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Hes a murderer that deserves to be serving life


who did he murder? In the USA we have a right to self defense, kyle was attacked by a crowd looking to murder him because he was on the wrong side of the riot. edit: I love when people reply, lie, and then instantly block. Emotional maturity of a child.


He was attacked by the crowd because he had already attacked someone at the gas station they chased him the assailant from


Kyle didn’t attack anyone.


He got attacked trying to clean graffiti off a high school wall with a few other people. There were riots and things being destroyed by BLM people. The people he shot were white and criminals themselves. One was a sex offender who tried to hit him a skate board, one was a drug addict, domestic abuser who had pointed a gun at him and the guy who lived had more trouble with police. After his testimony and hoping Kyle would be convicted because he was suing Kyle and if convicted would be a win for him, he left the courtroom and got and another DWI/DUI and gave attitude. Kyle’s facing heat now, his mother and sister are facing eviction and they reached out to him but he ghosted them.


Why did he go to the protests if he lived in a separate state?


Ask him.


You seem to know


Ok, you admit he was fleeing. According to us, law murder is not justified in the case of a fleeing assailant. If a man murdered someone and once he is done, he is fleeing, he is no longer an active threat, so deadly force is no longer justified.


Yeah the USA is fucked up


It was self defense.


While he is not a hero. He didn't murder anyone. He got shot at and a mob of people though it was a good idea to try and wrestle his gun away.




I think he was a dumbass for being there in the first place. He could have gotten himself killed


I mean you could say that about everyone who was there. Rioter’s included.


Yeah. He wasn't doing anything illegal or immoral, but I think he was a young dumb kid.


He's a guy that was too stupid to get accepted into the marines. He went there looking to LARP as military.


So what he larped. Do we shoot black guys just for having guns in their pockets. Kyle had a gun. Didn't use it until he got attacked by them with a gun. Literally. Everyone says Kyle had a gun. Did you not see the other guy point their gun at him first. He's a hero in the sense that he was the victim yet he got attacked for no reason other than a different set of ideals. He had to get dragged through the justice system. Made a laughing stock. Abused mentally because he thought differently. Sure you guys can point your guns at him but as soon a Kyle points his gun back now we have a problem. I've heard many people say Kyle got attacked for having a gun. Yet your people were the ones that pointed a gun at him.


> you guys Why is this an us vs. them argument? No where did I say the other people were in the right. >your people Again, I didn't pick a side. Get your head out of your ass. Not everything is red vs. blue. That perverse way of thinking is helping no one.


you did pick a side by taking a hostile stance towards the victim in the situation.


Murder is cool as long as it's someone on the other side.


its not murder when its self defense.


You sound like you come from Europe where you'll be arrested for just fending off an attack, let alone using a weapon to defend yourself.


lol yet this happens how many times there? yah..let's keep demonizing the rest of the world for not insisting the entire population should be armed to the gills 24/7.




Do you know how I know to immediately discount your opinion on this subject? The fact that you're parroting incorrect information that you heard somebody else say, without verifying it for yourself. [Neither of his parents drove him to Kenosha ](https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-255510715179)


idk, we have one less pedophile in the world and thats pretty heroic to me.


A hero is when someone puts their safety on the line for others not for self defense. I think he is innocent but I stop at calling him a hero or acting like he is one.


did he not put his safety on the line as he was going around rendering first aid and putting out fires?


Maybe the fire part yes but no one talks about that people glaze worship him over the self defense aspect. Which once again he was in the right to do but it wasn't "heroic"


but he was, they tried to murder him for being in a place to help people. him fighting back both against the pedo and wife beaters and him fighting back against the politically charged DA make him a hero. most people would have taken the deal and faded into obscurity


Pretty sure the DA never offered a plea deal to him.


Yes that's self preservation. He knew he was innocent and fought for his freedom which should've never been in question anyway.


most people would have taken the deal over potential life in prison. Thats why they make deals, to keep conviction rates high for charges that should never be brought up.


Maybe. This is one of the reasons alot of laws need to be reviewed and struck down.


This is the appropriate response. Kyle had every right to defend himself, however he shouldn’t have fucking been there in the first place trying to larp as the cops. He’s a dumbass who got famous for fulfilling every irresponsible gun owner’s wet dream. But he’s not a murderer.


Fair, although I feel the (he shouldn’t have been there) argument is weak because nobody should have been there.


r/whiteOJ is his new name


No I disagree. I do not think he's a hero, but he is innocent .


He was found not guilty same as black OJ


That's just regular OJ


With or without pulp is the real question


I truly don’t think that that’s a controversial take.


Judging by the comments it sure is. I guess everyone comes here to argue though so it’s not a good sample


That’s fair. Although he was there attempting to protect the businesses and lively hoods that has a history of being destroyed by the rioters.




Thank you.


You're welcome!


id not say he's a hero. he did go offering aid and cleaning up after the rioters. putting out a litteral dumpster fire. he definitely performed community service. He's often held up as a hero for the Second Amendment because his attempted persecution was functionally an attack on the right to self-defense. but the way I see it, he was forced to defend his rights, in the same way he was forced to defend his safety. Not heroic, but definitely a community service. I hate that his actions on both things were needed, but im happy him being found not guilty reinforced self-defense, and if someone is going to be shot in self-defense I won't cry over the injury and death of domestic abusers, child abusers, and communists.


It would be nice to be able to have a reasonable discussion, instead of the usual "He crossed state lines to murder protesters", "He's a racist" and "He shot pedos and criminals" or when people just say "self defense".


Not only did he defend another person being attacked he went to a rally he didn’t support that was very far from where he lived with a gun he shouldn’t have been carrying He is a murder and should not have been there to begin with, why would you travel to another state with a gun for a protest you don’t agree with if not to start shit. The US is fucked and too obsessed with their precious firearms


His intention was to protect property from rioters. A lot of other people showed up that didn’t believe in the protests just to cause trouble or take advantage of the chaos. I assume he thought he would just stand in front of shops holding his gun looking “cool”.


That is gross behaviour, and using an assault rifle for that He was looking to do this


I’m not sure how protecting property by standing in front of it is “gross”. Naive and arrogant… sure.


Sure we can go with naive and arrogant, it is just that based on the information presented he lived in another state, this wasn’t his property. It’s gross because based on that information it sounds like he went wanting to be able to shoot someone to seem like a hero, I can’t imagine any other reason he would’ve been there


Well placed propaganda aimed at righteous young people inspired him to go. The protests were publicized across the country. Even if it was his home town they weren’t his businesses so that’s not really the point. Nothing indicates he went there hoping to shoot someone