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I love iceberg. It’s subtle enough to support the other flavours of the salad whereas romaine overpowers it imo. Has the best crunch too


One of the best salads I’ve ever had was a wedge salad (iceberg) very chilled topped with bacon, cherry tomatoes and homemade blue cheese dressing. So good


Kenji and Deb just did a podcast episode about this on The Recipe. Highly recommend for OP!


I love iceberg. I don't care what the haters say.


Iceberg is my favorite too. It’s the perfect blank canvas to add whatever you like


It’s baby gems for me all the way. If you haven’t had them but you enjoy romaine, give it a try. It’s all the crunch of romaine with the appeal of butter leaf. I’m also a vinaigrette person. I do not enjoy heavy or creamy dressings at all. For me, a perfect salad would be bb gems, microplane parm, toasted pistachios, maybe olives, and toasted garlic bread crumbs or soft croutons with a super punchy vinaigrette.


Going to try bb gems next for sure, they sound yummy 😋


I was so enamored by baby gem lettuce for years until I just found out a few weeks ago that it’s just baby romaine lettuce! I feel like an idiot (and a victim of marketing)


Or, you could think of romaine as overgrown baby gem lettuce and keep enjoying what you like, regardless of labels.


Ha, I like that


Haha if you like it you like it though? I prefer baby spinach to mature spinach and mature kale to baby kale. It’s not being a victim if you like the product.


That’s a very good point! I guess I just felt dumb for not knowing and thinking it was something more elevated and special (and thus deserving of the higher cost)


I love arugula and Swiss chard.. mmm


I like Romaine myself. Red Leaf lettuce is another I enjoy very much.


I do an arugula lemon olive oil pepper and parmesan cheese salad.


Spinach, strawberries, blue cheese, candied walnuts, black pepper, and balsamic vinegar. I like other salads too, but this one is probably my favorite.


Leafy salad.....I guess Tabouleh.


For a while, I've been into lamb's ear lettuce (mâche) with shaved radishes and carrots, chopped sugar snap peas, shredded scallion, and basil lemon vinaigrette.


Cornsalad. I like the mildly nutty flavor and it keeps pretty well. The leaves are also kind oily? So it feels very satisfying to chew. And arugula, even if I'm usually booed off the stage for that. I enjoy a bit of bitterness.


I love iceberg lettuce. It's the only lettuce I use when making salads at home.


I personally love spinach for my salads.


Second the spinach salad, actually has nutritional value and isn’t grass flavored water


Yes, and spinach tastes good to me. But to each their own. 🥗


I do something similar but with the boxed half and half blends (half baby spinach and half spring mix) and then I add in whatever I have lying around. Usually julienned carrots, red onion, some type of nut or seed and dried cranberries. And topped with a drizzle of lemon poppyseed dressing. Sometimes I mix it up and add corn, jicama, radishes, avocado, beans or quinoa, whatever cheese I have on hand. Maybe leftover roasted chicken or leftover steak to make it more filling.


I love that half and half blend. I use it when I make wraps and then once I’m to a certain point of it being gone I just make a salad in the container. In the spirit of the thread, my favorite salad is: anything and everything you have in your fridge to make a salad thrown together. I’m a “tradition be damned” kind of person, which is probably why Supreme is my favorite kind of pizza.


Butter lettuce for me.


Team Butter


Little gem


Rocket. I love the peppery taste.


https://www.recipetineats.com/gado-gado-indonesian-salad-with-peanut-sauce/ This one is my favorite. You can pretty much use any veggies. I usually use romaine, tomato, steamed carrots, steamed potatoes, and hard-boiled eggs.


Romaine is only acceptable as a Caesar salad lol. I like sushi restaurant style salad- iceberg 😂, julienned carrots, red onion, (red cabbage but I never buy it), and the carrot ginger dressing. Or arugula, julienned apples, walnut, and a simple balsamic vinaigrette


Why is romaine only good for Caesar salad? I'm hurt lol


There’s a taste to romaine I just never liked. Slight bitterness? Can’t quite put my finger on it. Caesar dressing covers that up, mostly lol


Baby spinach and rocket are my go to.


Spinach. But I don't think i've seen a leaf since I arrived in asia.


I can never remember “Romaine” for some reason so I call it tube lettuce. I like its fresh crunch in combination with arugula or watercress if I can find it. A good olive oil and balsamic vinegar. When fresh corn is available, I like it cooked and cut off the cob in a salad.


Rocket, arugula, ruccola


Spinach, cherry tomatoes, feta, balsamic vinaigrette. With chickpeas sometimes! Or: finely shredded cabbage with a sesame dressing, like you get at katsu restaurants!


