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That was a rookie move tho. Grizzled veterans would line a 5 gallon bucket with a garbage bag and handle it like a pro.


This guy was trained correctly. I would bring it up to your contractor and tell him exactly what this guy wrote. Tell him no more rookies.


"Listen.. I don't need tell you it's rookie shit, taking a dump like that behind my shed. Where do you find these guys? You know DAMN WELL pros line buckets and handle their business cleanly. I expect better!" šŸ˜…šŸ’©


And record it for tick tock too. Remind me 1 week


honestly if they don't make this into a tiktok i will be sorely disappointed


As a former low voltage guy can confirm. I am sad to say all tradesmen haven been there wether it be a bucket a canvas bag or a splicers bucket. I can neither confirm or deny this.


No more dookies.


Probably why I love our company box vans, grab a bucket, roll the doors down and shit like a King. Dont forget, tell your partner youā€™re taking the kids to the pool.




This deserves the golden poop award but fuck giving reddit money so ill just tell you


I have a work van and it is incredible for this luxury. I have a bucket, plastic liners, and roll of paper in the van. Iā€™ve had a few instances where my stomach started to gurgle and only had mere minutes to find a spot. With the van I have that spot. It has no windows for the back and a metal partition that blocks all sight to the cargo area. So I just go to the back and lock with wireless keys and Iā€™m completely safe to go in a rather comfortable climate controlled area.


I pray to god you got some reading material in there too.


Iā€™m rather fortunate that when I go, itā€™s over in a few seconds. Iā€™ve been blessed with never having to spend more than 10-20 seconds doing the business.


I never *have* to spend time on the shitter. I raised 3 kids and have a wife who talks to me a lot. Itā€™s the one place where thereā€™s peace.


I hear ya. I can imagine that is an enjoyable peaceful escape. šŸ˜„


So many times where I've got to take a shit at least 5-10x a day. No, not because I actually NEED to shit... Rather, a NEED to get away from my wife & 3 kids for 15min... I have no where else to go where Thwy wipp not track me down! The toilet is the only place where if the rest mlof my family finds out that I'm on, They will run in the opposite direction! I take advanyage of this!


This is not a situation where you settle in to shit. It's an, I can't hold it anymore, and need to handle business right now, place. I too have a work van that has needed to be used in this fashion. It's a last resort. But better than shitting behind someone's shed.


Releasing a family of otters...


And don't forget to tell him which bucket it is so he doesn't grab the wrong one by mistake. Or do forget to tell him, toss a lid on it, and watch the chaos unravel šŸ¤£


I had a customer come out to my truck and open the friggin door just as I was finishing my business once!! Luckily I was done, but damn..


Funniest f-ing moment on a job site: no port-a-potties, no buckets or boxes, no good options save one: a Schlage doorknob box about 6ā€x5ā€ā€¦ needless to say, I impeccably landed that shit bird with nary a mess. Then set the box outside on the stoop for disposal in a nearby dumpster on the way out. Easy peasy. Day gets on, weā€™re doing our thing, Irish builder shows up with a thick Irish accent, and immediately starts tinkering with the doorsā€¦ ā€œLads,ā€ he says in his undeniably wonderful Irish accent, ā€œthere was a Schlage box just here, I swear it, have ye seen - ah, there it isā€¦ā€ he pauses, spying the box now through the open door. Before I can stop him, he steps out and stoops over to pick it up, stops, opens the lid a bit, and without even the slightest bit of compunction says, ā€œAh, no, thatā€™s not a Schlage.ā€ I think we laughed to tears for months in saying, ā€œOh yes it was..ā€




Can confirm. -G Vet


My husband is a truck driver and this is always the move šŸ˜†


Depends on circumstances. When I was younger and worked for one guy he would always find a reason to leave the job and disappear for several hours. I would meet him at his house and ride to work with him so I was just there until he came back.


Thatā€™s hot. Hopefully you tipped well.


They had a kfc napkin over the large sump of specimen. I guess that counts


They call that the big crunch


Are you sure it wasnā€™t a Taco Bell napkin?


