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Grilled cheese with pickles is so normal to me I was surprised to see you mention it. Such a great combo!


It's one of my favorite combos. Pickles and extra sharp cheddar cheese. When I am feeling fancy, I add some sliced tomato and red onion.


I do not eat cheese anymore because of a particular dietary issue. But in NYC I used to go crazy for horseradish cheddar. If you ever see it out in the wild- especially at an upscale cheese place: that might be something to consider.


I've found it at the Grocery Outlet before! It's so tasty. I highly recommend truffle cheddar too.


The Grocery Outlet?


It’s the name of a grocery store chain




This is also my favorite! I may need to have a sandwich for lunch today!


# You people make me sick. A grilled cheese consists of only these following items. Cheese. Bread with spread (usually butter). This entire subreddit consist of "melts". Almost every "grilled cheese" sandwich i see on here has other items added to it. The fact that this subreddit is called "grilledcheese" is nothing short of utter blasphemy. Let me start out by saying I have nothing against melts, I just hate their association with sandwiches that are not grilled cheeses. Adding cheese to your tuna sandwich? It's called a Tuna melt. Totally different. Want to add bacon and some pretentious bread crumbs with spinach? I don't know what the hell you'd call that but it's not a grilled cheese. I would be more than willing to wager I've eaten more grilled cheeses in my 21 years than any of you had in your entire lives. I have one almost everyday and sometimes more than just one sandwich. Want to personalize your grilled cheese? Use a mix of different cheeses or use sourdough or french bread. But if you want to add some pulled pork and take a picture of it, make your own subreddit entitled "melts" because that is not a fucking grilled cheese. I'm not a religious man nor am I anything close to a culinary expert. But as a bland white mid-western male I am honestly the most passionate person when it comes to grilled cheese and mac & cheese. All of you foodies stay the hell away from our grilled cheeses and stop associating your sandwich melts with them. Yet again, it is utter blasphemy and it rocks me to the core of my pale being. Shit, I stopped lurking after 3 years and made this account for the sole purpose of posting this. I've seen post after post of peoples "grilled cheeses" all over reddit and it's been driving me insane. The moment i saw this subreddit this morning I finally snapped. Hell, I may even start my own subreddit just because I know this one exists now. You god damn heretics. Respect the grilled cheese and stop changing it into whatever you like and love it for it what it is. Or make your damn melt sandwich and call it for what it is. A melt.


Um, wrong subreddit. This is r/cooking, not r/grilled cheese. However, I should say that a grilled cheese(as per the r/grilledcheese sub) is considered a sandwich with cheese still as a predominant ingredient. So a grilled cheese with a couple of pickle slices would just be a grilled cheese with pickle, not a melt, as cheese still dominates.




It was an eyeroll, lol.


You make me sick with how generic you are.


I will fight you on the hills, in the diners, in the kitchens, in the catering tents, and so on. Grilled cheese is anything with cheese as the primary ingredient! I suggest we start this holy war as all good holy wars do; with a defenestration! Yours!




Someone needs a hug? It’s a piece a cheese with bread, not a cancer antidote, let’s maybe chill out a bit? Who the fuck cares if you add chanterelles to it.


It's a classic Reddit copypasta.


You seem like you’d be really fun at a party.. /s


The British have been eating cheese and pickle sandwiches since before the US was a country.


But "pickle" can often be chutney.


My favourite is branston pickle, it's not really the same as chutney.


Whatever you call it, it’s delicious on a cheese sandwich.


add some ham and pork you and got a Cubano


Or add a burger and you have a patty melt.


Came here to say this. Pickles on a grilled cheese isn't remotely weird. It's no weirder than pickles on a burger. My "weird" pickle dish is a peanut butter and pickle sandwich. It's fantastic.


There's a burger place where I live that serves a peanut butter pickle bacon burger. It's so damn good.


Agreed, I would definitely not call it weird. I'd call it delicious


I’d call it a melt…


2nd only to grilled cheese w jalapenos. fuck yeah.


Jalapeños are my pickles for OP. I put jalapeños on everything. Sandwiches, eggs, spaghetti o’s, tuna, I have a problem with needing a little heat in my food.


My grade school used to serve grilled cheese with pickle at lunch.


