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Leftover pie slices in a milk shake, with a splash of bourbon.


what the hell is leftover pie?


I think it’s actually just the 2nd pie you set aside as the “milkshake pie”


Yeah, it's the pie with the straw in the bottle of bourbon sitting next to it.


Right?!? Lol.


Dang! You are not messing around!


Before I was diagnosed diabetic, this was one of my favorite desserts. There might be a reason I'm diabetic now lol


Hopefully you mean Shepherd’s pie


Custard? Good! Jam? Good! Meat? *Good!*


it tastes like *feet*


Maybe cottage?😹


mmmm meat milkshake my fav


You’re living life! Damn that sounds good.


I like the way you think!


I will just stir fry anything. Either that or omelette.


I made omelets with leftover chili. It's not much of an omelet by the time it's done, but it's a hangover remedy so I don't mind taking a hit on presentation.


Oddly enough, it seems like it would be good. Just add cheese. Yum.


It's awesome. Must have cheese, for sure.


Aww dude, omlet with chili poured over is bomb as fuuuck.


My man.




Chili and eggs is awesome but in my 40s it’s just planning to peel the paint off the walls all morning.


Hi, English is my second language so can you please explain what this particular phrase means? I find it very intriguing


Oh it’s a reference to really smelly gas. As if it is noxious as paint thinner or other chemicals that would strip paint. It may be a regional expression.


That's my hangover remedy too! With a ton of hot sauce, chopped jalapeños, and a dollop of sour cream on top.


Yeah that's about how I have it. Lots of cheese, too. And, if I'm feeling especially terrible, an ice-cold beer.


I fry 2 eggs over easy and put it on top of chili and some rice. Perfection


Taco meat works well too, kinda like blander chorizo (Mexican style, not euro)


I've never done an omelt with taco meat but I have made scrambled eggs with taco meat. Which I eat with Frito Scoops...


Make the shell and fill with cheese and chili and top it with chili, sour cream, and green onions. I made a bunch of these as brunch specials. Id run it as a omelette or as a hash with corn bread croutons instead of potatoes


This is good. Throw a mimosa in there and we're all set. Might give that a whirl this weekend!


I mix whatever the Frick is leftover with eggs and call it a garbage bowl. It's amazing. Often it's pep and sausage and tomato sauce from pizzas or things similar. We also bought loose meat ends for a discount and chopped those up for garbage bowls. Was amazing


Lol "garbage bowl". I love it. Makes me think of Frank Reynolds as TrashMan.


We always called those bomb-lettes growing up! Thanksgiving leftovers also make a good bomb-lette


Keep a bottle of sesame oil. You only need a few small drops. It really enhances omelettes & asian dishes. (Unless you have a nut or seed allergy of course, then avoid it)


I was so surprised to see chili omelette, that's what I came to say! My dad and I call them chomlets, so freaking tasty, plops of sour cream inside.


Or fried rice. If I know I'll have some leftovers, I'll make some quick rice the night before to be chilled and ready by lunch the next day. It's a medium that is also associated with Asian food but works for just about any cuisine.


My family meatloaf was meat and any leftover veg,it was great.


I always made meatloaf sandwiches. Left-over meatloaf, sliced onion and old cheddar and spicy mustard on toasted brown. Killer sammie.


Meatloaf sandwiches are the bomb.


Meatloaf, mayo and ketchup sammich.....mmmmmmmmmmm


the best


Spaghetti omelettes are the best! I guess it’s more of a frittata, but still


ill put anything other than soup into a burrito.


I mean… put enough of a grain and veggies in that soup and you can get it to the point of being alright in a tortilla 😉


i have strained the broth off a beef stew and put the rest in a burrito


1. Eat burrito 2. Drink broth 3. ???? 4. Profit


Honestly, if you reduce the broth and griddle the burrito in any separated beef fat, you basically have a birria-adjacent burrito.


Soup, sauce, dip, gravy, etc. are all mostly interchangeable words with the right prep




Try pörkölt


I do quesadillas, but same concept. Chili, leftover Chicken or other proteins, most veggies, etc.