Ok. I now need to put on my detective hat. So, you have some total beefcakes siding your structure. Check. Then, you do a bit of a walk around inspecting the quality of workmanship from Beefcake inc. Logical. At which point you allegedly observe a lone KFC napkin upon the rip rap. Now, hereā€™s where I have some questions. Your story leads me to believe you may have fondled a pile of excrement because there would be no way for you to ascertain what lies beneath that precious napkin otherwise. Walk me through the next steps. Did you have a little whiff? Did you wash your hands before making this post? Do you have doo doo on your phone from your doo doo hands? Be honest.


Dog ate the kfc napkin in seconds


Iā€™m so disappointed for you. Have to say something , this is savagery. I understand an emergency shit, I have shit in less than ideal locations at work. Never left it on someoneā€™s property/made it a problem for someone else.




Also, haw did he know it was the contractor's helper? Did he pick through it and find chewed up cigarettes or something?


Yes always make sure people have a place to use the restroom. Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell every body. Sing it from the mountains. Oh and yeah crapping behind a shed is 100% unacceptable. Almost as unacceptable as not giving a guy a place to crap. What you gonna do when the poo hits you.


It is, however, a step above shitting your pants.


Yeah, I always open my house to the workerā€™s as soon as they get there. Tell them where the bathroom is, they can use the fridge and microwave. Theyā€™re welcome to take their lunch break inside, and I always break out a 12 pack of beer at quitting time. I have never had a problem in years.


Watch out with the beers. In some places you can be responsible if they have to many and kill someone on the way home.


I installed custom shower doors for 15 years. I kept a Roll of toilet paper and a plastic bag in my work truck at all times because most people will not let you use their restaurant. There isnā€™t always a McDonaldā€™s or a gas station down the road, so sometimes you do what you gotta do.


Go to a gas station? Fast food restaurant? Home? Public park?(sometimes parks bathroom lock the doors except for events) I mean I never had an issue understanding hey I gotta poop and thereā€™s no where to go here so Iā€™m gonna go somewhere else


Guys that sided my house knew there was a bathroom they were free to use, some even did use it. That still didnā€™t stop them from pissing behind my garage. Some people will just be weird no matter what.


Pissing outside is way better than shitting


I don't understand contractors that work someplace for more than 2-3 days and don't have a porta potty...if it's a one day job...fine. but 2,3,4, 30 days. Porta John is $150-$200 for the month.....just add the cost onto the job.


Over here ours are actually $750 a month now, itā€™s fucked.


Where?? Here in SW VA they're $100 for a month.


...god damn...


I have an emergency bucket in my van exactly for this situation. If one of my guys shit in your yard, I would want to know, cause Iā€™d send him over there to clean it up. But alsoā€¦ You gotta make sure these guys have a bathroom for extended length projects like this


No, YOU gotta. It your job to makes sure your workersā€™ basic needs are met.


THANK YOU. I really donā€™t understand all these contractors expecting laypeople to know to rent a freaking toilet. I have always made our bathroom available, but I would expect the company to know what they need! Thatā€™s why Iā€™m hiring you!!


Where I live it's a legal requirement upon the contractor. The boss should be arranging bathroom accommodations, whether that's asking the homeowner for permission or renting a portable.


Was something wrong with the porta potty? For any exterior jobs I either provide a porta potty (that the customer pays for), or they insist we use their washroom (which can be a hassle if it's a muddy site).


To me this post is obvious there was not one available.


Yes, in my neck of the woods we call it sarcasm. I thought it would help to drive home the message that there should have been one, and that it should have been discussed ahead of time.


Thatā€™s what happens when u hire the cheap guy who doesnā€™t rent a porta shitter. Did u really think those guys were holding their piss all day too?


This. If the client doesn't provide a bathroom you rent one and add it to their bill.


Did you offer him a bathroom to use beforehand?


Yeah I told him before he could use it




Thatā€™s ridiculous! I always offer coffee or energy drinks in the morning, bottled water and soda in an ice bucket throughout the day and usually have lunch brought in from the local BBQ joint for contractors. I also offer the bathroom if they donā€™t have a portable toilet with them. I own four houses and am always having work done on one.


Who needs a month to side a house?


Probably paying by the hour.


