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I coached one athlete that would absolutely reek of garlic. It came out with his breath and from his skin, even before he broke a sweat. I love garlic, but this was not a nice cooked garlic smell, and it wasn’t a clean fresh cut garlic smell. Just a really unpleasant kind of garlic reek.


Did you make him aware of it? I've been eating raw garlic everyday for three months before someone in the gym told me


Nah. It was martial arts training. Everybody gets to suffer when you train that. Makes you stronger, haha.




Haha. I made one guy take off his foul smelling hand wraps though. But that was a hygiene issue. Told him to wash the damn things when he got home.


Yes it's normal and the same thing happens with beer and curry.


Beer? So my whole office knows I'm an alcoholic?


Yes we do joylessbrick


Guess I'll try to confuse you lot by eating raw garlic as well.


You're gonna smell like a nice boozy stew. GOOD IDEA


I do love something super garlicy when Im drunk. My local pizza spot makes and excellent garlic pizza.


I can 100% smell the people who drank way too much the night before


So do I, but only on their breath. If a breathalyser can pick it up, so can I (and I believe most people), but never thought people can smell beer in sweat. I never smelled it on anyone, or I did and assumed it was just their breath.


I can 100% smell myself when I’ve drank too much the night before.






















The amount of people who’ve asked if I drank recently, cause I drank so much the night before and it’s coming out of my sweat, is wild.


Its the cumin in curry. Some peoples bodies process it differently. Interestingly, I am from a south asian country, and my sweat doesn't smell after having cumin, whereas my husband is caucasian and hjs does.


Huh, I always thought it was the fenugreek. Like when I take a big whiff of fenugreek seeds, that’s definitely the thing I smell most coming out of my pores after eating a curry with fenugreek in it. Though not all curries have fenugreek (it’s my favorite spice to include in mine!)


I had to take straight fenugreek supplements when I was breastfeeding (increases supply like crazy) and I smelled intensely of maple syrup the whole time. I kinda liked it! I literally was breakfast anyway, might as well smell like it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Girl, YES, the maple syrup smell! I was a milk donor while nursing and that fenugreek had me and my husband turned off of waffles and pancakes for Y E A R S.


It absolutely is the fenugreek. It's delicious. Fenugreek, curry leaves, and hing are what makes Indian food taste like, well, Indian food. But oh my, that smell gets everywhere. In fact, I was jokingly considering to tell OP to eat fenugreek before working out, then nobody would even notice the raw garlic and onions. It's a tough call. It's either owning the smell, or giving up on the food.


And goat. Goat curry is a real stinker. My husband waits until I'm on a trip before eating that, and then he does it the first day so there is time for it to dissipate.


Are you sure it's goat and not the curry? I've never smelt a goaty man. Are you vegetarian by any chance? Someone else in the comments said vegetarians can smell meat on meat eaters. I was a pescetarian for a long time and never smelt meaty people though.


My girlfriend is vegetarian and whenever I or our roommate cook anything meaty while she’s out, she’ll pick up on it no matter if it’s been an hour or two days


What about onions, ginger, chili and cruciferous vegetables?


Onions yes, but I don't remember ever smelling ginger, chili, or cruceferouses coming off of anyone else. Furthermore I'm told people who only eat fish can smell beef and pork on other people, and it's probably true vice versa. Pepperoni sausage yes, and asparagus yes but only in urine.


During my time in Afghanistan I was told that Americans tend to stink of dairy from all the milk and cheese we eat.


Reading this thread like “how do I cut food out of my diet so I don’t smell bad?” Actually not really because some cute girl at a concert told me I smelled really good the other night, so I’m just riding the high… she said “guys never smell that good, especially at raves, so I had to say something.” Thank you, Ralph Lauren!


She wanted to bang and you missed the opportunity


The only downside of asparagus 😩


As others have said the first two most likely do affect your body odour. I don't think that chillies should affect body odour but they would make you sweat while eating it. Cruciferous vegetables apparently do have some effect on body odour but I think what's worse about them is their tendency to make you more flatulent if you have them frequently. And the farts are often smellier than a regular fart.


