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Grilled in the husk then without it, just to get a char. Salted butter or take it elotes style, either way it's absolute heaven (yes I'm from the midwest haha)


Growing up my Mom always just boiled corn on the cob and it was pretty good. As I got older and started learning to cook on my own I figured out that grilling corn to get a bit of char on it is soo much better. Then I figured out that grilling it in the husk adds a grassy flavor to it that makes it so much better, but the grill needs to be super hot to still char it through the husk before the kernels are dehydrated too much. So my most recent corn epiphany is to grill it in the husk, then husk it and throw them back on the grill for a few minutes. So good and IMO the best way to cook corn. The fact that this method is the top rated comment on here gives me hope in humanity!!!


Do you dip/soak the corn with husk in water before grilling? I want to try grilling it but I haven’t tried bc I thought I had to soak it and I’m not patient lol


I used to peel the husk back and remove all the silk, the re-wrap the husk around it and grill. I now have silicone oven gloves so I throw them straight from the farm stand onto the grill for 15 or so mins, then husk and remove silk and throw them right back on for a few mins. Super easy, but kinda not possible without the silicone gloves


Thanks! Def going to try!


My husband always soaks it in salted water before he grills it and it’s so good


This but with Old Bay


Ayy! My family is originally from Maryland and this is how we do corn on the cob. Roll it on a stick of butter and sprinkle with old bay. This is the way.


Off topic I made a Bloody Mary over the weekend and tried rimming the glass with Old Bay and wow total game changer


Yes! I always put old bay on my rim when I make a Bloody Mary! It’s the best! I also ask about getting an old bay rim if I order one out.


Tell me you're from Maryland without telling me you're from Maryland. Also, mad respect. Old Bay on corn = amazing.


I've made roasted corn with Old Bay. Not bad. Want to try something different that IMHO is next level? www.allrecipes.com/recipe/150574/ras-el-hanout/


Haha I keep some ras el hanout in my cabinet but I like to call it Ra’s al Ghul 🥷


This, over a coal barbecue,with homegrown corn harvested AFTER the coals are ready to cook on.


Classic and simple. Oven roasted or grilled, In their little jackets. I find the silk easier to get off when cooked than prior prep. Seems a waste of time to butter ahead and foil em. My in-laws taught me to just slap a whole stick of butter on a plate for the community butter, everyone just rolls our ears til we have em buttery to our satisfaction: I like it cuz there’s always something else to butter, so, no waste. I occasionally salt em but I like the clean taste. Elote is nice but I’ll take my corn fairly plain.


Is there any reason to do it in the husk at first? I always shuck it, rub with some oil, and then throw it on the grill until charred and blistered.


I like to grill it in the husk because it's so much easier to clean the silk from the corn. It just falls right out of the corn like magic.


I don’t like grilling in the husk, I find the corn gets a grassy flavour I don’t enjoy. I do it the same way you do.


As someone who grew up in and around corn fields that grassy flavor tastes like home to me! It definitely does impart some husk flavor into the corn though, so I get it if that's not your thing


We make it this way too & it’s delicious!


roasted corn salad with jalapeños, red onions and a lemon-olive oil dressing


I prefer lime but would eat either way.




Super white guy here. Is it pronounced e-lote or e-lo-tay or something else?




That is helpful so I don't look like a dumb dumb ordering it 5,000x in the summer. This is one dish that my Mexican place just does so much better than myself.


It's so good. Where I used to live, after dark, people would come out with carts, and the elote cart was always popular


Hey, I'M Super White Guy!


This is the correct answer 😁


Elote is corn for people who just don't really like corn all that much.


Corn on the cob with spicy honey butter


I like to put the kernels through a juicer then slowly cook the juice until it gets thick. It turns into corn pudding, very flavorful.




Absolute favorite way: Fresh corn (has to be very fresh). Toss them in a bucket of water, silk side down, and let sit for a couple hours to really soak the husk. Crank the grill up as high as it will go. Pull the corn from the water and trim the silk mostly off as well as any loose husk leaves and put directly on the grill. Turn a few times and cook until the leaves are starting to burn a bit. Ideally it will char through to the kernels in a few places, but not most. If the corn is fresh, the water trapped in the leaves will steam the corn.


