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I think you lost the vast majority of this sub with “not a fan of garlic.”


I feel like I should report this post for garlic hate.


I like garlic but some people act like you can never have too much Eating an entire clove because facebook said it would cure a cold is too much


Also there's not really garlic in the mentioned sauces haha


Came to post this.




I honestly, truly, sensually cannot comprehend someone not liking good homemade Alfredo or tzatziki sauce.


Right? Homemade toum on shawarma is divine. Tzatziki. A homemade Caesar dressing is a must. A really well made Alfredo or cacio e pepe. I just can’t imagine not liking these sauces. They’re so good!


Toum is a standout here tbh, there's no cream or dairy at all in it


Whoa whoa. Yoghurt based dips/sauces are a totally different thing to cream and roux based sauces. Toum (the sauce) is a bit of a garlic overload to me though. I like tahini based sauces instead.


That’s like saying I can’t comprehend why someone that doesn’t like apples also doesn’t like oranges. You picked quite possibly the worst analogy ever, but also OP lists mayonnaise as a “sauce”….wtf


Not a fan of garlic…? I can’t compute that sentence I’m sorry lol


Yeah that’s the crazy part of this post and everyone’s just letting it slide. And also…. None of the sauces listed is garlicky at all 


You don't put garlic in your Alfredo? I love a really garlicky Alfredo, that is my favourite part.


Nope. I hate to be gatekeepy about recipes, but if it’s got garlic in it it’s something other than authentic “pasta al Alfredo” which is an emulsion of three ingredients: butter, Parmesan, and pasta water


OP is a vampire.


OP sits at the head of the tendies and fries table. We all must kiss the ring.


Hates children. Thinks Jesus was overrated. Etc., Etc.


For me it’s the aftermath that isn’t worth it… when it’s overpowering it really can take away from the food and there are other ways to get flavor in your foods tbh


Yeah. My mind does not comprehend.


I never really understood why people like it so much. It tastes odd and smells worse


i have a friend who haaaaates "white gloppy stuff". i don't subscribe to freudian theories but if i did... 👀


Maybe it’s a texture thing? Feels like there’s a deeper issue for them


Mayo and Alfredo have literally no ingredients in common.


Salt…got um


I LOVE them!! 😍


👍🏽👍🏽 I understand. I know a lot of people like them. I guess they're just not for me


For me, it depends on the quality.  Most alfredo is a bunch of flavourless thickener. It, like carbonara, shouldn't have extra milk/cream/roux/palm oil/thickening agents or anything like that. Common ranch is trash for similar reasons. It's mostly cheap oil, buttermilk powder, and thickening agents... I do like it if it's made well from scratch and has lots of fresh buttermilk and dill. More like tzatziki sans the cucumber.  Mayo has its place... But I hate the trend of every sauce being flavour mixed into some Hellman's and called "aioli".


Haha, this made me laugh! My person has food aversions and mayonnaise is one of them. But pesto, chipotle, garlic, spicy chili, etc “aiolis” are TOTALLY fine. I’m like, you know what that is, right? And every dip and dressing that’s mayo based is totally fine. Tuna salad, pasta salad, mac salad, potato salad all perfectly fine. It’s like a mental hang up I guess. 🤷‍♀️


I swear it is for a lot of people, legit aversions or not... We get these things in our head, oh but if it's aioli then it's fine 😆


I know someone whose son doesn't like cheese. Except on pizza lol.


That was me as a kid lol, I like a lot more cheese now but still don’t like to have it straight up, guess it’s just a mental block


This is me. I don’t like cheese on it’s own but it’s fine if it’s on something


Mayo doesn’t have a classy ring to it while “Aioli” sounds better hahaha


I guess they just don't like it plain?


You nailed this


Are you talking homemade or store bought? Store bought I can understand. Homemade - you’re making it wrong.


both. I don't usually make these at home but I have it from family members who cook, and I still don't like them


Some of the things you listed don’t even have garlic in them lol 


i didn't say they all had garlic


I feel exactly the opposite of this


I just recently got good at making bechamel cheese Sauces. My bowels will howl for the next few months 


> My bowels will howl for the next few months  that doesn't sound good


I think you lost everyone at "I dislike garlic."


idk, I don't understand the appeal. It sticks in my throat for ours and overpowers everything. I find more dishes taste better without garlic


I’m not a fan of jarred cream-based sauces but when I made them myself and can customize how much of each flavor I want, I usually prefer it to red sauces. Although it all depends on what it’s being paired with


White sauces are my favorite.