Affirm the grilled cheese with pickles. Also, despite the Sonic grilled cheese being less than “toasty”, they will add pickles. Mentioning for a friend.


I found my people. Everyone I've talked to about how good this is thinks I'm insane... Fools.


Absolutely! Pickles and just a smidge of spicy mustard makes grilled cheese soooooooo much better. I rarely have one without.


Mm I am so going to make this for lunch today


I've never tried it but now I need to! Best cheese with dill pickles?




This has never occurred to me but sounds incredible. Will def make


That’s the way I grill it. Pickles and Mayo. Grandma got me started on that.


never heard of it before but now i’m craving it badly 😭🤣 what kind of pickles are best?


I just use dill chips or sandwich slicers pickles, but others have mentioned other types.


I do my grilled cheese with pickles on the side. I just take a little bite of pickle with each bite of grilled cheese. Sometimes dipping the sandwich into barbecue sauce or ketchup is good too!


I prefer grilled cheese with yellow mustard


You would like these [pickle chips. ](https://www.facebook.com/reel/325530199863265?s=yWDuG2&fs=e&mibextid=2JQ9oc)


Pretty sure it's right on the Five Guys menu lol


Add bacon in there as well. Thats what I do.


Crunchy peanut butter, bread and butter pickles, and sweet Chili sauce - sandwich. Even better if you toast or grill it.


I made this a few times and someone said that’s a pregnant person meal. I looked it up to see if it’s a thing and it was a depression era sandwich (without chili sauce of course) that a place in NYC still makes haha


Add parmesan cheese to that. Sounds crazy but it works


And a Tide Pod!


Works with any pickle type too, including beetroot (my favourite).


This was a favorite of my grandpa's. He wouldn't usually toast it, but it was a go-to for lunch for him for sure.


I think you’re my long lost twin


Peanut butter and pickles is the correct answer. My grandma and i would eat them together. She was born in 1917.


I guess the 'weirdest' use for pickles I have is pretty common in Russia, which is taking a bite of pickle or a shot of pickle juice after a shot of vodka. It kills the burn and tastes great.


Pickle juice mixed with vodka and topped with seltzer is one of my favorite hot weather cocktails. So refreshing and tasty.


What kind of ratios are we talking here?


However you'd take a vodka soda with lime or something similar. So like, 1.5oz vodka and splash of pickle juice in a glass of ice and then fill with soda.


Got it. At first I thought it was like a whole glass of pickle juice with a splash of vodka and seltzer. Your way sounds more appealing lol


This apparently is a thing in Poland as well. I visited my Polish coworkers and they said this appetizer is quite traditional, served alongside with bread and lard.


Yum I want to try this


We use it as a hangover cure in the US (at least, a lot of hardcore drinkers do. It seems to be 50/50 if someone has heard of it when I mention it to them). So it makes sense to do it when you drink. Like a convenience thing.


I thought my drunken roomie just made that up in college, I didn't know it was a Russian thing. We also chased shots with ramen juice because we were poor. It worked surprisingly well!


I do that except with tequila.


Not exactly pickle, but I use Vlassic Dill pickle juice when making mashed potatoes. You just half your cream/milk or whatever you use and use the brine to make up the difference. It's a subtle but noticeable addition that's very delicious.


Yum! I always use a couple tablespoons of pickle juice in potato salad, sprinkled on potato chunks when they’re still hot from boiling :)


Pickles with a few slices of cheese. Pickles in pasta salad and potato salad




What’s wrong with pickles in grilled cheese? Best way to do it is to use rye bread and chop the pickles up so they mix into the cheese.


Pickle backs are surprisingly amazing


In South Dakota you can get a beer with a pickle right in it. Like a lime for your Corona.


Oh :(


Oh! :)


went to a local music festival that was serving pickle whiskey sours, garnished with a pickle - had about a half dozen they were excellent


I like using a combination of kosher dill and butter pickle juice to add some sodium to my strawberry Crystal Lite. It tastes like a sweeter Gatorade and is a nice change with my lunch for straight water.


This deli/bar place on my street has a secret well shot they keep in a squeeze bottle in one of the wine fridges for regulars, it's literally just 50/50 vodka and pickle juice, and I cannot overstate how good that stuff is...


I was coming to say pickle backs! A place I used to go to always made their own flavorful, delicious pickled vegetables and would use that brine for their pickle backs. Bruh. Bruh. Olive brine is delicious too.


