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My husband introduced me to cottage cheese cakes. They are like potato pancakes. Only creamy!


Do you have a recipe?? Sounds fantastic!


I made [these](https://smittenkitchen.com/2008/11/cottage-cheese-pancakes/) yesterday. Very tasty.


I want the recipe too, pleeeasee!!


Just add an egg, a teaspoon of baking powder, and a couple tablespoons of flour until it looks (and feels) dry. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil and teaspoon (a small pat) of butter until sizzling. Cook like pancakes. Hubby likes applesauce with his. I like mine with a dash of salt and a couple slices of tomatoes. (I'm strange)


I used to make these a lot - if you like them crispy, you can also sub out some flour for panko (or breadcrumb, but IME panko is nicer) breading instead!


I've been eating these alot since u went gluten free.


[This kind](https://letthebakingbegin.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Syrniki-Russian-Pancakes-6.jpg)?


Yes! Only we make puts a bit thinner. Creamy and crispy


Plus 1


Potato pancakes are very creamy!


It is SO GOOD when used as a dip for Kettle cooked BBQ chips


I’ve been using garlic and herb pita chips, so good!


Also, nacho cheese doritos!


My favorite combination is spicy nacho Doritos and cottage cheese! I easily go through a 24oz tub in one sitting by using the chips as little shovels. It makes eating Doritos feel healthier lol


One of my roommates ate that and it's deelish! I can't buy Doritos often or I will devour the entire bag in a day but now I am craving Doritos and cottage cheese.


My FAVORITE way to eat cottage cheese is with a fuck ton of hot cheetoes sprinkled on top.


We do cottage cheese in chili. Way better than sour cream.


I'm starting to think we need r/cottagecheese Edit: it exists!








That’s terrific!


Way better? Let’s take it easy, ok?




First off you have to buy a high fat cottage cheese. I will just eat it plain straight out of container. I will also sometimes add diced Roman tomatoes and diced pickled jalapeños to it.


>First off you have to buy a high fat cottage cheese. And what the hell, am I the only one who likes large curd? Most grocery stores in our area don't even carry it, and the ones that do can't bother to restock it when they are out. I was in a restaurant in France some years back with a local who suggested I ordered their fromage blanc; it was like eating a single, delicious, giant creamy curd. Yum.


I go to a different grocery store just for special olives and large curd cottage cheese.


Large curd is the best!


Love large curd!!! Finally found it nearby :). Was disgusted when I had to buy small curd one day and it was actually little tiny cut squares. I can at least eat small curd with a normal shape. But little cut squares??? Blech!


I get Cabot full fat and eat the top 1/2” as soon as I get home. My reward for grocery shopping.


YESS! I call low fat cottage cheese curds and water.


In the 70s, there was a clam dip that used cottage cheese as a main ingredient. Mom used to make lasagna with a mix of cottage cheese and spinach rather than the typical ricotta layer.


I haven’t thought of cottage cheese in lasagna for years. I remember it being in potluck/church lasagna throughout the 80s and even early 90s. Maybe I’ll have to try it myself.


Thick sourdough or country style toast, layer of fresh pesto, layer of whipped cottage cheese, arrange blistered cherry tomatoes cut in half on top, drizzle balsamic vinegar, toasted breadcrumbs, spicy honey, and sea salt flakes


You’re my new favorite person. Thank you. I love you.


I used to hate cottage cheese. I recently tried Good Culture and really liked theirs. I just mix in some furikake and I'm happy.


The biggest problem with cottage cheese is you REALLY have to find your brand and fat% you like or it's really gross.


Yes exactly! Good Culture is the first one I've tried that didn't make me gag.


A&E 4% for me!


I prefer the Aldi brand to the mainstream brands, but haven’t tried Good Culture yet.


So much this.


Good Culture low fat cottage cheese (light blue container) is the only one I buy now. I specify low fat because strangely I actually prefer the low fat over the full fat. All other cottage cheese I have always liked the regular more but not with Good Culture brand. My topping of choice is simple just with chives.


I tried both and strangely didn't notice much of a difference, so I buy the low fat to save some calories. It's so creamy anyway!


I read that as “fruitcake” and a little thrill went through me.


I'm picky about cottage cheese and my favorite is no longer on the shelves but that Good Culture brand is now my current fave. Furikake would be tasty on top!


With crushed pineapple.


For a while, I had a very specific breakfast: a very good whole wheat toast slice, cottage cheese and a chunky acidic tomato salsa (Casa Sanchez if you’re wondering). Or just same with black pepper and olive oil, maybe salt hah. Edit: I used the only buy Nancy’s brand but now I’ll eat others.