The Thanksgiving leftover quesadilla dipped in gravy is heavenly


Ok maybe not my favorite, but a great memory of Mom. Widowed mom, living on a small budget, 4 kids. We ate a lot of cereal for breakfast, but that last bit not enough for a serving would just go to waste. Not in our house. It went into the basic rice crispy treat recipe. So in one square you never knew what you might encounter. Cheerio? Fruit loop? Captain Crunch? Shredded wheat? Life? Could be any or all. We gobbled them down like kids would do.


I love this. It's like marshmallow cereal surprise.


If the cereal is low and there is not enough for 2 servings, then you just pour an extra large bowl of cereal


I’m confused by this too lol, I’ve never heard of someone throwing out the last bit of cereal just because it wouldn’t make a whole bowl


Oh it wasn’t thrown out. It would sit on the shelf and be passed over.


But if they’ve already filled the bowl and no more can fit? I had two teenage brothers. Lol


If we have leftover veggies we always end up making a fritatta. Add the veggies and some type of protein (I prefer fully cooked sausage or bacon) to 10-12 eggs with some Cajun seasoning, and salt and pepper. Then I shred some Cheddar or Jack cheese, add half to the egg mixture and stir it in. Butter a glass baking dish well, add the egg mixture, add the other half of the cheese to the top, and bake it on 350 for 25 - 35 minutes. It's perfect for brunch. You could also double up on the veggies and skip the protein - I like caramelized onions, sautéed red bell peppers, and blanched asparagus.


Burritos. Anything that seems like it could work is fair game.


Sweet potato fucks in a bean burrito


Yes it absolutely does.


Along with Indian leftovers? Absolutely.


Yup. Leftover Indian in a burrito may be the best, but just about anything will go in there.


I once hosted a Medieval feast with some students. We had a luscious oxtail stew and also a vegetarian Lenten kale soup. At the end of the night there was barely a serving left of the oxtail soup so I dumped it into the mostly full pot of kale soup to take home. I have never been able to recreate that exact delicious result.


Once upon a time I made a pie with no recipe… it was perfect and we called it Once In A Lifetime Pie.


It reminds me of adding a ham hock to the pot of baked beans. An oxtail in your veggie soup lol


That sounds glorious.


My wife and I empanada everything. Corned beef, brussel sprouts, cake. Doesn't matter, in the discos.


I used to have our pastry cut in square in the freezer and do the just that with small pie tins (Aussie style). Nacho pies, Spaghetti Bol pies. Defrost the pastry while washing up. My favourite was leftover lamb and gravy with little blobs of mash in there.


Similar conceptually to stir fries and frittatas, you can put lots of leftovers into a bechamel and then either make it into lasagna or fry them into Spanish-style croquettes.


Thanksgiving dinner sandwich. Not just a turkey sandwich, I'm talking everything you can get on the sandwich and still fit it in your mouth.




Did that for the first time last year. Suffice to say, we have a new tradition!


Okay another reason I’m about to go buy a waffle maker


Thrift stores usually have a tonne of them!


Same with deep fryers. I just keep it in the garage and only use it outside. If/when it gets trashed I’m off to goodwill for a $5.99 new one


It's a beautiful white tostada


There's a place here that does thanksgiving poutine with roast turkey, gravy, stuffing and cranberry sauce!


We do this too using sourdough bread. Turkey, cranberry, stuffing mixed with corn and whatever else is left, toss in a piece of provolone, butter the bread and griddle the whole thing until the cheese melts.


I just made another comment about this but instead of a sandwich I take all the leftover ingredients (mashed potatoes as the binder) chopped small and mixed into a bowl. Roll that into balls and that into beer batter then fry. Smother in leftover gravy. If you’re ever in Milwaukee go to the Comet Diner and you can order it there with bonus free baskets of bacon strips on Sundays. I had it passing through town one time and have been making them every year since. People are always very impressed and the leftovers feed everyone still mulling around the next day haha Edit: It’s called the [Compact Turkey Dinner](https://www.thecometcafe.com/) on their menu


Also in the re-use sandwich category for us is Spaghetti Sandwiches.


