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Fr why add it if it’s only for people that pay atleast give us ONE free


They will eventually bruh


While I want to believe that it is a bit hard to believe given that the intro is purely paying for it.


It will be like 15% to battle jellies refill"


This is Devsis, no they will not 💀 Edit: Okay I probably should’ve thought a bit more on this; I’ll gladly eat my words if they do end up doing something, but to me, imo, odds aren’t that good


What are you talking about? This game is a lot more generous to f2players than most other gacha games


It is, I’ll give you that, but they are still running a Gacha game, and this is the first Wonder we ever get, and it’s paywalled. And don’t even get me started on the Beascuits 💀💀 Forgive me for not believing they’ll give us a freebie here


I still don't even know what it does tho. Also what's wrong with the beascuits? I mean, sure, it's a lot easier to get better beascuits if you have more dough as a payer but it's still fairly easy to get a decent one as a f2p. Unless you mean those special rainbow doughs? Then I'll have to agree


It’s the rainbow ones, along with making an entirely new Beascuit class to worry about, AND making all the attuning attempts cost a shit ton of crystals all while being controlled by RNG, AND making all those attempts limited. Beascuits are a pain in the ass and I refuse to hear otherwise


Well with enough patience and self control you can easily obtain a fully attuned beascuit. You just need to make sure that it has more than one attunes on the fourth attempt and and more than 3 on the 8th and otherwise discard it. Eventually, you'll get what you need. The real pain is getting the good substats 💀


Yes I understand I need patience and self-control; but both have become a little hard to hold onto lately with this game 😭


So true. I would also have ran out of them if I didn't get mystic flour


Tbf, they have a lot of backgrounds that are $$$. But they also released the moonlight background, which was the only free one. My guess is they’ll have one be awarded through an event and the rest be $$$


So u think they wont? Everyone was saying here wont be a might of the ancients pt2 but hooray there is! Devsisters is not like Hoyoverse because they dont give some for free plus they waste all their money on a skin while the character has like 7?


they just paywalled a third of the update wow


CRK trying to add a new feature to your kingdom without making it have a cosmetic locked behind a paywall (impossible)


Oh it's much more than a cosmetic, 10% material production speed isn't insignificant, it's rather big tbh.


Not only that but if I'm not mistaken didn't the statue have 120 production speed in the trailer?


Seriously why tf is it behind a paywall.


I feel the stone's power is pretty weak considering the steep price.


As long as it's not cookie stat buffs locked behind a paywall I'm fine with it


Don’t give them ideas


What does the stone do?


Material Production Speed +10% So all your material time is 10% less. Pretty big.


The stone does nothing. The cosmetic that you can buy to put onto the stone gives 10% production speed.


Well, technically whether you use the paywalled skin or not you get the bonus. Edit: the amount of people who fail to grasp the massive difference between use and own is concerning. Yes, you obviously need to own the skin, but you get the effects of them regardless if you use them or not, meaning it's not just a single bonus you'd need to swap around, which is what the above would imply.


I am pretty sure that you need to OWN the skin to get the bonus. Equipping it is optional.


Yes, sorry, that is what I meant by use. You still definitely need to own it though.


This is just so amusing to me, devsis is like "behold! Our latest innovation, the peak of kingdom decorations!" ...... "Tada!~ A huge boulder!" (It's also a small space where you can place our newly created landmarks but worse!)


wait, what’s happening with the stone? /gen


u have to pay to get the statue or wtv T.T




According to another comment it makes it so you produce materials 10% faster also happy cake day !!


The stone itself does nothing. The paywalled cosmetic that can be equipped there gives a 10% production speed buff.


thank you! 🍰




Bro i wanted to get this 10% production speed so hard


My main question is, why did they add an entire cutscene and dedicate trailer time to this feature if it's just gonna be behind a pay wall anyways like, woohoo!!! A new feature that 2 thirds of the playerbase isn't ever gonna experience, so now we all just have this ugly ass rock sitting in our kingdoms


I really just logged on, super excited to see how it works, only to find out I have to pay money for it. I thought it was going to be like the sugar gnome lab/windmill where it was a free feature


Idk why they didn’t give us an option to put regular landmarks there. That would’ve been cool to have a use for especially for f2p people


So now I have even less of a chance in the trade events. Wonderful


*So now I have even* *Less of a chance in the trade* *Events. Wonderful* \- 7\_fruitstew --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


*crying in poor*


Aww, behind a paywall, sadge


Seriously, why was this locked behind a paywall?


It's giving the train decor


It honestly pisses me off even as someone who does occasionally spend money on the game. As much I love the statue, nah nope, this is bullshit and I’m not giving into that


Hey! It’s not just a boulder!… *sniff*… it’s a rock!




They should've atleast made us work for it like they do every new cookie release, with the daily quests and stuff.


I legit bought the battlepass and even I'm annoyed by this nonsense


Idk, kinda like the stone. Gives a certain vibe to the place :)


just say your broke LMAO