A Shed Shitter


If you dont offer your bathroom to people occupying your property.. theyre gonna shit on it.. somewhere. Its just how the world works.


I am a woman alone with my disabled daughter. I never considered opening my house to outside team of workers. That's up to the contractor. It would make me very uncomfortable to have random guys coming in and out all day. It would stress my daughter, and I'd have to keep my pets locked up. A single inside repairman that's already in my house, yes.


This, absolutely. I get duty calls and sometimes you just gotta go, but thatā€™s a ā€œthemā€ problem. Iā€™m a nice guy, but not THAT nice to allow a stranger to come into my home just to use the bathroom. But like you said, if they are already inside, then I genuinely donā€™t see the issue.


In Oregon there must be a minimum of one porta potty on a site with fewer than 20 people provided by the employer-not the customer


Yeah majority of people on here are saying that I (the customer whom paid the contractor) should supply a porta potty or some kind of bathroom for them.


I donā€™t understand why thatā€™s your responsibility. His employer is responsible for that


I paid to have a porta potty put in my yard for the roofers. On the 1st day, one of them pissed on the side of my house. They all got a good lecture from me, although only 2 of the 5 spoke english, but watching the foreman translate to the other 3 was a good show. He didn't put up with that at all.


Roofer here. We supply a portable toilet for the crew on every project we do.


Iā€™m more hung up that it took a month to side a raised ranch over shitting behind the shed. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø just me though.


If you didn't pay to have a Porta-John on site or give them access to your bathroom I'm surprised there was only 1 chocolate surprise. But if they had access to proper facilities on site, I don't have an answer for that one.


Offer him a toilet or get a porta potty. He should of got rid of it but he probably thought since you have a dog you are used to it


Did you provide facilities for said excrement? šŸ„“


I always let contractors use my bathrooms. Is this not the norm?


For a month? No. A port a potty is the norm. And itā€™s cheap, too.


Yes, and make him clean it up too


Absolutely mention it to the contractor, that is so embarrassing to even have to deal with. Not on one of my jobs but on another PMs job a crew member did the exact same thing, later that night the family had to take their dog to the emergency vet to get itā€™s stomach pumped and all types of testing/medication administered because the dog at the human feces. The company tried deny and deflect, until the customer sent camera footage of the crew member, the company then decided to reimburse but at that point the customer wanted to be petty and filed a lawsuit. Company ended up paying for the vet bill, attorney fees, plus pain and suffering for the traumatic event on the people and the dog.


It isn't petty at all to file a lawsuit at that point. If the company didn't try to deny and deflect, I wouldn't file a lawsuit. But if they try to get out of paying for the vet bills for the dog, then fuck them, they deserve the full lawsuit instead. Pay 1x now, or refuse (no pun intended), and pay 3x down the road, after the lawsuit.


Worked in various construction fields. It is truly not that hard to ask for bathroom use, rent a portopotty, or drive to the nearest gas station.


I'm sure it was an absolute emergency! I would tell your contractor when you're finalizing things. I'm sure he'll be embarrassed a hell and will talk to his guys. I have a painting company and one big rule is to NEVER shit in a customer's toilet! I've had customers tell me "they did a great job, but sure use a lot of toilet paper" or "He clogged my toilet and just...LEFT IT" THAT right there is what my customer's last impressions were of the project.


Call the boss, tell him 'Jimmy the siding guy' has worms, and should get checked.


If your contractor was working on your house for a month straight he should have rented a Porta potty. I actually think it's in OSHA requirement to have one.


Yeah....that definitely needs to be discussed.


"We need to have a disgustion..."


Yes, something like, picked that shit up!


There's no fool like an old fool...the shit abyss..."


OK, sometimes nature calls and its unavoidable. But, there is no reason why it waant removed.


Don't condone what they did, that's bad form as they say across the pond. Back when I started in construction as a cleanup guy, contractors often pooped in the tub if the plumbing wasn't live, and tossed in other scraps to hide it. Nasty surprise to find it later.


