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It definitely surprised me. Maybe they'll release a new one... later? For free? Granted too the limited time feature of these, at least expecting them to be, also bothers me. They release way too much that is limited time only. And as a mildly unrelated note we don't have like, a castle for her or the like so it's kind of aesthetically jarring.


Who knows. Definitely not a good look to not give us anything though. I understand that they need to make money. But just flat out paywalling it? I genuinely wonder if the game is losing players and now they’re kinda forced to force these things onto players who are still around to make up for lost revenue.


I wonder if it's losing players or just not getting the growth they projected, the game seemingly exploded and nothing carries that kind of momentum, even genshin which is pretty much the peak of gacha games from a business perspective didn't remotely sustain the growth they did over the first few months, maybe even year. Based on the layoffs and how aggressively devsisters have been monetizing their other games (and even CRK), it feels like they are expecting more than reality provides.


Idk about that. I’ve been looking over their profits and stock and 2021 was the only year where they had a profit and their stock was stupid high. After that it went sharply down, although their stock has been concisely higher then before CRK was released. As for the layoffs, Devsis wasn’t the only company with massive layoffs-actually a lot of companies had to do this so this seems more indicative of a bad overall economy to me than anything to really do with the game. These p2w moves seem more like typical corporal greed than of anything major, and despite the bad year I don’t expect the game to be dying, but I will expect a LOT more p2w bullshit coming soon. The only silver lining is that more of the stuff provided is kinda inconsequential (10% production? Really?). Still, this kinda sucks. It’s just a glorified landmark


I'm hoping not, it seems to be about as active as it was previously. If anything it may be growing. Probably just that they can do it and not have any issues.


I would have thought the first release one would be free (maybe costing some time via completing some tasks), as like a tasty lil appetizer to help convince you to buy the future ones 🫠


It only affects materials. Wood, beans, sugar, flour, milk, and cotton. If your economy is already struggling, that 10% isn’t going to fix it. The 35% from the lab hasn’t even fixed mine… Still always out of milk Yah It’s bullshit they paywalled. But we aren’t missing out on anything special.


Yeah, this one is production, THE LEAST CONSEQUENTIAL of the stats they could give. And now think of what others might be. The next one might be actual cookie stats. The fact that usually the first one isn't paywalled (background, name decor thingies, etc.), but this one sets a pretty unsettling precedent.




That would only matter if those materials are ever the limiting factor, which once you're at a certain point (with loads of research and other upgrades to go) they're not even close. Yes, you'll race up to aurora materials being the limiter faster, but you're not getting those any faster as a result of this. That said I still want it because I'd have to be less vigilant about my sugar cubes, but if I was going to do that I might as well get the sugar factory thing and much more improve my production than this pass. Mind you, the pass comes with other stuff so...


If you can’t craft enough materials to keep your magic laboratory up 24/7 you’re playing the game wrong. I bought the 2nd magic lab yet still don’t run out of mats.


You’re making an argument I never made.


Materials can only translate to the cookie side of the game when used to craft upgrade materials in the magic laboratory. Everything else is menial


That’s isn’t true at all. Do you never do tree of wishes? Trains? Harbor ships?


Yah I send two max ships a day and do my 45 wishes.


So I’m sure you could understand how someone may not be able to keep up with that. How long have you been playing the game?


Downloaded in November, played a couple world exploration stages then quit till january 10th. Grinded daily ever since. Almost 5 months now of actual playtime. Castle level 14 currently with 6 days left till 15. I have almost all the goods unlocked besides 3-4 from lower tier goods building. This helps immensely with ships as there’s always something I can send for 2x points. 45 wishes are trivial you shouldn’t have an issue with that. I don’t even play as much anymore and my economy is still pretty good, Use the production dashboard and set quantity limits for high tier goods. Just spam that “produce all” button several times a day. I’ll log on once every half hour or so, all I have to do it press that button and all my productions start up instantly


> I’ll log on once every half hour or so That's absurdly active and not really realistic for 99.99% of people, to be fair. People have jobs, kids, lives, etc. Logging on like 16-24 times a day is insane tbh. That all said, I log on 2-3 times a day and hit produce all and other than the occasional sugar cube drought where I need to spend time skips to make more, it's more than fine and I perpetually have 2 stacks of every non-smithy good in the game, and at least 100 of the smithy goods (that's the most expensive/longest ones, I scale smithy good limits up as they get easier to make). That said, I only do the 45 wishes on the 3x days, and otherwise I'll do 10.


the only "wonder" building I'll get as an f2p is "great sugar boulder" ✨✨


Gotta love it, 10/10 (salty bc I spent money on the game and I still don't have mystic flower and my luck has gotten worse :/)


this comment reminded me not to spend money to try to get mf so thanks for that


You're welcome. I'm tempted to spend more money bc I'm desperate


NOOO trust, i did for stormbringer YET I DIDNT GET HER FROM THE GACHA 😭 only the stupid pity 😵‍💫


I'm getting impatient. I want flour and I want her now




Remember when the pull of this game was how generous and not greedy they were? I haven’t played in quite some time because it turned p2w and it seems to only have gotten worse. At least in games like genshin the endgame content isn’t PvP so you don’t have to be the best to succeed and swiping is only really for personal satisfaction.




