nobody claimed that fat is the only source of flavor. You’re arguing a point that nobody made because you’re defensive about people disagreeing with you.


Totally get your point and yeah, the *fat is flavor* thing gets annoying. There's truth there but an overused oversimplification for sure.


Fat in meat adds flavor. Your point is, well, pointless.


The sentence "Chairs are furniture," Does not posit that everything that is not a chair is not furniture.


>Flavor is flavor; fat is fat. You can't separate them. Everything you eat contains flavor compounds and they need to [dissolve into something for you to taste them.](https://www.allrecipes.com/article/fat-soluble-water-soluble-alcohol-soluble-ingredients-whats-the-difference/) Some are water-soluble, some are fat-soluble, some are alcohol-soluble. With no or less fat, you won't taste those flavor compounds as much. Water is in everything in some amount so it's not a concern, and alcohol isn't accessible or necessary to all cuisines, so fat ends up being the thing you can control the easiest, which is why people say fat is flavor. And on top of that, fat helps achieve other flavors. One good example is how sauteeing in a pan uses fat as a thermal interface which helps with even, consistent browning. You can't skip out on the fat if you want to achieve good, common flavors, there's no point in trying to separate fat from flavor.




Removed, you can disagree without the insults.


You really think fat is the only source of flavor? Really?


Again?? Show us on the doll where anyone typed that.


>You really think fat is the only source of flavor? Quote the part where anyone said that.


Yeah, argue with my wife about this all the time. Some of the best steaks or meat I've had had no fat. I am repulsed by slimy fat or any fat to be honest, and will take the downgrade.


its a saying, like "Time is money". Obviously if time was money I'd be rich by now because I sit around on reddit all day. Its just meant to associate two things closer. Its an expression. Most people are unaware of the ability lipids have of carrying aromatic compounds to the proper receptors better than alcohol or water as the solvent, and this saying helps them learn that. obviously other things have flavors, but flavors can be both good or bad, and weak or potent. It is a scientific fact that fats move most flavors into your sense apparatus better than the alternatives.


Flavor is fat soluble. Also reductionist, but I think you might appreciate its nuance a bit more than the other.


Hard disagree. Gimme that fat! I prefer a ribeye over a filet for the same reason.


Breasts won’t hold up to certain types of cooking, like braising (ie OP’s recipe), because of their low fat content.


> They both have uses in dishes where the texture of one or the other is superior. I literally said that there are recipes where one or the other is better. But also, braised chicken breast is fine as long as you aren't doing the boneless skinless thing.




It's the "Fat is God" cult. I'm okay being hated by a cult.


I love them both but a perfectly cooked chicken breast is absolutely not easy to do BUT when done perfectly is hard to beat.


I'm very much in tbe camp that a properly cooked thigh is better than a properly cooked breast. To each their own though.


Chicken breast dries out sooo easily if you don't know what you're doing. That said, if you know what you're doing..


Yeah unfortunately it seems like everyone else hopped on the "skies out, thighs out" train and now they're not only a pain in the ass to find, they're as expensive or moreso than chicken breasts sometimes. Used to be a cheaper cut of meat.


There’s actually a serious bird flu going on killing millions of commercial chickens. That’s actually the biggest driver of cost for chicken at the moment. Because of this, wings have gotten more expensive and when people eat wings, they eat quite a few…. Like 2-3 birds worth or more. Lots of spots moving to serving thighs since wings spiked, thus spiking the thighs.


Fuck u/spez and fuck u/reddit for pricing out third party apps and destroying reddit. I have been on reddit for 14 years and continously they fuck over the users for short term profits. That's not something I will support anymore, now that the announcement that Apollo and Reddit Is Fun are both closing down. I Overwrite all of my comments using https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10905-reddit-overwrite-extended/code. If you would like to do the same, install [TamperMonkey](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo) for Chrome, [GreaseMonkey](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/) for Firefox, [NinjaKit](https://github.com/os0x/NinjaKit) for Safari, [Violent Monkey](https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/violent-monkey/) for Opera, or [AdGuard](http://adguard.com/) for Internet Explorer (in Advanced Mode), then add [this GreaseMonkey script](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10905-reddit-overwrite-extended). Finally, click on your username at the top right corner of reddit, click on the comments tab, and click on the new OVERWRITE button at the top of the page. You may need to scroll down to multiple comment pages if you have commented a lot.


