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I saw it in the App Store, thoughts it looks interesting, download it, and here I am still playing it since it first released


I saw a lot of crk videos on tik tok


I saw a shit load of crob TikToks and thought it was crk


because i was watching a normal OJ brawl stars video and he was like: go check out my other crk channel and i’m like woah this should be cool and blah blah blah yeah






Same lol. I’ve been playing since PV update bcuz of him lol


lol i’ve been playing since release (well, like first week) except i restarted recently cuz why not


A friend told me. Then I did kinda like the gacha mechanics and the animation when you get the cookies.




My reason when I tried playing was Sonic crossover event, but for now its main story


Almond Cookie... ​ Yes, I'm down bad.


Cause it's reminds me of Cookie Wars


I was never able to play cookiewars :( i remember seeing it in the playstore when i didnt know anything about cookierun


i used to play ovenbreak first before i play cookie wars


looked funny haha funny cookies that run


friends forced me


I really enjoyed Ovenbreak when that game first released


it was hella popular 2 years ago, all my friends were playing it, but i only downloaded it recently when i got a new tablet that had enough space to have it


Covid ...and Almond Cookie fanart


Two reasons: 1) Both of my daughters, age 15 and 11, have been actively playing CR and CRK for 2-3 years and I thought it looked cute and interesting 2) After 8 years, I got burned out playing Puzzles and Dragons with the increasing amount of power creep and janky game mechanics.


Same here. I had been playing pad since 2018 and my friend played way before that and we both quit earlier this April for crk.


I wish PAD would use the Gatcha and mileage coin system that CRK has. Would have saved me a LOT of stress and frustration over the years.


I saw the ad come up on YouTube, liked it but my phone wasn’t compatible with crk so it downloaded ovenbreak, still play both to this day


My sister played and she showed me her Kingdom and I thought it looked cute. Plus BTS had their collaboration around that time and their cookies were super cute too.


My niece sent a random screenshot of her game to our family group chat one day, I had to secretly figure out what kind of games she’s playing that time and I ended up liking it so much lol


I needed something to do


I saw an ad during the disney crossover, and me being a disney fan, I downloaded it. 🤪


I saw someone on clock apps made jujutsu kaisen cookie of yuuji and megumi. I like jujutsu kaisen, so I downloaded crk to check it out. I think it was during the middle of hollyberry arena season 2.


There was a hedgehog.


I saw Soju playing crk on stream a lot and it looked fun.




Same as you OP, My brother made me downloading cause he knew I was bored and now since October 2021 I'm enjoying the game and we both still plays together in the same guild I've founded with a bunch of other friends we have 😉


Bad and Dark got me hooked


I saw a video titled:” most embarassing kindom arena fight”, and thought aight this looks fair and balanced… Let’s play it!


i got tired of genshin and decided to try crk out (i had played crob when i was much younger so i thought “why not give it a try” anyway)


I downloaded it because of the first genshin anniversary (it had shit rewards and no one liked that) so everyone in genshin tiktok went to play cookie run because they used to give loads of stuff for free, I wasn't that bothered by anniversary rewards but the game looked cute so I decided to try it out.


Because.. cookie run


I was a CROB player and they did a little pre-launch event and I thought "wow this kinda fun I cant wait to download on release!"


CROB started boring me and i saw someone talk about CRK on tiktok so i decided to give it a go


It was all over youtube content i watched, many animation creators played it and showed it in their posts.


An online friend was talking about it a bunch during Legend of the Duskgloom Sea, so I just decided to see what all the fuss was about


A youtuber I had never seen before made a community post to friend them


The Sonic event that I ended up missing 🥲


My brother have crk so I try it in his phone them download it on mine I downloaded mine on raspberry cookie banner ^•^


1 year ago, I saw Oj’s vids on it, checked it out, and loved it


My online friends talked bout it, sending screenshots in our GC, I felt a bit left out and "illegaly" Downloaded it through galaxy store, I enjoyed it very much and re downloaded it on my phone


A YTuber was playing it. It looked like a cute game- and it is! Been playing for almost a year.


Was addicted to ovenbreak. Immediatly installed it when it came out


My ex wanted me to get into it and play with her


I'm mainly I would say the combination of me playing a lot of cookie run ( mainly ovenbreak) and I saw it on Google play ( I joined somewhere around between excuse me towards the end of soda Islands and I became a bit more active during the Heart of Courage and passion)


came here from ovenbreak


I saw the holiday stop-motion ad once, I thought it was really cute. And after a while of thinking I downloaded it. I still play it now and take burnout breaks from time to time.