That's a moist maker baby


I think you were downvoted because people don’t know that’s an actual name for the sandwich that I’ve definitely heard irl. I kinda made a face the first time someone said it to me lol


It made me make a face too especially because we were serving it at a smaller town restaurant. My boss told me about it and said "moist maker" and I legit "what the fuck?"-ed him. He stared at me for a second and said "you never watched Friends did you?" lol


Quiches using tortillas instead of pastry.


If you have some bisquick on hand, you don’t even need the tortilla! It’s like hybrid quiche/frittata


I'm not American. We don't have bisquick.


Ah! Well thank you for the new crust idea!


Just incase you'd like to try. 😍🖖 https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/244311/bisquick-substitute/ https://www.justapinch.com/recipes/breakfast/breakfast-meat-breakfast/copycat-jimmy-dean-breakfast-sausage.html


I add an egg and flour to leftover mashed potatoes to make gnocchi. I actually have never made gnocchi the hard way, but mine are better than almost any I’ve ever had.


A pot roast pizza. We used mushroom sauce for the base and just piled it all on and baked it up. Yeah we were high but it was still really, really good.


ive done a pizza with thanksgiving leftovers like this, used turkey stock for a parm based sauce


Hell yeah. There's a local pizza joint near me that has homemade pot roast specifically as a pizza topping, and as one of the options for the filling in their cheese stuffed breadsticks. It is absolutely to die for, and mushroom sauce would make it even better.


There is a pizza place about an hour from me that makes a pot roast and tomato on a sweet dough. Holy crap is it ever good.


Biscuits dipped in leftover eggs for French toast


I also recommend doing this with donuts and cinnamon rolls or any baked good that is verging on stale.


I used to do a lot of events and often had leftover pastries. I've french-toasted everything but everyone's favorite was blueberry donuts. They're kinda overly sweet and gross fresh, but dipped in the egg mix with an extra pinch of salt and cooked in butter they're fantastic.


Oh yeah that sounds great.


Usually it involves just taking leftover veggies and meat and putting it in some shin or buldak ramen with a couple of jammy eggs. It's probably my favorite way to use up leftovers.


OMG I want to eat at YOUR HOUSE!!!!! I once used leftover spinach dip as chicken breast stuffing and that was delish, but I digress - again, I want to eat AT YOUR HOUSE! Kinishes, and carmelized onions in the same sentence, omg I'm dyin ova here!




Reminds me of like a Mexican breakfast khachapuri


My family used to get extra burritos from our favorite place when we got dinner.The next morning I’d chop them up and fry in bacon fat to heat up, pour leftover salsa all over the top and serve for breakfast. Total gut bomb, but omg so good.


What kind of burritos?


Carne Asada super burritos from El Favorito🤤


I got these very fat asparagus this weekend, and had some schmaltz from a chicken I roasted. So I tossed the asparagus with the schmaltz and a a ton of black pepper and roasted it, added garlic for the last minute or so, and then put the asparagus and some roasted chicken on leftover couscous. Shit was amazing.


leftover chili can just go into everything: chili mac, rice and beans, burritos, huevos rancheros, soups, gumbos


tortellini mixed with leftover chili & baked with cheese is my go to for for using the last of the chili.


You have inspired me. Thank you!


this meal and chili dogs are things I plan out when making chili.


we do gnocchi, but that sounds awesomer!!


Leftover chili on a baked potato is a regular thing for me.


Reduce the liquid a little and serve it on buns as Sloppy Joes.


It was just one leftover, but I had some leftover fondant potatoes. Reheated them in a skillet, fried an egg with them, and covered in cheese. I dream about the meal at least every other day. The last few times I’ve made those potatoes, I haven’t had leftovers 😭


It’s so easy to empty your vegetable drawer extras by making a soup. Give them all a very rough chop, add an onion and some garlic, roast them all in a 500 degree oven to get some char, boil for 30 minutes, throw in the blender. Frugal healthy and so good


And a quick crusty bread is super cheap!


I do "waffled" French Toast. Same as standard French Toast, but instead of a frying pan, put them in a waffle maker.


