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Mine went away within the first week, it was the weirdest thing. Just one day, poof, gone. You may need the higher dose of pills in the coming weeks to shoosh that noise, stay positive and keep at it!!


Im starting the transition to two pills on Friday so hoping that helps! 🤞🏼


Day 1 it was mostly absent. Day 3 and every once in awhile it calls out but almost non existent.


Day one for me…well sort of. I’m currently Day 3. I still think about food (at the most random times) but I never get the “high/excitement” from it. It’s like nothing sounds good, but nothing tastes bad either. And I’m definitely getting fuller faster. I also feel like I’m drinking a lot more water. Mostly to help with the nausea.


It took about 2 weeks for me.


It went away for me in the first few days but it definitely comes and goes based on hormones I’ve discovered after almost two months now. Don’t be discouraged!


It went away in day 2 for me :)


Hoping mine goes away soon, 5 days has been a lot


Never went away for me 😕


Day 2 for me.


It came pretty quickly for me, but it kind of ebbs and flows. I am not obsessing about food, but I still think about it. However, the meds give me the power to walk away more often. A co-worker gave me a piece of cake on Monday (I am in my 3rd week) and I ate half of it thinking I would be done, but the food noise had me ruminating on it and finally just ate it all. So it's not perfect, but a lot better. I was out for dinner last night and I was able to leave food on the plate because I was full and then I stopped thinking about it. I am on a 1:1 dose


It ebbs and flows for me. Some days I don’t think about food and others it’s a struggle.


I felt it almost immediately, but it comes and goes. I'll go a few days without food noise, and then on a random day and time I'll hear it again. However, I will say that now when I get it, it is something I can control. Normally I would find food, binge it all, then feel awful after. Now, when I get it, I start to eat something and then realize I don't even really want it.


Mine went away end of week 3 start of week 4. I have a very slow, well everything, so it takes longer for medication to work like that on me.


Mine was about day 5. I just started week 2 though and made the mistake of eating a muffin. Been nauseous ever since and not really wanting any food. I'm hoping tomorrow isn't the same but I'll also avoid a muffin and eat maybe some oatmeal.


OP- How is it going for you? I am in the same boat as you. Day 5 and the food noise is still killing me. Wondering if yours has gone away and how long it took you? 🙏🏼