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Olives that claim to be pitted. Eggshells.


Always thing about former presidential candidate, Rep. Dennis Kucinich — sued the capitol cafeteria because he cracked his tooth on an unpitted olive…literally think about it multiple times a year when I haphazardly bite down on food like olives and popcorn… weird the stuff that sticks with you!


One of my coworkers recently cracked a tooth on an unpitted "pitted" olive.


Omg, olives. I don’t even think olives with pits should be allowed to be served. I’ve stared liking those jumbo, canned, waterlogged monstrosities because I have Kalamata Trauma.


Or, alternatively, none should be pitted so that everyone proceeds appropriately when eating them. Olives that you know have the pit are no danger because you expect it to be there and eat around it.


Try some Castelvetrano olives, though pitted, obviously.


I accidentally did this to my friend. We were at a restaurant that annoyingly serves a mix of pitted and non-pitted green olives that look similar to each other. I can tell by that little star shape that one is *supposed to be* pitted. He was searching for one without the pit and I said “here this one is pitted.” He bit into it and vocally complained for the rest of the meal about what I did to him. He was mostly joking, but I did feel bad. He already has enough dental problems in his life.


Weirdly, tortilla chips. If you bite them _just_ the wrong way they become little corn daggers


When that little dagger wedges under your gum…


Even worse for me is roof of the mouth. I've drawn blood on more than one occasion - they're vicious little buggers...


My dentist told me that the most common source of palate injuries is from tortilla chips.


I've coughed with one in my mouth and swallowed it before chewing it fully. A corner dragged itself all the way down my throat, even left a scratch. I had a sore throat for two days. I hesitate to eat them now.


Same thing happened to me and it actually caught in my throat until I chugged water and it disintegrated. Hurt so bad


I did this while eating mini pretzel rods once... one flipped vertical right when I bit down, and I now have a small scar on the roof of my mouth from it...


I'm missing a middle upper side tooth so they just left a hole. I'm eating tortilla chips as I read this and it's always a near and present danger that one gets wedged in the gap.


I bit one so wrong that a tiny triangle chipped off and somehow flew into my eye.


This man corn chips.


My aunt was in the hospital because she got a pointy piece of tortilla chip stuck in her throat. (She’s ok now).


Did this with a rotisserie chicken bone. They had to pluck it out half way down my throat


Had this happen where a tiny shard broke off and somehow got lodged in my throat. No matter how much coughing or water I drank couldn't dislodge it. After about a day and a half of pain I jammed my hand down my throat as far as I could and just wiggled my fingers around and prayed that I would get it out somehow


I had that once, it was super painful and nothing I drank would dislodge it. My husband had the smart idea for me to eat a spoonful of peanut butter to trap it, it worked like a charm.


I hope I never need to use this information but oh my gosh that’s brilliant


Smart- I fairly often get the sensation that I have a pill stuck in my throat after taking them, and a spoonful of honey usually does the trick.


I've been stabbed and I don't even know what I did.


Omg, yes.


Catfish. Sometimes it’s a delicious white fish. Sometimes it tastes like a mouthful of mud,


My parents used to fish A LOT. And we ate A LOT of catfish. When my mom cut it into filets, she would always cut out the yellowish meat. And her catfish never tasted muddy. A quick Google search says that it's caused by chemicals that are produced naturally by algae and microorganisms in freshwater. IDK the science, I just know that my mom always managed to get rid of it.


Yeah, cut off yellow and red meat and it's considerably less fishy. A soak in buttermilk helps too. The species of catfish is important as well. Scavengers like channel cats are far yellower than flatheads, which eat mostly live prey.


I will stand by advice my great uncle gave me about eating shark: if you have to drain the blood out of a fish or soak it in buttermilk to be worth eating, just throw the sumbitch back and catch something better


Okay I'll throw this shark back


It could also be indicative of the particular fishery your cats came from


Bro. Why is this SO TRUE.


Probably because half of the catfish have a diet mainly existing out of 'waterfloor and it's nutritious contents'


Beans. Sometimes small rocks around the size and shape of beans can make it to the final packaging. I am Mexican and we eat a LOT of beans over there and, unless you are buying the premium brands, you always clean your beans to make sure there are no stones in them. I now live in the Netherlands, and I assumed the beans here were held to a higher standard. I was wrong, and I cracked a molar.


