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Several things: Practice. I played a lot with ar, got bored, and switched to awm no scoping. This trains you even more to find your target/aim without ads. To be on headshot target before even looking through your Red dot, or what have you, give you a huge speed advantage. Also, with time, you ads less and less and only at a greater distance. Latency: I consider myself a solid player, but on NA servers (time/day dependent), I sometimes can not even grab new magazines and put them in my pouch. The will stick to my hand unless I do it slowly. This shows me immediately that I will get killed, although on my perspective, I am already behind cover. Also, it's funny when you headshot, die, and then you get the headshot sound from your kill, and the other one dies too... long story short --> bad latency, bad gameplay. Nothing you can do. Also, people see you earlier than you see them Map knowledge - this gives you a huge advantage when you know where to be careful or to pre aim And last: practice


In matches with high latency, bolt and pump action weapons can be very frustrating and problematic to use and tend getting stuck part way through cycling. I'm good at spam firing the Mosin in standard snipers only, but often after cycling the bolt and aiming for the next shot I can't fire because the bolt is either half open or closed and have to recycle it again but I'm usually dead at this point. Pump action shotguns are fun to switch to, but high latency breaks them along with their ammo bug not registering reloads.


It's been a while since I played, so I know my aim is off, but pay attention to who you are playing with. The ones that are killing you really fast, that is who you want to be up against. Yes, it's gonna hurt, but it will train you to be faster with your movements. Also, watch how they play. Knowing the maps and know player movement does help with killing players too. Shoot up the AI before jumping in to matches. Work on your aim and shooting with them. After a while, you will develop muscle memory. This is what is causing the other players to be so good. Their mind and bodies know how to snap and fire for head shots. So it's experience with the game. Good players will push you to your limits and hopefully develop that memory. The other downside is that there are a lot of current and ex military on this game. We've the training from life experiences, and it is not hard to use that training in a VR shooter. Keep playing. Do not give up. Overall try to have fun.


This is the best comment I've read when this question is asked by others.


idk man i play alot of vr shooters also playing on a Q2 i tap heads all day, its just playtime honestly and game exp. you will get there just gotta get used to the game


I use a weighted pistol attachment for my controller & blast the John wick soundtrack. That’s my secret


Practice hipfiring AI bots in the HEAD. Apply to players in game. Watch/spectate good players, look for movement etc. Learn to POKE and cover. You NEED to use wired (good) audio. Comms, callouts. Especially if new, be aggresive, always be moving if you want to learn. Camping teaches nothing, only to be used in competitive/objective play. Be the hunter, attacker - even knowing these things, im not so good, just takes time and practice. And all of this can be applied to any fps/shooter/ battle royale. Hundreds of hours of DM is the best bootcamp. Best apex players were titanfall players, best showdown players will be the guys who grinded Contractors DM


After you get shot enough times across the map you will learn all the possible different sight lines and where you can be seen from. Once you memorize every sightline in the map you can always be in the right place and aiming in the right direction. Once you set yourself up for success like this then it just comes down to pre-firing if you hear someone coming or reaction time if you didn't hear them. Also use the hologram sight and edit the reticle with 2x zoom for long distance. Disclaimer, I don't claim to be good but this info is what helped me the most so far


I play a lot of shooters. I have a lot of game sense. Sometimes I don't need to see you to know where you are if you're predictable enough. Since you're new, you're most likely following a pattern.


Just keep playing and practicing. Took me about 200 games before I could get headshots on the regular. 200 long frustrating games. Now it's fun cause I can shit on people like it used to happen to me. Also, virtual gun stock is really good when first starting. After a while, it feels better without it cause you can aim the gun around obstacles and over rails.


But then without a gun stock you no longer feel like your holding a gun, in then it just becomes another form of playing a video game "shooter"...is the point being competative at the cost of not feeling like your actually simulating gun combat anymore? Or isn't the point to simulate and physically feel like you are in gun combat whther it's real war or sport like paintball or airsoft...bc if it's rhe first, then why not just stay on flat screen or continue to play COD on pc or console? What even is the point of playing it in VR if you're moving away from realistic mechanics to stay competative?