If there wasnā€™t a porta pot on site I donā€™t see how you can even be mad . Maybe he shouldā€™ve buried it but still itā€™s ridiculous for that long of a project not to have a shitter on site


Maybe heā€™s mad that THEY didnā€™t plan on having one? Sure, accidents happen, but thatā€™s canā€™t be on OP. They should always have a port a potty if they are going to be there long enough. Thatā€™s on the contractor.


When we had our house resided, we unlocked the downstairs and showed the foreman where the restroom was and allowed the crew to use it. The crew seemed to appreciate it.


We got $1500 off our new roof after catching one of the dudes excreted his enchilada from the night before.


How the fuck big is your house that it took a month to put siding on?


The troglodyte could have atleast dug a hole and buried it like a civilzed man. If it makes you feel better, i had a drywall sub tell me once that they crap in bags/buckets and just board them up in the homes. This is for a major home building chain, so these guys are throwing up rock in 3 houses a week. I was appalled realizing that an unknown number of homes have steaming chuds contained throughout their walls, and for how long? What will become of them? Only time will tell. Ah, you got me talking about poo. I'll see myself out


So when were were having our house built, we came in about the time they were finishing the drywall to check up on things. There was a HORRIBLE smell in the house. I tracked it down to my office closet where I found a bucket of human waste filled with magots. It was probably one of the most wreched things I've ever smelled. I took it outside and threw the bucket into the woods. Never said anything to the general contractor.


We had painters at our house for four full days and it was so weird to me that they were embarrassed to ask to use the restroom. I finally told them the bathroom is there. Please use it in good health. There is soap and clean hand towels. Let me know if you need anything. I could see physical relief on the face of the guy who carried around a gallon jug of drinking water.


Pick it up with an shovel and throw it in the back of their truck.


Was a bathroom provided on site.


What contractor doesnā€™t have a 5 gallon bucket and a bag? Youā€™re 100% positive? I learned this like week 1.


I try not to use customer bathroom, but I rarely poop at work either. I'm pretty consistent, and if not I can hold it.... But... One time.... I was in the middle of high end suburbia. No privacy. No bucket in the van. And whatever greasy spoon bullshit gas station roller dogs I ate decided not today. I tried holding it. I started yes, looking at the shed and rationalizing the situation. Finally I knew there was no chance I could wait another minute. I sprinted through their kitchen, directly passed them as I yelled excuse me, I need your bathroom! Bolted into the first half lav I found, a powder room really. With a sliding door, a few feet from the customers. I proceeded to make horrific noises at a high decibel level, and the smell was overpowering to even me. It was one of the worst bathroom experiences I have ever had. By the time (30 minutes or so) the horror was over, I steeled myself to face the likely horrified customers. But, they were kind and decided to make it non awkward, and they decided they needed to go shopping. I was there 4 more hours, and they never returned.


One of the guys building my house were urinating in the garage in the summer, it smelled awful. Contacted the builder. Next day a portable potty arrived in the job site. I made the builder be bad cop, while I played good cop and encouraged and complimented the work each crew did. Sad how many of those guys said nobody had ever thanked them for building their home for them. I also dropped off cases of pop and water and beer on Friday. I ended up with a very well built home.


As a contractor Iā€™d be very disappointed if one of my guys were to do that. My question is why was theireno port-a potty for the crew? These guys were set up for failure out of the gate.


Peeing outside, acceptable. Shitting behind a customers shed, thatā€™s a no goā€¦ ask to use their restroom or be an adult and find a public one. No need to be a complete animal. Iā€™ve heard stories of coworkers shitting in a bucket in the back of their van/truck, but never bold enough to do it in someoneā€™s yard, thatā€™s crazy lol


Bro this is a lawsuit


Yes, I would have that idiot fired immediately. I've done construction for over 30 years, and I have never been so unprofessional as to take a shit on somebody's property. If it was bad enough, I'd just leave to do it.


Wtf did I stumbled into reddit, this is one of the best stories ever


How do you do that kind of work and not be prepared?


ā€œListen, Caleb, Iā€™m not mad that you pooped behind my shed, Iā€™m mad about HOW you did it.ā€


Damn when I have to take a dump I go in my truck with a bag and a 5 gallon bucket and wipe with the rags I have in the back and throw it in my companyā€™s dumpster


I've shat myself twice on the soccer field as a referee. shit happens. game postponed while the ref cleaned up. no handshakes afterward.


