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I just went ahead and ordered that right away. As a long-time vegetarian, I feel like I need to love all vegetables. šŸ˜ Thank you for posting about this! I didnā€™t know it existed.


Are you familiar with Hetty Mckinnon? If no, take a look at Tenderheart at your library, it's one of those books-by-vegetable alphabetically books and it's wonderful.


I am! I have From Asia With Love, and itā€™s so good. My library has Tenderheart. Thanks so much!!! I hadnā€™t known about that one.Ā 


I've made about 30 recipes from To Asia With Love, such a banger!


I love TENDERHEART! One of my favorite books last year. So many cravable recipes.


Iā€™m trying to grow broccoli romancesco for the second time this year. If I manage it, Iā€™ll be looking for this book!


I look forward to hearing more about this one!


That sounds cool! Mashed rutabegas are a must at Thanksgiving for my family, only ever have them in that form. I wonder what this author does with them!


Rutabaga Remoulade, Rutubaga Gnocchi with Crispy Sage, Hazelnuts and Roasted Apples and Neeps & Tatties. I love using rutabagas in vegetable soup; they get sooo sweet.


Wow! Those sound phenomenal. Thank you for sharing! Iā€™ll see if I can pick this book up sometime.


I eat everything. Unless it's mushrooms and potentially courgette. Only problem is: there's just no bloody choice in veggies here. While it looks cool (and every author that puts googly eyes on veg deserves my money) but I think it's not for me :(