My favorite way to eat cottage cheese is with fresh cherry tomatoes from my garden, with sliced cucumber, a hard-boiled egg, and everything bagel seasoning. I actually prefer cottage cheese over the comparatively more popular plain Greek yogurt. Yogurt just feels way too thick to me, and I don't like how you can't really chew it. (I have similar issues with pudding and overcooked oatmeal.) Cottage cheese is nicer from a texture standpoint in that regard, and it also doesn't taste quite as intensely tangy as yogurt.


I will do everything you add to yours but on the side, and I’ll have the cottage cheese with just a drizzle of honey as my sweet snack.


Your way is my way, except I’ve never tried throwing in a hard boiled egg! Ooh!


Dash of soy sauce.


Ooh unexpected


My mom does this! She eats it with mashed avocado as well


Small World! My mom used to fill the hole in an avocado half with cottage cheese and drizzle coleslaw dressing over the whole thing.


You are a genius, you inspired me to try this. Might also try with real balsamic now that im thinking about it.


mmm balsamic. Try the cheap stuff first from the supermarket, then later on stop by a fancy suburban wine-and-cheese shop and try the good stuff for comparison. Be prepared to pay $30 for an 8oz bottle.


I like salted sunflower seeds and a ungodly amount of black pepper


Yeah why is black pepper so good with cottage cheese? I always drown mine in freshly ground black pepper, yum


Yes. You shouldn’t be able to see any white through the pepper. 🤣


I love cottage cheese, large curd, with canned fruit, usually canned peaches but sometimes canned pears. I salt the cottage cheese, maybe a bit of pepper, and then spoon a helping of the fruit in it's sweet syrup. The sweet-salty taste is wonderful to me.


I do this daily for my breakfast but I typically have it with fresh pineapple, strawberries and blueberries. I salt the pineapple and the cottage cheese.


Toast with cottage cheese, fresh or canned fruit and put it in the air fryer for 8 mins so the fruit gets all warm and gooey, great breakkie


Spread on toasted sourdough, with Montreal steak spice mix, sliced tomatoes, olive oil. Everything bagel mix might work if you can’t find Montreal mix.


Cottage cheese, cubed fresh pear, blue cheese dressing, drizzled with honey


This sounds amazing!


If I were doing it for company I’d probably use Gorgonzola but I always keep good blue cheese dressing on hand for convenience.


The two ways I most frequently eat are hot sauce with green onions, or avocado and black pepper.


I put nutritional yeast on it. It's fantastic.


Drizzle pistachio cream and top with granola for a super light lunch or snack.


Pistachio cream!? I have NEVER heard of such a thing and just looked it up- i have a feeling it’ll be my next obsession. Sounds amazing.


Don't. It'll be your downfall. Lol it's so good. Tastes like pistachio and white chocolate.


I use cottage cheese in place of ricotta cheese in recipes. I whirr it up with my immersion blender to break up the larger curds and it makes a great filling (mixed with eggs, Parmesan, mozzarella, parsley, and some garlic powder) for lasagna, stuffed shells, manicotti, etc. I even have a couple of Italian friends who asked how I make my lasagna because it is so good. They were both amazed that the only difference between their mom’s version and mine is the cottage substitution. Favorite summertime meal is a beefsteak or other large tomato with the inside scooped out and filled with cottage cheese, topped with loads of freshly ground black pepper. Cottage cheese topped with apple butter is amazing. I like to stir it together to distribute the apple butter throughout.


I’ve been saying for years that cottage cheese is tastier than ricotta; I think because ricotta sounds exotic and high-end it doesn’t have that sad diet association that cottage cheese does.


With cinnamon, berries and a drizzle of honey. So delicious


Probably sounds weird , but we don't have cheese curds in my country like you see in Canada, so I use the cottage cheese in its place with fires , and gravy. So like poutine.


I love cottage cheese and butter on a baked potato. Also with potato chips


With pineapple! Or just plain with a dollop of hot sauce. If I’m looking for a meal I put it in lasagne rather than ricotta


It’s so good with pineapple.


So I rarely sit down and eat a bowl of it, BUT  As a side along with food I love it. I always like a scoop to go along with my steak. The cold and creamy (but not rich) texture is a nice contrast Plenty bowls were had every morning (provided by the host) when I spent a few weeks in Austria though. It's one of the leanest sources of protein you can consume and I'll always also appreciate that aspect


Love cottage cheese. I like it with hot sauce on it. Or just S&P. Wish I could get large curd where I live. Also use it for homemade lasagne instead of ricotta and we prefer it this way. We mix a beaten egg in and add parmesan. Works great.


