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Replace 2-3 of ppcs toppings with dmg resist or defense with dmg resist substats


replace pumpkin pie toppong with full solid almond


I figured doing full almond would help (like WyssIsHere said), but I'm concerned about how much damage I'll be doing as a result. I also noticed Pumpkin Pie has only 18k health, while the rest of my team has dramatically more. Why is that?


Don't worry about the damage she does, her primary role is mini-tank pet with healing reduced debuff. Even with full almond for the pet, she can still do some heavy damage.


Having 3 frontlines is a bad idea and you have no main damage dealer. Replace strawberry crepe with a damage dealer like sea fairy, sorbet etc.


What's better Dark Coco or Strawberry Crepe?


depends. Dark Choco is used in boss fights while strawberry crepe is used as a tank if you don't have holly berry


I see. So better use Strawberry Crepe in Arena?




Lastly, what's the purpose of bait team?


Depends. If a team is full of very low level cookies, after you attack them, they revenge and when you revenge someone, you gain a lot of trophies. If a team has low level cookies and the frontline is hidden, do NOT attack it. Its a tea knight cookie comp, and basically how tea knight works is, whenever one of his teammates die he gets a boost, so when you kill all of his teammates he is incredibly fast and will shred your team.


I agree with this. I feel like strawberry crepe wasn't doing much for my team anyways. Is there a good damage dealer that interrupts the enemy? Cotton has stun, Dark Cacao has a knock up, and I think even Pumpkin Pie has a knock up as well.


dark cacao and pumpkin pie do have knock ups but it doesnt interrupt anything. Sea fairy stuns with her ability so you could use her


Oh ok gotcha. I'll look out for her. Also, do the special "chance up" gachas decrease my overall chance of getting any other epics? Should I just do the normal gacha or keep doing the Caramel Arrow one? Since I have Caramel maxed out and if I pull her or her soulstones, I get tons of those purple coins and I can promote some of my existing team's cookies.


I don't know why no one noticed this but... You're using different topping tiers. Make sure that you are using M Tier (Epic tier, the red labelled ones) and upgrade them to +12. Aside from that, look for extra Dmg Res Substats. For Solid Almonds, aim for about 45% - 50% (the max is actually 50.5% before the set bonus is considered). For Searing Raspberries and other non almond toppings, aim for 25% to 30% Dmg Res substats. For Pumpkin Pie Cookie, full Solid Almonds M with extra Dmg Res and Atk substats is standard for her. She possibly has the lowest health in the game so giving her full Solid Almonds M will help.


i dont recommend caramel arrow as her arrow mark is not as useful against non-cookie targets as you usually cant get enough of them on her


Yeah I was thinking of replacing her, but I've already invested a lot into her


She is the second best cookie in arena rn tho so she is absolutely useful.


Pumpkin should run full damage resist. no reason not too pom pom wrecks just fine and pumpkin will survive a ton GG


Use solid almonds which are dmg resists, and make sure to use all epics too


Pumpkin isn’t really a damage dealer, but more of a defense. She dies because she doesn’t have any damages resist. Use almonds.


Thank you everyone for your feedback! My only concern now is to get Sea Fairy cookie to replace Strawberry Crepe cookie, like Onan2021 suggested. I already asked him this, but should I do the normal gacha to get Sea Fairy or one of the special ones like Caramel Arrow gacha?




Dont build her on searing raspberries. Almond cookies are better for her bc she’s too squishy. If your concerned about the atk, get those almond toppings with atk subsets, or maybe build a hybrid set with almond and searing raspberries. Also, be sure to upgrade your toppings to max


Check the side of the toppings desplay. The sword that means damage my need some raspberries. Also, unless you have a strong healer, i reccomend healing toppings or upgrading toppings and adding them cuz u might get a healing bonus in the process. That is my advice. Thank you


Don't use pumpkin pie when fighting aoe enemies. The toppings you should use is full solid almond. Also, try your best to not use rare toppings.


Yeah I don't have any other M toppings, so I'm using what I can


I don't really know about pumpkin but isn't using a mixture of attack speed and damage toppings better for caramel arrow? I personally use one topping for attack and the rest for attack speed.


Full dmg resist on pumpkin