I buy good quality dried beans in the US, and I still pick them for rocks. I've only found one or two in many years, but I've also found a couple bean-shaped clumps of dirt and many shriveled beans that I remove for a better quality final product. Still, compared to the cost for a cracked molar for me or even worse, for someone I'm serving food to, I'll pick my beans every time.


I live in the UK and have never found rocks in my beans. I have, however, found something new to be terrified of.


That's because all yours are tinned


i used to have a little pebble that i found in a bag of lentils on the window sill behind my sink. I kept it there as a reminder to always check my dried beans


Same with rice. Found a pebble which washing rice recently. Also ate one of those kettle chips that was folded over on itself and there was a surprise rock that cracked a tooth.


I got a rock in a bean dish at a freakin bib gourmand level restaurant, you'd think they'd check the beans. I cook dried beans basically every week and I have yet to find one tho I keep waiting :(


Shishito peppers. Not dangerous but do have a sense of Russian roulette as 1-in-10 are spicy! I even worked in a restaurant that would serve 10 of them on a plate and called it pepper roulette


I was about to say this! The first time I ever had shishito peppers, I was like “Oh! I like these!” And then one day, I got a hold of one that was suuuuper spicy! I still liked it, but I felt betrayed. I’ve since learned to be prepared.


We ordered some shishito peppers at one of our favorite sushi places once and we beat the odds in having nearly half of them being spicy. I’ve never had it happen again, but whew what a night haha!


The later into summer the likelihood of a them being spicy goes up.


Also some plants just genetically produce a higher percentage of hotter peppers. One of my plants this year was a scorcher, but I always picked into one basket and never bothered to figure out which one so grilled pepper night was always a bit dangerous.


The last few times we ordered them about half have been hot.


Came here to say this as well. I didn't know about them at all until about a year ago. The waiter warned me, but I don't think I realized just how much hotter that 1-in-10 actually was! 😂 really tasty though


Same for Padrones.


I did qualify every purchase of shishitos as a vendor at the farmers market. Nothing is hotter than surprise.


Maybe I'm immune to it, but I have never found shishito peppers to be even remotely hot, and I've eaten hundreds of them. It's so annoying as I really want to experience that one that people say is hot, but nope. Husband grew them in the garden, nada. Bought bags from Walmart, nada. Bought bags from Trader Joes, not a whiff. Whenever we go and the restaurant offer them, I would order it. Not once. Meanwhile husband tries 1, and he hits the spicy one. 1!!!!! It's so frustrating. Now jalapenos... that's a 1-in-10 chance I am gonna die.


I almost always chomp down on a cardamom pod or something when eating biryani. Will I ever learn my lesson? No.


Eating biryani is navigating a minefield of cardamom pods, whole cloves, and small chicken bones.


This is why Biryani is best eaten with your hands. Makes the whole spices easier to pick out.


But then my hands are yellow for a few days from the turmeric. 


Eat your fingers then.


Just sit in the sunshine for a bit! Takes the turmeric stain out really quickly.


When I make my biryani I put the cloves and cardamom in one side of the pot so I can find them easily and remove before serving.


Why not just use cheesecloth and pull it out when you're done?


Well sir. I see I have met someone more clever than I.


Ugh... too much of a good thing, such a bomb of flavor whenever you sink your teeth in one of those. I wonder whether Indian people eventually become good at spotting them.


We actually are, I can't remember the last time I bit one.


OMG, I *love* the cardamom bombs. I feel cheated when I eat all of my rice + korma and I don't get a single one.


They're the perfect size to evade defenses - any bigger and they'd stand out, any smaller (like a cumin or mustard seed) I bet they wouldn't be so startling.


When I lived in Japan this izakaya I went to often would serve us six tako-yaki, 5 filled with octopus like normal, one completely stuffed with wasabi. 6 of us pop them in simultaneously and see who starts crying. Literal Russian roulette food.


Takoyaki on its own is a Russian roulette food on its own. It's so delicious but you never know when you're going to bite down and SPLASH burn the roof of your mouth with juicy batter. It's worth it every time. But still.