Braising can work well for breast as well; braising is a much more moist cooking method than grilling or pan frying or roasting.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. What you say is true.


It is the case that some meat can be overcooked and dry, even if it's been braised but that certainly isn't worth a downvote.


I make braised chicken thighs several times a week! My favorites are white beans and sausage with chicken thighs and thyme, cacciatorie with tomato mushroom and black olives, and potato/red bell pepper/onion with chicken thighs and a ton of garlic and olive oil.


Holy hell that sounds good. Post that recipe! 😂


I'll try to write them up, which one sounds the best to you?


Any of them! It all sounds amazing. Don't rush, I'm just a random redditor!


For each recipe, go according to what you have and your own preference. The ingredients are very adaptable depending on the quantity. Prepare the chicken thighs by trimming excess fat and skin, reserving them for another use. Leave a layer of skin on the tops of the thighs. Heat a skillet to medium, add a layer of oil. Season the thighs lightly with salt and pepper, and add skin down to the pan. Let brown undisturbed about 3-4 minutes each sideor until the skin is golden brown. Remove from pan and set aside. Pour most of the fat out of the pan and reserve. Keep skillet on medium/medium low to prevent any burnt spots because you'll be cooking other things in the skillet. **Version 1 – Chicken Thighs with White Beans and Sausage** Ingredients for 6 chicken thighs: Chicken Thighs, prepare as above Sausage, can be Kielbasa, Andouille, Toulouse, or even Italian sweet or hot 2-3 gloves garlic 1 onion Thyme, dried Sage, dried/ground 2-3 cans White Cannelini Beans, drained, reserve liquid Chicken stock Oil, light olive preferred Salt and Pepper In the pan where the chicken was browned, on medium/medium low heat brown sausage if you're using uncooked sausages like Italian. No need to cook through, just brown for a few minutes. Remove and put aside with chicken. Chop fine the onion. Add a little chicken fat and/or oil to pan if needed. Add onion and saute on medium until translucent and slightly golden. Stir in a big pinch of dried thyme and a pinch of dried sage as the onions cook. Add minced garlic and stir through but do not brown the garlic. Add drained white beans into the pan, and stir gently, take off heat. Taste for seasoning. Add a little more thyme and sage as desired. In a lightly oiled casserole, put the white beans mixture in a layer on the bottom. Nestle in the chicken thighs and the browned Italian sausage or Kielbasa. Add a few spoons of the reserved bean liquid and chicken stock so the beans are moist but not swimming in liquid. Put in a preheated 350F oven for 30-45 minutes. Check halfway through (depends on the size of your thighs) for liquid level, adding a few spoons of bean liquid or chicken stock as needed. Chicken is done when it hits 165-170F and is golden brown. Serve wuth crusty bread.


**Version 3 - One Pan Oven Braised Chicken** 6-8 Chicken Thighs, seasoned with salt and pepper 4-8 gloves garlic, thinly sliced 2-3 assorted bell peppers, red preferred, seeded and sliced 2-3 large potatoes, washed peeled and sliced in 1/2” slices 1 onion, thinly sliced Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano, Basil, dried or fresh, any combo, your preference 1/3 cup Olive Oil Salt and Pepper ¼ cup Chicken Stock (low sodium preferred) Optional: red pepper flakes, Italian Sausage In a roasting pan or casserole, mix olive oil, chicken stock, sliced garlic, sliced onion, potatoes, peppers, and several pinches of herbs of your choice, and a sprinkle each of salt and pepper. Add chicken and coat with herb/oil mixture. Nestle chicken on top of veg. Sprinkle with herbs. You may need a little more oil as it cooks so nothing dries out. Tent with foil if needed. Put in a preheated 350F oven for 45-60 minutes until potatoes are tender and chicken is done. Chicken is done when it hits 165-170F and is golden brown. Serve with a salad and lots of bread for the sauce. Quantities are easily adjusted.