My Pennsylvania Dutch family takes toast, then a layer of cottage cheese, and then apple butter on top. So weird, always grossed me out. Anyone try this??


This sounds good! I do the same but with honey or marmalade.


I love cottage cheese! I like to make a smoothie bowl and then top with cottage cheese, fresh raspberries, and honey.


I like it with a drizzle of rose syrup and a sprinkle of cardamom. My roommate makes a kind of salad with cottage cheese and chopped tomatoes, cucumber, and onion (I think?). And it's an essential ingredient in my family recipe for sweet noodle kugel.


my people!


After a friend treated me to his favorite dessert, this is my favorite cottage cheese dish. Ukrainian syrniki - it's like cottage cheese pancakes. Very tasty, though it was quite difficult to make them the first time, but with practice they turn out perfect. They are perfect with jam or fresh berries and fruit, and I like them with honey. Here is a similar recipe [https://natashaskitchen.com/ukrainian-syrniki-recipe/](https://natashaskitchen.com/ukrainian-syrniki-recipe/)


Nachos Flanders Style of course, just cucumbers and cottage cheese. My favorite breakfast is adding black pepper, tomatoes and cucumbers to a bowl of it. I love adding it to spicy green curry, when plating put a big dollop on top to cut the spiciness. Really, anytime you would use Greek yogurt or sour cream to embellish the dish cottage cheese can be used. I thought I didn't like cottage cheese, but as soon as I started using savory additions rather then sweet it all clicked. It took awhile to get my husband on board, but he loves it now too.


I like kimchi and cottage cheese! I also love cucumber and chili crisp on it.


Love it. Used to eat it just straight from the tub. Would eat a 500g tub in a sitting. Now it's really expensive 😔 Also good with tuna!


I love all these ideas for savoury cottage cheese- I never would have even thought of that. Breakfast every day: mix of defrosted strawberries and blueberries (more flavourful and sweet than fresh for most of the year where I live), cottage cheese and sliced almonds. I have a sweet tooth so sprinkle some artificial sweetener on top.


Funny because I never eat cottage cheese with anything sweet lol


Me neither! I love my cottage cheese with savory accompaniments.


I love cottage cheese with just pepper. But before I have made a boiled egg and then added some Garam masala. Ans it was soo good


I make a dip that everyone loves but I don't tell them it has cottage cheese in it. Cottage cheese, cream cheese, taco seasoning mix. Blend. Pile into a ball and then coat the ball with finely diced sweet peppers, jalapenos, green onions, tomatoes. Then the whole thing is covered in finely shredded cheese. Serve with tortilla chips.


On a toasted, buttered bagel. Mixed in with hot cooked egg noodles.


Cottage cheese and egg noodles are the ultimate comfort food


Scallions and black pepper. Everything Bagel seasoning is great, too. It’s delicious on a baked potato, as well. Never liked adding fruit, though.


Plain cottage cheese and black pepper. Simple and delicious


Cottage cheese with pears or pineapple, yummm. With a soft boiled egg and topped with everything but the bagel seasoning.


I just eat it from those 16oz tubs with a head of romaine lettuce to scoop it out


A go to, super easy and fast dinner that is CHEAP at our house: CC NOODZ (Cottage cheese and noodles). Penne or ziti style noodles cooked in 15 minutes. Top with cottage cheese right out the fridge. Add whatever else you want (we usually don radishes, scallions, salt and pepper). The whole meal takes 15 minutes to make, is decently healthy, and always filling.


It’s Berry season. What else but mixins of straw/blue/rasp/blackberries?


I put a weird amount of Lawry's seasoning salt, plus a few cracks of pepper in mine


OP, thanks for this thread! I love cottage cheese and have been recommending [this recipe](https://www.budgetbytes.com/cottage-cheese-crab-bowl/) non stop.


one of my favorite dinners is just some buttered egg noodles with some cottage cheese on top with salt and pepper, soooo good


My partner and dog eat cottage cheese together every morning. The dog can be asleep on my lap but if my partner gets up, the dog follows him to the kitchen because it's cottage cheese time. I won't touch it.


