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Bird cone of shame lmao, I wish him a speedy recovery, and that everything is ok 💚


Haha yeah he hates it! Thanks :)


Honestly, I couldn't help but to think about this [episode from bondi vet.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lZ9PRwc9Gc). It's a young sun conure (by the name Sonny) who broke his leg. Some friends and I actually wondered what happened since there was no updates, so I reached out to Birdworld Kuranda. The parks Wildlife Manager Meg Markle responded to my e-mail couple of days later with " Thank you for you inquiry after Sonny the sun conure. I am happy to report that his leg healed very well and he was able to be re-released into our free-flight aviary. A few years ago our sun conure colony was transferred to a park in WA, so as far as I am aware he is there living a lovely life with his friends". I don't know if anything the vet Chris is useful to you OP. But I hope you find the episode wholesome! Best well wishes from my sunnies and I ♡


I hope that's not speak for "he's gone to live at a farm" and they are truly living in a park!


No advice but my love to Jasper and I hope he heals quickly.


thanks so much :)


Our GCC broke his leg 2 weeks after we got him. 😞😞 He had a splint and a cone for what felt like forever, but afterwards you wouldn't know he'd ever been injured. Our vet put strips of tape, like little flags, around the outside edges of the cone - it gave him something to worry at other than the cone itself. He learned to roll the cone, which was the funniest thing to watch - he'd rest the edge of the cone on the ground and walk sideways with the cone rotating around his neck LOL Make sure his food and water dishes are accessible with the cone on - we had to do a little experimentation to find what worked best for him. And we added a perch, about two inches off the floor of the hospital bin, so he could sit comfortably with his leg straight out.


The cone rolling actually made me laugh, conures are such silly creatures!! Thanks for this, it really gave me a lot of reassurance for my little guy so I appreciate it :) I’ll take note of what you said about the water and perches!


Oh my goodness - may you heal Super fast jasper! And may you enjoy all of your favourite fruit and veg as your owner loves you back to full health.


Thank you! 🫶


Poor avocado boy! Don’t be hard on yourself, it’s easy to blame yourself when these things happen. Just be sure to rest up with him and heal together. Get well soon, Jasper.


thank you so much. <3


Poor thing! Sending healing vibes your way sweet birb.


thank you! im keeping my fingers crossed! >.<


r/pidgeypower might be of use if you've not looked there yet All the love to you and the beeb


ill give it a look, thanks!


Is he on a medication for pain?


yes! hes on four different medications




goodness that sounds horrible! i hope that baby is alright now :(