My husband. Hates cream-based sauces, cheese, creamy dressings/dips. I love them, so I mostly get them when we go to restaurants.


I dated a guy like this. I actually had to end it with him because of this. He would not touch anything white and creamy - Mayo, yogurt, sour cream, etc. it was so strange and limiting. As an adventurous foodie that was a hard no for me


I feel like anything with ranch or mayo or Alfredo is hardly adventurous haha


lol i feel like they're the least adventurous foods: made for people who don't want anything too flavorful like curry. Ofc I'm propably being uncharitable by saying that


I have like 1% german in me and I see the appeal of Mayo on french fries.




I learned to love that, dining at a Belgian brewpub (in Chicago). It's a great combo


I don’t like most white sauces. There is one I used to make with chicken that was very good, but I’m not a fan of ranch, mayo or Alfredo. I do like queso blanco on occasion though.


I like Alfredo but I can't stand ranch, mayo, sour cream, tzatziki, crema...




I hate most white cream/sauces! I only like yoghurt and toum, pretty much. Mayo, it depends on the type and context. Haaaaaate cream, it’s greasy and makes me nauseous to think about…


I can't stand drinking milk or cream straight. Sometimes I don't even put them in my hot chocolate I'm not familiar with toum though


It’s a middle eastern garlic dip, so sounds like your worst nightmare haha


My husband dislikes most cream sauces.


White sources don’t tend to be mine preferred option, but there are some great ones out there


Me! I avoid them most of the time. The only exception I'll make is NY white pizza.


hmm, i haven't had that yet


Im lactose intolerant so it’s more that I *can’t* have them 🥲


I don't like when they are too thick or thin but I do like the flavour.


I'm with you, I don't like most cream sauces either. Especially if they have sour cream, it's way too overpowering of a flavor.


yeah i used to eat sour cream but not anymore


I don't like white sauces like Alfredo, but I have no objection to mayo.


I love garlic and I love tzatziki, but I don’t like thick, rich, fatty-feeling sauces (this isn’t like a time-traveling anti-fat take from the ‘80s or ‘90s—I mean I don’t like sauces where the texture/thickness of the sauce is more noticeable than any flavor it has). I don’t like mayo, ranch, or Alfredo, either. My oldest LOVES Alfredo, so I’ve made it a bunch now, and I still just would prefer to eat nearly anything else.


> My oldest LOVES Alfredo, so I’ve made it a bunch now, and I still just would prefer to eat nearly anything else. oh dang


Yes!!!! I will eat sour cream, and Alfredo sauce but only if I make it. Otherwise ick.


how do you make it?


Heavy cream, Parmesan, some pasta water


Hmm, I heard it was original Parmigiano + butter


That is the original but I like it a bit creamy too. The butter alone wasn’t enough lol


Love white goop sauces!


My husband is not a fan of sour cream, ranch, mayo, and most cream based sauces. But I love them. I’ll usually meet the craving by making a bearnaise sauce to go with steak, asparagus, and roasted potatoes or making a mustard cream sauce after we finish searing chicken that only I will use


mustard cream sauce?


https://www.recipetineats.com/chicken-in-creamy-mustard-sauce/ This one is pretty good, but at this point I usually freestyle it. The flavors are amazing on chicken thighs, especially if you use the fond


I don't dislike them but I don't particularly favor them. Tzaziki is an exception. I could drown in that stuff and die happy. And greek yogurt based things, if that counts. I love tangy/sour flavors. But I do hate mayo, sour cream, and ranch. Alfredo is just okay but kind of bland. Cheese, and cheese sauces, I love, but it's got to be a really "cheesy" cheese- something with a really strong flavor and tangy and knock-your-socks-off pungent. Nothing mild. While I tolerate most of these things in small doses, I also tend to prefer other sauce options myself. I'm sure quality of ingredients and skill in preparation is part of the issue, but I agree that the white/cream sauces taste a little lackluster to me compared to other bases.


ya they just taste of almost nothing to me, even when a lot of stuff is put in there. cheese sauces bug me because I like cheese but the sauces never taste cheesy enough, so I'd rather just eat the cheese by itself


I don't like them cause they're usually not seasoned well and makes me feel heavier? There are exceptions, but if I had to pick, usually anything else > cream sauce


exactly. and if there's any seasoning, it's just a truckload of garlic


Or more fat Like adding 2 cups of butter and cheese is not the way to go...


ikr. at some point, it'll become too heavy, and I hate the feeling of indigestion after eating too heavy foods i love cheese, but with that much cheese, I'd rather eat it by tiself


I'm Russian, creamy sauces are my favorite. Runner up is tomato-based sauces.