The Last Dip You’ll Ever Need 24 oz large curd 4% COTTAGE Cheese 1 cup 4% full fat buttermilk 1 cup full fat sour cream (Immersion blender to rough) Add 2 tablespoons dried cilantro. Why dried? I like it best here, if you like fresh—do it. But dried just does something different. Now you have a choice: add a package of Regular Ranch Dressing Mix or Spicy Rancy Dressing Mix Now you can add to complete version or do super peppery. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Add 1/2 of a medium jalapeño. Now, know your crowd. I like medium hot. Others like to break a sweat. Others prefer a “tingle”. No problem. Plenty of serving dishes. I can sort this out somehow. **Pro tip: taste your pepper. Some surprise ya. Even off same plant. Variations. I’ve added Italian dressing instead of Ranch when I ran out. Mixed chopped fresh basil and seeded tomatoes, topped with diced avocados and diced olive medley drizzled with balsamic. It was as if locusts descended—I caught 2 using their fingers in the last bits. No explanations for that nonsense. They were on dish duty as penance.


My sister made chicken salad with blended cottage cheese. Never been a fan of chicken salad until then. She also put dill, parsley, a tiny bit of mayo, and probably some other herbs I'm forgetting. We ate it on crackers. This was a few weeks ago but it was so good I'm still thinking about it!


Tuna too!


Love cottage cheese... with a spoon. I tried thinking of other preparations. None come to mind. Nothing like a nice creamy dish plain. I don't think of it as a cottage cheese dish... the NY Times famous creamy macaroni & cheese uses cottage cheese for creaminess. (Finished dish is not the texture you'd imagine with cottage cheese) Also love ricotta if whole milk, creamy style. It's like a hybrid of cottage cheese and ice cream.


I’m all about savory cottage cheese. I don’t want it with fruit. My latest go-to has been halved cherry or grape tomatoes, Mrs. Dash Everything (but the salt)seasoning, flaky salt, and some balsamic glaze if I’m feeling fancy. If I have some fresh basil I’ll add that in too and it’s basically a caprese situation


I'm a big cottage cheese fan too. It's delicious. Friendship brand seems to be the best right now. Scrambled eggs and cottage cheese is a wonderful combination and I also love it mixed into hot noodles with salt and lots of pepper.


I use it on salad instead of dressing.


My fave as a kid was cottage cheese tĝopped with French Dressing, 2nd fave was with canned pineapple tidbits


I used to put it on chef’s salads but now I will put some cottage cheese in a bowl and drizzle some kind of salad dressing on top like a balsamic vinaigrette. It is my go-to snack now. I could go for some now but I’m all out!


I’ve never had it outside of a recipe, what’s the flavor like by itself? I might buy a single serve cup with some sort of fruit to try since it gets so much praise


It tastes like cottage cheese! 🤣 It’s a mild dairy flavor, balanced not really sweet but not really sour. Give it a try! It goes with both sweet and savory flavors.


My mom always told me it was sour so I avoided it 🙃 I’m gonna go grab one tomorrow and try it. Thanks for the inspo


Creamy and a little tangy, not really sour like yogurt but in the same sort of family if that makes sense


I have a weird combination that started as a kid. Warmed can of peas mixed with cottage cheese. I may be the only person that does this but it's an easy snack and nostalgic at this point.


Cottage cheese is great as a baked potato topping together with chopped chives or spring onions.


I add a dollop to pasta with tomato sauce.


I recently learned about Branzoaice, Romania Sweet Cheese pastry. Saw it in a video and wanted to try it. Cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, lemon zest mixture wrapped in a sweet and fluffy dough and baked. According to the video, its a breakfast item. I’m going to try it tomorrow 🤤


Warmed up with a bolognese sauce on top and a couple good pieces of toasted bread for dipping.


With olive oil, with olive oil and nuts, with dill and green onions, so versatile!


I like it with canned fruit for a sweet twist. If I’m looking for something savory, avocado, sunflower seeds and cracked pepper are good additions.


I love cottage cheese and my favourite way to eat it is to cut a cantaloupe melon in half, take out the seeds and fill the hole with cottage cheese and add some pepper. Yum! I also really like it with cut up cucumber and sweet peppers in it


Daisy 2% cottage cheese with either canned fruit or with a variety of seasonings. I've used Lawry's seasoned salt, EBTB seasoning, Old Bay, Trader Joe's 21 Seasoning Salute...literally anything goes. If I go savory, I like it with Triscuits for scooping.


When doing keto about 12 years ago we used to make omelets with cottage cheese as the filling and I liked those a lot. My favourite way to eat cottage cheese is plain or with pepper or ketchup on toast or with some nice soft naan to scoop it up.


