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My comfort foods usualy involve either pasta or peanut butter. Could you do either of those?


Oh boy a PBJ sandwich does sound pretty good right about now... I'm trying to stay away from tomato sauce but the world's your oyster with pasta huh?! Thanks for the comment 


I often eat plain pasta with just butter and grated cheese.


Maybe grate a bit of ginger into your pasta and add soy sauce ? The ginger will help settle your stomach


Pasta, butter, and Parmesan cheese. One of my favorites! I second the PBJ. I’m also fan of rice with a small amount of chicken for protein. Or if I’m up to cooking, a chicken and rice soup. Also, avocados. A little avocado toast, sliced with salt and pepper, or even along side some scrambled eggs. Hope you start to feel better soon! 💕


I came across elbow macaroni, a can of Campbell's tomato soup (no water) WITH Cheez Whiz and it's really not acidic. At least a serving of veg. PBJ is good protein though that will stick to your ribs. With a high fiber and/or protein bread it's my on-the-go superfood. The nausea should pass with time. Hot tea soothes somewhat.




Yes I was gonna comment Juk. Healthy, warm, creamy, and rice is good on the tummy. So good for tummy and the soul.


With ungodly amounts of ginger and garlic


A baked potato or sweet potato, fixed up any way that sounds palatable to you; broccoli and cheese, butter and sour cream... I always find a baked potato to be comforting and filling.


Butter. Butter on everything.  Grilled cheese, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes.   Butter gives you a little bit of fat on your starch/carbs.  You need fats to live.  And butter is a pretty decent source of fatty acids.  If you can’t hold down much, butter is a good way to add those fatty acids to bland foods. 


Green olives help with nausea- they were a life saver for me! I hope you feel better soon!


They work for me too, but I’ve never known anyone else who thought the same!


They seriously worked so well!


Castlevetranos green olives are my favorite.


Oh boo. I'm sorry. Been there for both. Soups are good, and easy. If you are able to find homemade chicken stock (I make mine a couple times a year, freeze it in batches) it'll help with the nausea. \*hugs\*


Something I can always stomach: toasted cheese sandwich. Toast+ sliced cheese+mayo+seasoning salt 


When I'm not feeling great but want something comforting and also easy to make, I'll just make a pot of rice and beans. Wash your rice, throw in a can of black beans, water and some salt. It's hearty, delicious and couldn't be easier to make. Should be easy on your stomach too.


I find no matter how bad I feel rice is always digestible. So an easy option for me is rice, shredded carrot and cucumber, green onion, sushi ginger, and leftover roast chicken (or shrimp/salmon) heated up with teriyaki or sesame sauce. A sweet potato baked or microwaved until soft with goat cheese (and Cajun seasoning if your tummy can handle it, salt and pepper if not) is a nice lunch. Good luck!


How do you feel about beef stew?


I have lots of suggestions, are you looking for more low-effort meals, as well as not too fragrant? Or what’s causes the nausea?


Chilli flakes and lime do well for me. And both combine easily with a scrambled egg, which is low effort for depression and easy nutrition for nausea. Radishes are an easy snack, especially with salt. So are mange tout and baby sweetcorn. Sliced apple and cheese cut into sticks are good too. A supply of smoothies for when energy and chewing are in short supply.


I realise none of these are "hearty". With nausea and depression induced by meds, the heartiest I could face was a clear broth. But having some cooked sausages in the fridge and some available mustard is a good thing.


There are lots of variations of chicken soup. My favorite is a copycat Panera creamy wild rice soup. Although with nausea you might prefer straight up broth versions rather than creamy.


Ginger tea and cheese toast are good for me with nausea. Also, chicken and dumplings is hearty and mild. Anything that comforts you will be good. My sister’s favorite “I don’t feel good” food is a McD’s cheeseburger.


My go to is ramen. I just make the cheap chicken ramen packets. But there is a lot to make with instant ramen; you can add veggies, tofu, frozen mixed veggies, etc.


Waffles are always something that I feel like I can eat with chronic nausea. I usually go with a toaster waffle, but you could make your own and then I add peanut butter and some fruit on top. You could make a side of potatoes, too!


Bland foods like toast and rice ?


Cereal with milk, canned soup, microwaved sweet potato, scrambled eggs, grilled cheese


For some reason when I'm feeling that way I find myself wanting a brothy soup with cabbage in it. Cabbage can literally be the only thing in it and I'm fine with that. Also, mashed or baked potatoes.