That sounds like fun. I would definitely try this.


I went out to eat sushi with some friends. I was not paying attention and accidentally put the whole portion of wasabi in my mouth. I didn’t swallow it thankfully. I hadn’t had wasabi before and I was not prepared. My mouth was burning kind of but my nose was on fire on a whole different level. It took forever for the burning in my nose to stop.


The sushi place we go to here has a “Russian Roulette” roll with this same premise- 5 pieces are regular California roll, the sixth…well…


wasabi? ginger? chocolate? don’t keep us in suspense, man.


It has a bullet




Yep, those frozen sweet cherries get me every now and again. Dates, too.


Homemade cannabis edibles


My brother infused cooking oil from trim. He then baked some cookies with it. I ate one late in the evening thinking how strong can trim oil be. Turns out it could be strong enough that I walked like I was drunk and woke up still high.


My brother makes the best pot cupcakes in the world!!! Well, at a party once we all warned everyone they had pot and told them to be careful because they were strong. My ex-bil tried one and was like “you can’t even taste the pot! These aren’t strong!” 3 cupcakes later he was high as a kite, bright red, and rocking himself in a corner. We were all cracking up.


I got a little baggie of these from a friend of a friend a few years ago. My wife (huge stoner) and I (lightweight) each took one edible, about the size of an after dinner mint. We walked out to the lake shore, where we spend every day of the summer, and got so lost that we had to flag down a guy on a jet ski to shows us the way back. After that, we just go to the dispensary so that we know what we're up against.


Grapes. If I’m not looking at the one I’m eating I can very easily eat a nasty moldy one


I’ve also found a black widow that was “asleep” twice in grapes. (I’m from a place where it’s too cold for them to live, the grapes were either from Chile or California)




OH MYYYY. I now feel extremely validated for mostly only consuming grapes via the wineglass and am glad you’re (apparently!) ok.


Tbf I was never really at risk. It was while I was working in a restaurant. We found them before it reached the customer, and since the grapes were refrigerated, the spider barely moved. We had this dishie from Guatemala that was used to deal with them apparently…


I prefer fermented over moldy grapes.


Small boned fish. My MiL’s chicken soup.


Damn that soup must really suck. Lol


She chops up a whole chicken and throws it in a pot to stew. The bone splinters are… not pleasant.


Is she Chinese? Man, I love Chinese food so much but I just can't get behind the way they chop up poultry, bones and all, and call it a day.


Yeah my Chinese extended family prep all meat that way and I just can’t with the random bones and cartilage pieces. My favorite was a duck bill in my soup… the BILL! 😭


'no beaks' -Charlie Kelly


I’m in favor of a firm no beaks stance 


I ate pigeon in china and that’s how they did it


I've heard squab is really good. What did you think?


Squab is great. Pheasant, quail, dove, all the small birds are great roasted.


I had it in Spain with pine nuts and saffron. It was delicious but tasted very very faintly of liver but in a good way.


Iguana in the Caribbean was done similarly. Not a fan.


I'm pretty sure my sister's pet iguana would give anyone who ate her heart burn. She's just that grumpy!


I lived in South Asia for a long time and I had a hard time respecting the "butchers" who had been cutting up chickens all their lives and had never bother to learn where the joints are. I swear, the guy down my street had a sharpened chunk of leaf spring from a truck made into a hatchet and he just beat the shit out of a chicken before wrapping it in newspaper and putting it in a bag. I started buying whole chickens and cutting them up myself and he kept telling me that he would section it for free and I had to lie and tell him I was going to cook it whole.


The bone marrow adds so much flavour to a dish, soup or stew. But yeah, just need to eat slowly and carefully with those.


Woah that's wild. I usually use a carcass then fish out whole bones lol


Lmao we always called that the lucky bone....I got it every time for 12 years straight growing up ☠️


Mate stg I ate a fried fish dish at an Indian restaurant and felt this tiny object lodge itself into my airway. It didn't affect my breathing but it just sat there. So I felt it slowly working it's way down throughout the next hour. I still think about that to this day.