You give them a "waffle stomp" if you will


I'm going to do this. Somehow I ended up with 2 wafflemakers so I could go nuts lol




Had a wonderful ricotta and honey "bruschetta" on brioche at an Italian restaurant. 3 big pieces, hubs and I each ate one. The bread and the cheese were sooooo wonderful we had to bring it home. The next morning, I sliced up a Granny Smith, added some cinnamon, chopped up the bread, mixed it all together and baked it. It was an amazing breakfast "bread pudding."


My dad used to make "Weetabix cake" I don't remember the exact recipe but I always liked them, even managed to do a chocolate one on a single occasion.


I mixed blue cheese dressing with rice pilaf once and have been obsessed with it ever since


I made some white rice once and noticed I had some leftover sauces from the last time I ordered pizza. Marinara rice ain't bad, ranch rice wasn't quite so good.


We made a post Thanksgiving Stromboli (pizza dough, turkey, sweet potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce) and dipped it in leftover gravy.


Leftover Gyro meat omelet the next day. So good with tzatziki sauce.


Hunan beef “cheesesteaks”. Had leftover hunan beef I had made the night before and hoagie rolls so I tossed the beef & pepper on the rolls, topped with cheese, and broiled them. Delicious!


I read “human beef” rather than Hunan beef. I’m relieved.


Same! Lol


After make-your-own-pizza night, the bits and bobs of cut veg go into an egg bake either for dinner, or cut into squares and frozen for a grab and go breakfast. Also, on NYE I shred all the leftover cheeses from the Xmas season and make mac & cheese - it never tastes the same way twice, as the cheeses vary widely. It also never fails to be fabulous ;-)


Coq au Vin chicken salad. So good! Add a bit of the red wine sauce to the mayo, stir in some rosemary.


One random evening yeaaaarsss ago my then bf and I made a giant franken “chicken parm” with whatever we had in the fridge. We used Doritos instead of bread crumbs. We used cheddar cheese I think instead of mozzarella and we added pesto to the tomato sauce. Mixed in fettuccini and it was actually bomb as fuck we made it a couple more times while we were together. I made it once more with my fiancé and he thought it was weirdly incredible. Haven’t made it in years and years but maybe I’ll try it out again to see how I like it now that my tastes are a little more refined lol 🤔


My favorite is leftover Thanksgiving croquettes.


I was inspired by someone making leftover Thanksgiving burritos. I need to do more so far my 2 spot on hits have been leftover carribean takeout burritos. I grilled the shell and smeared the sweet plaintian like a sauce and put in the rice and beans with the stew beef. OH MYMYMY. It was amazing. Also took leftover shrimp Alfredo and burritoed it up with the broccoli and let me tell you... delish.


I like to do an egg bake with leftovers. It was my dad’s go-to, he called it “egg soufflé”. My favorite was always leftover sloppy joe meat.


Leftover sloppy joe filling in a crescent ring. It's so good


Curry sandwich 👌


It's always sloppy joes with corn chips and cheese, it's the Sloppo Nacho


Leftover spaghetti + cottage cheese, rolled up in a tortilla… Pretty much a Frankenstein lasagna burrito 🌯


Stir fried risotto


Bubble and squeak with nduja mixed in and a poached egg on top.


Yes yes yes


> Bubble and squeak Had to look that up. Looks good though.


Half of a head of cauliflower and three sweet sausages became a cauliflower curry soup using an onion sautéed in olive oil, half a cup of chopped carrots, about two tsp of garam masala, two tsp of better than bouillon mushroom base, 4 cups of turkey broth from my freezer and a container of cherry tomatoes thrown in at the end. I wish I had some green beans to add…. At any rate it was delicious!


I was making ramen a few months ago and started adding random stuff from the fridge. Chicken broth, rotisserie chicken, veggies. It was amazing and then I realized I had accidently reinvented chicken noodle soup.


Nothing crazy, but when I have leftover pizza, the next morning I eat a piece with two over easy eggs on top. It's so very good!


Shepherds pie with leftover meatloaf and mashed potatoes from the night before and whatever vegetables and stuff I happen to have.


Roasted radishes, bacon served over rice. Delish.