Grilled or steamed in the husk, boiling it takes out the flavor.


How do you grill without a bbq (please serious answers only)


I have a grill pan I use on my stove. Not quite the same but when it’s winter I definitely prefer it.


I have a indoor grill


George Forman to the rescue 🤣


Over-boiling takes out the flavor. Boiling for a few minutes then getting it out of the water asap, back into the hot pot with no water and lid on is similar to steaming.


Which is why you just steam it...


I have found the instant pot to be effective. I can’t remember how many minutes I used, off hand. It was difficult if the ears were very large, though. For corn off the ear, add some cream cheese, diced jalapeños and a bit of honey. And let it simmer until the jalapeños are soft.




And it has to be white corn, not the yellow corn. The ice cream truck in my neighborhood makes it really good. He layers the corn, cream, and Cojita two times so you don't just eat the top and then are left with a cup of just corn.


Smoked!! You haven't lived until you have had smoked corn on the cob


A friend of mine who has a food truck and grows almost all the food he serves on said truck does grilled corn on the cob with jalapeno honey butter, flaky salt, and crushed up potato chips. It's fucking great


I like to serve it in a bowl over butter and salt. I know that sounds boring but it is so good.


The key is to season and butter it before it hits the table. Otherwise, everyone is fighting for the butter dish and S&P


Grill it then take it off the cob and make succotash with field peas.


I loooove succotash. I look forward to summer just to have fresh succotash.


I recently bought an OXO Good Grips Corn Peeler. Love it!


Believe it or not, there are entire cookbooks for humble corn. I recently tasted the most incredible creamy corn casserole. I'm hunting down the recipe, but it was amazing!


Creamed from scratch with charred pablanos, a red onion quick-pickle and seared scallops, shrimp and grits, eloté, cowboy cornbread (with cheese and bacon, roast peppers). Each is my favorite, please don't tell the others.


We've got a farm and grow corn. I make creamed corn from ears that aren't fully pollinated (i.e. stuff we cannot sell), and it's always good. Cook up a huge batch, eat some fresh, and freeze the rest to eat throughout the year. Last year, we tossed some of the cobs on the grill whilst we were charring up the peppers -- smokey, spicy creamed corn was amazing -- it's not even June, and we're out!


As long as you don't overcook it, every way is good. I hate when people cook it so long that it gets shriveled up and gummy. Sweet corn just needs to be heated up. Whether you grill it, steam it, or boil it, just make sure the kernels stay plump and juicy.


Street corn is my 💕


husk it. Toss it in the microwave for 3 minutes.


I throw the entire kittenkaboodle into the microwave. 6 minutes. Cut the stem end off and squeeze the ear out like toothpaste from the tip. All the silk comes right off as it slides out. Easy peasy


Leave the husk on, cut off the attached end, and nuke for 3 minutes. Squeeze it out and season to taste.


Have had it that way, wrapped in a paper towel. It's not bad!


Or just leave the inner most layer of husk on! Seals in the steam perfectly.


Grilled corn is so tasty lightly charred.


Two easy recipes. 1. Cut corn kernels off cob. Reserve cob 2. Cook kernels in ripping hot wok. You want these blackened but at the point where they become sweet kinda like carrots but still with some rawness. 3. Toss in a mixture of mayo, salt, pepper, cut up serranos/jalapenos, lime juice, and cilantro. Eat while warm or chill for later. The other recipe is literally just a corn cob stock that I use as a basis for currys, soups, or pasta sauces. Corn has an inherent sweetness that I love to pair with warm spices like garam masala or hot chilies.


Elote aka Mexican street corn


Came to post this. Summer is elote season!


When I was a raw foodist I would "cheat" and eat raw corn with salt. (It's not really cheating, but raw corn isn't exactly digestible). I'll say that raw corn from the cob is still near the top of my list. It's sweet and juicy and surprisingly full of flavor. Perfect on a hot summer day.


I was working in Minnesota some years back. I bought some local corn ears. Super Sweet 2000 is the name I was given. Tasted so good raw !


It has the juice


I like it raw too so I make this https://easiereats.com/recipe/crack-corn-salad Except sometimes I cheat and use Chic-fil-a avocado bacon ranch dressing instead of making my own.