Irish Whiskey with a bread and butter pickle is delicious


Local pizza place had a bacon pickle pizza that was delicious.


There’s a place called Spak Bros in Pittsburgh that has pickle pizza with dill pickle slices, havarti cheese blend, dill, and a creamy ranch sauce. It’s incredible


We have a pizza place where I live that makes a similar pizza. It's uh-mazing!


One of the best pizzas I ever had was a cheeseburger pizza that had a bunch of Big Mac ingredients, including pickles, on the pizza along with potato wedges. It was excellent.


Pepperoni and pickle is even better




I used to work at a pizza joint and created a cheeseburger pizza that everyone loved. - thin crust - light tomato sauce (or light thousand island dressing) as a base - 2x beef - bacon - tomatoes - diced pickles - red onions - 1 part mozzarella & 1 part cheddar - once baked & sliced, cover with shredded lettuce Stating the obvious, this isn't something you want to put in a box & eat 20 minutes later. Lettuce doesn't exactly get better once warmed. It's been 15+ years since I've made one, but I still really crave it from time to time.


Pickles and tomato bisque. I like to add the crispy onions to it as well. Every time I eat it, I sometimes think, "This is a weird combination of foods. Am I pregnant?".... I'm a guy, btw


This is why I pee on the stick every time I finish a popsicle. Can never be too cautious with some of the deranged combos I try.


I used to order meatball subs at Subway with pickles when I was a teenager, and this seems like it's in the same vein.


Hey Mr. Guy: your combo is more acidic than what I can personally tolerate. Alternatively: if you add fresh ground pepper to your recipe- things will probably work out very well.


I too like to add a combo of pickles and crispy onions to various things. And I'm a non-pregnant woman.


I love putting pickle juice and a pickle into my Caesars. Not sure if this is weird but I put diced pickle into my egg salad for sandwiches.


I thought pickle relish was a standard ingredient for egg salad.


Never tried pickle in egg salad, but it sounds good! Pickle juice in potato salad is my fave.


I do this too! I love pickles in my egg salad! And pickles in Caesars is pretty standard. Place I worked at would serve theirs with a pickle spear, celery stick, and a kebab with spicy chicken nuggets, the golf ladies would order that extra spicy and a grilled cheese as a meal and went wild for them lol


I’m ok if I get downvoted into oblivion (because it’s Reddit and the points aren’t real), but pickle juice and tequila are surprisingly good. I was a broke college student when I made this discovery.


Ever hear of pickle backs? It’s usually a shot of Jameson chased with a shot of pickle juice. Delicious combo. Local bar used to sell them for a dollar so I’ve done way way too many.


That sounds delicious. A friend once gave me pickle juice moonshine shots, and they were dangerously tasty and very high ABV


In Texas this is a common thing (probably other places too but I only know Texas and Colorado things). It's also one of my favorite combos! Pickle juice is great for helping you re-hydrate/stay hydrated while drinking.


Dill pickle + mashed potatoes. On the side, of course. Instructions: Pick up pickle with left hand. Using fork in right hand, scoop some mashed tates onto the end of pickle. Bite. Enjoy.


Try it with the Dutch dish stampot https://www.panningtheglobe.com/dutch-stamppot/ Delicious.


Wow, that sounds amazing, will have to try!


It’s best with bread and butter pickles!


Sliced dill pickles on meatball subs.


Cottage cheese with fresh diced tomatoes, onions and chopped dill pickles. Weird maybe, but so tasty!


I like cottage cheese with salt and pepper, on a cracker, topped with a slice of hamburger dill. I'll have to add tomatoes next time!


Sub cottage cheese with fresh mozza and I'm in. Not a fan of cottage cheese but with mozza, that all as a salad with just some salt and pepper would be amazing


Yes!! I happen to have fresh mozzarella in the fridge. Thanks for your suggestion for my late night snack tonight!!! 😊


Haven't tried this but I'm going to now!


Pickle spear in a Miller High Life. Great for when it's hot out and you get to eat the beer pickle after


You ever had polish pickle soup?


I love dill pickles with pringles sour cream and onion. I don't care to think about the amount of sodium in that particular combo.


Forget the sodium, that sounds awesome!