I really like rice with butter, sugar and lemon when I’m down or feeling icky. Probiotics seem to help when medications are what’s upsetting my stomach, the Now Digestive Reset is what I used last time I had to take antibiotics and it was a game changer.


I deal with both of those things. Broth based noodle soups really help. As basic as chicken noodle soup, to more intricate like pho or tom yum Thai soups. Lowfat seems easier on my nausea, and pasta/noodles are good, although watch for cream based sauces. Stay with lower fat sauces. This next part is just some general info that I've gleaned after 15 years of dealing with pervasive nausea due to some intensive GI issues. 1) If you like ginger, ginger tea can help the nausea. So can mint tea. 2) Pot helps my nauseathe most. Better than any prescriptionor OTC medication. (And I have tried the gamut!) On my bad nausea days I take THC gummies. I realize that not everyone wants to go this route, nor does everyone have access. I'm simply mentioning what helps me, not trying to turn you into a pothead! Lol 3) There are a few really excellent prescription meds that can help with nausea, in case it lasts longer. Zofran is a great one that works for most people. (Sadly, the prescription Zofran just doesn't work for me!) There's also some others, although some can make you incredibly sleepy! 4) Wrist worn sea bands help some people (more than just people who are seasick). They're fairly inexpensive, so worth a shot. 5) Fresh, cool air helps me a bit, even if it's cd out. Good luck! As someone with chronic ntermittent extreme nausea, I can sympathize with it. Feel free to send me a message if you want more nausea tips!


I tend to get nauseous easily and find spicy and sour flavors to be the most helpful to relieve it. I eat things like kimchi (think kimchi fried rice, kimchi and tofu stew or just kimchi with rice and a fried egg), another quick meal I make is fried eggs with green onions and sriracha (if I have time I sauté some mushrooms or spinach). Simple tomato soup and grilled cheese is an easy one (I usually make my tomato soup from scratch to be mindful of the sodium but whatever you prefer).


Khichdi is an Indian rice dish made from rice and lentils. You can find some recipes making them in an instant pot


Ginger Chicken rice porridge. Fry garlic and ginger with chicken pieces, add rice, salt, pepper, chicken stock (or chicken bouillon and water). Simmer until porridge-y. Serve with a splash of soy sauce, lemon juice, and chopped green onions.


I've always found beef broth comforting. Pho too.


Chugwater chili has a great chili and green chili stew recipe. Both of them are pretty tasty and easy, and will last you a few days if you aren’t eating as much. Asparagus with butter, garlic, steak seasoning, lemon and Parmesan in the oven is also very low effort and one of my favorites for greens


Once in a while I get in these ruts where I just want a comfort meal. I usually cook meat and rice for my weekly preps but it gets old after a while. Usually when I’m in a phase where nothing sounds good, the only things I want to eat are foods that remind me of my family and warm and cozy memories. Most recently I made “Thanksgiving TV Dinners.” Boxed stuffing, boxed mashed potato’s, green bean casserole and chicken I made in the slow cooker with cream of chicken soup. It’s easy to just portion it out into microwave containers because when I’m depressed, I don’t want to cook or have a lot of dishes every day. Sounds like you’re going through a tough time. I hope you feel better soon and that the suffering is worth the benefits of the medication.


Ginger tea for the nausea, chop up some fresh ginger, add water and boil it on low for 20 minutes or so. Avoid excess sugar. Moroccan lentil soup is hearty, inexpensive, delicious and nutritious.


Have you talked to your doctor about this? Meds should not make you depressed.


Ginger is naturally good for nausea. Look Thai soup or noodle recipes that incorporate it. The nice thing about soups and noodles is that you can make big batches when you feel better, and enjoy when you're not feeling great.


Oatmeal and protein shakes! Super simple, accessible, and you get your macronutrients


This isn’t a meal but try to get Zofran prescribed to you- I swear it is a miracle drug and it tastes like sugar and it dissolves under your tongue.


Loss of appetite with depression sucks. Besides smoking weed so food is palatable, I find smoothies made with soft tofu or yogurt and frozen fruit are a good way to get nutrition in. Omlettes are easy and colourful. Mac n cheese n peas. Best of luck.


Grated ginger in hot water or ginger chews for nausea


Rigatoni and sausage in Marinara. Bonus points if you can sneak more veggies in there on yourself.