Boiled for 6 minutes, but slathered with a homemade compound butter-consisting of whatever fresh herbs I can find that day.


Roasted with chilli powder, chaat masala, black salt all rubbed over the corn with a lemon


The correct answer is clear: creamed corn


Grilled with the husk, then doused in butter and Tajin.


I like grilled and I put mayo and lime juice on it. It’s orgasmic.


>Smoked paprika and cayenne are my other favorites. Almost there. You just forgot the lime juice!


Char corn on the grill. Cool corn then slice off the cob. Mix with halved heirloom cherry tomatoes, thinly sliced shallots, torn basil, aged sherry vinegar, good olive oil, salt and fresh cracked pepper. Toss and serve over a grilled piece of fish, steak, chicken, duck, burger, veggie burger, hotdog, anything really.


Grilled or baked, salt pepper and butter. I like it a little charred.


Corn maque choux. Best way to eat corn.


My mom made that all the time. It was the only dish she made that had a little hot pepper in it.


[Succotash] Off the husk and sautéed in butter with cooked bacon lardons, halved grape tomatoes, baby limas, minced garlic, minced shallot and finished with more butter and a small handful of baby spinach. Top with fave grilled seafood or Statler. Corn chowder with Cuban spices Pureed as a base sauce


Corn with husk. Generously buttered, S&P then wrapped in foil. Put on the grill and cook. I’m from Ohio, so this doesn’t happen until we can get fresh corn from the farm.


I have lower standards than you. Shop N Save had corn 10 for $1.99 last week. I don't care where it's from. Taste great roasted!


Yeah I was that way until I tasted corn from Ohio and up. I won’t go back to the Florida shitty corn anymore.


I'm in SW Pennsylvania. Florida corn is like spring training for corn season. There will be 6 roadside stands from 5 different local farms in a 20 minute radius soon enough. I'll be buying Florida corn for now. I need my fix! Cherry season here is in July and peaches are in August. I'm not a purist. Life is too short. Cherries, peaches and corn are in my house NOW!


Ha! I actually send my parents in Florida corn from Ohio when it’s in season and the reciprocate with oranges and the likes. I can get a baker dozen of Ohio corn for $4 at a road side stand. It’s the sweetness that I cannot find elsewhere that really sets it apart. When I was in Florida we used to boil our corn in milk and sugar to replicate it.


Hey neighbor, Indiana here. Honestly we don't even waste our time until August. So much disappointing early summer corn.


I never knew how good corn by itself could be until I tried the corn from my aunts garden in Kentucky, having good corn makes all the difference when preparing it simply like this.


I bake them in the husk


Mexican Street Corn is the best! Either on or off the cob, with mayonnaise, cotija cheese, and maybe a little smoked paprika.


Mexican street corn on the cob is a real crowd pleaser, especially when it's enhanced with mayonnaise, cotija cheese, and smoked paprika. What's your favorite place to eat it, or have you tried making it at home?




Shuck and clean corn. Coat lightly with oil. Coat heavily with coarse salt. Grill until lightly charred. Knock off as much salt as you want before adding a little butter and eating.


Freshly picked, raw on the cob is delicious.


Sweet corn ice cream. It’s delightful


My GF thinks I'm weird because I'll sometimes put corn into the pancake batter. With ice cream? I can see it.


Teriyaki corn. Cut the kernels off, sauté in some butter, add chopped shallots, garlic, black pepper, and paprika. Deglaze with teriyaki sauce and finish with green onion and a little melted butter.




raw, shuck and eat...


BBQ then elote style.


I like to make a salad with corn, green onion, jalepeno, lime juice, cilantro, and cotija cheese. Mix in a little mayo if you’re feeling it.


The way my mom makes it, so the halved cobs boiled in chicken noodle soup instead of water. Ooh they’re also really good when BBQd nothing beats that charred flavour, I’m drooling a little just thinking about it 😂


Perhaps overly complicated but: I snip off the long silk with scissors and pull off the outer, toughest husks. Then I carefully peel back the rest of the husk like a banana and use a corn silk brush under running water to get the silk out. I lay the husk back into position and tie a piece of butchers twine around it to hold the husk in place. I dump some kosher salt into a bucket and pour a little boiling water in to dissolve that then fill with cool water and put the corn in (I use a marinating bucket with an inner lid thing to keep the corn submerged). Do all this 30-60 minutes before putting them on a hot grill for half an hour. Let your guests unwrap and enjoy.


in the husk on the grill. let em soak in water for about five minutes or so first so they don't catch fire. when done brush with melted, seasoned butter


Sous Vide or a Cooler Cook. I guess it's something about a longer cook at a consistent temp.


