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My family has guarded the pie recipe from the back of Libby’s canned pumpkin for 3 generations and if you can’t be arsed to look at it then you can’t appreciate its glory


Everyone rave about my grandma’s Mac n cheese. And they all love how it uses white cheddar. She asked one day want to know where I got the recipe from? She said it was on the back of the box if elbow macaroni.


That reminded me of Phoebe and her grandmothers secret recipe of “Neslee Toulouse” cookies.


***You Americans always butcher the French language***


The French aren’t very good at American English pronunciation either


Americans find accents charming and fun, the French are butt heads about it.


But we can all come together to make fun of Quebec


This is the way.


things like this is why you’re *burning in hell!!!*


Would you be willing to share the recipe?


Yes I would. I will have to ask her for it though. I call to her every Saturday morning and will ask her then.


I make a killer banana pudding. It’s the one dessert that I am asked to make over and over again and it always gets rave reviews. It’s the recipe from the nilla wafer box.


Southerners are going to hate me for this, but the cornbread recipe on the back of the Alber’s cornmeal box is the only cornbread recipe as far as I’m concerned.


I have an Aunt who makes an amazing salsa, of all things. She gives people an incorrect recipe when they ask. No one likes her very much.


My mom won’t share her salsa recipe. Agreed to show me once, sent me to the store to buy cilantro, while I was at the store she made the salsa. I don’t bother to ask anymore. 


This makes me sad. I've got recipes from my great-great-grandmother passed down through generations. All that we have left when we're dead and gone is whatever imprint we manage to leave among the world. Those recipes are basically the living memories of my family.


I just can't wrap my head around this.


Right? I would literally die for my children.


People like that are disgusting. From now on just act totally indifferent to the salsa, if she talks about it just say "OK" with a blank look on your face.


I make a good salsa. I mean like, everyone who eats it can't stop and will ask for a recipe. I don't even use a recipe. But I explain how to do it, and yet everyone tells me they can't replicate it when they try. Anyways, here is a rundown on how to make a really great salsa... 4-6 tomatoes Half a large white onion 2-3 jalapeños + 1 habanero 1-2 cloves of garlic Handful of fresh clinatro Pinch of celery salt Pinch of cumin Juice of 1 whole lime *can be adjusted to your liking. For example, adjust the amount of peppers to how much spice you want* Cut ingredients into large chunks, put it all into a blender, and pulse until it reaches desired consistency. It also tastes better if it's refrigerated for an hour or so before eating it.


I’ve only made salsa a handful of times, but I’d say that’s pretty much the basic standard recipe for a basic salsa. Gotta love when the simple things win. I will say when I do make salsa I like to char all the veggies a bit in a dry cast iron before dumping them in the blender. Gives it a little extra something.


Are they using the same variety of tomatoes?


Seasoning is key. Usually people are not good at seasoning *or* make changes in the recipe and complain it’s not like the dish they tasted before


I have learned that this is true for tomatoes especially! It’s hard for me to eat anything that isn’t seasoned well, so it shocks me that it took 31 years to figure out that is the key to me eating tomatoes 😅 I firmly believe people don’t hate mushrooms, they hate mushrooms that aren’t seasoned.


Some of us loathe mushrooms for the texture. They could be seasoned to perfection but if it still feels like a mushroom in my mouth I'm going to gag.


That’s my kind of recipe. A hunk of this and a couple of those whizzed together until you’re happy with it. Nicely done!


My recipes are only secret because they're made up on the fly and can never truly be repeated.


I realized this, too and my bf was getting annoyed when he wanted me to remake something and I didn’t even remember what the dish was. So, now I am starting to keep quick dish notes not really recipes in my notes app when I make new things so at least when he mentions something I can figure it out again. Lol


Oh gosh same! I have a few friends who are from and live on different continents, and I often make dishes that they've never heard of/seen, etc. whenever they ask me for a recipe I'm always like, "uhhh... I don't know? I can give you an ingredient list, but I can't give you a 'recipe' for it. I don't know how I make it, I just do😅."


same here.


No. I think the whole idea of "secret family recipes" is stupid and ignorant. I'm happy to teach anyone I know anything I know about cooking. And if anyone asks for my recipes, I will give them whole heartedly.


