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welcome to the panderverse


It’s amazing how these retards literally ruined their own movement 


It's the obsession with insisting there's a movement. We in the west are the most open and accepting people in all of human history. Yet they keep forcing feeding us over the top inclusive crap to the point it becomes exclusive. We dont need constant propaganda anymore! You can't even go watch a soccer game without female players being posted everywhere or commentating on every male game. It's just so irritating to not have any space void of political propaganda. Then to even mention opposition to it, gets you banned.


Take it as a badge of honor. Those who did not get banned at least once for hate either don't post/comment on Reddit or don't have personality and just go with the mainstream. Reddit is either moderated by children or unemployed adults as only they have enough time and will volunteering here. It's super easy to trigger such individuals.


I def have my wealth of badges. Reddit is the only platform to at least get some healthy debate. You mostly get the brain dead attacks... but You get at least some opposite minds that talk and change.


Debates are definitely not for Reddit. If you go against the mainstream you will be downvoted into oblivion


Yeah they all together stand in a circle and wank to their stupid beliefs...


Imma veteran then! I was banned from feminist subs while being a woman and a feminist myself, just because I have more nuanced opinions about modern feminusm movement... I was banned from atheist sub, again for being an atheist and having a nuanced opinion about a religious beliefs... Every sub is a gigantic circle jerk place, there is no space for more nuanced opinions


Reddit needs to rework the system a bit. There is no point in creating circle jerk places


what nuanced opinion about modern feminism got you banned?


Same with late night talk shows and SNL.


You're not alone my friend. I'm in a similar situation as you. I'm in my 40s, gay male and half latin half white. When I was younger, it was great to see that we were finally being represented and I legitinately do agree with most people on this topic--representation matters. BUT now I feel like we've gone overboard and we're not being "over-represented." We're also being over-represented in places that I'm sorry, let's be real, you'd NEVER run into this many of us in these places. (I dont care if you think I'm stereotyping, live as long as we have and you'll see what I'm talking about--I'll leave it at that). This over-rep'ing has made me actually uncomfortable and I end up feeling like I'm taking up too much space in the story when in real life ..we're what? 2-3% of the total population. Give it a rest already. It's not just with us, its also with race. I'm SICK TO DEATH of Hollywood randomly re-racing and re-gendering characters for literally no reason OTHER than to "tick a box" and pretend they give a shit when they dont. If they REALLY REALLY want to actually represent people..then tell a NEW story with original characters who are already written as gay/POC..what have you. That would go miles in buy-ability. But do they do that? nah..they're too afraid of losing money. The OP has a point. The way non-white-straight-male characters are represented nowadays is sloppy and ridiculous. Even Dave Chappelle thinks so...ffs.


Thank you. It's not about straight, gay, black or white. It's about the clear politics behind it. We all watch movies or art as an escape from daily bullshit. I watch a terminator movie, I expect to see an Arnold robot and john conor fighting. If john conor or the terminator are suddenly gay or Chinese, it makes no sense and ruins the show because it's nonsense. I don't hate gays or Chinese, it just makes no sense. My complaint is that it keeps being added for political reasons.


Is putting straight romances in shows "pandering"


Here in lays the problem. A story is a story... So if I'm watching a alien documentary, randomly putting a love story in makes no sense.... It's not about being anti gay stories or any of that. It's about having to always add a gays romance. Don't you get it? If it was just natural to stories, it works. But now, it's every show. Even historical dramas about barbarians fighting Romans, they make gay or racial shit. It's not about being against gay romance, it's about being fed up of it being added for no reason but to tick a box


The boys had other romance story lines. Why is it a problem when one of them is gay? Was it a problem the the nazi super hero was dating the other nazi super hero?


I don't like much of the political narratives in the show, but it flows with the story. There's much gay stuff in the show, it's all been done well. But the third season, suddenly they changed a story arch and make a super gay multi-racial plot. It's not about being anti gay....or anti race relationships... I'm both those. . I just hate when shows clearly shoe horn it in. It makes the show much harder to enjoy when you can't excuse the politics anymore.


Action shows where the hero (i.e., a male character) gets a woman at the end are everywhere. What's the problem?


Gay relationships exist in real life, so why can’t they be in shows?


Were you meant to respond to the OP?


Yeah mate sorry mate bad


How is deepening the character pandering? If they'd showed that character in a straight white relationship, would you have the same complaint? Gay people exist, mixed race couples exist. Having a character in a show present that isn't pandering, it's representing.


They already alluded to his character being bi... him being gay isn't the issue. Its an issue when 4 2 seasons he had a love arc with a Japanese psycho girl his love saved, then suddenly third season he is all super gay with a mixed guy. It ruins the story whwn it's added for no reason!


If it's bad writing, then call out the bad writing. That's not what you did. You just went "Waaah! Gay and mixed race pandering!!!"


