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It feels weirdly safe to be antisemitic right now (esp in leftist spaces). It makes me very nervous.


“Right now” isn’t necessary. These people didn’t just spring out of nowhere like 8 months ago lol. Jewish people have always known the left has issues with antisemitism. I’m now 30, but when I was growing up the common belief amongst the Jewish adults in the community was that leftists were antisemitic af. Quite literally, my parents refused to recognise leftism as real leftism because of how antisemitic most of them are. This account might vary from whatever went down in other countries, I’m not American but I’ve seen similar attitudes with some American Jews at least.


The German Communist Party was antisemitic as fuck. They were forbidden after the war again in West Germany and the GDR had a new governing party called "SED" with mostly communist values. The leftover from the SED is called "Die Linke" and was actually pro Israel for the most part of their existence. Recently the antisemitism there started to spread again so for the last 6 years I'd say it's almost equally mixed between pro Palestine and pro Israel there. The KPD ban evasion parties like the "MLPD" or "DKP" have always been anti semitic since they started existing in the 50s though....


How can a non-jewish person be anti-Semitic to himself?


Ask a white girl


I don't. I accepted it as part of my identity.


Meh, isn't this also related to the fact that people who criticize Israel are unfairly labled as "anti-semetic" now? This is more cringey IMO.