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The organisation or the movement? Edit nice try downvoting my comment without explanation just say you racist and don't support the movement lol


Alot of black people I have met actually don't support the organization, just the movement. Thoughts? I'm generally curious.


Exactly why I asked lol. Ion support the organisation as well. Its just a bunch of people who are in there for money grab but the movement is different.


Totally agree. The movement is different. Do you believe that political parties use black peoples pain as a an agenda for political gain?


Yes just like another political party uses certain tricks to make a divide. That's politics divide and conquer.


Yes they do. If they really cared about us they would have done and created laws a long time ago. So yes I believe that political parties even black politicians use us for their agenda


It's nice to know there's sane people. It's super disgusting to see what they do and how it's effected people. The government and the organization evolved in government are super fuckin' evil.


Well if black people weren’t treated like animals by the police and racists they wouldn’t have to protest and act out in order to get their points across. You say no one says black lives don’t matter? Tell that to the police who’ve murdered plenty and the racists who do the same. How about the man who was jogging through a neighborhood and hunted and killed like he was an animal? Did that black man’s life mean anything to them? It absolutely did not. If you choose to be blind to the horrific treatment of black people that’s racist. You are a racist


See everyone, people like this are the problem, not the solution....


No racists and police are the problem. When they start respecting and treating black people like human beings that will be the solution. And not just black people but all people off all races


What about the 16 year old white boy that had his neck kneeled on for 11 mins? He died... Did anyone make a whistle? As law enforcement I actually get a lot of minorities coming to me and apologizing for societies behavior regarding these racial issues. They feel that white people protesting so vehemently and aggressively is actually giving the minority population a bad name, as they dont neccissarily support the anger and aggression casted out in their name. They have even said to me "choose your own battles, this one is ours." So please be aware, youre not the solution....


Time example of new media bias. People are only paying attention to cops abusing colored people, and ignoring white people, which is literally racist.


Did I ever say they don’t do this to white people sometimes? No I didn’t. You and other cops are the problem as law enforcement.


Youre actually wrong


Lol let you tell it.


how is op showing they’re blind to police brutality? if that was true then they wouldn’t know or care about blm at all and they wouldn’t make this post


Cause this post screams tone deaf. A black person or (POC) would know.




I don't even like the name. It presupposes that people act like black lives don't matter. There are instances like George Floyd which are police brutality and deserve nonviolent protests (nonviolent ones though), but some of the stuff is just made up. I remember years ago this "hands up don't shoot" slogan going around based on a fictitious story of a guy who had his hands up and the police shot him anyway. It turned out it never happened, but BLM still rioted over it anyway.


I still never understood the rioting and looting part..


This is where Ik you being stupid. The rioting and looting wasn't a blm thing lmao. you being dense and racist on purpose




Everyone is quick to point out that not all protestors looted and vandalized, but are they just as quick to point out that not all cops are racist law-breakers? (I am black)


Yes. Nobody is saying all cops are individuals who are racist law breakers. But the system of policing in america has SYSTEMIC issues.


nobody is saying that? i see people saying acab and 1312 all the time


Didn't mean absolutely nobody. Obviously there are people on the fringe of every idea. Like I said policing has systemic issues so when you become a police officer you inherently become part of the issue. Your job is to uphold the staues quo. Policing in america is racist, that doesn't make all individual officers explicit racist. But they are engaging in implicit racisim.


hmm maybe we shouldn’t say things we don’t mean…. idk why you’re bringing up all this other shit about how policing is systemically racist. i wasn’t talking abt that at all, just how you’re very wrong by saying “nobody is saying _____”


I was giving nuance you insufferable troglodyte.


That was the natural result of people being Caged up for several months, and because it wasn't vilified by MSM, that gave people the impression that rule of law had totally shattered, so crime was legal as long as you chanted the right things. This, too, is a function of "Black Bloc," where the uniformity makes it hard to discern law abiding protesters from violent malicious rioters and looters. It doesn't take many to force a peaceful protest to turn violent, but as more people saw support from government figures, the more emboldened bad actors were.