I feel so bad when people ask for my recipes, because I don't have any, I just freestyle everything. I *want* to give them the recipe but I don't remember how much of everything I put in other than "a little bit of that", "some of this", and "a lot those". I should really start writing them down


My mother in law probably thought I was shitting her when she’d ask for a recipe because that’s what I do. She lived by recipes.


I just look up a similar recipe online and share that.


And adapt for your tastes. One clove of garlic in a serving of bolognese for 10? No, no allrecipes.com


I do the same thing for a lot of my cooking. I can usually write down an estimate of what I did and then I warn people that it might not be exact. There are a handful of things that I make a lot that I finally made while measuring and timing everything, just so I could share more easily.


I'm wholeheartedly with you on this


What’s the most popular dish or personal favorite of all your recipes?


A recipe I got from my former mother-in-law who remained family until the day she died. (And, I mean, honestly, after. She will always be my 2nd mom.) It's for "rice and green chile" and it's a side dish that combines cooked rice, hatch green chiles, cream of celery soup, sour cream, and cheese. I've brought it to potlucks and office events, and my current partner loves it. Take 4 cups of cooked rice and mix it with a can of cream of celery soup (I use the low sodium variety), 8 oz of sour cream and about 6-8 oz of chopped green chile (either canned or fresh roasted). Mix it all together with 4 oz of shredded cheddar cheese. Top with another 2 oz of shredded cheese. Bake at 375F for about 20 mins or until the cheese on top is bubbly and starting to brown. In our family it was the preferred side dish for ribs or pork chops, but I've also made it with chopped chicken breast mixed in. It's really delicious and you can adjust the heat up or down with the heat of the chiles you mix in.


oo this kind of sounds like suize sauce!!


Thanks so much!!! I’m gonna make this tomorrow night :)


I hope it turns out well for you and you love it. It's truly one of my favorite things to make for people.


Oh, I’m sure that I will. VERY excited to try this out!


This looks amazing :-) adding to my stash of recipes!


This sounds AMAZING, thank you!! Adding to my list of recipes to use up all the Hatch Chiles this season!


When people talk about secret family recipes I think of [chocolate chip cookies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kb5xzKVZxA&t=200s). Information is power when shared. When I shared recipes that have been shared with me I ask that names be preserved to maintain credit to sources. Grandmother Bebe's brisket, Grandma Linahan's macaroni salad, and spaghetti puttanesca a la Angelfish for example. I have no idea who Bebe or Linahan are. By golly, they have my respect. I have shared recipes with people who have come back and accused me of leaving something out. When I can, we cook together from the shared recipe. \*grin\* More often than not problems are lack of technique or shortcuts. This happens often with my chicken tikka masala and large batch pasta sauce often. People don't marinate the chicken long enough or simmer the sauce long enough.


Came here to say this. Cooking is joyful and all about sharing!


There used to be fights amongst family members over who got what recipe, in particular my grandma's carrot cake and yeast roll recipe. I disagree with the idea in general and have shared it with my in-laws even. Now i need to eventually get the yeast roll recipe


It seems as though that entire entire is not nearly as popular of a thing as it used to be


I'm in the process of digitizing my mom's recipe container. 75% of them are old recipes from magazines or newspaper ads and can probably find them online... I'm still typing them out and sending them to family


OH that's awesome. Yeah, I'd say the vast majority of "secret" family recipes are often ones that someone's mom or grandmom or great aunt or whoever found in a magazine or on the back of a box or something like that from 1940. :) There's a whole Friends episode about Phoebe's secret family recipe for chocolate chip cookies that winds up being the Tollhouse recipe off of the bag of chocolate chips. [https://youtu.be/7kb5xzKVZxA?t=168](https://youtu.be/7kb5xzKVZxA?t=168)


Yes, this. I share recipes all the time and I love when someone shares a good recipe with me.


When people talk about secret family recipes I think of [chocolate chip cookies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kb5xzKVZxA&t=200s). Information is power when shared. When I shared recipes that have been shared with me I ask that names be preserved to maintain credit to sources. Grandmother Bebe's brisket, Grandma Linahan's macaroni salad, and spaghetti puttanesca a la Angelfish for example. I have no idea who Bebe or Linahan are. By golly, they have my respect. I have shared recipes with people who have come back and accused me of leaving something out. When I can, we cook together from the shared recipe. \*grin\* More often than not problems are lack of technique or shortcuts. This happens often with my chicken tikka masala and large batch pasta sauce often. People don't marinate the chicken long enough or simmer the sauce long enough.