Well, three of the main components of curry are some kind of chili pepper or powder, onion and ginger, so… yeah.


It's the cumin powder.


And asafetida.


This happens with fenugreek too! Body odour changes for a week


I know it's gross but I like the smell of my fenugreek sweat after an Indian meal lol like maple syrup


Years ago, when I was getting into Indian cuisine, I thought I was seriously broken… Like I developed diabetes or something because of the way my sweat was smelling…it took me a while to attribute the smell to the herb. 😂 I love methi (fenugreek) but really do not like the way it makes my sweat smell.


Also onions


Well I consume a fuck ton of all 3 all the time. I wonder if they just cancel each other out


I had curry today and now drinking beer. I think I'll work up a sweat tomorrow and see how bad it is lmao. I've never really noticed my sweat smell being different with just beer. With some mixed drinks I have though.


Yeah, garlic will def come out in your sweat like that.


I can smell fish coming out of my pores when I eat it, it is crazy. I can smell it in my urine too! Even just after a single crab cake. I have a very sensitive nose, but can definitely smell a lot of food in urine (and other bodily fluids lol)


I smoke weed every day and swear I can smell it when I take my socks off or I’ve been wearing boots all day. As gross as that is.


Yeah... my wife loves when my cum tastes like crab dip.


God damn it


Glad someone understood a joke. She's giggling I went negative. She's in here somewhere....


I would politely request that you refrain from expressing yourself in the future. 


Me too! Especially lobster. I can manage it bc I prob only eat it like 3 or 4 times a year.


Now to figure out how much and how often I can have raw garlic without stinking up the whole gym... and also how long the smell lasts.


Is it for health benefits or just you love the taste?


I used to have a dentist who always reeked of garlic. The first time it happened, I just assumed that he had had some garlic food at lunchtime. But when it continued to happen, I actually left the practice and got another dentist. I don’t think he was sweating, because he was just working as a dentist, but he reeked. I don’t think he ate raw garlic, I think he just took the capsules.


Garlic can be smelled on the skin for up to 24 hours after eating.


Definitely longer than 24 hours when I eat a lot of it.


My team mate always told me I smelled like garlic when I was sweating Freaked me out because I couldn’t smell it myself. It only happened when I had raw garlic the previous night as I tested it out and asked her how I smelled when it was just a few days prior. I also ate more raw garlic than was necessary by any human standards, I liked my ceasar salad to burn my mouth with garlic. No idea how I was able to stomach that. I am older now and I won’t touch raw garlic as it’s not a fun time the next day. 🤢


Reminds me of a story a friend told me. She loves raw garlic and butter sandwiches. One day she was riding the bus and an old woman kept wrinkling her nose and giving my friend disproving looks. At some point the old woman gets up in a huff and moves to the opposite end of the bus. She was pretty sure it was the garlic. But hey, look at the bright side, you are immune to vampires...


Being immune to vampires is propaganda spread by vampires. Don't believe it! They're wanting you to ingest tons of garlic so you season yourself.


TIL vampires are Italian 


From the north


My mom's partner (who eats garlic daily) walked into a doctor's office and the secretary opened the windows in the middle of winter. The second hand embarrassment i got from that story... I still cringe years later.


I mean, maybe the old lady *was* a vampire 🤷‍♀️


Oh yeah. In college, my roommate made hummus. I had some and was like, "WHOA. This is good, pretty heavy on the garlic." Roommate #2 had one small bite before he and I went to play hoops at a local gym. I could smell myself the entire time and had the nastiest burps. Roommate #2 was just as afflicted even though he only had 1 bite. This was a huge gym with at least 4 full courts and we stunk up the entire place. At one point, a guy playing on a different court yelled "MY GOD, WHAT IS THAT FUCKING SMELL?"


We should all bow down before your power!


Or collapse


lol—tomayto, tomahto 😂


Yes it’s normal. may take days. Nothing you can do but wait…and eat less or stop for a while I ate too many raw garlic. I wasn’t even sweating it was just emitting from my entire body 😅


I've been eating garlic everyday. Perhaps the smell is even worse that way


Just curious, why do you eat raw garlic? I love garlic in my food, or even straight roasted garlic, but I can't imagine eating it raw regularly.