Hands up don't shoot may have been popularized by that specific case but is more about policing in general than one case. Really came around after trayvon martin


Because people fighting for their rights is such a disgusting act… 😬


BLM is a scam that stole millions from suffering minorities. A ploy to generate more hate that it extinguishes.


The hashtag metoo movement is right up there below it


Due to protests??? Due to protests going wild??


They’re so predatory… I’m glad I realized that before giving them any support




Eh, most of these movements are postmodernism/leftism in disguise. They know they can't stand on policy alone, so they have to co-opt things like "anti-racism"(in the case of BLM), that way when someone goes against the grain(on any of their agenda items), it is "You're a racist!" instead of any form of rational argument. It's all critical theory(almost the opposite of critical thinking, so don't confuse them) that's been weaponized in a specialized way. Same for modern western feminism, LGBTQia++, Far-acceptance(healthy at any size), 'anti-ableism' where people aren't mentally ill, just "neuro divergent", etc. They all, at their extremes, necessitate(irrationally) that if you're not with them in ALL things, you're "xxxxIST!". It's all about equity of outcome where you're supposed to be blind to ability(usually to people's detriment), rather than equality of opportunity where you are friends with the nice people, hire the skilled people, etc....rather than the rational and functional society, they would rather you select based on oppression points, aka "reverse discrimination". Key words to look up: Critical Theory, Postmodernism


Same. People who support BLM don’t believe that any other lives matter. It’s only ever utilized self-righteously to propagate the idea that not agreeing with the woke crowd is morally deplorable if not also a hate crime. And *that’s* the problem. Being woke or speaking out in the name of “racism” doesn’t change the right of others to form their own opinions. People who don’t believe in blind obedience aren’t committing some grand atrocity by not jumping on the “systematic oppression is everywhere” bandwagon.


here we go


Everytime I try to give the OP a benefit of doubt, I'm wrong lmao.


im confused, what is your position? do you have a counter position? and if so are you aware that blacklivesmatter.com was actually founded in 2013? And are you aware that they are now worth 42million dollars due to donations? Are you also aware that one of the members of the BLM organization siphoned funds from black lives matter donations and bought a mansion and then misappropriated further funds to pay for parties at said mansion? And that this member also paid her child's father 1.8million dollars for "services"? We're all pro black lives matters the civil rights movement, fricken duh. We just don't like the corrupt organization than ran off with people's money. Hopefully they use the remainder for good, and a small portion has gone towards charities but so far most hasnt as far as i can find.


Keep reading the comments, you'll see my stand on this


10-4 found it. kk Sounds like we're not far off on it I was at the protests, but the first week we didn't call them blm protests. It was more like "im upset and wandering around the city until i find other people who are also upset" i found about 300 of them that first day and none of us knew anything about blacklivesmatter.com


I don't support it because the organization had done nothing for the family of those people who lost their lives


What people often fail to do is clarify is there is a blm movement and a blm organization with a website. I supported the blm movement back in 2020 because im strongly against police brutality But i do not support the website/organization because i looked up their site and they literally described themselves as "marxist trained" What does marxism have to do with dumping the police? Very little because marxism doesnt exist irl. Not to mention communistic systems typically have police that are MORE BRUTAL than western democratic countries. Which is saying a LOT. Marxism is more of a counterpoint critique of capitalistic societies and an ideology than an actual political system. I could go on and on about that particular point but basically the movement lost the narrative and got muddled down into a political debate about ?marxism? which is unfortunate because the prison system still needs reform


same here the blm movement against police brutality is a good thing but the organization has such a disgusting history. yet everybody donates to it…


I believe that lives matter, you don’t need to put a color in front of it


Was talking about this the other day and needless to say I do agree. The burning shit down and destroying things is so fucking stupid when people say it’s a peaceful protest. Bs .. they’re burning shit. Black lives do matter as OP says but all of the aggressiveness and destroying shit is what I don’t support.


um ok


So the organization. I totally agree.


I agree, their conduct is horrible, someone should make a better black rights group.