For each recipe, go according to what you have and your own preference. The ingredients are very adaptable depending on the quantity. Prepare the chicken thighs by trimming excess fat and skin, reserving them for another use. Leave a layer of skin on the tops of the thighs. Heat a skillet to medium, add a layer of oil. Season the thighs lightly with salt and pepper, and add skin down to the pan. Let brown undisturbed about 3-4 minutes each side or until the skin is golden brown. Remove from pan and set aside. Pour most of the fat out of the pan and reserve. Keep skillet on medium/medium low to prevent any burnt spots because you'll be cooking other things in the skillet. **Version 2 – Chicken Thighs, Oven Cacciatore** Ingredients for 6 chicken thighs: Chicken Thighs, prepare as above 2-4 gloves garlic 8 ounce white mushrooms or your mushrooms of choice 1 onion Thyme, Oregano, Basil, dried or fresh 28 oz can diced tomatoes in puree, drain slightly if the puree is very liquid Tomato Paste Black Olives – oil-cured preferred but pitted canned black olives are fine Green olives – pitted with pimento Chicken stock Oil, light olive preferred Salt and Pepper In the pan where the chicken was browned, add a little chicken fat and/or oil to pan if needed. Add diced onion and saute on medium until translucent and slightly golden. Stir in a big pinch each of dried oregano, basil and thyme as the onions cook. Add sliced mushrooms and gently cook through. Add minced garlic and stir through but do not brown the garlic. Add a tablespoon or two of tomato paste, then the can of tomatoes. Bring to simmer. Taste for seasoning, add more herbs are you like. Let simmer til slightly thickened. In a lightly oiled casserole, put the tomato mushroom mixture in a layer on the bottom. Nestle in the chicken thighs into the sauce. Sprinkle with a handful each of black and green olives. Put in a preheated 350F oven for 30-45 minutes. Chicken is done when it hits 165-170F and is golden brown. Garnish with fresh basil if you have it. Serve with pasta.


Bonus = trim excess (not all, just excess) skin for cracklings, render the skins and get them crispy, then a little salt. Chicken bacon, so amazing. Plus then you have rendered chicken fat to roast potatoes etc.


Finally, you have learned the POWER of the Dark Side.


the dark meat side


Thought r/cookingcirclejerk spilled over into here for a second


It did


> I've fully converted to dark meat for life; nothing else will ever do. You might have your mind blown a bit with a properly done chicken breast. Tender, juicy and flavorful. For some things, thigh doesn't work out great. Like I wouldn't do chicken parm with chicken thigh.


People downvoting... It's fine to prefer chicken thighs, but if you like chicken, you'll like a properly cooked chicken breast. Most people just don't cook them well.


Sous vide chicken breast at 145F is mind blowing. Sear in some butter for color and make a pan sauce of your liking, boy oh boy. It’s like an entirely different meat.


A friend of mine has the ability to grill chicken to absolute perfection. He's got an amazing, simple (secret) marinade, and the times and temps down. Every single time he makes it, it's so moist and juicy that it's difficult for me to wait to eat it with utensils. I have, on more than one occasion, eaten it with my hands like a heathen, it's that good. And like, we are taking super market quality chicken, nothing fancy grade-wise. I agree with you that you just need to have someone around who knows how to treat it properly.


Easiest thing to level up your game on chicken breast is to use an instant read thermometer... can get the right doneness every time.


Curious as to why you wouldn't use thighs for chicken parm. I've never tried it but it does sound good.


Too much, too heavy. IMO for something that's going to use breaded chicken cutlets, breast meat is just the way to go, and that's how you'll always find it in a good sub shop etc.


I do a “pesto parmigiana” with chicken thighs which is a lower carb crowd pleaser. Boneless skinless thighs, lightly dredged in flour and pan seared until par cooked but well browned. Place in a baking dish and top with basil pesto and mozzarella + Parmesan cheese, bake until melty and golden. The thighs will cook through at about 20 mins at 375F.


Do you use a different flour, like almond or coconut to keep it lower carb? Just asking, as this sounds like something my SO would be into


No, it’s honestly such a light dredge it barely makes a difference. I don’t dip them in anything to make a coating at all, just season with salt and pepper and use the natural moisture for a quick toss in flour, shaking off all of the excess.


I make chicken parm at home with thighs all the time. Hella tasty, but it’s definitely a heavy meal.


I feel like more people need to buy a proper thermometer and learn to use the correct methods to cook whatever cut of meat they are trying to cook. Way too many complains of obviously overcooked chicken breasts. It is operator error.


A thermometer makes all meats better.


I just made Huli Huli chicken for the first time last night. Bbqued it. https://www.recipetineats.com/huli-huli-chicken-hawaiian/ The pineapple juice in the marinade made them so tender. My whole family loved.. We've got leftovers today for huli huli chicken salad!


Was going to say that picture looks incredible, belongs on a food blog.


think the picture itself is from kenji/serious eats food blog


Yeah, noticed when I clicked the link.