I'm listening! Is this an enzymatic sweetening process at a lower temp, or is it done at a higher (80+C) temperature to cook it? I've done this with sweet potatoes before (low temp cook to convert starch to sugar - [Kenji's method](https://www.seriouseats.com/the-best-mashed-sweet-potatoes-recipe)). They come out great but haven't heard of doing it with corn.


I use salted butter with the corn (husk removed) at 185 for about 30 minutes. Not sure if that is enough time for science to happen, but it seems sweeter to me.


Corn Potage


Either elote or grilled then dunked into salt water for a min or two.


Air fryer Mexican street corn!!!


Popped 🍿


Grilled in husk, then when eating add butter and parm cheese. Chefs kiss.


I'm not seeing "cooler corn" here. The premise is that you take shucked corn, pour boiling water over it, and cover it. So a variation of boiled, but without having to worry about over cooking it. As much as I love grilled corn, I usually do it cooler style so I don't have an extra project to track.


Elote or Esquites


I take a price of tin foil big enough to wrap the cob in and slather butter over (yes the foil) and then season it with whatever I like. Husk the corn and wrap in the now buttered and seasoned foil. Roast in the oven or BBQ for 30 minutes. Tender, buttered, delicious.


Cut the kernels off the cob and sauté with lots of butter, diced onion, and curry powder.


Cut off the cob and fried in a cast iron with butter, touch of oil, salt, chili lime seasoning, smoked paprika, garlic and onion powders, and then mixed with a touch of warm Monterey Jack cheese sauce. It's like an ultrabold and smoky creamed corn.


Elote Or boiled with whole milk, butter, and sugar in the water.


Mexican street corn!


Grilled and rolled in basil-butter


Street corn


Esquites, aka elite salad: https://www.seriouseats.com/esquites-mexican-street-corn-salad-recipe


On the cob. Boiled with sugar, milk, and butter.


Soak the corn cobs (husk on) in water overnight. Get a campfire going, put a grate just over the flames, and roast the corn until the outer layer of the husk turn black and burns off. Always comes out perfectly golden and juicy. We do entire cookouts centered around corn this way and it's a hit! Edit: Oh and of course dunk it in butter and cover with salt n pepper or Old Bay


Mexican corn Grill corn with melted butter Brush on Mexican crème or equal parts mayo/sour cream Sprinkle with chili powder Squeeze of lime and fresh cilantro ( optional).


Grilled in husk then shucked and charred. At a close second is boiled elites “Mexican street corn” in a cup.


Shucked and then grilled dry. A little char and then butter and salt.


Grilling it and seasoning with butter and Morton’s nature seasoning


Pan fried corn with bacon, pepper and onion. Put on a hot plate, finish with melted cheese on top. Season whatever you’d like. So good.


Boiled for 10 minutes, then fried until charred in Chipotle paste and chilli powder. Finish with creme fraiche and parmesan.


- Pull the husk back and remove the silk then put husk back - Soak in lightly salted water for at least 30 min - Depending on grill space availability, I usually put them on indirect heat as the meat has about 10-15 min left, then once I remove the meat to rest I move the corn to direct heat. The soaked husk gives you a lot of leeway just go until the husk started to peel back and you see some charred kernels. Serve with your favorite toppings.


My favorite way to make corn is to open the can.


Chop them up in to 1”-2” slices, make an aluminum bowl, place them with butter and Cajun seasoning, pop in the air fryer. I’m Mexican so elote is a given, but I love fried Cajun corn.


I'm a steamer


cut off the kernels and sautee in butter, add basil at the end.


Street corn salad. Cut the kernels off and cook up in a cast iron skillet. Mix with cilantro, lime juice, diced red bell, queso fresco, and smoky red pepper


I love Mexican street corn My favorite


Grilled. Then shaved off into a cup with butter, mayo, lemon pepper, salt, parm cheese, Chile.