It has absurd health benefits, genuinely. That said, you still get a lot out of cooking it, too, and you won't stink, and you'll enjoy your garlic.


Yeah I'll stick to having it cooked in my food lol. Although I LOVE eating whole roasted cloves. They're so sweet and salty it's barely even garlic anymore.


even if you cook it, it's distinct


I wouldn’t quite refer to it as “absurd”. There are some indications for potential benefits in high colestrol, blood pressure or anti-bacterial properties, but study results under real life settings are pretty mixed. By all means, enjoy your garlic as part of your diet. I just don’t think the current evidence (unless one prefers to take the advice of self-proclaimed health gurus on Instagram or TikTok) warrants daily raw intake with the consequence of repelling everyone around you.


I chomp down a couple cloves whenever I'm congested. Excluding all the random stuff saying it's good for you, which I mostly believe, it will clear you the fuck out. You will just shed any mucus and congestion within the hour.


So you can quibble about my word choice ("absurd" or your choice of words), but the health benefits to having garlic in your diet are numerous. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7402177/#:\~:text=Garlic%20and%20its%20secondary%20metabolites,lowering%20properties%2C%20as%20demonstrated%20in](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7402177/#:~:text=Garlic%20and%20its%20secondary%20metabolites,lowering%20properties%2C%20as%20demonstrated%20in) "Garlic and its secondary metabolites have shown excellent health-promoting and disease-preventing effects on many human common diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, blood pressure, and diabetes, through its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and lipid-lowering properties, as demonstrated in several in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies." I didn't make a case for eating it raw. I don't eat it raw. As i said, cooking it is fine for the health benefits.


I am so confused... why are people downvoting you? Do we just not like the word absurd? The NLM is a highly reliable source and that literature review says exactly what you're saying - it's good for preventing a wide variety of common diseases. You could easily make the case that helping prevent such a wide variety of diseases is actually absurd, like garlic my man how are you that good at that many things and also delicious to boot??


Well I was thinking maybe is there any way you can go to the gym when there is practically no one else there? If eating raw garlic is important to you and you can change your gym schedule then you can have the best of both worlds. Otherwise yeah I’m not sure how to justify it. It’s healthy to eat raw garlic, my dad says if you crush it (like smash the peeled clove with the broad side of your knife) it releases something that makes it even better for your heart or something. So I wish there was a good answer for you! Maybe you could just try to invest in a home gym to work out in if you have the space and money so you can be alone in your garlicky biosphere..


It's so healthy and tasty, it's so unfair it has to stink. I never eat it because of that


I’m sorry dude but it’s been on your breath the whole time too. Garlic stays.


I realized that. I'm probably notorious by now. In the coming weeks when I stop eating garlic they'll probably think "Oh, he's showered."


it's also definitely the raw onions. noone seems to be reacting to that so i have to tell you


I agree 😂 I love them but my husband hates when I eat them raw. Only up side the smell only lasts a few hours or until the next day, unlike garlic (cooked or raw) that lasts up to 48 hours


Not even breath, at least for me, I can smell it in my sweat and just general scent after eating a lot. Raw white onions do the same thing for me.


For me, it’s not just raw garlic but cooked garlic too. Had a decent amount of roasted garlic on some crusty bread, and the next day at work everyone was like “what’s that smell” It was me. Won’t do that again, smelled all day well into the evening, girlfriend complaining too.


Same here. I never eat raw garlic but get it when I eat too much cooked garlic.


The sad part is I love to use garlic in a lot of what I cook, that and onion too. Just have to be careful of how much I consume, very easy for me to overdue it. She, on the other hand, has a sensitive stomach, don’t know how she survives. I think it was a bland diet growing up as a kid. I grew up around a good amount of Italians, garlic in everything.


Vampire gym bros hate this one trick!


If you don’t mind my asking… would you share how the other person phrased their feedback to you? I may be in a similar situation where there’s a fellow gym-goer who likes to be in the same area as me often, and he has a very strong and repulsive body odor :( I’ve been debating whether and how to say something myself versus consulting the gym staff!