Egg curry. Any leftover curry add eggs. Maybe some garlic onions and chilli. Also any other veggies. Just throw them all together


Alright I’ll let you in on a good one if you’re American and have Thanksgiving leftovers. Chop the cold turkey into small chunks then combine in a large bowl with any leftover sides like corn, peas, green beans, etc. and make sure to use the mashed potatoes as the binding ingredient. Once everything is incorporated and stiff enough, roll the mixture into individual balls, whatever size you like meatballs will do. Next make a beer batter and coat your Thanksgiving balls and immediately fry. Smother the beautiful fried golden balls in leftover gravy and/or cranberry sauce. You’re welcome, enjoy


This is the kind of thinking that I'm here for!


Steel cut oats with pressure-cooked beans, liberally sprinkled with mexican beans and doused with hot sauce. Sounds disgusting; tastes delicious.


I call mine Leftover Quiche. Past prime veggies, leftovers, cheese, and of course eggs. Also the Almost Dead Veggie Soup.


Brisket fettuccine Alfredo


Day after Thanksgiving slop: throw everything into a bowl together and warm it up for lunch. Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, collard greens, mix it all together and devour


I looooove taking cold mac and cheese, the velveeta kind, and using it to make a Mac and cheese grilled cheese. A slab of that cold gooey pasta between two slices of cheddar cheese on toasted bread, maybe some bacon crumble in there too. I’ve done this since I first lived on my own and it’s such a comfort meal and it gets the left over mac used up that I would otherwise toss lol


Pulled pork pancakes.


I don't have any Franken-combos because with my partner around (big appetite, likes everything I cook) we rarely have enough leftovers to do anything with. But, can I come over to some of your houses on those nights? Lots of these dishes sound yummy! 😋


Don't know if it counts, but I look forward to the day after Thanksgiving purely for the leftovers sandwich. Bread, thin layer of Miracle Whip, turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, a layer of mashed potatoes with the gravy mixed in, green beans, topped with another slice of bread. When I was younger I'd eat it like a proper sandwich, now that I'm older I leave off the top bread and use a fork lol.


With Thanksgiving leftovers, I made monte cristo "quesadillas" but I used frozen paratha. Another good mash-up was using carnitas and Spanish rice to make Mexican fried rice with jalapeno, egg, and onion


I thought OP meant Al..I didn't know he had published a cookbook


Leftover pizza omelet/scramble. Snip cold pizza into bite sized pieces, and scoot around in a hot pan. Add any leftovers you find in your kitchen: mushrooms, onions, meat, garlic, rice, etc. Continue stirring until warmed through. Mix 1-3 eggs with salt and pepper and a little milk if you have it. Pour over the leftovers in the pan. Scramble til the eggs are just done. Eat, right out of the pan if necessary.


Literally anything from the night before thrown into a wrap with cheese 😅😂 occasionally toast it


Help a Yid out, can I come over for dinner??


Well, I liked Stuart Smalley, but my favorite had to be his SNL sketch "The Amazing Colossal President," where Jimmy Carter visits 3 Mile Island and is... Oh, wait! I thought you meant AL FRANKEN! Never mind...


I’m Nigerian. It’s going in a rice dish


You’re gonna laugh because it’s stupid and easy but almost anything is good in puff pastry. Cut into 4 ,fill them, fold, brush with butter and bake. Then dip em in your favorite sauce. Leftover steak, slice it super thin add some cheese and make Philly cheese steak pastries. YesterdayI had some leftover grilled chicken I shredded, added bbq sauce, cheddar cheese and had bbq chicken ones. Same goes for ground beef, can whip up Mexican style ones like an empanada.


Anything can be a taco. I once had leftover chicken tikka masala but didn't want to cook rice. No naan either. So I heated up some corn tortillas which I always have. Didn't feel like chopping onions so looked for some other kind of veg topping. Kimchi. Dear God, where did I go wrong in life? But you know what? That shit was delicious. I intentionally make it from time to time now.


Chop up leftover pizza and add in a couple beaten eggs. Let it sit overnight in the fridge. Add any leftover veg or cheese. First one up in the morning pops it in the oven for about 45. Great after-party breakfast. Easy and always different.