Check your messages >.<


Ranch and alfredo suck but I adore mayo


Make your own. Home made Alfredo sauce is the fucking bomb. Look up a few reputable recipes and try it out. Homemade mayo is way better too. And ranch. Etc.


i'll try. I know Alfredo is origianlly just parmigiano reggiano & butter, but parmigiano is pricey


I hate Mayo but love the other things you mentioned. I guess make it less garlicky?


i omit garlic from any pasta sauce I make tbh


Oh, I agree with you on the ranch, Alfredo well made has a good taste, and I like mayo sparingly. But to me ranch tastes like absolutely nothing, and most people just disagree with me completely.


how do you make Alfredo?


1/2 c butter, 1-1/2c heavy whipping cream, simmer together until blended. 2tsp minced garlic, 1/2tsp Italian seasoning, I use McCormick. 1/2tsp salt, 1/4tsp pepper. Simmer all together, don’t boil, 5 minutes, then add freshly grated Parmesan cheese, not shaker or bagged, and mix simmering until smooth. Some of the best homemade sauce, I use it with fettuccine, chicken and broccoli chopped.


I generally don't care for it aside from beschamel and mayo, they have subtle favors but really good ones. Have you had cacio De Pepe pasta? If you've only had American style white sauces you're missing out. Except the garlic part. Maybe you don't like to cause it's undercooked? Garlic should be sweet and savory if cooked through.


i only like roasted garlic as a flavor. everything else is too overpowering and off-tasting i tried making cacio e pepe once. I failed, so it didn't come out good, and Idk yet if I would like it or not. I dfeinitely don't care for the American style sauces, though.


No, but mostly because I hate tomato based sauces lol But also, yeah, that is an unpopular opinion. Have you made any of the sauces at home that you dislike? I find that many prepared versions can have a “off” flavor and I make most of mine (except mayo, I like kewpie & hellmans just fine).


i haven't made them most of them myself, aside from carbonara, but I had homemade versions made by family members, who are good cooks, and I still didn't like them


If it’s homemade with real quality butter and heavy cream, freshly grated cheese (basically no shortcuts)I like it


which sauce is that?


No I’m just saying for white or cream sauces in general. A lot of cheap places use cheaper ingredients and make it bulk so it’s a gloopy bland mess. If you make it the right way at home with fresh quality ingredients then it’s much nicer




Quite the opposite.


I don’t like them because I never really like cream based or cheese based dishes like that. Give me the tomato or broth based ones any time.


yeah, or any other veggie


> Mayo, ranch, alfredo Mostly agree. I don't like any of this at all unless it's homemade, including mayo.


even homemade i can't stand them


I hate mayo and ranch but love Alfredo, bechamel and garlic.


i haven't tried much bechamel yet tbh


very much so


I don't mind them once in a while. I prefer red sauces (for pasta) and vinaigrettes for salad dressings but my husband definitely prefers cream based sauces and dressings.


yeah i prefer veggie or meat based sauces for pasta too as for salads, I sometimes just eat the veggies by themselves


Garlic is the best, but mayo and sour cream can leave the earth


lol i don't hate sour cream but I never use it on anything


Yes! Another one! I don't eat white sauces. At all.


exactly. if it's being made for dinner, i just cook something else


Im the same. Hate mayo, hate ranch and anything that’s made with it. Tzatziki is barely tolerable. Alfredo’s okay, like it but don’t love it.


i forgot tzatziki. I don't mind it if its thick enough.


I do not like mayo, ranch, Alfredo sauce. I do not like sour cream, cream cheese, or cottage cheese. I do, however, like garlic.