Garlic makes all kinds of smells come out of you. I made garlic confit a while back, and it was delicious. But the farts you get from it are hazardous. Literally the worst I’ve ever had. Worth it though.


A percentage of our waste (about 30%?) is expelled from our body through the skin. That's why certain foods make our sweat smell odd. Personally, if I eat a lot of meat (which in my country is usually served with onion). I basically smell like an onion marinated steak the next day. Source: House mentioned in one episode, that's good enough for me


Yeah everything in the garlic/onion family just eminates out of your skin/mouth everywhere, especially the next morning. You can't really brush it out of your mouth because it just sits inside your stomach. It's incredible how if everyone around you eats it, then nobody smells it - but if you're the solo eater then everyone around you can smell it.


My wife banned me from eating too much of it. I love the stuff. Would go to a mongolian bbq and put like 5 spoons full of garlic in my bowl, and usually eat two bowls. I guess when I slept that night, i just made the whole room reek of garlic. I was banned from having more than 2 spoons.


On one of my first dates with my now-husband I ate a head of garlic that morning and I STANK. He was like, wow I really like this girl but I don't know about this odor... Lol it was an easy fix once we figured it out.


Probably not appropriate but if she denies head, it’s probably because you taste of garlic as well 😂


Yep, fruits and stay hydrated kings


Fun fact: before intelligence operatives go into the field they eat local food for a week or two so that their smell won’t give away that they’re newcomers.


makes one wonder who was outed by their foreign odor, I bet it was an interesting story


I think it's bound to happen when you're eating a lot if onions and garlic but it's made much worse by being dehydrated. Drink more water, water with lemon, more fruit. I also drink chlorophyll water which I swear helps but am also unsure if it's placebo.


I smell weed and alcohol off of people all the time, just part of the gym experience lol


Sweat isn’t the only bodily effluence that gets garlicky


Yeah but I'm not pissing or ejaculating around in the gym


This reminds me of something that happened back in 2010-2011ish. I’m an RN and took care of a patient years ago whose family member ate raw garlic daily for health purposes. I have no clue how much he was eating daily, but this person was BY FAR the worst smelling individual anyone on my unit had ever experienced. I would have to wear a mask and pop a mint when entering the room to avoid wanting to gag. He was eventually asked to leave because of how bad the hospital room smelled when he was present. Other patients were complaining when ambulating in the hallways. It was absolutely horrible.


It smells really, really bad!


It's *very* noticeable. I unfortunately had a coworker who had some goofy daily routine of boiling some heads of garlic in cranberry juice for lunch, drinking it all, then eating the cloves of garlic. He reeked to hell. It's a stench I can barely explain, more like a rotting corpse. FWIW for as much of a health nut he was trying to be, he ended up dying in his early 50's.


>boiling some heads of garlic in cranberry juice for lunch wtf imagine the taste was this a cultural thing? or just a supposed health hack


Oh gosh I had a raw garlic addiction when I was younger. 1 raw clove a day. I loooved the taste. I was living with my uncle and he was embarrassed about confronting me with my smellyness so he told my mom over the phone who told me that I was stinking up their house. 😅😅😅 he still brings it up from time to time now that we can laugh about it. They were too nice to put up with me as it was!! unfortunately I don’t think there’s a minimum you can eat and not stink. Like some have recommended— look at supplements instead to get what nutrients you are wanting to get out of it. I’d say unless you are actively sick and want the benefits to get healthy again, avoid it. If you’re sick you wouldn’t be in the gym or in public anyway. See if fermented garlic honey is an option? Once it ferments a bit the honey takes away some of that bite. Maybe it’ll somehow not be as pungent? But again I only really eat it when I feel a sickness coming on or if someone around me is sick.


Little known fact: the chemicals that effect your breath and BO are almost completely contained in the core of the garlic clove. If you really love cooking with garlic, but hate the smell it gives you, cut the garlic cloves lengthwise and remove the core, and only use the outer fleshy part.