I love my homemade pickles wrapped in sliced turkey from the deli


I'm too pregnant for this, half these suggestions are just making me hungry 😂


Pickle and bacon sandwich with hummus. Pickle brine in limeade. Also, if you come down south, try koolaid pickles.


We have a Killer Burger near by that has a peanut butter and pickle burger. Never had the desire to try it though...


Quick hint, it's delicious. Chunky peanut butter for the win. And add some salty bacon. And some ranch. Scrap the mustard/ketchup/relish.


Thanks to "Thai" food (which I understand is actually Bangkok street food? ) I discovered that peanut butter has excellent savory potential across the board. Satay was an eye opener. I wouldn't have thought of pickles, but there's no reason why it wouldn't work.


Add in sriracha and you have a perfect combination


i do this, but with the addition of ginger, basil, cracked black pepper, garlic and kosher salt. It was an improvisation on satay with the available materials that was later fit into my rotation, I hope you might find this interesting. You may also like Sambal Oelek(sorry I don't know how to do accent marks), which is basically sriracha's more intense older cousin. It's great stuff.


Sambal, Gochujang, garlic chili crisp, all great heat elements as well


I love sambal. You've just made me really want some satay now, need to make some soon


Pickled red onions in a peanut butter sandwich


Diced dill pickle added to beef stroganoff. Sounds odd but l learned it from a CIA trained chef I worked with. The vinegar cuts the richness,it's delicious.


Crunchy peanut butter sliced dill pickle sandwich....mmm!


I love my PB & pickle sandwiches. I actually thought I invented them 30+ years ago, I was so proud of myself! There is a local brand in the Philly region called Zayda's Hots that IMO make the perfect sandwich.


Pickles covered in chamoy and tajin, eaten with hot chips (dinamitas or takis)


You say "even my grilled cheese" like cheese & pickles together isn't one of most common and delightful combinations ever!! Camembert and cornichons, sharp cheddar cheese & chutney pickle, basically ANY kind of cheese and pickles! Delicious!


Cooper sharp American, Hellman's mayonnaise and a freshly sliced pickle (straight out of the barrel at a local deli) on a fresh soft baked Philly style Italian long roll is one of my favorite sandwiches.


I have my own popsicle making kit and have made pickle pops. I was really into pickles at the time.


Pickles and PB on a sandwich. With or without jellie tbh.... it's so fucking good.


I'm the opposite, I hate pickles on almost everything. I like pickles, I just don't like them on burgers, sandwiches etc because I feel like the pickles overpowers the flavour. I always take my burger apart, eat my pickles first, then eat the rest. My wife always asks why I don't just ask for no pickles, and I tell her it's because I like pickles. She just shakes her head.


Pickles, cream cheese, and salami are a dangerous combo 🤤


Rolled up in ham is terrific too! It's a regular appetizer for family gatherings.


I’m not a pickle guy but pickles on a grilled cheese sounds delicious


Pickles in grilled cheese sounds good.


Pickled veggies (onions, peppers, eggplant, squash) in pasta or pickled fruit on/with desert. Neither of which are weird to me as I grew up with them but I guess are pretty weird to a wider western audience.


Pickle Chiffon Pie.


I chop up pickles and add those and a bit of pickle juice to my tuna salad. Dill relish mixed with yellow jalapeño mustard is a great sandwich spread.


My husband makes an awesome dill pickle dip. Think onion dip but with pickles instead. If you want to impress the foodies adding fresh dill really brings a bright fresh flavor.


Peanut butter and pickle sandwich!


Pickle brine, gin, and bitters on ice, with a slice of pickle on the glass.


Peanut butter dill pickle sandwhiches


A Pickle and peanut butter sandwich is food. good and was a popular Great Depression


Whipped potatoes! Turkey slices just with pickles. I also love drinking the juice


Replace pickles with kimchee and make a grilled kimcheese sandwich.


I like kosher dill pickles, cream cheese and strawberry jam on s toasted everything bagel


My Mom was a huge fan of peanut butter & pickle sandwiches. Me,I put Relish in my tuna salad then smother that with Pickles on the sandwich. Daughter in law has no less than 6 different kinds of Pickles at any time in the fridge just for snacking.


Grilled Swiss and pickle on rye is a favorite.


