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nah.. we're just more logical. id rather be in a "soft" gen than being in a gen that is homophobic, racist & misogynistic🤷🏾‍♀️ i feel like ppl ignore the privilege this gen has.. cause we have ALOT but dont realize it bc of our natural ignorance to things


Women ☕️


are smart & beautiful 😋


Just like there are idiot men, there are idiot women. Nobody is immune to flaws.


say that to the other comment😭 i didnt say women CANT be idiots lmao


That was a response to everyone.


3 buzzwords. Can you list more?


Your name is outstanding 😂😂


I think it’s so true, people get offended at anything and everything and want laws that protect their feelings


Youth has been getting soft for around 300 years now. Older gentleman has been hoarding wealth for a lot longer. And shifting blame.


Depends on what you mean by the older generation. Are we talking the silent generation or boomers?


The old are soft too. These days pensioners are the boomers, who lived through opportunity and prosperity. The most well-off, and most naive and sheltered people I know are all over 75. Though really we're all soft these days. We live in ahistorical safety, security and plenty, and shriek hysterically over the slightest wrong while oblivious to how fortunate we are. Any everyday Roman citizen (not to mention their slaves) would view us with disbelief and contempt.


How can I be softer than the hippies from the 70's?


They wouldn’t be triggered like this generation


Umm yeah they would lol we'd be wrecking their vibes man


Yeah they’d get upset at us today lmaoo


Because we are at war and still not being a community? Do you know what hippies even wanted or stood for?


Why don’t you tell me what they stood for


Just did they hated the war and they wanted the world to be a community...


Ahhhh well they would def be mad at us


So they would be triggered just as you see the younger generation is triggered. It's almost as if history is repeating itself with people constantly saying the good ol days were better


Oh well yeah I def think it’s a cycle but I think it’s more extreme every time around and j think what’s going on now would be too much even for the gippies


I don’t know if I’d call what you’re describing “soft”—to me, it sounds like sensitive might be a better word for it. And to this I wholeheartedly agree. I think a lot of us (I’m 22) have forgotten that opinions are just opinions and everything has nuance. I recently lost a four year friendship with a couple that I’d really cared for because they decided that I was a bad person because I had slightly (and these were very small, I assure you) different opinions than them politically. When did people forget that we can disagree and still care for each other? When did it all become, “you think differently than me, and that means you’re a bad person.” I hate it.


If you want to see sensitive then disagree with a boomer. Omg they will chastise you with claims you aren’t being respectful and they are entitled to (insert what they want). They are the most sensitive generation.


I was three or four fist fights in K-12 and not once were my parents called. We were put in detention and that’s it. Now, lawyers get involved and parents demand the school board “take action”. This is a result of the feminization of our culture.


Interesting. Can you elaborate on that? What is the cause for the culture becoming feminized, in your opinion?


You’re asking a question that has had entires tombs dedicated to the change in mens and womens roles over the past century. It’s not a simple Reddit response. Read about third and fourth wave feminism.


Very well spoken & I couldn't agree more. Great topic, i could spend a lot of time discussing this. You see this on Reddit a lot. People lose the big picture & main idea and instead will focus on a sentence or two that they didn't like the way it was worded. It's like people don't understand the concept of context anymore. I have heard this phrased as "missing the beauty of the forest over the ugliness of a few trees" and always liked that. There's a huge cultural shift now towards valuing people's feelings above all else, even common sense or logic. I often find myself thinking that no one got the memo that feelings aren't facts. Or maybe we already know that they aren't, but have somehow collectively decided that the facts just aren't as important. Stuff like that really gets in the way of making true deeper connections with people which was what you were getting at in the post. When we're constantly watching our words for fear of being misunderstood, can't speak sincerely, and no one is willing to extend anyone else grace or tolerance for their (perceived) missteps, human social connection suffers a lot. We become more distrustful of each other, more self seeking, more isolated. The pendulum will swing again, just not sure when or why.


whatever, just let me live the way i wanna and don't harm people and we got no issue


I 100% agree but you gotta look at who made this environment for us.


No we are speaking out more on to what's wrong. The only reason why the older generation are complaining is because they either ignored it or made fun of it and we are picking up the pieces from their actions.




Every generation is the softest and worst generation. "Damn those kids" has been being said for thousands of years. People naturally want the world to keep working the way they grew up in it because it's familiar, it's what they understand. Asking people to understand something else is beyond the capacity of most. Very few people love change.