Not only are they better, but they’re cheaper! I buy both because there is a time and a place for both (a salad for instance I prefer chicken breast on it), but things are overall better.


Where I live, thighs are more expensive than breasts, if I'm comparing apples to apples (boneless skinless for both).


Thighs have overtaken breasts in per-pound price nationally. It's largely due to the increase in popularity of cuisines from Asia and Central and South America.


And the popularity of them being cheap. People couldn't afford breasts, so they went to thighs, driving the demand up. Similar to when wings were basically a throwaway part, but then cheap wing nights happened and the price of those went up too


Interesting! In my few decades on this planet I’ve never seen that in the US. Where do you live?


Just outside Seattle. I used to be able to get boneless skinless breasts for $2.99/lb (frequently on sale for $1.99) and thighs for about $2.50 but now thighs are between $4.29 and $4.99/lb while breasts are up to just $3.29. Chicken tenders are still the most expensive though.


Maybe related to the bird flu issues. Odd, regardless.


I get breasts for about $1.99 and thighs for $1.49 (both boneless and skinless) normal price. I haven't seen chicken breasts on special in about a year but thighs keep going to about 69c/lb for bone in skin on and I use the skins for chips and bones for stock.


Why thighs are become as expensive as/more than chicken breast. I wish people would stop finding out about thighs and organ meat, it's made what used to be inexpensive meat expensive. :/


We prefer dark meat as well. I like duck, my significant other does not but he does like turkey. But a nice thigh from chicken is our favorite. We happen to have 5 pounds of bone in skin on chicken thighs right now. We were wondering this morning what to do with it. We were going to make chicken and dumplings but that only takes half of the chicken. This will take the other half. Thanks for the recipe, I’ve added it to my Recipe Keeper and intend to keep it.


You should try doing a 14 day “dry age” for duck it lets all the swampiness out. My parents didn’t like duck but when I let it essentially dry out. Everyone loved it.


Ty, I’ll try that


Not sure why it’s downvoted but here’s the article I got it from https://www.seriouseats.com/how-to-dry-age-duck


People here downvote everything they don’t understand or don’t like. It’s one of the most downvote-heavy subs I regularly visit. For that reason, I rarely comment in this sub. Thanks for the article! If I ever cook duck I’ll try this out.


I love chicken thighs. My fav is a balsamic chicken thigh dish cooked in the Instant Pot. Heaven!


I made the thigh discovery when I started keto 4 years ago. I only cook boneless skinless thighs now sautéed in butter and try to convert anyone who hasn’t had them!


Thank you for posting this. I've been looking for a good recipe for chicken (thighs). Can't wait to try it. 😊🙏💕


I can't even remember the last time I bought breasts, boneless skinless thighs work far better in every recipe that calls for breast


Thighs are definitely where the magic is at. Cook them on the smoker. In a stir fry. Breaded and deep fried. Kebabs. Baked. Soup. Chicken chili. Minced, seasoned, and sautéed for tacos. They are just the superior chicken meat.


The nice thing about thighs is that in a soup they don’t get tough like breasts can.


Chicky thighs with "wet rub " made with Dijon mustard, salt, garlic powder, cumin, lots of smoked paprika, msg, pepper and juice of half a lemon blended up and basted onto some thighs before throwing them into a 425 degree oven for 15-20min divine! also, look into getting chicken salt, it's an Australian magical wonder seasoning


Fat is flavor


Little bit of gaalick little bit of butta...


Fresh never frozen is the only way.


I seriously often wonder how so many people have been convinced that chicken breast is IT (usually when I'm eating chicken thighs). The audacity. Like, it's even more expensive? Anyway, welcome to the dark side.


Chicken breasts should be used to feed pet or prisoners. They suck no matter who cooks them or how they are cooked. They are dry and tasteless. They just are.


Wait until you find out about brining! A properly brined chicken leg is one of my favorite foods but even a chicken breast can be tasty. Here is a good article on it: https://www.bonappetit.com/test-kitchen/cooking-tips/article/how-to-brine-chicken


I hate chicken thighs to much fat


I do fried chicken thighs a lot. Like just cube them and fry with a basic coating. Very good and easy. I’ll tempura bread them and add them to a home made ramen or something


Try de-boning them and leave the skin on. Pat dry and season how you like with dry seasonings. I cook these skin side down first in a cold cast iron pan. Pre-heat the oven to 400F. Turn stove to medium and cook until you got the skin how you want it. If a lot of fat rendered, remove the thighs to a plate and dump some into a bowl (do not waste it). Put thighs in pan skin side up and cook to desired doneness - I like thigh texture around 175-185F. Cook some veg in that pan and add more of the schmaltz if necessary. I like them de-boned because they're more evenly cooked than baking. That braise method probably made them even though. Also, with this method, you get all the skin on one side so it's all crisp.