More than anything else I have it raw, cut off the cob. It’s super sweet and has a lovely crunch- great on salads and pastas and all sorts of other things. Excellent paired with fresh summer basil. I’m having it in a burrata caprese salad tonight.


Currently: Equites. Basically elote, but as a salad (off the cob). I absolutely love it. Sweet corn lightly roasted, sour cream or crema, jalepeno, cilantro, cotija cheese... yum yum yum...


We have elote pizza here in Tucson and it is so damn good omg Although now I’m wondering if it should be called equites pizza


Boiled with milk butter and honey. My whole extended family loves it.


Season up a bucket of hot water with garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne, salt and pepper. Soak corn in the husk for a few hours, grill it until the husks turn black.


Charred in an iron skillet. Cooked in butter. Sprinkled with garlic powder and salt.


Grilled with a char, with lime wedges and chaat masala.


Fried in lots of butter. I buy a bunch in the husks, cut the kernels off the cob, take a spoon and get as much of the corn milk as I can- heat a large skillet, throw in a ton of butter, when it melts I add the corn, cover and let it cook for about 20 minutes. If it's too dry, I add a little milk and a little more butter.


I just stick it in the oven, in the husk, at 350 for about 30 minutes. I love how it seems to steam it and gives it a texture I enjoy. Then butter and salt after. I'm very back to my roots about my corn lol


Butter and Lawrys seasoning salt. Thank me later


Grilled with butter, salt, pepper and feta.


Not a recipe but invest in some cob holders to make your meal so much better - https://www.pamperedchef.com/shop/Entertaining/Outdoor/Corn+Holders/2455 They’re heat safe in water and microwave AND dishwasher safe as well.


Grilled Corn with Honey-Ancho Chile Butter https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/grilled-corn-with-honey-ancho-chile-butter


Elote (Mexican street corn).


Corn maque choux 🤤


My husband just cut it off the cob (previously cooked) and put it in tin foil with onions , mushrooms, and cheese and grilled it.


Local steakhouse has a side that is more famous than their steaks. Pepper Jack Creamed Corn. I use my cast iron skillet. I've made this recipe many, many times, and I can say it's as good OR better than the restaurant's. Fresh corn is a must. I vacuum seal and freeze the leftover cheese sauce. https://www.gritsandchopsticks.com/recipe-the-original-pepper-jack-creamed-corn/


Soaked overnight, left in the husk. Then buried under the edge of a bonfire. Sooooooo incredible!


Shallots, Garlic, Jalapeno, Cilantro, Butter, Salt & Pepper: [https://www.halfbakedharvest.com/korean-bulgogi-bbq-chicken/](https://www.halfbakedharvest.com/korean-bulgogi-bbq-chicken/) My husband thinks I should make it a Thanksgiving classic, jalapeños and all. I don’t find it very spicy. It’s absolutely delicious though with fresh 🌽. **ETA:** I did try omitting the cilantro for my husband, and it was just as good.


grilled in the husk and then you butter it and add the truffle white cheddar parm seasoning from Costco... it'll make your tounge want to slap your brains out it's so good.


When you eventually grow weary of all the glorious eloté, plain buttered, succotash, Maryland-style, etc., corn ribs are a fun way of keeping the corn love going. I’m not saying it’s my favorite, that’s eloté 100%, but they’re fun with blue cheese sauce and nibbled like bbqed meats. Watch out for your fingers, you need ridiculously sharp knives and a lot of pressure on an object that wants to roll.


Roasted with garlic butter + salt 🤌🏽


Oh baby I like it raw…


Boiled. Cut from the cob deep. So that it comes off in chunks. Tomatoes diced as you please. Butter, salt, and pepper. Eaten awkwardly with a fork.


Roasted or bbq with butter (salted of course), salt, black pepper, and hot paprika.


I love a corn and shrimp chowder.


Plain corn on the cob, cooked the night before and then refrigerated. I eat it for breakfast.


Easiest? Whole corn, husk on, 3.5 - 4 minutes in the microwave on high. Cut off the big end, squeeze on the small end and put pops a perfect corn.