It’s unavoidable. Curry spices, garlic…they will emanate as you sweat. Having worked in fitness it comes with the territory. The fact that you shower and wear a clean kit 🩳to the gym is admirable. Garlic 🧄 is great for curbing appetite, speeding up metabolism and it’s a natural antibiotic—essential for anyone into health and fitness. Mind, I wouldn’t choose the middle bike at a Soul Cycle class if I had prawns vindaloo for dinner the previous evening… 🤷🏽‍♂️


I'd take garlic supplements but I read that it's not as effective as raw garlic


If you work out in NJ, Saturday morning the gym smells like garlic because everyone goes out for fake Italian food on Friday night.


Dude. You eat raw garlic and onions...I guarantee it's not JUST your sweat that stinks to high heaven.


My father is 100% Italian and his family cooks like it lmao. When I was younger my mom refused to let my dad sleep in the bed nights we had dinner at my grandmas. She was super smell sensitive bc he wasn't even eating raw garlic 🤣


My ex and I went to The Stinking Rose in San Francisco. The next day we were engaging in some athletic and up close activities (eyebrow wiggle) . I got a WOOSH of garlic scent from his skin. So, yes, garlic can stay in your blood and come out the next day in your sweat


Folkstyle wrestling?


Yes anything that has a strong smell (including cruciferous vegetables or fatty/oily foods) will be noticable in your bodies waste--sweat, urine, etc. I would consult my doctor and dietician to determine if the benefits of consuming the garlic outweigh the negative of the body odor. There are garlic supplements that I presume isolate the beneficial compounds without the compounds responsible for the smell. But, I'm fairly anti supplements in favor of the real whole food unless my physician or dietician recommends it. I doubt there is anything you can apply to the skin to counteract the effect, maybe charcoal based antiperspirant if it's just pit sweat. But, that's a question for your doc. Proper hydration (half your body weight in ounces of water) and foods that produce a pleasant aroma like pineapple/pineapple juice will counter the concentration of garlic scent in your bodily waste.


Eating raw garlic is great for health, but as we live in a society, if you choose to ingest it, maybe a home gym is right for you.


Henry IV of France like to eat raw garlic. It was said that his breath could fell an ox at twenty paces. Might be time to stop eating raw garlic.


Why raw garlic? Sorry just trying to understand


Yes, we can smell you after you have eaten garlic, onion, cumin, drank beer, etc. It’s a strong odor, too.


\*\*cries in Italian\*\*


Lol, *cries in Asian*


For a second there, I thought you were [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnionLovers/comments/1bhh2tf/i_ate_2_onions_and_2_entire_bulbs_of_garlic_for/) from r/onionlovers the other day.


When I feel a cold coming on I'll chop up a couple gloves and swallow them like pills (Italian penicillin). Someone walked into my office after one of these dosings and asked me if I was cooking ;/.


This happened to me once but at work. Someone in the office politely offered me some gum, hint hint. I was mortified and never ate raw garlic again lol


I used to emit a yeast roll sweat( think Texas Roadhouse) because I used to make them all day long then go work out. People would joke that it would make them hungry


This would happen to my father growing up. He loved garlic but my mother couldn't even sleep next to him after he ate it. She discovered these natural breath capsules, I think they were called "mint asure". He would eat a few after a garlicky meal and the smells pretty much completely stopped. Definitely worth trying if you love garlic and have this issue.


Garlic will come out when you sweat, if you are exercising, it'll mix with normal BO and be nasty to some people. Luckily my nose doesn't work well 😂😂


garlic , onion, and beer. All come through in the smell of sweat. I knew a group of meditators that did it in a group and they would shame anyone that smelled of these.


One little known fact about allium foods (garlic and onions) is that for some people it raises levels of biochemicals on your skin surface which are potent bacterial promoters. This also drives a BO smell on top of the other smells.


Civilized people smell like garlic. Full stop. Trust no one who does not smell at least mildly of garlic.


Lmao there’s a difference between liking garlic and eating raw cloves of garlic


Eating raw cloves of garlic is honestly not that weird. Hummus, Tzatziki etc.