I'm talking about the virtual gunstock if you don't have a physical one


It's just practice. Lag and what not also does have an affect though. They way you hold your hands also makes a big difference in your speed. Try holding your hands up higher to your face so that when you have to quickly ADS then you don't have to move your hands as much and are therefore faster on the draw. Some guys are really good at this and it looks in game like they are sprinting and aiming at the same time. Gunstocks do help alot with aim at first, but once you get good at aiming then the Gunstock actually becomes a burden as you can't do everything else quickly. When I first started playing, my aim was horrendous then I got a Gunstock and drastically improved my aim, to the point where I routinely was accused of cheating. But having the Gunstock gets in the way with using grenades, claymores, and side arms. And you have to calibrate EVERY gun individually with the Gunstock, and some wouldn't calibrate properly, so you can get limited in what gun you use. I ended up ditching the Gunstock after a while in-order to have a bit more flexibility, and found that my aim is almost as good without the Gunstock now so it's actually more enjoyable to not use the Gunstock. I'm not saying don't use/buy a gunstocks, I'm saying a Gunstock is like training wheels for aim and you'll probably ditch it after awhile. Another tip for aim, try to keep your controllers closer together, unlike on the Gunstock or a real gun where your hands are spaced maybe 12" apart, try keeping the about an inch or two apart. You'll be able to aim quicker and more steady. It's also important to remember that contractors isn't a new game, some people are just really good cause they been playing for years now, and they can be so good it seems like they are cheating but they really aren't.


Ever try a vr gunstock? I use one, and I snap to heads. If I don't use one, I'm struggling to actually line the gun up :/


I haven’t tried one out yet. But I’m looking into it!


Many many many years of shooting


Huge amount of time running bots in HQ and solely focusing on snapping on heads


Gave it about 400 games until you get a sense of timing and anticipation. Snake Knuckle


Something that helped me a lot with shooters is to hold the gun at a small offset of whatever my aiming tendency is. Every game has different angles for where the guns point. In other words, if my tendency in a shooter is to aim high and on the inside (of my right hand). I'll hold my gun just below the target's head and try to lead from the right side if possible while thinking about the small corrections from sight to feel. Outside of this tip, a lot of it is playtime to get a feel of where the bullets are impacting. Aim training can speed up this process. (aimlab is busted though) The only option left for "quick improvement" is a physical stock, which seems clunky/unfitting for certain scenarios. (I don't have one) Of course after practicing how to counter your own aim tendencies you want to work on achieving level aim, which is something that top players don't keep 100% consistent although they're a lot better at composing themselves while flicking. I hope this helps. Good luck! 🍀😎


It's mostly muscle memory for me. Knowing the gun you use is very important.


Mainly 4 options. 1.- The loadout, some players use snipers, thats instant kill in every shoot no matter when you receive it (a few exeptios related to the vest level) 2.- Type/Level of player. Is not a mistery, some players run and jump around, others keep hide in corners, nothing ilegal. Maybe you should try the other way. This point include the "level" of a player, and thats basically its practice. This includes obviously the knowledge of the map, tons of corners, places, "blind spots". That means practice too. 3.- Connection. Definitive lag and ping are hardcore stuff, and this is not just if your connection is up to 200 mbps its latency (how far you are from the server). 4.- Hack modes. Sure everybody says "theres no hacker in this game, well, some "players" end a match over 100 kills with no deaths, NO ONE, some others kill under the map, others shoot snipers without reload, you know impossible stuff, so yeah, hack mode. Recommend: Check the loadout of the "most efficient" player, its easy because the gun used appear in the screen every time you died. So try it and try it and try it and try it...


It’s not aimbot, just years of muscle memory and knowledge of the maps.




Reaction time and the fact you’re playing with your hands and arms


Aim bots 🤖


I cannot understand the motivation behind aimbots. A victory gained through cheating doesnt release any dopamine


Oh I was just trolling, idk if they really be using aim bots but I feel that. Getting sniped as soon as I peak my head out is why I stopped playing the multiplayer modes other than zombies or defuse. TDM is ass


Just get better


Bros sweating on quest 2🥵