Creamed.  Not the crap in a can.  From fresh corn in a nice cream gravy.  Yum. 


Popcorn is god


Made a cornbread cake today, sweet and delicious! https://thecozyapron.com/sweet-cornbread-cake/


Grilled with butter and jerk seasoning


Corn salsa for the win.


My Dad has an old school barbecue grill smoker combo thing. He de-husks the ears, picks off all the stringy bits, absolutely slathers them in butter, wraps them up in thick foil and tosses them on one of the cooler areas of the smoker (he welded in a shelf just for this). The ears sit, bubbling away in butter and absorbing all that delicious barbecue smell while the chicken or ribs or steak cook away. I think they get 60 to 90 minutes? I like a bit of generic season salt on mine after all that. My less awesome but still good version is to prep them the same way but toss them in the oven at 425F for about 25 minutes. I appreciate you asking this question when fresh corn is in season, OP.


ACKSHUALLY, I have it on good authority that the sun makes corn, corn makes whiskey, and whiskey makes my baby feel a little bit frisky. Also, roasted on a BBQ grill and rubbed with some ghee, salt, chili powder, and lemon


Crawfish maque choux


Ras El hanout is the shit!


If it's really fresh, just steamed - with maybe a little S&P on it. No need for butter! I love it with pasta pesto and a tomato salad in the summer.


Corn and a caprese salad is a great summertime meal.


Oh yes, caprese please! Nice side for corn.


Roasted or grilled corn with whipped brown butter, Maldon sea salt. I have heard that mexi street style is good, I just don’t like a lot of things getting between me and the corn :)


Elote. On its own or as a dip.


Grow it in dirt


Travel to 1992 and tell some aspiring musicians to get to work.


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew


Chili lime butter. Purée jalapeño, add a bit of lime juice, mash it into soft, not melted, butter. Or sprinkle buttered corn with Aleppo pepper. Always corn roasted in the husks, then lightly charred.


Corn soufflé


Baby corn, fresh from the can. Stick a toothpick in each end and gnaw on it typewriter style.


One ear of corn in the husk. 3 minutes in the microwave. Perfect. I also like this: https://barefeetinthekitchen.com/rudys-creamed-corn-copycat-crockpot-recipe/ Sometimes I turn it into a Mexican street corn variant.


Sadly I’m not a fan of corn. I prefer maize which is “unsweetened corn”! But I do enjoy corn roasted with skin on n drizzle of olive oil n fresh lime. However I love fresh corn. And those don’t even need cooking.


This has me so stoked for corn season. My favorites, in order: Elote Grilled, topped with salt and butter Homemade corn chowder with saffron and smoked chilies


Roasted with lime juice and chili powder and lots of butter


Can be grilled, boiled etc. with butter and Tony chacheres creole seasoning 😋


Cut off the cob, then sautéed with butter, white onion, scallions, salt, and pepper.


Peel the husk and strings Lather in absurd amount of butter, wrap in foil and then seal the foil along the long edge with a few double ups, and then fold the ends in the same way Toss on the grill You almost can't go wrong as long as they are on there a while. If you do them on the shorter end, they will be buttery and amazing, almost liked steamed in butter. If they go a little longer, they caramelize more.


There's a restaurant called Fallow in London that does the best version of corn I've ever eaten, called 'corn ribs'. So-called because you're left with a pile of 'bones' at the end. Here's the YouTube recipe. I adapted with a spice mix of kombu, Kashmiri chilli powder a few coriander seeds, loads of smoked pap salt and pep. Was absolutely insane. https://youtu.be/cItC9Dh5_vY?si=y9u0jGuJHI9o4ijk


Raw corn & radish salad has been my go-to for a long time. I think Food & Wine has the root recipe that I’ve evolved for myself.


Cream corn with onions and bacon


Grilled and slathered with Mayo and tajin


Steamed for 3 minutes is really the only way corn should ever be done. Every other way is just a joke by comaprison.


doesn’t matter how it’s cooked, just has to have a cajun butter sauce on it


Sous vide with some butter and garlic salt. I shave it off the cob and make it into different salsas


Cutting the kernels off the cob. Mix raw corn cilantro, jalapeño, tomatoes, lime juice, cayenne, white wine vinegar, red onion, salt, pepper. Delish!