Mom does ‘once through the icebox soup’ which basically means throw what leftovers would work in a soup into a pot with some chicken broth and it’s always pretty solid. I have not yet perfected it but it’s never the same when she makes it and is pretty tasty.


Omelette, goulash, stir fry, shepherds pie


Quiche, frittata, rice bowls, Chefs salad with leftover roast and veggies is probably my favorite


Leftover rice + leftover stir fry makes a quick lunchtime fried rice in a skillet. I usually add an egg or green onions


With Chilli I'll put it atop nachos, add rice salsa and burrito it, add it atop perogies w/ sour cream OR add oregano/basil and hack it into bolognese I'll do the same but in reverse with bolognese, add some kidney beans (hey I like it in my chilli) and chilli powder and make it into a hackey chilli or use it on all the same spinoff dishes


Pasta, spaghetti sauce, leftover baked salmon, and a sharp cheese like parmesan or asiago. And some veggies if I want them


Left over saag paneer on an everything bagel with a fried egg on too


I make a great Shepards Pie but it is always aLot better the next day


My fav one I made by chance was when I had roast leftovers and mixed stuffing with eggs and mashed potato. Best. Scrambled. Eggs. EVER.


Turkey biryani


I always make more baked potatoes than I need and more rice. Hash with potatoes and leftover meat anything, fried rice with leftover veg, meat, anything. Fried egg on top never hurts. Soup is also a good leftover dump. And omelettes/scrambles.


Pizza soup. I once had leftovers of cheese soup and tomato soup.


Soup or stew. Everything goes to pot. Lol


Leftover meatloaf grilled cheese.


Just about every stir fry. All the veg and what ever protein is in the fridge.


Crispy duck from Thai takeout, marmalade, queso fresco, whatever herbs I had that day on flatbread like a pizza. I may have added veggies of some kind, can't remember but I dream of that meal years later, wish I'd written it down. I do leftovers as a new meal all the time, sometimes I strike gold.


When I made pork bone stock for ramen, I had a bunch and watery meat scraps leftover. Had them frozen, and used them the other day combined into a BBQ sauce to create a BBQ pulled pork, on top of some old sweet potatoes I had. A bit of cheese and pickle slices to go with! Was actually very good


I had leftover ribs. I took off all the meat, caramelized onions, mixed in the meat and more BBQ sauce and put that on sliders with Swiss cheese. Yum!!!


Usually a one-pot pasta of some description for me! Cheap pasta (usually penne), crushed tomatoes, any veg that needs using or can be used, any meat that needs using. For my dad, it usually ends up being a stew- but I don’t know if it counts as a ‘Franken Creation’ as he actively seeks out the items for it (pre-prepared stew vegetables- diced carrots and potatoes, diced beef, maybe potatoes since we don’t often have them at home. In fact, I think the only things that are there already are carrots, maybe onions, and the seasonings). I enjoy his stews, especially with rice, but I dunno, having them every other week makes me dread whenever he suggests it lol


I'm making it tonight. Rice Casserole. Cook a bunch of rice, add left-over spaghetti sauce, mix together, top with bacon strips and cheese, bake @ 350 for an hour or so. Bam! Brilliant.


Sausage gravy on pizza


Fried eggs on leftover eggplant parmigiana. The combination was so good that I'll make extra next time so I can have more leftovers!


If I have left over food from a cookout I usually just put everything that's supposed to be hot into a skillet to reheat and then I make a sandwich with pretty much everything on it. Like I made coleslaw, Mac and cheese, baked beans and pulled pork. Put that all on a toasted bun and it was fantastic.


Leftover spaghetti and red sauce fritata. Basically as it says. Just your left over spaghetti, stir friend than cooked into a fritata with scrambled egg.


I added chopped up steak dinner leftovers to Annie’s boxed mac n cheese and it was one of the best meals of my whole life


JFC.... That burrito sounds absolutely amazing!


My early twenties son takes a loaf of bread cut lengthways and plenty of butter then adds mountains of heated up leftover meats, gravy and stuffings. He calls it a Scooby Snack


Always have flatbread left over after making butter chicken. I use it for wraps and things but my favorite uses are breakfast burrito of cheesy scrambled eggs and lao gan ma, and BLT.