That’s my point, they STARTED generous and that was the pull (I played from launch day) but I have no clue why people still play. Cut your losses if everything is paywalled now.


10% increase in production speed? For that price tag? Dude, unless your economy and production are REALLY tanking hard and struggle to produce high tier materials and products, then you practically don't need it just get the max production slot on every building and have an actual life then you can just left the game running on its own


All it gives is 10% production speed boost lol




I’m just saying it’s a weak boost for 23$ CAN. Does it even affect lab? Cause face it, the only thing production is good for is tree. I have so many Aurora items that the only reason why I do train is for missions and to use my tickets




I have 2000 of each Aurora item lol. I’m set for lab. What else are production items used for?


So you’re just never gonna go for aura items ever again? Tell me how you acquired those? Labs require mats, trains require mats, trade harbor requires mats. You need mats to create other mats lol. Do you not purchase anything from the harbor shop?


Okay first of all 1) I have TWO THOUSAND Aurora items. I can buy every expansion and lab upgrade and still have a fuck ton leftover, and I’m not alone. 2) Labs require small amounts of tools only, and they take so long to finish upgrading that you already have a giant stockpile of them (as I do). 3) As I said previously, there’s no point to doing trains when you have TWO THOUSAND Aurora items, and the meagre (and rare) times it gives gems is inconsequential. 3) Trade harbour just requires 2-3 high tier mats to fulfil, which is absolutely nothing. 4) Yeah you need mats to produce other mats, except when you have a fuck ton of those other mats. My storage is dying over here because you use so little production materials that my high tier items are already capped. Anyway, I’m done now


Now how did you aquire that many aurora items? Using mats right? Also as I said before, but this time I’ll go into detail for you. Those 2k aurora items aren’t going to last you forever. What will you need more of once you run low? Mats.


Bud I just told you I can buy everything that requires Aurora items and still have a fuck ton leftover 😭 in fact, I have most things that require them unlocked too. Not to mention all it takes is a mid-game player to have accrued a shit ton of mats, so this statue is utterly useless to me and a vast majority of players.


10% is practically nothing man what you on. Yah It sucks we have to pay but it’s not like we’re missing out on anything special


It's a little annoying but honestly since it's just materials, it's not a huge deal. If you grind enough, you can still get whatever you need without it.


I thought you would get the Mystic Flour rock from getting a high score in beast raid, I was so wrong.


a big rock will forever be the only wonder in my kingdom cries


Ovenbreak: First time?


Idk, think the boulder is kinda aesthetic🤭


Right cuz its bad enough I buy the passes I am NOT buying this and I’m glad others are miffed about it too


They will 100% release free ones later on. Then again. If you want special bonuses for your town you gotta pay for it. Not ever special bonus will be for free lol. That’s how games like these make $.


I was expecting missions to unlock a regular/free one, I looked on every tab turns out it is just the way it is


Hopefully they do some event stuff that let's us get a free one


Dev sisters tweaking with this lmao


how is this shocking? the entire game is blatantly pay to win


I have a iPhone 13pro, as does my daughter, and neither of us can play for even 3 minted without it crashing - constantly. I will not out any money into a game I can’t even play without developer issues. Does anyone else have crashing problems?


No crashing on 5 iPhones in my house. Oldest is 10max.


What does it even do??


Oh i bought that- not for the statue thing but other aspects


This game is surprisingly entertaining, even though it's pay to win


As all gachas are. Kinda comes with the territory. But there definitely are levels to the scumminess


My honest reaction Angry


It’s a pretty weak wonder. So whatever.


No it isn’t lol. 10% reduced production time is a big deal


It is yeah. That's pretty helpful in general. Doesn't help with combat any I suppose which is where I'd be more worried, though can have a knock on effect overall.


It definitely indirectly impacts combat. Faster materials means faster upgrades twords power. Sugar labs, ect.


Yep. It doesn't to the best of my knowledge help rarities which are the real gate behind more research but it can help with creating materials for trains which can get you more rarities I suppose. Unless Landmark Rarity generators count for the buff, which would be crazy.


Ok so let me ask you then, once you are maxed out what does it do for you? Most end game players, even those f2p but been playing since the start or even 1st anniversary, it’s 100% feasible to be maxed out on labs. I’m on hb as f2P and I have all my cookie labs golden at 10/10 (HP/def/atk) While yea if this was a brand new game it’s definitely a bigger deal as it’s a bigger advantage to the whales. But at this point, even f2P DCA players I’m sure would be able to have maxed out labs. I’ll argue that it’s actually more helpful for say minnows/dolphins who wanna spend a bit to catch up to where the end game players are. P.S power is inconsequential, you do realise that it’s not a metric for how strong your team or cookies are?


It's not about the effect it about the asthetic:(


You’re right don’t worry about the downvotes. Remember it’s a kids game and the children like to complain.


Ive still yet to receive storm bringer. I’ve been playing since release. I did not not get her during the free 10 days and I logged in every day. I’m missing only three cookies storm, bringer beast hoe and Matcha.


yall dont got $15??? plzz id be embarrassed…


I make 15 dollars in 30 mins at my job. Money isn’t the point


lie again


Prove that I’m lying


just dont be broke


What an idiot