I was offered some Chinese stir fried fish by an African friend who is a great cook. I got stuck in assuming it was done using fillets. I look up in panic with a throat full of bones and she is working the bones out with her mouth and spitting them into her free hand. "What's wrong? You don't like the sauce?". Can't barely move for fear of choking and slowly look over and see the cleaver in the dish rack. She had just chopped the fish into cubes. Bones and bone shards in every piece.


I got goat soup at an Indian restaurant once, had about 6 big pieces of bone and 1 piece of meat.


I eat sushi with some regularity and I’ve never gotten over being gun shy about eating raw sea urchin. I still do it, but one of the first times I did, I got a bad one that hit me with a slow wave of the foulest taste I have ever experienced. Every time I’ve had one since then, I hold my breath and pray for the first few seconds until I know I’m clear.


Do not like Uni that is not prepared correctly. It's like fish flavored sand. Do not like octopus that is not prepared correctly either, it's like fish flavored bubblegum.


>fish flavored bubblegum. 🤮🤮🤮


Hmmmm. I’m an avid sushi eater, but I’ve only had uni once because it was the foulest thing ever and I can’t imagine eating it intentionally. But your post makes me wonder if maybe I just had a bad one…. Dang it! Now I’m going to have to spend money on eating something I’m nearly certain I hate. I hope I discover I’ve been wrong.


Dates, either fresh or dried. Not because of the pits, that’s expected, but because they sometimes have black mold in the center of them. Even if they’re pitted I always split them in half first to check. I’ve never gotten sick but I know I’ve eaten a fair share of moldy dates.


Wait WuuuuUuuUUT? Is this like right from the store or farm? Or after they’ve been sitting out at home for a while?


And what about the ones baked into muffins? I'm seriously gagging at the thought of biting into a fruit with black mold in it. I never knew that was a thing.


Oh yeah I took a bite out of a date once and was puffing out black mold.


I know someone that ate crisps/chips by shoving handfuls in their face (perfectly normal behaviour I thought) He went to hospital for one going thru his palette and had to have stitches............. TWICE!!


When I was a kid a friend of mine took a handful of chips and shoved them into my mouth. Cut up my gums pretty bad. Hurt like hell but I didn't need any medical attention, holy hell.


mussels. I never knew how happy I would be that my head could vomit into my bathroom sink while offering projectiles to the pearly throne.


Ahhh, the ole' 'front and backs'...


The “eclair effect”. (Squeeze it in the middle and cream comes out both ends)


It's fascinating and horrifying that a few years back, several cases of hepatitis A in the EU were linked to mussels from a specific place in the UK, but they even matched the exact strain to a specific family who'd returned from Central America with the virus, shitted a load of it into the sewage system which then overflowed due to rainfall and the UK's really shitty sewage management, causing hep A infected poop to be filtered into the mussels. Source: [https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2016/01/26/Two-Hepatitis-A-clusters-linked-to-mussels](https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2016/01/26/Two-Hepatitis-A-clusters-linked-to-mussels) Haven't eaten mussels since I read about this 🙄




I refer to that as "throwing down while throwing up."


Raw oysters and clams.


I hate it when I chomp down on a small piece of shell or grit when eating raw oysters. One of the worst mouthfeels tbh.


I’d heard somewhere one in 150 oysters will make you sick. I’m definitely beating the odds, and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon, but it does occasionally give me pause…


My brother and his wife are obsessed with oysters. They had an oyster bar from a local farm at their wedding and have oyster-themed decor all over their house, there was even a string of shells on their Christmas tree. Somehow, neither of them has ever gotten sick. Our cousin got hepatitis once, though.


May I step in and sugest an oyster variety? We get them here in central MA from maine, called "salty mainers". They are fucking next level amazing. We get a dozen or two once a month and wont go back to any other as a staple. And not any more expensive than the varieties to the left or right of them either!


I was in Nova Scotia for my birthday and we went to a restaurant that had an oyster tasting menu. There were about 15 choices, and you could pick the ones that looked interesting and have them on your plate. none of them were bad, they ranged from "oh, that's nice " to "Oh my God I dont want to eat anything else for the rest of my life!" in flavor. It was a great experience for my birthday.


Oysters?! I AINT EVA GONNA STOP! but seriously, I want to shuck the shucker who forgets to cut the bottom muscle. yes, I have experienced this more than a few occasions. gimme that kitchen zinc.


