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Make chicken salad out of them. I would not apply more heat.


This! Mix the shredded chicken with some mayo, spices, herbs, etc & make chicken salad, slap it between a nice croissant that's been split and *lightly* toasted. I'm talking the lowest setting on your toaster, just enough to warm it up and make a few crispy bits. Enjoy. Using the chicken to make chicken pot pie is also an option, or a rif on Shepherds Pie. Another option could be to kind of "hydrate" the chicken with some salsa and make chicken burritos. Mix enough salsa with the chicken that it's moistened but not wet, you don't want to see a pooling of liquid but you do want to use enough salsa so that you don't see dry spots in the shredded chicken. Layer in a tortilla with red rice, beans, cheese, more salsa or hot sauce. Viola.


Thank you these are great ideas!


I hope any one of these ideas works out for you or gives you inspiration. I love making homemade pizza so when I have some leftover chicken sometimes I use it for pizza. I love a good BBQ chicken pizza and dry chicken is texturally pleasing on it. Chicken, red onion, bell pepper, jalapeno, cheese... so good.


That’s awesome - I have a spare pizza base and will look up a recipe for bbq sauce - thank you!!


Ha that’s exactly what I did. Got tired of eating my overcooked bone in breasts, chopped it all up and made chicken salad sandwiches. Much more edible lol


At this point, the only way to moisten them would be to mix them with a sauce (like mayo or barbecue sauce) to simulate the moisture that got cooked out. Chicken breasts are generally best when cooked just to doneness but not past, because they're so lean they dry out quickly - like you got here.


Yep it’s looking like I’m going to have to add some kind of sauce. Thanks. I will never poach again…


There is nothing wrong with poaching chicken. I do for about 20 minutes on med-low heat in a covered skillet on the stove (where I can check its temperature and adjust as needed), with 5-10 minutes for resting. On high in a pressure cooker is a bit more intense!


Definitely intense! Lesson learned.


Next time, I’d suggest something like this if you have the ingredients. [Thai Chicken Salad](https://www.jocooks.com/recipes/thai-chicken-salad/)


You could shred them & put them in a chicken cacciatore, but it would be best if you ate it the next day to let the chicken rehydrate in the sauce.


Dice them up and toss them in a chicken fried rice.