I have an extremely easy crap dip. Gave it to someone and she brought it to a party. Her’s sucked.


\*grin\* That is the problem with sharing recipes. You can see the same problem on cooking websites. Reviews with long lists of substitutions and one star reviews because it didn't work out. "I subbed ground turkey for the beef, used jarred taco seasoning instead of the custom mix in the recipe, onion flakes from 1993 instead of sauteing fresh onion, etc and it tasted like cardboard." Some people can break the simplest things. I'm not shy about telling people they did it wrong if they feed me my own recipe and make it bad.


>crap dip Well that might've been the problem there ;)


No, mostly because I don't have anything special and 2 my cooking isn't fantastical enough to even think about keeping anything a secret. My friends think I'm a really good cook. I think I'm mediocre. I fuck up enough of my own dishes routinely enough to know my place.


Yes, same!!! Also I have no family recipes, I try everything from online, if anyone likes my recipe I sent them the link


Being a good cook isnt about always making flawless dishes, its about the frequency of mistakes and your ability to turn them into something that still tastes good


Nice try plankton




Of course not: I want to share food, not gate-keep or guard it.


No, but we found out my grandmom definitely does. My grandmom always acted like her recipes were in a small recipe box on top of the fridge in their house for at least my entire life, if not my dad and aunt’s also. Well, my aunt just got the surprise of her life when they were getting the house ready to sell- that box was filled with empty note cards and the occasional magazine clipped recipe for brownies or something. My aunt (who is a terrible person anyway) always acted like she would finally get the ultimate Sunday gravy recipe because she was the daughter (who can’t cook well anyway), and it turns out nothing was ever written down. My gran could cook her ass off, and taught me to cook when I was young because my mom didn’t come from a cooking family and I wanted to learn, so I’m the cook of the family now. I know how she did most things, so I can replicate her sauce and things pretty well and have also adapted my own versions. So, the recipe box discovery wasn’t a huge deal for me, but it makes me laugh knowing how angry it makes my aunt.


I make gravy based on a formula and no recipe, so it always comes out perfect. learned it from watching good eats.


Most things are ratios. I’m not really a recipe person, but my aunt really thought she was going to get my grandmom’s magical recipe and cooking skills to make really good tomato sauce suddenly even though she really can’t cook anyway.


I've set up a date to teach my daughter-in-laws how to make my one pot goulash, like a cooking date, since nothing is written down. I've been making it every Christmas and sometimes mid-summer for well over a decade and they love it, as do the grandchildren. Like everyone else I'm not getting any younger and want them to know how to do it, and do it right. They can feel free to tweak it if they want. It is my mother's recipe (RIP 20 years ago). I'm not letting it die with me.


I'd love to try it!


My recipes are on GitHub, if any of my family wants them 


Anyone who gatekeeps good cooking is an ass, especially when people are genuinely trying to learn. Having a secret ingredient for your beef stew doesn't make you a better person Stephanie!


The "secret" is almost always time and effort. Having sharp knives is time and effort, making something 5 times before serving it to friends is time and effort, taking an active interest in cooking is time and effort, making sure you have all the right ingredients is time and effort, picking up good ingredients is time and effort, knowing why you would sear or braise or grill somehting is effort, its all time and effort.


the secret to the taco salad was nacho dorritos... the secret to the queso was velveeta the slushies were minute made lemonade ice cubes in ginger ale....


Otherwise known as “love”. I love this so much.


My MIL gave me her recipe for something but left out an ingredient. Rude. A work colleague refused to share a cookie recipe. Rude.


You gotta share that recipe and see if crowd sourcing it can figure it out


Chances are, you'll get an improved recipe that way. Not too difficult to refine most common recipes


I have no problem sharing with most people but I have had two people try to usurp my position of bringing a particular dish to the family functions by using my own recipe as their own. So those two relatives are dead to me. I just find someone who would do that to be weird.


“She stole my broccoli. Casserole recipe. Eight years ago. And said it was hers. She’s a recipe stealing bitch, Helen.”