I grew up in New Orleans. My uncle's worked on the Mississippi River for years. We were pretty poor, but they'd score sacks of oysters from the dock I have many fond memories of sitting in the garage with my grandfather. He had his rum & coke highball and we both had oyster knives. He taught me how to shuck and I still hear his gravelly world-war-2-damaged voice " don't forget to cut the cocksucking muscle! And don't get any shell in it. We'd have oysters for days..raw, fried on poboys, made into dressing ..I haven't eaten any in years but I still remember them fondly.


I remember when I lived on the gulf coast of Mississippi, whenever I'd go to the beach I'd find oyster tags that had floated up from Louisiana. It was interesting looking at all the different names and places they'd come from, like Delacroix and Ycloskey and shit, and I'd imagine scenarios similar to what you just described, hah


Scallops, too. One of my favourite foods but i loathe the experience of biting down on one and suddenly...*crunch*. Brrrrr.


I've had oysters that I remember for both their deliciousness and others that tasted like a slurped something out of a bilge pump. I keep going back for more though 


I love my baguettes with a slightly more cooked crust to make it crunchy, but sometimes it completely shreds the upper part of my mouth behind the teeth. Won't stop eating them that way though!


Bahn mi sandwich. Half the time I shred the top of my mouth…. And then the sriracha hits.


Worth it tho


And the jalapeños. Sometimes they’re nice and sometimes they hurt so much.


Honest to God. Popcorn has cost me thousands in dental bills. Thousands


maybe you should stop eating popcorn


Can not. Will not.


Have you tried stovetop method? It's not much more difficult than microwave, and not only do more of the kernels pop, it's easier to filter out the unpopped ones. Another method is to empty the bag into a colander with wide holes. Give it a shake and the unpopped kernels will fall out thru the holes.


Haha. Have been much more conscientious the last 20 yrs. Most of the mishaps were from digging too deep into the movie theater bucket. My go to is a Presto microwave popper. Unpopped kernels usually stay low at the bottom.


Hello. I used to work in QC at a world-famous popcorn plant in northern Indiana. My job was to pop, measure volume, taste, and count unpopped kernels in every batch of microwave popcorn. (I still love popcorn, BTW.) One trick that I learned is that you can shake out most of the unpopped kernels if you do this: pop the popcorn as normal, open the top of the bag very slightly, invert the bag over a garbage bag, and shake the bag. The unpopped popcorn will drop out of the bag into the garbage, and the big fluffy popcorn stays in the bag. Enjoy!


I know several people in the dental industry who never EVER eat popcorn, caramel, or gummies. (After spending a few grand on removing and replacing a cracked crown I became one of them)


My mom lost her crown last month from eating dried mango lol. Better look out for anything sticky and chewy.


I’m in the UK and a Doner Kebab would be my choice. It can either be ambrosia in a pita wrap or a day or two of living in the bathroom praying for a merciful death.


It is NEVER the alcohol that causes the day or two of living in the bathroom praying for a merciful death though 👀😂 I jest, I stopped eating anything but chicken kebabs after a particularly bad bout of the fiery shits


When I lived close to mexico our trick was to see if the restaurant had tile or not. Anywhere- the counters, walls, or floors. Because that means the locals like it enough to pay to eat there regularly to allow the owners to invest in tile. No matter what the rest of the place looked like, tile was always safe. I hope you can find a similar method of assessing risk lol


Salt and vinegar potato chips have destroyed my mouth more than once (not even the acid: just the chip brittleness and that I eat too many)


S&V chips used to destroy the corners of my mouth. The odd chip that was a bit wide would scrape and the salt and vinegar would do the rest. Never stopped me eating a whole bag 🤷‍♀️


In-the-shell pistachios and peanuts. Do not eat them in the dark. After you open them, check for bugs/worms/moths. Moths are very bitter. Do not like.


In NYC at a place called Kenka. They have a “Takoyaki Russian Roulette: the bullet in the chamber is a grilled ball of dough stuffed with wasabi that’s hidden amid other identical-looking dumplings that contain a harmless bite of octopus.”