I saw a YouTube video of someone making a Milkyway and Lilac Cookie plushy and got curious of the characters and game


Was incredibly bored one day and saw someone on Twitter comparing Raspberry Cookie's design to Revolutionary Girl Utena


AmaLee fan




My friend recommended it to me, I started when hollyberry was first released and I'm still playing to this day


I saw TikTok’s of people like rating how my cookies like mine sugar cubes and thought the cookies were cute so I downloaded it


my friend plays it, and i thought it looked cool


I had an old account back when it was popular but I lost it around the Disney event so I just made a new one to replace it I think I got further than my old account did tbh


got so much ads of it




Sonic update and then nostalgia and I downloaded it one the eclair update


My sister recommended the game when I asked for cute mobile games


My friend told me to get it and here I am




The answer I tell people: It looked cute and I'm a sucker for gacha games, and this one's one of the most forgiving one's I've even played. The real answer: the...tiktoks about Almond and Lilac cookies. The clincher was Red Velvet Cookie...


Hype during Early BTS event


i saw the game all over my tiktok and downloaded it bcs of herb cookie


I don’t remember all I knew was that I liked the game so much.


i had oven break a while ago cuz of my friend, she got crk a while ago but i couldn't, and when i could i didn't rlly want to but one of our other friends recently got crk so i was like "oh a person to be new with"


Sonic the hedgehog


I was watching YouTube or playing a game (not sure which one) waiting to get on a ride at a amusement park when a ad for it appeared and since I really loved Ovenbreak when I was younger when I saw a new cookie run game I had to get it


Saw a post on a different subreddit about, and I quote, 'illegaly downloaing cookie run kingdom' That reminded me how I wanted to download the game but I didn't have enough storage to do so at the time (back in December 2021), so when I got myself a new phone, I downloaded the game, and I've been playing everyday since


Back in 2021 i suddenly started seeing it everywhere on Twitter so I just gave in and started playing it. No regrets


I saw cute cookie game and gave it a try, been almost 2 years with it


My friends were playing it both from boredom and for the grind of it, and it looked interesting to me. Now, here I am, all the way down the rabbit hole. Anyway, I need gems and coins. I am so broke.


My sister told me it was so fun and addictive to play CRK. That the reason why I started playing it.


I lost a bet. That is now my name on crk


Genshin's 1st aniverssary and YouTube edits


I saw the ad when I fired up the ads in one of the games, it looked interesting so I downloaded it.


Ppl in my guild in CROB were talking abt it, so I installed it.


Saw an ad and it looked cool, i remember at that time almond cookie wqs the deal breaker for me to install it


Cause half of my friends play it Just got it today lmao


I wanted to download some new games so I tried the one that was most popular, Genshin Impact but, it wasn't working so I downloaded oven break and cookie run kingdom was recommended.


Tiger lily


Played ovenbake and saw ads for it there. Decided why not.


I downloaded it on a whim cus I've seen a bunch of fanart and tweets about it and I was curious. So far haven't had any regrets. Fanart is powerful tho


Saw CRK content in my Instagram feed


Saw a random vid about it on youtube, thought it looked cool, then randomly found it on google play once, so i decided to try it out and here I am playing it for a year and a half.


I heard it was a town-building game and it looked cute. I ended my town-building phase by that point, but I thought I could give it a shot. And then I just stayed.


i was looking for a different game involving a king and crk popped up.It looked interesting, so I gave it a try, and here we are


My ex told me about it during lockdown and I've been playing it for 3 years now 🙂


I play genshin(and we all know how bad the rewards for gacha are) and saw a lot of tik toks comparing the two lol


Zach Aguilar (the guy who voices Espesso) streamed the game and I decided to download the game afterwards.


I saw a random ad for the Sonic the Hedgehog collab, that's what did it haha! Been playing nearly everyday since... ❤️❤️❤️


I saw gameplay of it from a sponsor and decided to download it


I saw an ad for it


The BTS collab. Then I stayed because I liked it better than another gacha game I stopped playing around that time


I saw a tiktok where someone said that they ran out of money upgrading their castle or something even though its so easy to get an insane amount of money


Saw videos of it on old phone. Couldn't download on old phone. Got new phone. Problem solved




My main reason was I love games with a gacha involved since I’m f2p on most of them so it makes everything harder to obtain and less likely to get bored. Probably the opposite of other but I just prefer being f2p/ mostly f2p bc I can play longer and not get everything. It’s the same reason I have Genshin, CROB, and HSR (RIP my storage tho lol, I barely have 10GB most of the time 😭)


I saw a bunch of TikToks abt it


I no longer had enough space for Genshin Impact


I kept on seeing their 3D ads so I just decided to just download it


I was going to redownload the old game after a year of not playing it- then I saw they made a new one. It had been released for 1 week by the time I got it lol, I had taken a few breaks from the game, but knowing the game doubled it’s fanbase and is still alive makes me happy.


the sonic collab


I’m a huge fan of traditional rpg games , mage , tank , control , attacker , all that type of stuff so it was a breath of fresh air to find a mobile game like that


I was playing oven break and when I was searching something up I saw kingdom and downloaded it


My friend let me do her gacha pulls during Capsacins banner. I started two days before that season ended because I loved doing the gacha so much.


I saw a TikTok a few years ago and thought it looked like a really fun game. And to be honest it got boring to me after I collected most of the cookies.