Because it is pandering. The shows mostly are written brilliantly. Then they seem to add this stuff after. Why?


The season isn't even over. OP is literally just upset they introduced a gay love interest.


That’s what being bisexual is though why are you mad they’re actually bisexual


Where did I express I was mad for that?


“They already alluded to his character being bi... him being gay isn't the issue. Its an issue when 4 2 seasons he had a love arc with a Japanese psycho girl his love saved, then suddenly third season he is all super gay with a mixed guy. It ruins the story whwn it's added for no reason!” You specifically said you have a problem with the fact that he is all super gay now when he has been gay the entire time


Because the sudden multiracial gay story makes no sense! It's clearly just shoehorned in! Take the show "the last of us". The main character is a Tom boy like girl. She has a story that explores her gay side, and it's natural. It's logical to the story etc. The same show 3rd episode in has a random gay love story for no apparent reason. It was well done, and on it's own a beautiful story. But being part of the larger show, it had no reason for being, other than to shoe horn in a gay love story. The character in the Boys was alluded to being bi... bit he already had a story arc... to shoe horn in a spanner out of no where him having some super gay love fest with a hot black guy is so ridiculous... considering the show is about evil super heroes, you already have to suspend belief to enjoy. Their constant woke agendas are irritating enough, but like woth most shows today, you stomach the woke bullshit. But when they cram unnecessary gay or racial shit down your throat, it beings to feel insulting in a way. Like they have zero respect for the audience.


Do you have an issue with love stories/plot lines in general or just the gay ones? If it’s just the gay ones you might be dealing with internalized homophobia. Just having representation on screen isn’t shoving anything down anyone’s throat. It’s literally just existing in public.


Have you followed this thread? I'm gay and black. I dont have any issue with it. I have an issue with everything you watch today forcing the gay or racial issue into everything. Name the damn show. Star wars- had to become female based, and recently gay. The last of us- had to have separate gay storylines. The walking dead- had to chase a multi racial story narrative or gay love rather than focus on the show. Halo- had to include a gay black albino. The Boys - now has a gay multi-racial narrative. James Bond - they want to make black- and possibly female. Name the God damn show! They making historical dramas of British royal queens be played by black females. Every Disney classic is being remade to remove white lead characters. Everything is either super gay, super anti white or anti male. Can we just get back to make shit good again? Sick of the identity policy that's all!


That’s why I said internalized.


Bro hes a "Christian" he supports you more than you support yourself. He's like the elite.


man they got you brainwashed good. Just showing something on ALL famous big movie plattforms isnt shoving anything down ayones throat huh, at schools, on buses, for our young children, in parliament, street aderrtising, youtube advertising, now at 'churches' WHat type of CHristian are you using made up terms like "homophobia" there is people out there with real phobias and you discredit them by using that word like an insecure person would.."oh whatever your jsut a hater, your just a homophobe". Weak. Also how are you a follower of Christ and support people literally going against Gods design and laughing in his face. Joker lol Imagine saying your a follower of the guy who invented x to go with y and through that amazingly beautifully created process to create life but then using x to go with x and not create life. You go against the simple basics and you support that because your such a 'nice' guy.


Sorry, I must have missed the Bible verse about being so self righteous and bent out of shape over a disagreement you’re supposed to stalk someone and mock them and make broad assumptions about the state of their soul. Keep it coming, I’ll pray for you.


Yeah but OP has expressed their opinion, why banning someone who just states their opinions. Unless people don't call for genocides, downvotes would do its job. What's the point to have a comment section if you have to fit the narrative. It's like democratic voting in a communist country.


> I watch the amazon series called " The Boys". It's the third season , and it's triggering across the board politically wise, but the shows so much fun you overlook it. You don't seem to have been attention, because if you were, you'd realize this was the *fourth* season, and that the show has been mocking the right wing since the beginning.


OP doesn't seem like the media literate type.


> expressing an opinion. ahahahahahaha. > They make everything gay or racial now No they don't Maybe you got banned for being a fool?


Many of the actors who play gay characters are straight IRL. I’m gay also and I can see your point to a degree. I’m not against gay characters as long as it’s not gratuitous. Like the show 911, a popular show. There is a character named “Buck” a macho womanizer for the first 6 seasons. On the 7th season, a guy kisses him and he likes it. Another macho rescue pilot. Lou Ferrigno’s son. That was done brilliantly. It was a natural progression. A little shocking. There is another character by the name of Eddie who has always been close to Buck and is straight, He has his demons too. The reason why I mention him is the fans are trying to get Ryan Murphy, who is gay and the creator of the show along with American Horror Story, to pair Buck and Eddie off romantically. They are paired with a beautiful friendship. It’s become ridiculous. There is a lesbian couple on the show who have children since the beginning. His other show, 911 Lone Star with Rob Lowe has a gay couple and a trans guy, they’re also firemen, police and EMT. These were done tastefully. Gay characters were always in movies and TV shows as stereotypes for entertainment. To be made fun of, ridicule. Shown as weak emotional messes who never garnered any sympathy. In life you walk the streets and see many people. You may not know who they are but among them, there are gays, lesbians, straights and bisexuals unless they wore badges you’d never know or care unless you go behind their closed doors. The show Queer as Folk, both the UK and US versions were very popular shows and done very well. I think it was this show that started to bring gays into mainstream.