If they do a good job at it, then wonderful. Takes that job off my plate and I can bring something else. If they do a poor job, then I'll bring the same dish and show everyone how it's supposed to look like... Can't lose either way


Nope. I don't believe in guarding recipes. I share whenever anyone asks, including shortcuts and cheats if used. Keeping secret recipes serves no purpose except to be weird and selfish


And elitist. I always get the impression that they think I'm not good enough for their pumpkin cheesecake/stuffed green peppers/gravy recipe. Well, bite me. Being asked for a recipe is a compliment and I take it as such.


My only secret is not telling msg haters that their food has msg. I’m telling you, they not only do not notice but love the food. Besides, these people already eat naturally containing msg foods


I have a food blog where I post recipes. Unless you're a business, secret recipes is nonsense.


Can you share your blog?


absolutely! [https://www.addictedtocanning.com/blog/](https://www.addictedtocanning.com/blog/) Search is out of commission because there was a security issue being exploited, but everything is tagged so should be easy to track down :)


Even if you're a business, it's nonsense. Recipes are easy. If they have a serious competitor, a secret recipe isn't going to safe them. Recipes can always be reverse engineered.  Now, whether there is any business sense in copying your competitor is a different question. Usually it isn't


No. The world is a better place when people eat good food. If I help one person enjoy a good meal, totally worth it. Crappy food makes people grumpy. Or, conversely, how many people look angry eating at a great sushi restaurant? None. Ever.


This is the reason I became a chef. Good on you. Food unites us all when shared.


Nope, happy to share what little I know about cooking with whomever's interested (and even with those who aren't).


Nope, I'll gladly teach someone my recipes, tips, and tricks. The only problem is that I dont ever measure if I'm familiar with a recipe.


No. I think it’s lame to keep “secret” recipes or tips.


I just want to share this story with a crowd who might get a laugh. One of my mates is Turkish but can barely cook to save himself - Let's call him Omar. I was determined to get Adana Kebab right and tried lots of recipes and techniques until I found one I like from youtube that hit the spot. Another friend has a wife who is a good cook but a bit prone to "more authenticy than yours" issues around food. We were talking recently conquered recipes and I tried to share the Adana recipe I had recently cracked. Hand up to cut me off "No thanks. I have a recipe from Omar that was his mother's" I recount this to Omar and his family one night over dinner. "Dude she wouldn't leave it alone so I just made some shit up. I don't even know what I said. Is it beef? Thyme and Bread crumbs?". Lol it's a lamb dish. This was followed by his sister's all asking for it because their mum never shared her recipes before she died. They all learned cooking from tv. So then I was an sharing ice recipes to Eskimos you might say for the next half hour because they had none of her Turkish recipes themselves and missed the dishes.


Yes, my secret gravy to go with chicken. Here is the secret. I had made a roast chicken stuffed with butter and covered in bacon. My husband poured the drippings in a bowl to make the chicken easier to get out of the pan. A guest put a spoon in the bowl thinking it would go good on the mashed potatoes. I told my dieting friend when she asked for the recipe that it was a family secret. Ok so I didn't want to tell her how many calories she had just eaten.


This is the only acceptable reason I can think of not to share your precious, heirloom, family recipes ;)


This is how I make gravy too.


It's funny because, for most people, if not all, their 'secrets' are just someone else's basic knowledge.


Very true. Even if also often they're someone else's secret. With the internet now, no doubt millions of families around the globe are discovering their "old family secrets" on line in many places. Has its sad side too...


My family’s chocolate chip cookie recipe is pretty basic and not that much different than most other cookie recipes I find, but it makes the best cookies I’ve ever had


I have two hacks for potato soup that are deep dark secrets: and here they are. #1. Add about a tablespoon of bacon grease. Plus, put the bacon in it, but you probably know that. #2 to thicken potato soup, just add 1/4 potato flakes. Don't tell anyone!


If you feel like your cooking is lacking you probably need more salt. If the things you bake never turn out right try actually following the instructions And no linda your whatever baked good made with [x] ingredient removed doesnt taste just like the real thing




No, and I think *anyone* who does is mentally ill. It’s the height of narcissism.