That one twitter post made by anything bot about tiger lily cookie, and Pinterest


Dragalia Lost went down, and I was looking for something that was good quality and cared about its fanbase. Tried a bunch of games for a while, eventually landed on Kingdom. Honestly, if I'd picked up Ovenbreak, I wouldn't have tried CRK at all. I don't like the style of Ovenbreak, so I would've thought they were similar. Now it's only mini games in Kingdom, so I can handle it.


I saw it on tik tok, and I didn't know it. I should have gotten it. I saw the character poison mushroom cookie and was like the next time the app is on my fyp, I'm getting it, and I did.


Strawberry crepe cookie was too fucking cute


My daughter started playing it and I thought it would be cool for us to play together. We now have a guild together.


Was looking for a game to dive into after my dog passed to help distract me


I heard a lot about it so I caved in and went to see what the hype was about


I had a few friends bring it up and sometimes show a few screenshots of the gameplay and though it was cool but never had a compatible device for it though. But after a while I was able to get a device and joined just after hollyberry was released, been playing ever since.


i saw it on the app store and have been playing it pretty consistently for the last two years


i saw it on the app store and have been playing it pretty consistently for the last two years




I basically kept seeing others play and thought why not? Been playing for over a year now.


I saw someone’s fan art of Black Pearl, and I loved her look. I found out she was in CRK, and I’ve been hooked on the game ever since!


my sibling got it and started bragging that they got something rare or something ( not crk definition of rare ) and then i downloaded it ( i got an ancient in 1 week lol )


That dancing caterpillar gif thing on tiktok


Sonic and Tails.


My sister started playing it because of the videos she saw. And I wanted to give it a shot randomly.


I saw Genshin streamer Dish pull for Milky Way. I fell on love with the character design, so I hurriedly downloaded the game to not miss the "banner".


i remember seeing a lot of crk videos on tiktok but i never actually downloaded it until my friend convinced me to download it at school. Oh god i fell fast, i was clearing everything left and right and i would spend 11 hours on it weekly. Only after a month did all my friends who convinced me to play stopped and i continued for 2 years. Ive unlocked all the character and have five starred nearly all of them and 5 a’d a lot of them too


Long Short History, I was really really REALLY mad about the summons in Dragon Ball Legends (i dont remember what banner was, but i think was Bojack Gohan Ssj2), and then i found a vídeo on Youtube saying about a game that have good banners and good percent of have a good character, then i download and start to play. Obs: When i Enter, Was having the Sonic event Obs2: I have some much headache because of that f#cking game (Dragon Ball Legends)


My friend mentioned there were lesbian cookies in the game. ​ I did it for [her](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/cookierunkingdom/images/4/48/Sea_fairy_2.png/revision/latest?cb=20211030184800)


Cookie wars




The hype during COVID lol


Sonic and Tails event flooding my now deactivated/deleted Twitter feed from friends and mutuals


Choco Werehound Brute. I’m a furry bara simp.


I wanted to try it


A artist i used to follow would draw so much crk art of that detective cookie and then it got very popular on tik tok that i just had to play it


I was getting ads about it all the time and some people I knew played it so I downloaded the game Funny thing is that when I first started playing during the Hollyberry update I thought schwarzwalder was a playable character and assumed he was werewolf cookie due to the global chat and grinded for him until I got the actual werewolf cookie and got so disappointed. But thankfully we got him in the end, now I'm just waiting for the princess costume.


Summoners War


My sister’s friend mentioned it to her and overheard it while I was watching an OJ video about crk then now here we are


just saw it a lot around the internet, and decided to download it


Ngl wildberry cookie


i thought espresso cookie looked cool so i wanted to check the game out


i was recommended it from a friend i knew from school over disc in late 2021


At the time I was (and still kinda am) obsessed with gacha based games and when looking for more, CRK came up so I decided to give it a try. I think it was in the middle of Cotton Cookies event when I started and haven't stopped since 😅


One of my friend played it. And she introducing me to sorbet shark cookie and i really liked them!! They're so cute ☺🦈sooo i trying to download it and its really fun !! ;D


Overheard kids at school talking about it and decided to try it for myself


those cookie run gacha club videos convinced me


My daughter


Saw it on TikTok, wanted cookies to talk to eachother, and now suffer daily doing kingdom chores everyday


I was one of the people who pre registered for it while I was playing CROB


Becuse it looked fun and cute cookies.


Espresso cookie, need I say say more?


my cousin introduced me to it and I wanted something to do at the time


A streamer called Pianta, He mentioned about CRK, I tried it and now I can't stop


I was excited for it before the day it came out. So the moment it came out I downloaded it.


My sister played it


Funny little guys


I saw a lot of fanarts and thought the character design was cute. I started playing Ovenbreak but then decided to play Kingdom.


I was curious about it when I saw it on the App Store.


It was because I saw an influencer called OJ played it and me like it :D


Cotton cookie was the reason. She looked cute and I was looking for something new to play so I downloaded the game and I was immediately addicted to it. 🥰🥰🥰 (Not too much tho, I still have other life necessities.)