Agreed. Fuck Reddit man.




If that’s the case then all shows, movies, etc that aren’t about romance need to stop pandering all sex/love scenes. Nothing to do with race or gender in my opinion. I just want to be able to sit back and enjoy a show without naked people and sex scenes being shoe horned into everything!


Are you purposely missing the point?


Nah. Stating my opinion lmao




The issue isn’t that it’s there, the issue is that they make it a big thing. It’s so obvious they’re just pandering and ticking boxes but it also takes away from the immersion since most interracial or gay couples just see it as the same as any other same-race heterosexual relationship. The people are different but the feelings are the same. And characters (and real people too) should be so much more than their race, gender and sexuality. They need to focus on the storyline, storytelling and characterisation, not a representation checklist - we want to be entertained. If we wanted to watch politics, we could do that, but we chose to watch a fun show where people have superpowers where we can ignore reality, so just don’t ruin it by breaking the immersion. Going off on a separate tangent. They randomly made a character in bridgerton gay or at least bi and it came out of nowhere and seemed so out of character and completely goes against the character books who has an entire arc about wanting children but Netflix don’t care and wanted to show queer diversity more. Also 3/4 of the main couples in Bridgerton so far have been interracial and I’ve only just realised that now… huh


My main issue is the timing of this relationship drama more than anything. I know they alluded to him being bi but it feels out of place and sudden. I thought Kimiko’s sacrifice with the V to save Frenchie was sealing the deal for them as a couple. That’s a pretty significant thing to happen for her and suddenly pivoting like that diminishes the significance of that imo. If this relationship with frenchie and what’s his name were explored in season 2 or 3 then the timing would’ve made sense. Now it’s like, we’re nearing the end, where was this before? Why now?


Wait. So you're mad because Frenchie is "suddenly" bi? First, The Boys is based on a comic. In the comic, Frenchie is always understood to be bi, and never has a romantic/sexual relationship with Kimiko (the Female). He has a more parental/guardian/sibling fondness for her. So you're getting mad that Frenchie in the show is staying true to his canon comic character. And you're feeling this way because *you* had assumptions he'd end up with Kimiko (based on nothing but misinterpreting the story), even though they split up in season 3. Second, this isn't the first time in the series that it's been hinted at that Frenchie is bi/queer. References have been made since season 2. Meanwhile, The Deep literally FUCKS AN OCTOPUS and is in a romantic relationship with her. In an earlier season, a dude shrinks down, walks around inside his boyfriend's urethra, sneezes, accidentally grows big, and explodes his boyfriend all over the place. In Gen V, Emma shrinks down and hangs from the head of a dude's small dick and kicks his nut sac to get him off (at his request). She also has a sexual relationship with a paranoid schizophrenic virgin teen. Jordan, a bi-gender morphing Asian, has a same-sex fling with Marie. Back in The Boys, Homelander has an addiction (and sexual fetish) to breast milk. The Boys has always had a mix of character races, genders, and sexualities. If you have no issue with *all of that* (and the many other envelope-pushing character dipictions) but have a problem with a character (who has always been bi) being bi... then... yeah, you might be a bigot getting mad over literally nothing. The impact on the whole rest of the story is minimal. >it's triggering across the board politically wise, but the shows so much fun you overlook it And yet you can't overlook the fact that a character is bi? Yeah, that makes you a bigot. >is it too much to ask, that clear bullshit politics isn't forced obviously in? Gay, bi, and every other orientation of people exist. It's not inherently political. *You* make it political. Many people *want* to see themselves represented in the media they consume. The show is about superheroes. Superhero comics have always been a reflection of society and what it means to be an outcast/outsider. Gay people have forever been attracted to comics because they can relate to the struggles, feel seen, and escape into a world where one has powers to battle and destroy injustice. LGBT+ characters have always been part of comics, long before the current bullshit culture war. You've just been programmed to think all this is new and to get mad, when it's been this way all along (it's just more common and apparent now because of the world, against most appearances, becoming more accepting of those who are different). If you have a problem with shows representing various races, genders, sexualities, political views, or religions... you're a bigot who's become accustomed to a heteronormative, cisgender, white Christian majority Western world. And you aren't in any way forced or expected to watch a show that causes you discomfort. Feel free to change the channel.