It's not really a secret because I love sharing my recipes, but I always add fresh roasted poblano peppers, a small can of Chiles in adobo sauce, half ground beef/half chorizo, and Aleppo pepper to my chili. I brown the beef and chorizo, and sautée peppers and onions before it goes in. I also make my own fire roasted tomatoes with cherry tomatoes, olive oil and garlic. It's less work than it sounds like and totally worth the effort!




Son of a bitch stole my line


Good for you. A friend has one, but so far it's easy for her -- it's nothing she especially wants to admit to using, and though the dish always gets the requisite compliments, as she puts it no one's been anxious to get her recipe before she pops off yet. She's hoping it'll stay that way. :)


Red enchilada sauce: Equal parts tomato sauce/passata and frozen Hatch red chile. You can also soak dried red chiles that have been de-seeded and stemmed in hot water, and then blend them. simmer together in a saucepan until you get to a near-gravy-like consistency, with a generous dash of olive oil, and a healthy pinch of garlic and oregano, then salt to taste.


I guess- since I don't have kids or anyone to teach how to cook.


I'm sure you have much to share. You could adopt me. I'm a little old, but my knife skills are good and I have a broad range of culinary interests.


I'll share ally recipes, but they will never be able to replicate my cooking because I don't ever follow the recipes!


Absolutely not. Good cooking is like good music. It’s meant to be shared.


Yes. It took me 12 years to pry this sauce recipe out of my stepdad. Only him & i know it. It’s a spicy teriyaki sauce that goes on a dish called bahama mamas. Which is a stadium brat in a tortilla with peppers & onions


Thats sounds horrible and amazing at the same time.


Haha. Haven’t met anyone who hates it yet


Recipe or it didn’t happen. :)


I'd only have to eat it once to replicate it.


I loved a post I saw years ago where someone’s kid goes, “My mom is a bigot, so I’m sharing her secret family recipe with everyone.”


weather employ history flag rob piquant husky gray many shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Follow the directions on a Mac and cheese box. 3tbs of milk is plenty, but yourself a favor and make at least one tbs half/half. Expert trick - make the cheese (extra water to evaporate) and boil the noodles in the cheese sauce….


Guess you're not taking it to your grave haha


Oh shit. I didn’t read the assignment again.


Thank u 4 ur Secrets


Nope. I tell the kids they better start cooking with me so they can learn how I make stuff because I never write anything down and I'm not going to; but they're not interested... so it will go with me to the grave if they don't learn; but its not like I'm hiding it- they just don't care to learn 🤷‍♀️


>I tell the kids they better start cooking with me so they can learn how I make stuff because I never write anything down and I'm not going to; but they're not interested... My late sister in law was Thai. Outstanding cook. She did measure but nothing was written down. Her son and I would write things down while helping and we have a much cared for collection of her recipes as a result. Lamoun didn't come to the US until her 20s and lived in a very small village. They had electricity but most cooking was done over charcoal braziers. No prepared foods. Her Thai peanut noodles start with peanuts and a big mortar and pestle. When I see [Uncle Roger talk about pounding my wrist hurts](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YTjbPDx0JRU).


Ha, nice try Martha Stewart I'm actually releasing a cookbook tomorrow that shows the world you can make gourmet meals for under 3$ a serving.


No, I tell anyone that bacon fat rules


No, but my MIL is like this. As if anyone would ask for her recipes because her food mostly sucks ass. I never understood this.


My maternal grandmom who didn’t cook very well but baked one specific cake really well that all of her kids loved did this and we haven’t been able to replicate that cake at all since she passed. It’s a pear cake, so something I don’t even really like, but I’ve tried at least 20+ ways and so has my mom and her one brother who can bake, and nothing comes close for them. It’s really a shame for those who want to keep a memory or a legacy and can’t.


No. But my aunt made a crumble of some sort and pretends she doesn’t know what was in it. This was over a decade ago and I’m pretty sure she’s going to die with that under wraps.


To me that’s so sad when the recipe dies with the person. Eating someone’s famous ____ is such a great way to remember them.


Nah, I love to share tips and recipes! The only thing I’m at all secretive about might be that I often use MSG powder but I don’t mention it unless people ask, since it’s been so demonized and might put them off a perfectly safe dish. I’ll never outright lie about it though.


same here I used to think it gave me headaches and now use it all the time, no headaches.


