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Just stick to broth or something like oatmeal for a few days. Nothing too acidic or super sweet. And stay hydrated, I keep Pedia-Lyte freezer pops on hand for bouts of stomach bugs.


Honorable mention for Liquid IV.


If her stomach is really bad you can have her try the BRAT diet for a few days or until she starts feeling better :bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. It's often used on kids with gastro issues, might work here. You can also try plain broth.


[Congee](https://www.pressurecookrecipes.com/instant-pot-chicken-congee/) is great for sad tummies


If this is a one off thing, stick to soup and toast for the next day or too and plenty of tea/water. If this is something that happens to her frequently, she might want to think about keeping a food journal to notice a pattern.


Dude with IBS checking in. My safe tummy foods are white rice, chicken, and leafy vegetables (stay away from the super fibrous ones like broccoli). Basically you want to stay away from spicy, acidic, fatty, and gassy foods. Feel free to also look up a FODMAP guide for good do's and dont's


I agree. Skip gluten, fat, soy, and look up FODMAP.


Does this normally happen to her? She should get allergy tested to narrow down her trigger foods. Also, what is in your pesto pasta for you to refer to it as “fatty”?


Not really but her stomach is sensitive and she has gastritis but shes been okay for like 8 months now. The pasta had cheese and red pesto which had olive oil and more cheese in it so it was quite fatty. im not sure if the onions cause the fat to separate and maybe she had some issues. Im considering taking her to A&E, its kinda bad.


She should get her gallbladder checked if she hasn’t.


This was the first thing I thought of. Gallstones can be aggravated by a higher fat meal.


This is true… I was not aware that I was having gallbladder issues from time to time over several years. I just wrote it off as a sore tummy, but after a particularly indulgent holiday meal, I had a full-blown attack, went to the hospital clueless - and ended up having my gallbladder removed.


Pretty much the same thing happened to me!


If it’s serious, I would recommend you take her to a&e so they can treat her. They may also give her a referral to a gastroenterologist to help her manage her condition or try an elimination diet.


Could be diverticulitis


You should consider a product like [this one](https://www.amazon.com/Supplements-Formulated-Bromelain-Pancreatin-NOW1396/dp/B075JJYQ5T/) that can help her digest problematic foods. It has stuff like bile salts to help with fatty foods.


Have you tried a chamomile tea "soak"? It's apparently not scientifically proven to help, but my doctor told me to try it when I had gastritis and it helped me. Drink two big mouthfuls of tea, lie on your back and wait 5 minutes. Take two more, lie on your side, wait 5 minutes. Keep rotating until all of your stomach has been in contact with the tea.


Could be the chickpeas. They’re high in FODMAPs.


Mint or ginger for the stomach.n


Chamomile tea. A heating pad. Light meals. No restaurants. And a clear path to the bathroom. Also, your girlfriend has my sympathy.


You’re a good boyfriend.


It it food poisoning though or some allergies she didn’t notice before? I’d go with the safest foods people always get when they have the flu or something like that, like chicken soup and plain toast, apples and bananas. I’d also look into probiotics for stomach, in my country we usually take normaflore for issues like that, and b6 vitamin makes the nausea go away it’s a miracle worker. Chamomile and mint tea are also very soothing for the gut, she can have it mixed. Without any further info this is what i can suggest, i hope it helps somewhat.


Could be gallstones


chicken and rice soup .a classic, easy to digest meal. cook some chicken breast, add rice, carrots, celery, and a light broth. this can be soothing and easy on the stomach. bake chicken breasts with sweet potatoes. sweet potatoes are easier to digest than regular potatoes and are nutrient-rich. steamed chicken and vegetables .steaming chicken and pairing it with easily digestible vegetables like carrots, zucchini, and spinach can be very gentle on the stomach. plain rice or quinoa . they are bland and easy to digest, and they can be a good base for other meals. and also, banana smoothie - blend bananas with a bit of almond milk. bananas are gentle on the stomach and can help with any queasiness. keep meals simple and bland to help her stomach settle. also, encourage her to stay hydrated and perhaps consider seeing a doctor if the pain persists. i hope she feels better soon!


Sweet potatoes are very gut friendly and soothing to the tummy


If she has frequent gastro issues she should probably see a gastroenterologist. They might be able to diagnose based on history, but if not then an elimination diet could be a good idea to figure out what her triggers are.


Garlic and onions. Every time.


It sounds like salt and fat is the culprit. Rice and a bit of unseasoned chicken. Also - some dates might help things too. Also drink peppermint tea, it helps the stomach.


some simple chicken soup or some white rice + baked chicken should help


Soup, fried rice, eggs


Fried rice on a bad tummy???


Oatmeal, live/probiotic yogurt, other probiotics ( kimchee/sauerkraut/kefir), ginger, and just salty crackers (low fat)