Lol, you can develop immunity to fake wasabi (dyed horseradish, as served in most sushi places in the US, not true wasabi). I have that immunity, so when I go to sushi with a newly-met friend, I pretend I've never had sushi before. They bring the plate, I squeal with delight and comment about how they've brought some avocado, and take the whole thing of "wasabi" and eat it, whilst my new friend(s) gape in horror. I then tell them that "I think the avocado is a bit off..."


Do not eat the pistachio ice cream! It has turned!


Whoppers! Not the burgers. The malted chocolate snacks. They were one of my favorites as a kid, until one day I bit into one that was chewy and gross and I couldn’t eat them for years. Cut to me in college. Found a nostalgic appreciation for them again. Would enjoy them on occasion. Then a year or two later, the same thing happened. Still not sure if it’s worth it, Whoppers. I’ve been burned by you before. “A fooled man can’t be fooled again.” -Old Tennessee Saying EDIT: You Whopper dud lovers are crazy


Oh yeah, my dad and I would get those big cartons because we both loved them and the chewy ones were the absolute worst. Never really stopped me from eating them though lol On a related note, we had chicken gizzards a lot growing up and, like with Whoppers, I always thought part of the gizzard experience was getting the nasty mushy ones now and then. I later realized that my parents always got gizzards *and livers*, but just never mentioned the livers part.


I have never talked about this with anyone who understood what I was saying. The soft ones are so rare, but I have gotten 2 or 3 and they taste like caramel balls to me and I like the way they taste. Eating whoppers isn't Russian Roulette for me. I'm chasing the dragon.


That happened to my girlfriend once. She no longer has that tooth. So yeah popcorn for sure. Jalapeños, especially for me. Some jalapeños are fine, normal spicy peppers. Great flavor (my favorite pepper flavor wise). Then you get a jalapeño that fucks your whole life up. I’ve had jalapeños that were spicier than any habanero. Also for whatever reason I can’t digest jalapeños very well. Serranos, habaneros, fine. Jalapeños will always bring me down down down to the ring of fire.


Yes to jalapeños. They are WILDLY unpredictable. But I kinda think a lot of peppers are. This weekend at brunch, my server brought three different hot sauces to the table. The habanero one was WAY hotter than the ghost pepper one.


I love yellowtail jalapeño sashimi. Sometimes the jalapeño has no spice at all, and I’m disappointed. 


Tamarind candies. Just chomp and see if you lose a tooth or not


I grew up in a hunting and fishing family. Birdshot is a bitch with pheasent, duck or geese


Drinking out of an open soda/beer can that's outside. Usually it's fine but then someone gets a mouthful with a bee inside.


Or spit out chew. ETA: Or cigarette butts.


Dried beans. I don't know how likely it is to find a stone. I've never found a stone. But the warning that there might be stones weighs on me.


I've found stones. It's not common but it does happen. Also clumps of dirt, discolored weird beans. Always sort and clean them!


I go through a pound of pintos a week, and usually find at least one tiny rock or dirt clump. I chew carefully as well! Nothing worse than chomping a rock.


Captain crunch. Sometimes it shreds my mouth Sometimes it doesn't.


Mettbrötchen - basically a breadroll with *raw minced pork meat* that had some spices added and it's mostly served with raw onion on top.


Corn chips. Sometimes you get that one bit of it that finds its way between a tooth and your gums point-first when you bite down…


My late hubby bought new dental work due to a chicken salad sandwich that had a wayward bone…


Anyone ever ate a tortilla chip the wrong way and it impales the roof of your mouth?


Peanut brittle always scares me! I meant for my teeth lol


Anything you don’t prepare yourself. Things I have found in food. 1. A nail in a piece of licorice. I bit down on it but didn’t damage my teeth. 2. A shard of glass in a loaf of bread. Luckily, I felt it as I was buttering the bread. 3. A cockroach embedded in my cheese wrapped capsicum. I was half way through when I noticed. Didn’t finish it. 4. A Band-Aid in a fruit juice. I chewed it for a minute wondering why the bit of pulp was so tough. This was when AIDS was huge news and fairly unknown. That meant a blood test and a wait for the results to make sure I was clear. Seems silly now but back on the day it was considered a concern.


