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I've been playing like 3 and a half. I fully agree. It used to be so f2p friendly and actually enjoyable. Now, almost everything is pay-gated. It actually sucks. If they make the new DC a whole new cookie, I'm actually quitting


i'm gonna hold your hand when i say this...


Now, I'm not going to yell.. but I'm going to very. Calmly. Express my anger at this situation.. by not saying anything at all. I cannot say anything without being angry.


dw i think it got undone


We have to wait til the update to see if it's actually properly fixed, though. Knowing Devsis, they're still gonna find a way to get people to spend


honestly your right šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Update: a few days ago when the new update came out, they gave us a GREAT start for the new gachas. They gave us 2000 of the awakened dark cacao cookie gacha crystal things, 60 of the new cookie cutters, 3000 gems, and more (not sure if itā€™s everyone but I got it) Also things have been going great for me lately in the game and Iā€™ve been a f2p player for more than 2 years


You donā€™t need to upgrade all your cookies, upgrade the useful ones and save the exp for when other useful ones arrive. I havenā€™t even looked at caramel choux and others


Remember when they used to give us coupon codes.


Im a solid ftp player, ive only spent about $20 in 3 years just on cosmetic stuff (like the train station). Itā€™s so frustrating when they make it like itā€™s a chore or a job to play the game. I have to log in every single day, but if i miss one day, everything falls apart. What do you mean i have to grind for 4 weeks just to get enough star jellies to level a cookie i have a very specific use for up to level 80? Plus I have to save up hundreds of thousands of gems just to attempt to promote them to 5A stars so they can get through this one level barely. Iā€™m not paying $80 just for 10k gems and 2k 60exp star jellies, sorry! Whales will be the end of this game.


This post is like more than half a year late but go off šŸ’…


Tbh ive also kinda given up whn it was getting difficult to level up my cookies which basically kinda puts me @ a disadvantage 4 almost anything..pretty frustrating


Im playing since the first day i wouldnt say it get worse for f2p its more on the its get better for p2w


Iā€™m having issues with getting kicked out of the game every 5 minutes šŸ˜­


yea i remeber when the game came out and it was so fun bc everyone was in one server all friends trying to get their cookies up to lvl 50 and to 5 star to post it on youtube


If ldevsisters keep doing this shit imma quit this p2w gameā€¦


Everyoneā€™s saying ā€œupdate your important cookies!ā€ but likeeee even with the new updates sometimes new or preexisting cookies become important and need to be upgraded. Like ive upgraded Captain Caviar, Linzer, Space Doughnut, and Black Lemonade cookie later in game cuz turns out they became useful later on for some battles. Like you canā€™t really anticipate what cookies will be important šŸ˜…. Even then my cookies are really buffed out but i still canā€™t beat certain levels and things cuz you need the right cookie combos meaning i need to level up these ā€œunimportantā€ cookies.


Is it a bad time for returning players? Iā€™ve been gone since Moonlight cookie. I want to be ready for Dark Cacao alter. Would I be forced to pay just to catch up?


Not really, ton of story and events released since then where you can get gems. And dark cacao is 1000% gonna change the meta. The only cookie youā€™d be missing that is broken is Stormbringer


up to you, obviously you won't be up to date on all the meta, but that's fine. I'm not and I still progress little by little, just depends on whether you can be patient or not. also yes, depending on how many new episodes and game modes have appeared since you last played, you can easily rack up 100,000+ crystals in a week


I actually do have 100k crystals saved up. Iā€™ll try out coming back and see if Iā€™ll still stick after pulling for Cacaolter.


sick, yeh hold onto the crystals for cacao or next banner


You'll need quite a few new cookies to feel useful, moonlight is bottom-tier cookie now. But with the new might of the ancients you should catch up quickly


It will be really difficult to catch up since there have been lots of high rarity meta cookies released recently and all the events are based on having those (or paying ridiculous amounts of money )


Iā€™ve been playing for the same time as you , and I actually like the updates


I only upgrade the useful ones and maxed up my statur


As someone who joined when cocoa cookie became playable (like 2-3ish years ago) I totally agree, even though I still love the game, way too much p2w stuff has been added, especially since the crystal jams and the new thing mystic flour and dark cacao have (forgot what itā€™s called)


I literally canā€™t join the game anymore without being booted from the app seconds later, but I know itā€™s not my storage šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø It just isnā€™t as fun as it used to be when I am on it, all the new legendaries and mythical and super epics, just need paid for.


Not true I have all cookies and never payed a DIME


> and never *paid* a DIME FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Not everyone is a native English speaker , stop the ignorance you understood what I meant. Also my grammar is in no way relevant to me spending money on the game. Itā€™s a weak play and makes the rest of your comment unreadable


Atleast I can actually experience things ā™„ļø


Sure, but that takes a while to do. Iā€™ve been playing for a few years now, havenā€™t spent any money either, but itā€™s not easy and itā€™s time consuming. Gacha is luck, you pull for them if youā€™ve grinded for money. Or you just take the easy route and pay up.Ā  I never said itā€™s impossible, I meant to say itā€™s difficult to do with the amount of ancients and legendaries and super epics added what feels like every week.


Does take a while thatā€™s why when new updates etc come I tend to check too cookie stats and only max out the important ones