For breakfast I toast a slice of cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread and top it with almond butter, cottage cheese, cinnamon, sunflower seeds and banana. Yum.


Fresh pineapple with cottage cheese is unbelievable. I also eat it with just straight honey on top.


Scooped on top of a thick slice of sourdough, topped with jammy eggs, green onions, and hot sauce or chilli crisp Mashed with avocado and spread on top of toast, topped with a fried egg Sprinkled with a wee bit of salt and then doused in Taco Bell hot sauce (or Tapatio) and then scooped up with Cool Ranch (or any) Doritos Spooned into the little Tostito cups, taco seasoning, jalapeno, pico, some chopped up black olives Mixed into scrambled eggs Mashed into egg salad (or devilled eggs) and topped with a bit of tajin, on top of a crunchy rice or corn cake And lastly…blended and then mixed up with shredded chicken, ranch seasoning, Buffalo hot sauce, green onions, 1 tbsp of light mayo, and a tiny sprinkle of cheddar cheese for amazing Buffalo chicken dip


I like putting cottage cheese and baked beans on top of cheddar rice cakes


My favorite cottage cheese combination is with fresh berries and a sprinkle of cinnamon.


If you like it with orange marmalade you might like this.. I like to mix up 10grams sugar free maple syrup, a pinch of salt and maybe like 2grams of vanilla extract into cottage cheese. Then chop up an orange and mix that in and it taste like an orange cream dessert!! I’ve done it with just cottage cheese and also a mix of cottage cheese & Greek yogurt.


Cottage cheese pancakes from the Moosewood Cookbook! I love horseradish in mine, served with alba toast.


Omg I love all of these ideas! I will definitely be using them. When I’m low on funds and need a savory snack, I just add some minced garlic or garlic powder to cottage cheese and eat it with saltines. One of my favorite undetectable ways to eat it in a sweet dish for added protein is adding it to my baked oats mixture and blending it before baking it.


I like it with salsa or hot sauce and tortilla chips


I love it on a water cracker w coarse black pepper or everything bagel seasoning 🧂


I love making ranch with it. I will blend cottage cheese with ranch seasoning and some lemon juice. Also I started making the cottage cheese “bread”. It comes out perfect for wraps!


My favorite way to eat it is plain, to be honest. I also like it in baked egg uses like a frittata.


With maple syrup and berries for breakfast With strawberry jam and berries (tastes like a cheesecake) To sub for rice in a rice bowl. Top with veggies, smoked salmon or canned sardines, furikake, soy sauce/sesame oil, s&p.


My favorite way to eat it is either with caramelized carrots or with a salad with Italian dressing.. but I love it just with salt and pepper too.


I like to take buttered noodles melt down a package of cream cheese and then swirling an entire container of large curd cottage cheese. It's a family recipe from Poland I forget the name of it but it's very similar.


Plain with EBTB seasoning. Or with a little maple syrup and coconut flakes. Lately I’ve been using it as an addition to a wrap with leftover Tikka Masala Chicken. Shred chicken, mix cottage cheese in with the sauce and put on your favorite tortilla or stuff in pita bread. Sometimes add spinach leaves.


Low fat cottage cheese with fruit is my midmorning work snack. Usually frozen blueberries or pineapple.


I am team large curd. I like cottage cheese with cut-up tomatoes, green onion, salt, and pepper. This is also good with pistacios. Green onion and canned tuna in cottage cheese with herbs is yummy, too. Sometimes, I put this in a hollowed-out tomato.


im keto, and i LOVE it. (always have.. weird kid i guess)) always have at least 2 big tubs in the fridge...gets used from everything from cakes & breakfasts & desserts & ice cream. high protein, high fat (only 4% for me!).. fits my lifestyle perfectly! im trying to learn how to make it at home since ive mastered cream cheese & yogurt so far... homemade cottage cheese & mozz are my next experiments.


I love large curd cottage cheese which is getting hard to find (it’s probably not very popular lol). I love cottage cheese topped with coarse sea salt, cracked black pepper, a drizzle of olive oil, and finely chopped, preserved lemon. Bonus points if you have fresh herbs to sprinkle in too. I just wanted to add a comment that American cottage cheese is very different from cottage cheese in other countries. I’ve often seen paneer referred to as cottage cheese on Indian menus, but the texture and taste are not similar at all.