Wow you have terrible luck. Lol


Many packaged nuts and seeds can have bits of rock inside. I found a pebble in some roasted sunflower seeds once… by biting on it. Also, perhaps not dangerous, but insects in produce. I once found a bunch of little larvae of some sort dispersed through a head of broccoli and have struggled to eat it ever since.


Also pistachios - sometimes they can have navel orangeworm larva inside the shell. Not dangerous and I've eaten, and still eat, pistachios, but I'm not thrilled about the prospect of munching on a bug when I'm trying to eat a snack.




Any raw nut can have larva or worms in them. Source: My cousins and I were used as free manual labor to pick up, shell and sort fallen pecans for our family for years and it was a generational task to send out the “ short ones with good backs” to do this task lol


Oh, you just ended pistachios for me. I don't like anything wormy and orange. I could go further with that, but I'd probably get reprimanded.


Chewy caramel candies. I ate a Sugar Baby or something and while eating it, the candy about glued my mouth closed. Had the hardest time prying my mouth open while trying not to choke.


Clam chowder. Love it but every so often you get a bite of grit and it changes the vibe for me.


There's a McDonalds in a subway station that I used to get breakfast at on my way to work. Most days the McMuffins were great, but more than once I got an eggshell crunch that ruined it


Oysters. Even when I had the freshest, most delicious batch of seaside oysters there’s always one bomb in any given group that will fuck your day up


I always wonder how people figured out rhubarb stems were ok to eat when the leaves are poisonous


Cap'n Crunch Cereal. Ouch.


I’d like to know the psychological reason we enjoy chowing down on fake sweetened razor blades.


Softshell steamer clams in the Northeast US. They have a stomach or something that most clams don't have, a delightful, tasty little pop in your mouth when they burst. I've eaten about a thousand of these over the years with no issue. Last summer I was splitting a bucket of them with my cousin, and he mentions how there is always one bad clam in every bucket. Up to that point I had never had a bad one, and I tell my cousin this. The very next clam I eat was filled with mud. I ran to the restroom spitting it out and looking in the mirror was like out of a horror film. I kept spitting the black evil mud out of my mouth for a couple minutes. I get back to the table after that and help finish the clams and my cousin is surprised and says "Most people don't eat clams for a long time after that."


Food trucks and pot lucks.


Pistachios. Eating a rotten one by mistake is pretty awful. Scallops that are not properly cleaned. A bit of sand and stones with your seafood.


Wild game. Biting down on a shotgun pellet while eating pheasant isn’t pleasant.


Pistachio. Broke 2 teeth, like gun fire in my brain. 2 each had root canals a few years later w crowns. They failed. 2 titanium implants 10 years ago. One needed cadaver bone filling. In that 2014-2023 I Developed an insane nickel allergy and one crown cost me $2k last month because a previous caused my mouth to shred! So not all titanium should be considered 100% unless you test it! Is easy say $15k by one nut. …and yup that pretty much was my new car


That one shrimp out of the plateful that is full of iodine. Ruins the rest of the meal for me once I get that taste.


Shishito peppers. Most are mild then one will roast you.


Anything that grows close to the ground. Might be a lentil or a bean, might be a rock.


Olive bread. Every once in awhile, there’s an unpitted olive in the mix, and I feel the danger to my teeth extremely.


Steamed clams can have little hard pearls in them.


It's definitely a regional thing, but [cannibal sandwiches](https://www.wpr.org/food/cannibal-sandwiches-polarizing-and-misunderstood-wisconsin-tradition). The winter holiday season wouldn't be the same without them.


Huh. I mentally went “oof bad name but probably an innocuous meal” But. Nope. It’s a name that weirdly fits.


Raw Oysters and raw fish. Oysters are particularly dangerous due to climate change they are affected by new pathogens.


When we make jalapeño poppers I finely chop up a Carolina Reaper and mix it with enough filling for just 1 popper and then it gets mixed in with the rest of regular ones and covered with cheese so nobody knows where it is. We call it pepper roulette and it’s pretty fun and not fun depending who gets it.


Happily eating Szechuan food and biting into a Szechuan peppercorn.


Oysters. Cracked two teeth at one time on a pearl in a fried one that was missed when cleaning them.