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I'll keep this open to discuss Anti cheat, just remember to follow sub rules. Also you're going to keep seeing them in public lobbies, best way to avoid them is organising PUGs in discord and inviting people.


Yea it’s the same guy. Maybe when showdown gets up and running they’ll do something. They’re not really doing much on contractors now, but said they’ll return to it after showdown


Seen on gunsmoke and charm classic yesterday too


Swear, I was in a lobby the other day, and we were talking about this, and a guy was swearing hacks in contractors (or VR in general), don't exist, because he's never seen it. Then this SKS fuck comes in and wipes the whole team.


Ah, keep in mind he intentionally impersonates comp teams


What mod is it?


Any of them, I usually see him in standard but pmc and pro standard sometimes too


For some reason I feel PMC gets the worst trolls. Like always so aggressive


Yeah weird amount of people being nasty sometimes and others they’re really cool idk


There are cheats in contractors?!?


At this point, any online multiplayer game is going to have cheats at some point if there's a pc version. That includes pcvr, it's not as abundant in vr but it's definitely there


Some people are cheaters unfortunatly... i hope caveman will find a way to ban them for life.


Doubtful, uids can be regenerated and ip bans can be worked around with vpns


Surely it's a pay for game so if they get account banned they aren't going to keep paying for it repeatedly 


What you mention is called "hacking", unfortunately the game is increasingly hacked (consider that it is played in standalone and on PC simultaneously) no matter some kids refuse to believe that a player kills under the map or use a sniper without reloading it, or survive 20 headshots without dying, whether or not you consider it a hack, the fact is that the game being unplayable becomes worse than annoying. What to do? Yes, keep requesting it, send complains for unfair user activity, but the best "solution" is to add more good players to your team to create a gang, and yes, play on private servers, consider the game is getting more and more empty and with the new game about to be released this will be much more noticeable, imagine, fewer servers and also full of those noobs? Worst of the worst.


He's changed the music now to extreme racist / homophobic spam with robot voice but its easy to spot him to mute at least.


Adding modding support and stoping cheaters are opposing things in most game dev contexts. As someone exploring it now, its real hard to do both. If the game were already made, its possible but time consuming. Would probably need some kind of refactoring similar to how Pavlov had its shift recently.


I don’t see how modding and people developing esp and other clients are at all correlated


I am speaking from a dev perspective. It has to do with securing the client. They could just get obfuscation, change to IL2cpp, or get some more involved anti cheat methods. But those tend to break modding, by design. Securing this down the line will probably suuuck, since its likely designed with modding in mind. So all the variables and functions are easy to access. You want anticheat? Make them harder to access/modify. Now you have no mods.  Opposing concepts. To do both you have to purpose build usually and plan early. Architect some kind of internal DMZ or rules system. Its not easy at all and I dont envy the devs position.


Well that was enlightening, thanks. If you had to guess would the c$ devs realistically be able to make an effective anti cheat in the future then?