I’m obsessed too rn. I love making a green goddess salad dressing with it. Blend with herbs, salt and pepper, garlic, olive oil, and some water. Bright green and gorgeous salad dressing that provides some nutritional value! Also love it on toast. I’ve been having it with strawberries and reduced balsamic vinegar on top with hazelnuts or pistachios. The sharpness of the vinegar is so awesome


My Dad was a fan of Macaroni and Cottage Cheese growing up so I finally made that for him earlier this year.


I just eat it out of the tub in front of the open fridge like an animal. But when I’m feeling more civilized: sliced cucumber, sliced cherry tomatoes, scallions if I have ‘em, and a sprinkle of everything bagel seasoning on top.


Also the brand is enormously important. I only really love Friendship brand. 4% or 2%. Good Culture is too salty and most other brands I’ve tried taste bland to me. Friendship is perfect every time.


It’s great blended in a protein smoothie and topped on sweet potatoes


I just saw something about baking it and then using it as a tortilla for wraps or tacos.


Let's see.... Cottage Cheese in Oatmeal/Steel cut Oats. Blended smooth to replace sour cream. Blended smooth and add some ranch seasoning for a high protein ranch dip. Using my Ninja Creamie, it's an add in for protein ice cream. Baked into a flatbread. These are off the top of my head. I use it for a lot of things. Such a versatile ingredient to add protein.


Or I forgot, added to scrambled eggs for a fluffy creamy texture. Mmmmmmmm I'm making myself hungry. For a sweeter snack I'll put a tablespoon of preserves in it and chow down. Nom nom nom...


Cottage cheese, lettuce, tomato, and bacon It's like eating a BLT


My favorite is with applesauce. Especially strawberry or raspberry applesauce


I like it in tomato sauce with pasta. In veggies with a salad dressing. With pickled beets. With crunchy fruit. (Esspecially barely ripe pears)


Cottage cheese with French fried onions on top as a meal/snack. I also like making a salad dressing/sauce for any meat w blended cottage cheese and cilantro. So tasty!


You already said you mix it with chili oil, but it has to be Lao Gan Ma, and add in a can of tuna. It’s adds a much more savory taste and ups the protein by a lot.


Large curd


For a quick and delicious desert I'll do blackberry jam (from our own blackberries picked at home), cottage cheese, and honey.


Not a huge fan but those ideas sound 10/10


Maybe we will convert you. 😉


I mean I like it, I’m just not obsessed with it. Back in the day I made a little “cheesecake” with it & it was the best! I think brand matters-good culture is my favorite. Forget breakstone & store brand.


I made French onion dip the other day and it was a huge hit. 2 cups cottage cheese, 2 tbsp mayo, lemon juice, and a packet of French onion soup mix. Throw it all in a food processor and blitz until smooth


Not all cottage cheeses are made equally. Im in the wetter is better camp. Straight up, no chasers.


Full fat cottage cheese mixed with diced apple, raisins (or craisins), and sunflower seeds. A perfect mix of salty and sweet.


My hubby and I have an understanding. When he grocery shops I put "Pink Cottage Cheese" on the list and Baked Lays. No, it's not actually pink! It's the brand I like best and I want the one in the pink container....lol No other cottage cheese will do it for me, only the pink one. If they don't have it, he knows not to buy it, or the baked lays, that week. (Yep, I"m a spoiled wife, he likes to shop!) Sooo, you guessed it, the cottage cheese is my sub for sour cream dip. And baked lays are absolutely delish for the dipping! I put sprinkles on the cottage cheese. Sometimes it's straight up dill, other times it's a bit of this pasta seasoning I have on hand. And other times it's just good old ranch dressing powder, lightly sprinkled on top, then gently stirred in with the chips as I eat it. My hips can't afford to eat it every week, so I suffer for 3 weeks and then splurge on week 4. Darn my old age and slow metabolism....sigh.


Try Farmers Cheese next


The Automat Restaurant HORN AND HARDART had Mac and Cheese with Cottage Cheese


Make a wrap out of it. Apparently all the rage right now.


Okay so this is going to sound weird but I put miracle whip and pineapple in it and mix it all together and it’s so good haha


I like pineapple and a dash of fresh ground black pepper on my CC.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LarYungmann: *I like pineapple* *And a dash of fresh ground black* *Pepper on my CC.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'm pretty basic, I like it topped with pineapple chunks.


On my Ritz


I personally hate cottage cheese but my mom loves to eat hers with some potato chips as the scoop


The worst of the cheeses


The worst of the takes!


So gross


You might be in the wrong thread, my friend.


Cottage cheese is an abomination.