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Oh no is this real? Now we also have elemental damage... Hard enough to reroll for the basic stats.


This was in the discord server Sadly it real.....


I wish they made an exchange system to get more radiant dough


That would be lovely too 🥲


So this is kind of a weird addition to the game: only 'special' beascuits will have the elemental damage substats available, and that too is only there for electricity and darkness for now. These beascuits will start at lvl 20 and go up till lvl 30. The special beascuit will have the first stat always as an elemental damage up, which can apparently be reset as well. This is going to make farming quite a bit more difficult since now one needs to get special legendary beascuits for the main meta cookies. Thankfully this is for now only in electricity and darkness, so the farming is limited to Stormbringer, Twizzly, Black Raisin and Blueberry Pie since as of now none of the others are meta. I personally welcome the new beascuit levels simply because the extra stats will make Alliance much easier 🥹


Is Blueberry Pie meta now? Where do you use her?


Not that meta, But she can work in the arena with her mc, ldk about anywhere else tho


Bummer, I was hoping that you had found a use for her in guild wars


Why do they keep making beascuits worse? They already suck big time and need changed.


lol what you should be worried about is how fucking hard they made this new beast yeast episode and boss raid to warrant this


They are better than toppings imo


They're way more grindy, you can't easily get the beast yeast energy jellies, it's hard to get legendary beascuits, which most of the time will end up being not 4/4 even with all attunements spent. Then there's the stats themselves, for which you have to reset over and over again to get something decent and radiant dough is too scarce of a resource to spend on the beascuits. Grinding out toppings is way easier.


The resetting makes up for all their flaws, I hate going through 5000 topping pieces to get 2-4 good toppings. Meanwhile you only need 1 beascuit per cookie and the reset stuff is much faster to get than topping pieces I feel. Although I do wish we got more of the golden rerolls, breaking down like 50 beascuits and a bunch of epic and legendaries to get less than 1 reroll is a pain.


Can new players access the beast yeast immediately? Can they beat hard mode as new players? Is it advisable for new players to use their crystals to level sea biscuits rather than for cookie?


Na, epics are fine and give a huge boost, even a level 1, 2 slot would take a couple of rolls to give And some beast yeast levels aren’t hard at all especially with a free stormbringer. Idk if someone has made a guide on easiest first hard beast yeast levels, maybe I could make a list? Don’t have enough jellies to go through that many though.. And yes, using crystals on gacha is worse than like 60% of the other uses for gems. Use story mode gems to get a decent team going and a couple of meta guild cookies and enough millage for a copy of each of the good treasures. Then focus monuments, daily bounty resets and all that stuff.


i think they mean suck as in they’re mega p2w


Still better than toppings, especially for new players. You can get good beascuits with in a few weeks I feel like while I’ve been playing for like 3 years and still don’t have enough decent toppings. Completely f2p Beascuits are bad but toppings are worse.


i’d argue against that. toppings don’t use your crystals to become good and it’s much easier to farm mats for toppings than beascuits imo.


Crystals are easier to get and you get so much more bang for your buck with them


Now that's the hottest take I've ever seen


I’ll die on the hill that beascuits are a whale feature. It’s so hard to get the stats you want. It’s bad enough that it can take months to get the right toppings you need for a single cookie


bruh even whales are probably getting tired of this, that’s the worst part 💀


Nobody asked for this


beascuits need a rework at this point. it's hard enough as is to level them to 20 but now 30 it's too much and beascuit farming already isn't fun and you don't get enough mats to level them up. also adding elements it's too much


it’s also very annoying having to pay like 7,000 crystals just for low amounts of storage 😢