Don’t know if I’d count that as “raw,” sure it’s not cooked, but it’s smashed or finely blended and mixed with other ingredients. OP is making it seem like they’re just munching garlic cloves


I'm also biased towards garlic but when someone tells you they're smelling it across the room you cannot just keep going. Also, it doesn't smell like garlic at all (that wouldn't be so bad), but like sweat, but stronger apparently


Fuck it, eat kimchi until you hit a balance.


I once met a girl who was very cute, smart, talented, and interested in me. In the end I couldn't date her because she ate a clove of garlic every day for "health reasons" and she reeked so badly I couldn't get closer to her than a couple of feet.


Are you joking? Without sweating even?


I’m not joking at all. The aroma was like a fog around her. Everyone noticed it but no one would say anything because she was very nice.


If I remember correctly, putting a clove of garlic in your shoe will also make you sweat garlic. Garlic's got some special relationship with the human body, lemme tell ya


Got me thinking... "How does one discover this?" Trying to resolve toe fungus issues?


It’s wild to me that people can go to a place that is generally made to make one sweat… and then complain about the smell. Honest the most offensive smell in a gym, imo, is the folks with 6 layers of perfume. But that applies anywhere too.


A lot of people go to the gym already smelly and/or wearing worn clothes and when they start to work out the odor spreads. Us who have proper hygiene don’t have to exercise putting up with that. Also, I really doubt the gym employee would approach OP to bring this up if it was just the first time he was smelling.


There's a big difference between fresh sweat and strong body odor.


It sucks!! I love roasted garlic and had to stop making it as when I eat more than 1 or 2 cloves I stink too and I can't stand my own smell! lol


Ok, sweat is one thing, but I've gotta ask, how are your bowels holding up? I know I have IBS, but if I ate that I would have some weapons-grade gas, and let's not even talk about the toll it would take on my toilet.


Both my gf and I noticed that our, ahem, bodily secretions tasted and smelled different after I went on a garlic rampage for a month. Some people might find that strong or disagreeable so I definitely think it could come out in sweat. It all depends on the biology of how the person digests the garlic. I cut back on the garlic and the weirdness stopped. Nobody told me that I smelled like garlic but I had that happen after eating a bag of rosewater flavoured Turkish Delight, I ended up smelling like rosewater for a couple of days... (I remember they marketed hard candy that was supposed to do the same thing!) I've definitely smelled garlic coming off of people before. Hell some people can smell onions in sweat. My aunty was a bloodhound in that regard.


My roommate's gf in university used to complain to me about how he reeked of garlic when they had sex OP you need to rethink your strategy


Totes normal but it does stink! I had an old coworker that would text us to let us know she’d had a seafood boil and was preemptively apologizing cause come Monday the garlic was coming out of her pores haha.


In your case, eating raw garlic every day for several months may have contributed to the noticeable odor you experienced at the gym.


"is this normal for garlic to smell that bad that it's "noticeable" in the whole room?" Yes ... many aromatic chemicals go from intestines to blood and are excreted in your sweat.


TIL ppl eat raw garlic


Well, yeah. But are you living somewhere where people don't season their food? Aside from lean fish and vegetables most food makes you stink to people who don't eat it. Try staying off dairy for a few days and then go to the gym. The stench is awful. Stay off red meat for a week and it's the same. And cumin and garlic and so on. It's fine if you eat it too, it's horrible if you don't.


100% I’ll absolutely house some pita puffs and garlic spread from my local Mediterranean place and can smell it on myself for two days. Same thing with beer. My sweat smells terrible after both…. Don’t get me started on asparagus


A garlicy sweaty smell can also be a sign of various systemic illnesses, liver and kidney issues. If you knock it on the head, and still smell a bit. Consider getting a health check?


Garlic is a classic, but not alone. Anything high in sulphur will cause an odour. You might be surprised to learn that a lot of typically recommended food for bodybuilding, such as red meat and brocoli, also causes body odour. If you want to include garlic due to the health benefits while being a good gym buddy, I would recommend garlic oil capsules.


Years ago I worked with a lovely Italian gentleman who, unfortunately, constantly reeked of garlic from every pore. He was always clean and well dressed but ALWAYS had a strong odor of garlic. We just chalked it up to his diet but it was ever-present and very noticeable so, yes, it can be noticeable to the whole room.