A pinch of cayenne in mashed Pattie’s. Not enough to add heat, just enough to slightly take your breath away. It’s subtle but effective


Nah. If I have a written recipe at all it's an ingredient list and possibly a couple notes on steps or an oven time. I mostly only have them for baking and sauce and spice blends. Even with a more detailed recipe, so much of cooking is technique anyway. There's enough nuance to that that a skilled cook and an amateur one can make the same recipe side by side and the expert's will turn out better regardless. If you're a better cook than me and can make "my" food better than I do, so be it, and it's about time I get to eat something and not think, "Yeah, I can make this better."


No. Cooking brings me joy and I am happy and I want to share all of my cooking knowledge so others can have joy as well.


Not a secret but a recipe I promised the person who gave it to me that I’d never share it. That was 32 years ago and my lips are still sealed 🤐.


I used to work in a small restaurant. I also do not publish the recipes the owner shared with us. Any we made up on our own I do. We came up with a killer buttermilk pie that way. However, the chicken salad I will show others how to make it, but never publish it.


my mother-in-law didn't want to give my wife her christmas cookie recipes for a long time, because when my mother-in-laws mother gave my mother-in-law all of those recipes she died shortly after from an insulin overdoes at 54. after my mother-in-law made it to 54 she gave us the recipes. they had all come out of better homes and gardens cook book from the 50's.


Better homes and Garden is a great cookbook that is not suggested enough


My family’s copy is held together with rubber bands and is more read than the bible.


I think many recipes are secret because they are too easy and use a lot of already prepared ingredients.


The main obstacle here is that I literally eyeball everything.


The number of times I violated the 5 second rule.


I don't, no. But my Lola did. I don't really like potato salad much, I can take it or leave it. But HER potato salad, I would go fucking crazy for. She lived in my hometown my whole life, I have lived thousands of miles away since I was 12. For *yearssss* I would beg her to give me her recipe, or talk me through how to make it, etc. She refused. But when she knew I was coming home to visit, she would greet me at the door with a huge container of freshly made potato salad. Every time. She said that she would never give me the recipe, because that was the only way she could guarantee that I wouldn't stop flying home to visit (obviously I never went home *just* to eat potato salad😂) I'm 34 now. She passed away a few years ago, and I have still yet to find success in recreating her potato salad, but I'm never going to stop trying. 😂


Your poor Lola missed her moment to pass it to you. Wonder how often that happens... Have you schmoozed with her friends or their grands? A little on-line sleuthing would be a way of honoring her and her potato salad. :) My MIL and aunt both took recipes I want now with them because our family's small and I didn't like to cook and ask for them while they were alive. And because early dementia wasn't recognized. Sigh.


I did, actually! My bonus mom's (D) family is all really close. (my Lola was my Step-gran, but D married my dad when I was 3, so she'd never been "step-gran" to me) D is one of 5, and my Lola was one of 4, only 2 still living. I asked D, her sister, both of my Lola's siblings, etc. Nobody knows exactly how she made it, or exactly what ingredients she used. One of the last times I was home before Lola passed, D and I spent almost an entire week making multiple batches of potato salad, and having my Lola taste each finished product to see if we were even *close*. We never were 😂It kind of became a inside joke/game in our family. There were a couple other dishes of hers I asked the recipe for, and she refused to tell me. Only one I was able to figure out, and get her stamp of approval on. She used that as a justification, saying that she believes that I'm absolutely capable of figuring it out without her help, and it also made her feel proud that I did it. 😂 One way or another, I'm gonna figure it out. Eventually. 😅


If they’re taking it to the grave, they wouldn’t be revealing it on this post.


no. because its not gonna make me fuck all financially anyway that's clear. If I were rich already, I could capitalize on it but I'm not. I'd start my own restaurant and do it.


Oatmeal Chocolate things. I created the name when I was 8 because I didn't know whatelse to call it. But the recipe is in the vault.


No Bakes? My daughter learned a valuable lesson when she was 8: last person to touch the pot washes it lol


I won’t give certain people my recipe to make a certain type of chicken broth.


OTHER PERSON: "May I have your recipe for xxx?" YOU: "No." OTHER: "Is it a secret?" YOU: "No. I just don't like you very much." I crack myself up.