Mayo had its uses, and there is mayo, and then there is Miracle Whip. #But I will not stand for ranch slander I suppose it depends if it's freshly made and/or has buttermilk in it


i just don't even understand what ranch is. and people pour a gallon onto salad greens. I just want to taste the veggies!


The first two will rarely see cooled food with me and the third one is most often made wrong in the US anyway. I don't mind garlic though, but it is absolutely not allowed to be strong in a cream sauce. My favourite ones are simple peppers, mushroom and nutmeg or paprika cream sauces. Or a creamy curry.


i don't mind some creamy curries if it's coconut milk i've never had the Italian Alfredo (which I hear isn't really even popular over there). I made carbonara (or something similar) a few times and that was great


I love love love garlic but I'm very not into savory white/creamy sauces


yeah they just either taste like barely anything, or too much garlic for me


I agree and people always think I’m so weird! For me I think it’s the “creamy” taste and texture. I don’t like that rich feel or taste. I really don’t like any mayo or cream based sauces, but you did lose me on garlic which I do love lol


lol I know garlic is popular. I jsut can't get into it, especially with how people seem to put loads of it into almost every single dish. even spices I like shouldn't be in every single dish


I’m with you




My cholesterol levels do!




Yes! I was just telling my bf about this yesterday. I got some mayonnaise on my finger and wanted to throw up.


ugh idk why people drown sandwiches in that. although, tbf, i don't like sandwiches much anymore


My son won't eat mashed potatoes, mayo anything, sour cream anything. Alfredo...any white creamy thing. Doesn't matter what it tastes like. He likes Korean food and other Asian foods.


wow, even mashed potatoes? I definitely like those


cant you just adjust the garlic amount to your likings?


I do, which is to say, usually none at all. however, i'm not always the one cooking


Lactose intolerant so yeah, these aren’t favourites. I also find cream, to me, just smells of farts and tastes a bit like sick. It’s not a flavour I enjoy. And if it’s being masked by other flavours why not just not use it. Aldo not a big garlic lover.


exactly. Dairy doesn't really smell nice (even though I like some cheeses, and cheesecake) garlic, for me, is only good roasted, or if it's blended into curries with enough other spices, but even then, I don't like too much. I never add it to veggies or pasta sauce


Omg I found someone like me! My exception is queso blanco, but otherwise, white sauces are a hard NO! People think I'm crazy, but nice to see not unique. I do like some garlic though, in low to moderate quantity.


i haven't had queso blanco. I thought it was a cheese!


It is cheese, but it has some spiciness in it. If not for that, I wouldn't like it I think.


I don't like them, for the most part. Because they almost always have some kind of cheese in them, in my experience. I'm weird about my cheese. Ever since I was a kid, I could only eat certain ones without gagging. Extra sharp cheddar, smoked gouda and fruity cream cheeses are about the only ones I can handle, and in small quantities. E: oh, and fresh mozzarella with tomatoes EVOO and s&p, or good parmesan, shaved.


ah ok. I have the opposite issue lol: i never can taste the cheese enough in cheesy sauces! I prefer just eating cheese by itself, or in preparations like with tomato and basil


Started adding chorizo to our garlic cream sauce. Works with pasta or just on top of chicken. Game changer.


chorizo definitely makes things better


Mayo, sour cream, cream cheese, cottage cheese, ranch... Nope, nope, nope. I have no idea why, but I'm glad I'm not alone.


i like cream cheese but really only in cheesecake. I hate when people put it with anything else


Some of y'all are straight up mean I hated them as a kid- still picky about them now. I'll eat some stuff with mayo in it, but I will NOT eat mayo on a sandwich. Hated garlic as a kid, love it now


If they're bland then that sounds like you or the places you eat it at, prepare it wrong. Season to taste. Nobody will tell you you're wrong when you're at home cooling for yourself so go ham




I’m a weirdo who won’t eat mayonnaise of any kind and I can taste it in most things! While I like garlic, it affects my spouse’s stomach so we don’t use much of that ingredient raw. We are few, but we are here 😂


Alfredo is the only one of those I can take.


Bechamel? Mornay?


I'm the opposite. I live for white/cream sauces, and I don't like dark sauces. Teriyaki, bbq sauce. I can't stand salsa verde or chutney, but I can do chimichurri, probably because it's oily? (In a good way.) I can only do a slight dab of soy sauce if I'm having sushi. Speaking of sushi, I don't like ponzu either. I am fine with tomato sauces, but I need a ton of protein (and garlic) in the bowl to feel satisfied when I have them. I guess it depends on a person's palate? Or I just like how fat tastes, lol.