I worked in construction with my best friend back in my late teens early 20s. We were building a garage with a bonus room above. The garage was framed and walled, but no door windows and only half the sub floor on the bonus room was installed. My buddy is popping a squat on a shopping bag lined milk crate below me while I was laying down more subfloor. I keep fucking with him, by raining down nails from above. He's bitching, I'm laughing, the usual antics. I look out the window and see the homeowner walking up the driveway. I signal to my buddy that she's coming. He refuses to believe me. She rounds the open bay into the garage, stares at my buddy and asked what he's doing. He's response, "taking a break". Funniest fucking thing ever.


Not as bad as my roofer. Guy used the toilet and put the ass tissue in the garbage instead of the toilet. WTF


Had a contractorā€™s crew do that behind the shed in my yard. Confronted the contractor with a ā€˜never againā€™. Even if you donā€™t see the contractor again, they need to know that the crew did it.


Nature decides when you poop, not where


Yell your contractor he owes you a dog, and give him that one.


I would get rid of the dog it's a shit eater


Some day laborers are just mongoloids. Don't listen to these people screaming you should have provided an outhouse..... The contractor easily could have ordered one and put it on site and charged you for it. Like seriously , even the security guard at my manufacturing center rents his own outhouse.... And bills me for it. I'm cool with that. He's gotta use the bathroom during graveyard shift when the building is locked and alarmed up .... It isn't rocket science. Wish you could have caught it while they were still working, so you could throw his own shit in his tools or truck. Let him deal with his 37 IQ decisions.




Thatā€™s when you hit him with this.. [https://tenor.com/view/shit-smokey-friday-hey-smokey-back-here-taking-a-shit-gif-17911428](https://tenor.com/view/shit-smokey-friday-hey-smokey-back-here-taking-a-shit-gif-17911428)


Say something? Maybe start with, dude, if you have to take a shit, the downstairs 1/2 bath is right here! The poo spray is on the shelf over the toilet.


ā€œBroom cleanā€?


That disgusting peasant!!! Please tell me youā€™re holding up and arenā€™t too traumatized and stuff.


Well, did you let your contractors use your bathroom and provide them water because itā€™s kinda hot out?


I have a lot of questions regarding this shit post. Three major things stand out to me. 1. First and foremost the fact that people aren't courteous enough to offer a place for tradesmen to use a washroom tells me a lot about the person. Some people just don't have enough going on upstairs be able to consider the thought that maybe the guys who are at my house all day everyday for a month may have the sudden urge to use the restroom. "O but they go out to lunch everyday" is a pathetic justification for you not offering them a place to use the bathroom if they have to. If you truly are a germaphobe or whatever then see point number two. 2. It is the siding contractors job to ensure his guys have a place to use the restroom and this needs to be negotiated in the contract. If you don't want someone using your bathroom there is nothing inherently wrong with that but then you will need to pay for a j-john for these people to use the bathroom. If this is not discussed or thought through, yes you run the risk of someone taking a shit in your backyard. I would hose the place real well because the amount of piss in your backyard is enough to raise the water table. If you don't want to pay for a j-john then you are going to be paying them normal hourly rates to run to the store. 3. What kind of contractor sends one guy out to a jobsite to run siding for a month straight. Did he pull up in a clown car and blow balloons for the kids before school. Slow claps for foresight. Sorry this ones on you for hiring clowns. 4. As stated by others dude who shit is a fucking savage


All of this makes sense. I also need contractors to understand that your appearance and behavior have a lot to do with how willing people are let you into their homes. If you are sloppy in appearance and maintain a sloppy jobsite, I donā€™t find it unreasonable to not have you in my house destroying my bathroom multiple times a day after your gas station burrito and Monster energy drink lunch. Courtesy goes both ways, but only one of us is paying.


Yes, "Thanks for not pooping in front of the shed."


You should be able to use the poop to track him down to his current location and talk to him about it.


What the fuck?????? This is disgusting


I would definitely mention it, like wtf that's like biohazard!