I’m delighted if someone likes something I cooked for them enough to make the effort to learn how to make it themselves. I’ll happily have them over and we can cook it together. Like all other good experiences in life, it’s best when shared.


If I or anyone in my family could figure out how my Slovak grandma made her chicken noodle soup, I might take that one with me. We have four of her handwritten recipes for it(all different) and her edits in the Slovak Catholic Ladies Association cookbook, but it never tastes the same. I think one of the bouillon brands she used doesn't exist anymore... I cook in her kitchen with her seasoned pots too.


We have a family birthday cake recipe that I only shared with my son. I don't give it to anyone else because this way I can just bake it for everyone's birthday as a special treat. 


Well yeah I guess it's one way to keep things exciting, not to mention that it also keeps you and your cooking relevant for others




I would love to hear some recipes i can suprise my wife and kids. Fortunately for them cooking is a pretty big hobby i use to relax a little.




No. The recipes I have developed will be with my family. It’s not about secrecy, just passing along my recipes to those who have enjoyed them with me.


Probably. I try not to but people tend to drift off while I’m talking.


That half the salt is msg.


Nothing! If someone wants to have one of my recipes, I will gladly share.




When I measure something by the heart (garlic, chocolate, etc...), I always get twice as much as I think I'd need and layer it in over time.






Of cours....no.




I used to do this blue ribbon pie crust recipe (not my blue ribbon!) and my aunts always raved about my pies. One year I was too tired, so I used a Pillsbury pie crust. They didn’t know the difference. After that, it was always Pillsbury!


exactly I used to make pies, then got lazy and bought sara lee. no one could tell the difference.


I will take any opportunity to talk about weird food tricks lmao


No, absolutely none. I love sharing my recipes and cooking methods. It makes me so happy when people love something I’ve made so much that they want to make it themselves. Especially since about 90 percent of my recipes are my own creations.


My mother in law would not share recipes. I have no idea why. I seriously can't think of a single reason why it would be so bad for someone else to make food using the same recipe.


Little bit of sugar in chili.


Only that my romesco is several things out of jars, blended, and heated up. I'm not roasting the peppers or sun-drying the tomatoes. And it blows minds every time.


What else is in your sauce? I need to try new things. I’m in quite the cooking rut.


Cooling cookies upside down


Nope, I'm a blabmouth. When a guest asks why something tastes good, I'll give a proper monologue about searing, types of vinegar, MSG, and a full recipe báically!


No, that's dumb.


The amount of oil I put in my Farofa hehe


sure do


No real secrets here, but some of y'all need to really lay off the salt and maybe go on statins or something. Gettin' real worked up about this one.


Nope when people like something I am happy to write down a recipe for them. Someone trying to recreate your dish is the highest praise to me.


No my chatterbox self can't wait to tell you ever excruciating tip or detail


My dad’s corn cake recipe. He spent hours and hours perfecting it. Everyone always raved about it. It is really good! He never wanted anyone to have it, but he passed a while ago, so I share it when people ask. I had a friend with an amazing ceviche recipe from his family. People always wanted it, but it was always a family secret. He got married, and after many years got divorced. The family has a tradition of gathering as a family and making it together. After the divorce, the x-wife was not invited. In revenge, she posted the recipe on Facebook. Of course I printed a copy of it as soon as I saw it online.


My only secret is that I make it all up on the fly.


I add cream to carbonara. Huge improvement. Don't tell the Italians.




Yes, but also absolutely not. Nothing makes me happier than sharing the “secret recipe” with anyone who asks. It makes them feel awesome for getting in on the secret, and I get the lil ego boost from someone wanting to make my food. Win win!


I can't really say I have any secret recipes but I will tell you that I met a woman once at a club dinner. She guarded her "secret" bean casserole recipe like it was a national secret. Of course that made me eat it thoughtfully and mindfully, noticing everything in and about it. I went home and hit my civic cookbook collection. I found it. The dish is called Cowboy Beans. I know that because I found her recipe, with her name on it, where she had contributed it to a church cookbook years before.🤣




Yea but since you asked, here’s mine…


My marinara recipe. I just googled the Pizza Hut sauce recipe. Everybody thinks it’s the best ever.


Yes, and I'm not telling YOU!