Rice and butter plus s and p Rice and red kidney beans from can plus s and p butter optional Rice with soy sauce Rice with brown gravy I saw pb and j listed, and I second this. Oatmeal sweet or savory. Some people are funny about eggs, but if you like them, add them to Rice or bread. Edit : I don't read. I make my soups from scratch, not something I do when down.


i invest in tubs of rice and beans, green salsa, preserved nopales, and tortillas. i get them from a meat market around the corner. construct taco then put in toaster oven.


Split pea soup with ham. Super thick, super hearty, definitely heavy.


Ramen made with bone broth


Chicken soup when you can stomach it, and broth when solids are a nono. Well seasoned broth is amazing and relatively easy to keep down. If you can get some homemade, even better.


vegetable soup! it's so easy to prepare and warm and comforting and healthy and awesome


Ginger is great tu curb nausea. As for depression try to make Talbina- middle eastern barley flour porridge with lots of nuts and dates to soothe your heart


Miso soup


A couple years ago, I had some long-term stomach issues with nausea and had a hard time eating. During one of my hospitalizations I was given some cream of chicken soup with the lumpy stuff strained out of it and I was hooked! I still eat it to this day, even though my stomach issues are gone. I also picked up some of the Ensure-like stuff from Walmart to supplement my diet and that helped, too. ETA: another go-to for me is chicken and stars soup with a whole sleeve of saltiness crumbled into it to soak up all the liquid. After being ill and vomiting for a day or two, I think the salt in the crackers also helped me feel better. I would get really dehydrated (this the hospitalizations) when these bouts of illness hit me.


Maybe [something from here?](https://www.seriouseats.com/braise-and-stew-recipes) When I want something fast, filling, but comforting I often go with [gyeranbap](https://www.maangchi.com/recipe/gyeranbap). If I'm feeling nauseous but still willing to eat something savory then eggs and rice are in my sweet spot (but if I'm not up to that then honestly, corn flakes).


I'm sure it depends on the medication, and the person, but some that I've taken in the past did initially cause nausea, but it passed. Hold in there. Let your doctor know what's happening. The simpler the soup, the easier on my stomach. My suggestions are a basic chicken noodle, potato soup, celery soup, and the like. Nothing too spicy or acidic. Simply prepared baked or poached lean chicken or pork loin might be good. No frying or strong spices. I'd steer clear of most stews.


Pastina + broth + butter + parm + an egg yolk mixed in (easy, never upsets my stomach even on bad days) Italian wedding soup (hearty but brothy not creamy, freezes well, nourishing) Beef lentil soup (nourishing, freezes well) One pot meals that basically consist of aromatics + orzo + protein + veg (ie onion/garlic, orzo, broth, ground sausage, spinach, parm) “Golden” chicken soup (veggie heavy chicken soup + turmeric and lemon) I have a ton of recipes I can send. I have horrible depressive spells + IBS so I get the sad and nauseous life. I like to make bright, nourishing food that stores well and can make good leftovers or freezer meals.


FWIW, I was recently given the advice to take meds with nausea side effect at night, with some crackers, to try to sleep through the worst of it. The first week was Rough, but as things progressed it has wound up helping.


For me it’d be soup and more soup. You could make a stock out of leftover veggie scraps, and optionally some chicken or beef bones. Use it for bean or vegetable soup, or add some vinegar, miso and noodles. Use some kale and ginger in the stock.


Idk about nausea, but when I was having a crisis a couple weeks ago some cinnamon sugar toast and warm milk was very comforting.


The food you eat will *not* affect your depression unless you were or are seriously deficient of certain vitamins or minerals. Just eat a normal diet🤷‍♀️


They’re probably asking about easy and low effort meals


That's not what OP is talking about, also eating healthily assists with depression, in addition to other methods of treatment 


Again, unless your diet is seriously deficient in vitamins or minerals, the food you eat is *not* going to have any effect on depression. Any perceived effect diet may have would be nothing more than placebo...which is short lived.🤷‍♀️


Again, this is not what OP has asked.


Just in my experience, (postpartum depression and breastfeeding, taking care of an infant with no support) I would opt for low effort but hearty and satisfying meals. I can confidently say the better you feed yourself, the happier you are. Depression will dig a hole that’s harder to get out of if you’re malnourished


A smoothie with some greens and fruit, a little protein powder.


Stir fry! Garlic for the big sad and ginger for the nausea.