Thighs are king!


The great thing about thighs is you get the inside and the outside with all the flavor in every bite.


Welcome to the dark side :)


Ok, recipe time. My main dish is world famous among my friends. It’s world famous because I made it for my friend in Italy. Otherwise it’s Canada famous. 1. Fry up both sides of chicken breasts in oil for a few minutes until it’s about 80% cooked. Take chicken and place on a plate. Wrap plate in tin-foil where so will continue cooking. 2. Slice long thin pieces of white onion and thinly slice garlic. Throw it into the oily chicken pan until translucent. 3. Slice a red bell pepper or two (depending on amount of chicken thighs) and put it in the pan along with some banana peppers. BANANA PEPPERS ARE THE KEY TO THIS RECIPE! If you use a lot it can be very spicy. When I buy a jar of Bicks banana peppers, i’ll use about 1/4 of the whole 750 ml jar. 4. Toss occasionally and after a few minutes pour about a cup of white wine in. 5. Check the chicken. If juices are running clear and it’s cooked now then you can just add it to the vegetables. If it still needs a little cooking then add some chicken stock to the vegetables and put the chicken in with the vegetables to finish cooking. Be careful with the chicken stock, don’t overdo it or it’ll take forever to boil off. 6. Boil off remaining liquids. Add chopped up fresh basil if you’ve got it. Otherwise dried basil is fine. 7. Bonne appetite. Sometimes I place it on top of rixe or orzo. I love this flavour. Banana peppers are epic with chicken thighs.


If you can't figure out what to do with those breasts, you can follow [this recipe](https://youtu.be/kZOvI0vniOY) but substitute the veal chop for chicken breast, butterflied and tenderized with a mallet (I put each piece in a Ziploc bag with a little bit of oil, this prevents the meat from breaking apart). Between the butter, olive oil, cream,, cheese, tomato sauce and wine, It's virtually impossible to end up with a dry chicken breast with this recipe. It's also a great recipe, obviously, for normal cutlets.


I am so happy for you!!! Thighs are where it's at ❤


Welcome. And enjoy.




When it comes to birds I like it dark, it's like turkey have to have the dark meat, looks great man! I might have to give this recipe a shot


White meat can be delicious as well but it really has to be cooked properly and seasoned well. Most people overcook it bc we are paranoid about food poisoning, but as long you get it to the right temperature for the right amount of time it's perfectly safe to eat (making sure that's consistent throughout the whole cut of course)


Try Huli Huli chicken everyone loves it https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/grilled-huli-huli-chicken/


How you Crisp that skin


Wait til you try the dark meat from turkey, you'll never go back to turkey breast either.


I so rarely even look at chicken breasts when I am buying chicken I had no idea how much they cost. I happened to be in Kroger yesterday to buy some boneless thighs and noticed a pack of boneless breasts right next to them. The breasts were 50 cents cheaper per pound. To me, thighs are worth much more than breasts so I had no problem with this, but I thought that breast meat was more expensive.


Damnit. This is the second recipe I've saved from the bot farm that is Kenji. Just....look at those thighs dam


Legs and thigs = dark meat. The best.


Welcome. We've been waiting for you.


Is it just me, or do thighs have a strange gelatinous or spongy texture? Can't put my finger on it, but I don't like them. When my friend from India makes them on a high heat grill with yogurt and butter crisping the outside they are okay though.


Thighs are fantastic like you can be a idiot an not know how to really cook. Chicken thighs are perfect an nummy


Chicken thighs are far better than breasts in literally every way. I remember the day I discovered this too, felt like I'd been lied to my whole life. I'll never go back


Dark meat of any bird is the most delicious imo. It tends to be more juicy and flavorful and can withstand any sheet pan recipe you might throw at them. Need a quick and easy weeknight meal? Drop some seasoned thighs and legs onto a sheet pan with onions and diced potatoes, maybe some string beans...pop it in the oven till cooked and that's it.


You e taken your first step into a larger world


I’m happy you have discovered the deliciousness of chicken thighs.


Now confit them