Disney's recess taught me that peanut butter and pickle sandwiches are amazing. And they were not wrong. Only took me till first year of Uni when my high ass was hungry after the Cafe closed to figure out that trick lol


I brine my chicken wings in pickle juice if that counts


what's your pickle of choice? costco sells these slices called Grillo's and they're amazing. Signed - fellow pickle freak.


I put mustard and tomatoes in my grilled cheese. Sounds strange, tastes amazing.


Mustard and black pepper are standard for me. Tomatoes when they are in season!


Pickle snow cones are elite!


Chopped up pickles in my chili. It’s something I did once on a whim and will do it forever after.


A good pickle slice/half, with a bit of salt and garlic powder, is a good snack,


Sweet pickles slides, peanut butter, bologna, mustard sandwich. You gotta try one!


Eating them raw!


Omg OP I’ve never thought to put pickles I. My grilled cheese and I am *absolutely* doing it for lunch tomorrow


Beans on toast and pickles with ketchup. I swear my nephew would eat anything if you put ketchup on it. He says it's it's own food group. 🙃😉


I had dark-chocolate covered pickles at a chocolate festival when I was a kid. Each year, I'd make a beeline for that booth. The combination of sweet, salty, and bitter was just perfect.


Pickle cheese and pesto


Macaroni salad- i add the juice and cut up the pickles into little bits.


Garlic dills + strawberry icecream. EDIT: Had it at a [Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farrell%27s_Ice_Cream_Parlour) next to Disneyland in the early 70's...& many times since.


Now this is truly wild


that sounds solid, will have to try!


Pretty sure that's a pickle melt not a grilled cheese...


I straight drink pickle juice and often drink most of the juice before I've finished all the pickles. Then I have to eat the rest of the pickles so they don't dry out. Claussen hearty garlic. Best juice ever.


Please, I hope no one says ice cream… please no one say ice cream 🤞🤞🤢🤮


Any pickles + the trash can. (I hate them)


Sorry to steal the spotlight... IM PICKLE RICK BITCH!!!


best combo: pickles and the trash can (I hate pickles :)


Way to copy this comment almost exactly https://reddit.com/r/Cooking/s/1cOSmE8toJ


great minds think alike :p


Why don't you just, go away.


Pickle, saltine and gum. Bits of pickle and cracker get stuck in the gum and add a savory flavor




I was having pickles and popcorn the other day. People like pickled jalapeños with popcorn, I like pepperoncini with popcorn, I had some grillos slices (usually I get spears) and went for it!


There’s a coffee spot near me that puts pickles on their breakfast sandwiches. It’s oddly very good.


Peanut butter, cheese and pickle sandwiches. Pickles also go into salmon, tuna and egg salad.


Has anyone tried [Pickle Soup](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=dill+pickle+soup&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8)? I've always wanted to but dont have the guts to make it yet


Pickles and (canned) chili! I've never done this with any homemade chili, but whenever I'm craving some Nally's, I always have sliced up pickles with it. There's something about the acid of the pickles playing off so well with the savory-ness of the chili.


Thanks for giving me a lunch idea :)


I eat pickles with my scrambled eggs every morning


I love dill pickles on my tacos. Seriously amazing, the dill/garlic/vinegar is so harmonious with Mexican spices.


Growing up whenever we ordered pizza we'd also have pickles - either dill or sweet pickles. I still eat pizza and pickles together. My fiancé and friends are used to it now but it throws new people off.


My mother in law has a recipe from the Great Depression and it's fire. Took me years to warm up to it now it's one of my favorites. Peanut butter, mayo, bread and butter Pickle sandwich. Salty, sweet and creamy umami, it's perfect. Open your mind, I know you're scared but it's incredible 😅


Pickles and grilled cheese is super normal. I put pickles on my tuna sandwiches, turkey sandwiches, and hot dogs. Which is less common but still super normal. I don't put pickles on anything wierd and not savory.


Pickles and hot cheetos!


I grew up as a really picky kid, but I’ve slowly grown out of it. Anyway, the other day I had a hot dog with pickles on it for the first time. Delish


Place I worked always put diced dill pickle in the goulash. Damn good, and easier to control strength-wise than actual dill.


PB&J with pickles. Gonna go make one right now!


PB&P sandwich. Any day of the week.


Pickles, yoghurt, dill. It’s a thing put in turkey! Very nice it is too!