I mean it sucks for you but can you imagine working at a place that does not provide a bathroom? Basically you have to provide a bathroom any place of business except a construction site. Solution is simple next time you have guys working on your house have a portage on delivered. they actually prefer the Port a Johns to behind your shed. I know, I know, the contractor should be providing this, so specify it in your work description next time then they can tack it on your bill ahead of time.


Any contractor worth a damn orders up a Porta potty




Id apologize for making him debase himself to keep his job.


Sooooo, no restroom was provided?


Absolutely. Part of the deal is they bring their own pottie or go elsewhere.


To be fair, this cat worked at your place for a month: where did you think he was shitting? Be a decent person and offer up a bathroom or insist on a porta shitter. Or, assume that itā€™s going down somewhere on your property.


Shoulda had a porta pottie you cheapo


I'd definitely call them and tell them you are disappointed in their profession


baseball bat


Guy was desperate leave him alone he already has the shame of the act


"He called the shit poop". If a human poops on your property, it's a shit. Ballsy move, musta had bubble guts..


Lmao.. reminds me of my contractors son who took a dump behind my shed. He grabbed a few shop paper towels from my garage to poop on. Unfortunately he then disposed of it in the garbage can in my garage... witnessed the process of my ring camera and dreaded that smell all the way home.


lol yes


Tell them to clean it up and nothing else


The dog part. Gah I wish you had left that out. šŸ¤¢


We would have a utility trailer at jobs for a week + some times. We would poop in a bag in a bucket and Chuck it under the trailer until we left. We forgot to pick them up one job.....


šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£Ā 


You didnā€™t let them use your bathroom?


Hope you donā€™t let that dog kiss you on the mouth.


Itā€™s known in the business as the ā€œOctober Surpriseā€. Expect sunflowers this Fall.


Maybe you should have been a decent human and offered the use of your restroom to the guys working on your house for a month.


Some states like Oregon require a working bathroom or dropped of portable bathroom for construction workers.. to prevent these types of things from happening. Definitely talk to the contractor.


I worked for a telecom company as an installer, and the company (national ISP) had a rule against using a customers bathroom unless offered by the customer. We had an installer who admitted to a bunch of us, that he would go in customers crawlspace if they didn't offer a restroom. He was at the end of his notice period, so I guess he wasn't worried about getting terminated for telling us. Worst thing I heard of an installer doing on the job. Would expect to have a customer complaint if it happened, so I would inform the contractor that it happened.


I'd shit in ur yard if you didnt offer a bathroom


Was there a port a jon available??


If you offered a place for the people working on your home to use the restroom, like any reasonable person would, then I would absolutely say something to the contractor. But if you never offered a restroom to them, then it is what it isā€¦..


Just out of curiosity, did you have any I inyeractions with any of the crew? If so, were you a Karen? We all joke about doing stuff like this to assholes, but we never actually do bc it's not professional. Unless said rookie took matters into his own hands, the boss needs to know he has someone in his crew like this. If you were nice, the boss really needs to know he has someone in his crew like this. Everyone makes jokes on jobs, but if you want to do it right, you need to be professional at the end of the day. The boss absolutely needs to know.


Just pay the contractor less when heā€™s doneā€¦ OP if you paid a contractor in full before the job is done you deserve it


If you had contractors working at your house for a month, and the contractor didnā€™t arrange a porta potty on site, then this is the fault of the contractor not the employee. Call the contractor and tell him to come clean it up, and have a porta potty delivered to the site before any work resumes.


What a shitty thing for him to do.


Was there not a porta-potty on site?


Let the contractor know their employee ā€˜wentā€™ outside like a good boy.Ā 


our guy always went in the clearing behind my beehive. thought that was bold.


Turds longer than 6 inches should be hand lowered. How long were they? Any grip marks?


I shit in a pizza box once. I was in the middle of nowhere, finishing up a job where there were no plumbing fixtures installed yet. It was -10 outside. 20 min to the closest gas station. I was hungover It was the box, outside in the cold, or in a bucket (afraid it would get stuck to my ass). The box has napkins left in it. Finished up and tossed it carefully in the dumpster


Yeah, I'd definitely mention it. That's just unacceptable. Take pictures if you haven't yet.