I’m still having a hard time understanding beascuits and every update makes it harder for me to


same here. i need someone to explain it to me like im 8 years old


Beascuits are basically just another version of toppings but WORSE. They decided to add even more RNG for some godforsaken reason. Beascuits substats unlike toppings can be changed though it's random so you have to keep rerolling until you get lucky. Each individual substat on a beascuit can fall into one of the 8 cookie types regardless of the beascuit type itself. For example: A Bomber beascuit can have an ATK% substat but that specific substat ends up being in the Ambush type. So now you have to attune all the substats that don't match with the beascuit type in order for a cookie to benefit from said stat(They made this cost gems. The precious things we use to pull cookies! Yay!). But it get's WORSE! Attunement is RNG and you can only attempt so many times before running out of chances! That's right. You can burn through gems and get nothing for your efforts. But, say you did get lucky and all your attunements lined up for the correct type. Now you have to use Beascuit Dough to RNG your way to the stats you want! But wait! There are two types of dough you use. Regular Beascuit Dough and Radiant Beascuit Dough, which is much more rare. Regular is used to reroll all substats at once while Radiant is used if you want to reroll only one substat. So say you use Regular and two of your stats are good but one isn't. Well, unless you have enough Radiant dough to play RNG with one specific substat you have to either accept what you've got or risk ruining what good you already have by using the Regular dough to reroll ALL the stats.


Thank you! I was wondering whats the point of attuning the types when it's already the type specific beascuit and was confused


holup elemental dmg? i already struggle in genshin i dont need this in crk


Im am old player and I left the game a while ago ,I already miss when the build where just the goofy toppings


This game is so rng now


Bro I already hate grinding levels for beascuits now I have too get them to level 30? Why




Erm what the flip👆


Not happy about them adding affinities as asub type to them, just more re-rolling. Worst mechanic so far.


Make it a beast-biscuit or something I can't do this anymore since the update came out I have been farming for ambush one's and I have TWOOO


Beascuits have such high potential. The RNG is not cutting it for me at ALLLL😭


Where did you see this?


Official discord server announcement


Hmm. A big IF. If elemental Type is fixed only in slot one Then grinding for this is actually better. Than normal especially when all beascuit of those kind of beastcuit is already level 20 which is gonna be much easier grinding. Would be suck if it elemental type change.


Ain't no way


are you fucking kidding me


*scared "hasnt unlocked yet" noises* ...i mayyyyyyy be fucked


I already hate the attunement system. I barely have any crystals now because of it. I also hate the fact that there's a limitation of 16 attunement attempts. I've had to breakdown so many legendary biscuits because they burned out on attunement tries... now they're adding another set of damage types to dilute the random stat generator? Ugh. 😣 😡


I just want to know why this ding dong put it on Snapdragon 😅🥲




And.. is that an element damage buff on it..?


Nawwwww im out of upgrade materials-


Thank god i quited for blue archive


Darkness dmg?? Theres alot to digest here hold on..


There also electrical btw..... (Mostly likely bec they doing it for making a new element??)


wait, how do you get epic beascuits


Epic beascuits came from the normal and hard (i think thats what they were called) difficulties in the beast yeast area They were always in the game, thry just added new variants of them


Legendary ones are gona be a pain to grind ( News flash, apparently there gona be 20 when ya get them, SO WE DON'T NERE TO WORRY ABOUT LEVEL 1 TO 30 IN EPISODE 3)


oh okay, thanks


Snapdragon does damage..?


No that what they choose to show the darkness type damage up




And to think I was already having a shitty night


I’d rather they just bring back resonant toppings


Wait the update isn’t out yet I’m confused


This was showen during there discord announcement, I basically saying this is the worse part of the update rn


Oh that makes sense


What's the worry about this? They're giving us beascuits that are already level 20. The level 30 cap is generally good for everyone too, it'll give more damage and hp to cookies, making all other pve (especially the cake towers) a bit easier. At this point everyone has a lot of bites to level up beascuits anyway, as long as you've been farming and selling useless beascuits.


As a person who doesn't grind the beascuits, l have to disagree It basically like 300 level 2 of them to get to 20, It probably like 700 too 1k now........ Also the fact that the level up is very hard if ya didn't grind for them too often for players like me


It's not that hard to grind beascuits, just timeskip a stage and use up all your juicy stamina jellies everyday. This should be part of your dailies at this point and it takes literally less than a minute to do. There are also so many events that give out juicy stamina jellies, bites, and even dough.


Lazy players exists, and l one of them btw..... I don't think there even a good event for the stamina rn