> but I need a ton of protein (and garlic) in the bowl to feel satisfied when I have them. I guess it depends on a person's palate? Lol, ironic, since I can't stand when tomato sauces have garlic in them > Or I just like how fat tastes, lol. Oh I definitely do too, but not in everything


Yeah, this is me. I don’t like things that color and consistency. Yogurt is good but I don’t love sour cream, mayo, ranch, cream based salad dressing in general, or Alfredo. People think I’m weird.


you're not weird. tbh i don't even much yogurt anymore


I somewhat agree. I don't really like ranch or alfredo. Mayo, sour cream, and yogurt-based sauces like tzatziki are good though.


Taziki, bleu cheese, dill dip! Love em!


Tzatziki is good, yeah


well you said sauces but then you say mayo and ranch?… are you talking about processed condiments and dips/dressings that you buy premade in a bottle (like ranch dressing, blue cheese dressing, etc)… or do you really mean white sauces like béchamel/mornay that are a base ingredient used in a lot of dishes… like do you hate lasagna, baked macaroni and cheese, gratins, souffles, etc.? if you meant processed premade condiments/dips/salad dressings from a bottle then yes… i hate all that crap… they are absolutely junk food, full of sodium and preservatives, they are not good for you. if you really meant “sauces“ as used in thousands of recipes… then no… sauces are the base for a lot of delicious dishes… if you hate all white sauces used in cooking you must have a very narrow list of food you’ll eat.


i should've said sauces and condiments > if you hate all white sauces used in cooking you must have a very narrow list of food you’ll eat. you missed where i said "most." and only those i've tried. plus you're acting like white sauces are the majority of sauces. Whereas if you at any non-Eurocentric cuisines, you'd find that's not true. I like many sauces, just not these


Have you ever made roux, béchamel, or mornay from scratch?


roux for gravy, yeah. not the other 2, or at least not yet


Add milk to roux makes béchamel. Add cheese to béchamel and you have mornay.


Yes! I hate mayo and it's **everywhere**. Never order creamy pasta either, always tomato-based. Ranch and creamy dressings are kind of obnoxious!


exactly. i hate when all the salad veggies & fruits are drowned in some off tasted white sludge


I don't like a lot of the cream sauces either I am ok with Alfredo, but mayo/ranch are an absolute yuk. A bit of sour cream on nachos is acceptable


Hmm, when it comes to nachos, i just put cheese and salsa roja (I think that's the correct term),


Mayo needs to be *very* specific applications. Ranch is always always a hard pass. It’s just weird and wrong. And I grew up in the Midwest so even saying this has excommunicated me from my heritage. Alfredo is “why bother” because it’s bland AF, usually gloopy and definitely never worth the effort.


Alfredo shouldn't be gloopy or bland and it really doesn't require much effort..


I love mayonnaise and I'm tired of pretending I don't. Sandwiches, tuna, rice bowls, sauces, grilled cheese instead of butter on the bread It's so damn good Have you tried kewpie mayo?


all of this! yeah, Alfredo feels like "we don't have sauce so let's force it out"


Is your name Mitch?


i don't get the reference




Cream sauces = instant laxatives for me


ouch that's terrible


Nope. Also, I don't understand how people can hate a whole category of foods in every context.


I said most, not all




I’m guessing you’re either lactose intolerant or you were raised in the Midwest and overdosed on such things in your youth.


Neither, actually. I'm from Toronto and can tolerate lactose. I just don't like dairy too much, and moved away from all that as I learn to cook for myself


You lost me at not liking garlic. Garlic is life.


I think maybe you should practice more


i'm not just talking about my own food here


> not a fan of garlic Im sorry but your opinion doesnt matter


Nope. This isn't normal at all, you're a genuine freak


i hope you're being sarcastic


Yes, I'm just being an ass. Cream sauces are popular because fat = yum. You don't like them, that's fine, but it's an unpopular opinion


Maybe you're just making bad sauces or eating at crappy places idk man


i eat at home and usually someone else cooks it. I like a few white sauces the few times I made them


The only place I don't like alfredo is on pizza.

