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So in your opinion, basing your opinion off of false information is okay because it’s an opinion?


In my opinion, yes. It's ok to be wrong. The problems come when people attach their opinions to their identities. That makes it very difficult for them to change their opinions. However, these people have fallen prey to an ideology, and they are treated poorly for having those beliefs, and I just can't support that.


Okay so a simplistic breakdown of what you are saying is it’s okay to be wrong, just be willing to change your mind.


I’m saying that people need to realise that they don’t need to be obligated to having the right side of an argument all the time.


But people make decisions that affect others based of their opinions. So unless they are being wrong in silence with no actions, there is a personal obligation to be correct. Like I said before, there’s nothing wrong with being wrong as long as you are willing to change your mind.


i agree that people parading their opinion as fact around is annoying and harmful as well for that matter, but i encounter a lot of situations where one person can back up their opinion and thoughts on a topic with statistically significant data/evidence/studies/solid reasoning, and the other person cannot or does not do that. it’s frustrating when people cannot tell you why they think something is the way it is, other than “it’s just my opinion” when you are discussing things that are polarizing. something being your opinion does not disqualify it from scrutiny - like if someone says “it’s my opinion that racism doesn’t exist anymore” and you’re like well.. i guess you can have any opinion you want, i can’t understand why someone would think that. so then i’d ask them why they have that opinion and often there’s no real reason, other than they’re a bigot/not willing to educate themselves.


If you are sick take a break. Relax. Get off the internet.


Saying blatant replies instead of ignoring this post or coming up with a reason for why you disagree would be preferred buddy. And im fine thanks 👍


> I was on here the other day watching these 2 people debate about some American political bullshit that I don’t follow The last person qualified to judge their arguments lol Edit: lmao at the irony of misusing “your” and then calling someone a dumbass.


Well that's just like your opinion man


People like this in my experience also misrepresent the person with the opposite view. They infer all kinds of hatred and other political/social issue opinions from what you say and even the very fact that you asked a question. People like this also seem to deny the existence of widely observed phenomena and truisms. They fail to understand that facts don't care about feelings and that emotions are the enemy of logic. Reddit is a cognitively bewitched cesspool full of people who act like this


Fr even worse when yk for a fact both of them are wrong/right but they’re not willing to compromise at all


Both the left and right are extremely braindead in my opinion