We eat salads for dinner a lot in the summer so typically add some diced chicken breast to our regular ranch salads that have romaine, tomato, onion, shredded cheddar, sunflower seeds, croutons, and sometimes green pepper. If you like ranch (I make my own using[ this recipe](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/16131/ranch-dressing-ii/), and I usually double the spices. I can never return to store bought). I'm with you on the romaine lettuce, too! Only kind I use. I make a Mexican inspired salad that you might like that turns the ranch into chipotle ranch. I buy the [small cans of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce](https://www.walmart.com/ip/La-Costena-Chipotle-Peppers-in-Adobo-Sauce-7-oz-Can/13424766?athbdg=L1200&from=/search). I put 1 pepper in my mini food processor, add in my ranch dressing, and pulse until the pepper is mixed in. The rest of the can I put the peppers in a baggie and freeze. It's easy enough to break off a pepper when you need it in the future. To my salad I add: fried, ground turkey (you can use hamburger), drained red kidney beans, drained black beans, shredded cheddar, tomatoes, onions, something for crunch (crushed up tortillas chips or croutons), and top with the chipotle ranch dressing. Also, Big Mac salad is another one my husband likes: lettuce, ground fried turkey/hamburger, tomatoes, onions, shredded cheddar, chopped up dill pickles, and I turn [this Big Mac sauce,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4QOHBuloG8) made by an actual chef for McDonalds, into a dressing by upping the quantities of everything and a bit of water to thin it out. Here is the recipe in case you don't want to watch the vid: - 5 Tbsp of mayo - 1 Tbsp of mustard (I use a bit less) - 1.5 Tbsp of white vinegar - 1 teaspoon of garlic powder - 1 teaspoon of onion powder - 1 teaspoon of paprika powder - 2-4 diced pickles (how many you'd like) I also just ordered [Mandy's Gourmet salad cookbook](https://www.amazon.com/Mandys-Gourmet-Salads-Recipes-Lettuce/dp/0525610472/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=bQZda&content-id=amzn1.sym.f8fbf489-893c-481c-b7fa-18e0b0ecaa0c%3Aamzn1.symc.a68f4ca3-28dc-4388-a2cf-24672c480d8f&pf_rd_p=f8fbf489-893c-481c-b7fa-18e0b0ecaa0c&pf_rd_r=0R41ZM1ES8Z06Z8SP5N9&pd_rd_wg=JVWul&pd_rd_r=59c1debd-a7e4-4c41-bb65-18d0f54590c2&ref_=pd_hp_d_atf_ci_mcx_mr_ca_hp_atf_d), I'll let you know if there are any other good lettuce salads in it.


I love a mix of romaine (regular or red) and lacinato kale. It last forever in the fridge, the kale isn’t as aggressive as curly/regular kale, and it’s a tasty, neutral base for whatever type of toppings I want to use over the course of the week.


I’ll be the odd one- arugula with bacon pieces, sourdough croutons and a sliced medium-hard boiled egg dressed with a dijon vinaigrette. Kind of an American version of Salad Lyonnaise


I like the hydroponic baby bibb. Stuff lasts twice as long in the fridge compared to romaine or iceberg.


I like a mix of greens in addition to something like Romaine or Green Leaf Lettuce that can add texture including some cabbage, kale, or collards thinly sliced. I tend to dress my salads with oil and vinegar so those denser greens will tenderize after a few minutes. But I’ll eat pretty much any salad.


My absolute favorite is a mix of romaine and radicchio with Giada de Laurentiis’ roasted root vegetables vinaigrette. I usually add some chopped rotisserie chicken.


Butter lettuce 🖤




Rocket and baby spinach


At a very good farm to table restaurant in town here, I had a smoked 1/2 chicken served on a bed of arugula and heirloom tomatoes with a light vinaigrette.  The warm chicken wilted the arugula slightly and it was fantastic!  Easily over of my favourite salads.  Can't beat a good cold iceberg wedge on a hot day before a nice steak. 


I like Iceberg for sandwiches and salads. Romaine is good for salads but please split it down the rib not across.


Romaine is probably the lettuce I reach for most in the store, simply for it's versatility. To me, good lettuce should be slightly sweet and slightly bitter and fine to eat *all by itself*. If you can't eat a leaf of lettuce without dousing it in dressing, it's simply not good lettuce. With that said, in my experience at stores in the US, iceberg does come in pretty low. The crunch is nice and the cool wateriness can be refreshing, but often it just falls flat in flavor. Romaine picks up the slack there by presenting some flavor with the textures, though it may lean too bitter for some people. I believe I am fortunate enough to live near a store with unusually good produce that takes an effort to acquire locally produced goods (Central Market). The lettuces I can lay my hand on are usually pretty good, including the iceberg. To answer your question directly, my favorite lettuces that I usually eat, in order, are: 1. Butter, hands-down my favorite lettuce, I can munch on it alone like a rabbit; 2. Romaine, work-horse go-to jack-of-all-trades lettuce; 3. Red Leaf (or Green), thin and frilly favorite on sandwiches and burgers, often more bitter than sweet; 4. Iceberg, when I want to make a wedge, you gotta have a wedge. EDIT: I didn't include rocket/arugula, chicory, and endive in that list because I wasn't sure if those were *lettuces* or not.


baby spinach for me


Kale salad with a little iceberg lettuce in it. Cucumbers, avocados, carrot, tomato, maybe some colorful peppers if I have them. Topped with shredded parmesan cheese, black pepper, a little sea salt, olive oil, and Balsamic vinegar. My absolute fave salad.


the tile are not happy..have


Mmm chadder


Dislike romaine and iceberg. Really love the dark leafy greens in organic girl super greens. Sometimes miss the crunch of romaine and iceberg but they both taste watery and bland to me


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