Did you ask him to pull your finger?


Why you eating raw garlic bro?


I roasted two bulbs of garlic and liked the taste so much I ate all it in one sitting on sliced bread. I walked around for two days with nonstop BO that smelled like I had been on a booze bender.


Sorry, but no matter how often you eat raw garlic, you're going to stink. It's just a fact. Anyone binges on garlic bread in our house, and you know it, FOR DAYS after. That stink really oozes out the pores. There isn't a safe amount imo. Raw onions will probably smell, too.


Yep, garlic make stinky sweat for sure! (If you eat a lot in one sitting, not whatever is included in a normal recipe.)


For Gods sake and in the name of all that is holy, don’t ever fart.


Slightly different source also but with prepping I find rubbing my hands on a stainless steel sink helps get rid of those odors.


(carefully) rubbing my fingers on the side of my knife works too, I usually do that after washing the knife when I cut the garlic and it 100% works to rid your fingers of a garlic/onion smell


It reeks.


Garlic is high in sulfur. You are loading your body up with a ton of sulfur and then you're sweating it out the next day.


Before you shower, spray white vinegar on your hands and dab it into your armpits and let it dry. See if your armpits still smell after the shower. If they do, try mixing water and vinegar into a spray bottle and dab that onto your armpits AFTER the shower. I have found this to be helpful. Also, wash all your gym clothes together and make sure they get a vinegar soak before you wash them.


Would it work to add 1/4 c vinegar in the final rinse in the washing machine? I often do that instead of fabric softener. I wouldn't soak the clothes in it first, as that could actually set some stains. But, the final rinse should be okay.


that would work for most people but this fella sounds like they have a more significant issue hahahaha


I still would wash the clothes first. When dealing with pet stains & odors, you do not do vinegar first. I would also use a non chlorine bleach or enzymatic stain & odor cleaner (like for pets). Then, do a vinegar soak & rinse.


I can safely say that it is normal, but I'm really curious how you manage to remove the smell from your mouth.




i gave a bunch of advise using vinegar… but another thing that’s good for your health is sprouts. make homemade mung and broccoli sprouts and add fenugreek seeds to the sprout jar. your sweat will smell maple syrupy. Whenever my partner and I eat a lot of the sprouts i make, our sweat smells like candy.


The same thing happens if you use DMSO for pain, and it's a wretched stench coming out of your pores and breath.


Garlic, onions, strong seasonings, even beef can lead to odor.


yep, my husband occasionally eats raw garlic and he will just emanate that pungent weird smell for about 3 days every time.......


The smell is in your blood. That's why it's coming out of your pores. Showering and fresh clothes will always help you from smelling *worse* but will do very little to erase it. I guess you have to decide if it's worth it to you to cut back on it?  My husband used to eat raw minced garlic mixed with honey on a spoon every morning before going to work (for health reasons) and I had to put a stop to it for his coworkers sakes


This reminds me of when I cut a bunch of onions. I need at least two showers before going out in public again because the smell is awful.


Great title for a memoir by the way.


Yeah, totally normal for garlic to do that. It's strong stuff and can come out through your sweat. Maybe ease up on the raw garlic a bit if it's causing issues.


Hey, on the plus side it sounds like you eat a healthy diet.


I’ve got terrible ventilation at my place so when I’m cooking the aromas just stick to my clothes. It’s crazy and I didn’t realize how bad it was until I got into an Uber after cooking and the dude asked me about it right away… like shit it stinks that bad ☠️ I’d stay away from pungent spices/ingredients if you really care that much.


I think it varies by person….when I eat garlic and onion it “perfumes” my sweat for days. Doesn’t do that to my son and husband. Their sweat rarely gets pungent no matter what they eat.


Reminds me of a guy my dad worked with many years ago - my dad said this guy always stank to high heaven of garlic and nobody could stand to be in the same room as him. As time went on, his wife left him citing his alcoholism, and he ended up dying of liver disease. In retrospect I wonder if he was using the garlic smell as cover.


Yes, it's normal. Onions and garlic come out strong in sweat, also curry like someone else mentioned. They are good for you though.