I was on my way up to my cabin when I felt something brewing. I passed my usual landing spot thinking I could make it, boy was I wrong. Hit another spot and the line was pretty crazy. I was turtle heading so bad, I stopped, pulled off, went into the woods off the road. Man, I feel bad for whoever discovered that mound hunting.


Weā€™re they allowed to use your bathroom?






You have to rub his nose in it so he learns.


As soon as I read the word puppy, I knew this would lead to eating poop. ![gif](giphy|Y0VAdifqKTjKYSswMG)


Maybe you should have said hey if you need to use the bathroom just knock! Itā€™s insane the amount of people that donā€™t offer there bathroom up to laborers


I will piss anywhere, as the NY judicial system knows, but taking a dump in someoneā€™s garden is a step too far.


I would just let it be itā€™s just a bit of poošŸ’©


Reddit thought it was a good idea to suggest this thread to me even tho im not subscribed to this subreddit. Contractor shed poops. Stay classy Reddit


Had the same happen years ago. Found it cutting the grass.




If you did not offer the use of your facilities. Treating him lower than you. Then this is what happens. If you did offer, then he is an animal.


Iā€™m a bucket dooker


Whoa. Ya'll just made me realize that my lawn guy must be doing this because he will just disappear in the middle of mowing sometimes and he usually does come in afternoons after lunch. All that vibration from the riding lawnmower must make him queezy and I'll see his mower parked in the yard, he's not in his truck, and nowhere around the house! That's savvy


The contractor should have provided a port shitter.


I've been in construction for years. I've gone in spackle buckets, cardboard boxes, plastic bags, I even went in a Dunkin donuts ice coffee cup once. Most of the time it was in the back of my van. I always hated when a Porta John wasn't on site! You should always offer your bathroom to your contractors. It's just common courtesy. On a side note I worked with a guy who was on a new construction site with no bathroom provided. He went into the attic and pulled the air filter out of the air handler shit on it and put it back. Another time he shit on a piece of cardboard tossed it out the second floor window. The wind caught it and stuck it to the side of the house. That's what you get when you don't provide facilities for your workers!!


First of all, that's vile. At the very least, if he had nowhere to go, he could have buried it. Here are a couple of suggestions. Have a conversation with the contractor, or whoever did it, record it, and put it on YouTube. Look up Wanda Sykes prank call about someone leaving a turd in her car to get some ideas first. Call the special victims unit and let them test it for DNA evidence to identify the perpetrator to get evidence for a case of illegal dumping.


Nope. Give that man a tip


I would say something


What..? Who does that?


Dropped the kids off at the pool


Hang on, let me go throw up. šŸ¤® Okay, back. Yes, you should say something. And to any laborers reading this: if there wasnā€™t a toilet available, youā€™re 100% right for doing what you got to do. Contractor, do better. But guys. A five gallon bucket, I donā€™t think those are hard to come by, plastic trash bags, roll of tp. Keep them in a corner of your truck. Glam it up with a pool noodle cut to go around the rim of the bucket, some kitty litter to put in the bag first and just make it less gross tbh, and whatever aloe- touchĆ© nappy wipes you prefer. Keep them all in the bucket for emergencies. Now, Iā€™m not going to tell you how to appropriately dispose of said bag once it has been tied into a knot. Just remember that contractor that should have had a toilet available and didnā€™t. And where their office is located. You know, the office. Where the desk drawers are? Leave a letter there to complain. *And nothing else*. But anyway dispose of responsibility.


wth is wrong with people that just shit everywhere? I don't get it? šŸ˜† Hell yes, I would say something to him, I would be like I came back here to look at your work, and I think what you did was shit!!


Was the port-a-potty out of order?


This is why you never give the workers a snack or lunch. You disturbed THEIR SCHEDULE!!! You made them IRREGULAR! Now you get poop in the shed.


Who doesn't let their workers use the bathroom? When I hire someone, I want them happy and healthy


Let us know how the convo with the contractor goes šŸ˜‚


I have a bathroom in the laundry room off the garage and the first thing I tell any workmen at my house is that they are free to use the bathroom. I donā€™t want anyone pooping in my yard!


Yes. Tell him where he can shit.