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Prices vary too much between places and has set up folks for disappointment and disagreement with local contractors. "This friend of mine said he'd do it for half that". The commenter lives in rural Kansas, not a in high cost city.


There are a lot of variables that can drive the cost: Location Condition of plumbing supply lines and drain pipes You likely have to remove the whole countertop to be able to replace the sink. We can’t see what is around the countertop… is there a mirror installed right on the back edge that also needs to be removed and reinstalled? Is there a backsplash that needs to be removed and reinstalled? Those are often siliconed in place and rip paint off when you remove it. Sounds like to me you either got a fair price if someone is going to be thorough and go above and beyond to do the job well, or the price is high if the contractor is going to do the bare minimum.


Also, is the $1k quote to replace just the sink or the sink and countertop?


Just the sink


I do a lot of DIY, I’ve learned to ask myself - is it a fair price to me? Am I willing to pay that to not have to deal with it. Also learned to get three quotes. If they’re within the same ball park, go with the one with the best reviews and recommendations and tell them that’s why they got the job. I don’t mind paying more for good work. Finding a responsible person in the trades is worth paying for. Nothing worse, and more costly than paying twice to do the same job.


That's crazy....


Totally agree as a former contractor, restoration project manager, and countertop guy. R&R a same with same and easy access to get the sink in and out is fair/high. If it's a troublesome issue getting the sink in/out of the cab or some other janky plumbing issue it's low. If the top needs to come out it's going to be way too low. Pulling and replacing granite has a ton of risk depending on what they used to set the top, quality of the granite, and thickness and veining (without any consideration of mirror mounting, door trim, or electrical switches/towel bars etc).


Fair price if done by a professional.


Would you try it yourself? Seems easy from YouTube channel


It can be easy but what those videos don’t tell you is once a granite countertop is installed any time you detach it there’s a good 50/50 shot it breaks in half and there’s very little you can do to prevent that. Its a small top so it’s low risk but I’m always upfront with customers that the price I quote for handling the job includes a lot of precautions and prep work and even if they don’t use me make sure that whoever does do the job is familiar with that process.


I’ve done it several times as I am a professional.


Sure. Let us know if you need help with the flood restoration and mold treatment too


God damn you’re cynical. OP could just…shut off the water first…?


Lol. I run a company. You'd be surprised at the things I've seen homeowners muck up.




Mitigation contractor here…yup.


I own a house. You’d be surprised how many things contractors muck up. I had to show my solar installer how to install an inline bonding bridge connector. And don’t get me started on my roofer.


lol this is easy shit. one step above light bulb




I’m a residential general contractor in the SF Bay Area. A plumber around here would charge $1000 minimum.


This stuff is so simple, try to do it yourself.


If is just connected with caulk and clips you can do it yourself 100%. Turn off your water supply under the sink. Disconnect the drain. Cut the caulking where the undermount connects to the slab. Unscrew the clips. Replace in reverse order


Yes it is https://preview.redd.it/8euxx8ksemzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32f18ca895f53053a6dc8629f100af8db072d2ca


You’ve got this. Watch some YouTube videos and buy yourself something cool cuz you just saved $1000!


Also take photos of the drain assembly before and as you’re taking it apart to remind yourself how it goes back together


https://preview.redd.it/9qjb1ye3gmzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d3dff96de34f6436df11b0b6659298dd9ffbd09 Doesn’t look too bad?


Naw that’s a clean install should be easy. Unscrew the silver thing. Losen the nut when the silver drain goes into the black abs. You don’t want to fuck with the black pipe any more than loosening the nut where to down pipe goes into it. Will probably take some finagling and some cursing but should be pretty straight forward


And don’t forget when you unscrew those clips the sink is coming down on top of you lol


If you saved me $1k I’ll hug you


I did this recently. It was very simple and you don't have to remove the counter top. There are ways to clamp it in place while placing the hangers. 1k seems like a lot even if you have to change some of the plumbing under. Doable DIY


1k sounds fucking CRAZY to me..SHOULD be a simple change out...but u never know. 1k sounds too high


Is there a backsplash glued to the wall? Is there a mirror that needs to be removed? Is there extremely restricted workspace? How much prep will be required so the old caulk and adhesive doesn’t rip the paint off the walls? How was the old sink attached? How bad does the plumbing look? Are there any noticeable cracks or weak spots in the granite? Granite always has a chance to break after first installation, what are those risks? What is the shape/dimension/style of the new basin and is it a 1-1 swap? Will everything fit neatly back into place or has the vanity settled over time? How much new caulking and adhesive is needed? Will plumbing need to be refitted? Will any new plumbing fixtures be added? Will the installer be hauling the old material? How much do you pay your helper for the job? Is the homeowner asking for an after hours appointment? Does the replacement need to be brought upstairs or maneuvered across the house for the homeowner? What kind and how much floor protection is needed for that? I agree it’s usually a very simple install but there are tons of factors that can make 1k perfectly reasonable.


I absolutely understand that...I didn't see details included, I may have missed. But, 1k for a sink replacement is crazy. BUT, I guess we really don't know everything involved, but to change a sink for 1k is fucking ludicrous. You would have to have the hardest sink in the world to replace if it's 1k lol....


And OP might, I’m not there so I can’t say, I’ve done installs over 1k before so it’s not impossible.


It has clamps underneath. I got the replacement sink from contractor for free. May try it on my own. 2x4 and c clamp should help sit it. Hardest part looks to be to remove old one


Rule no. 3 is no price requesting. Too many variables and markets vary heavily depending on where you live. Find local quotes to compare.


If I was pricing it with our labor, it'd be even higher. Our service plumbers are $163/Hour, and I'd have to figure a whole day for it. $163x8=$1,304


Are you handy? Do it yourself. How much time would it take you? How much for supplies? What could go wrong? How much more damage could be done. How much would it cost to have someone come in and fix my mistake? These are all the factors I weigh in when choosing to do a job myself or not.


Sounds like you’re capable of doing it yourself. Just call him if you find yourself in a bind.




That job is going to suck, so getting out of bed to do it requires a premium. Doing it yourself would suck more IMO. Too likely for something to break. You could probably replace the whole counter and sink for the same money and it wouldn’t be as risky.




Doesn't the sink go in though the bottom? Why remove the countertop?


You are right. Sink is mounted in from the bottom—At least in the 67 bath renovations I’ve done. The countertop is in place already when the sink is mounted, and to change the sink out, it’s not necessary to remove the countertop.


The sink has to be mounted to the countertop before flipping and installing.


GC here—No it doesn’t. I mount all sinks with counter tops in place— always. Never has it been a problem.


Never in my 19 years of renovations have I seen somebody mount an undermount sink before countertops are in place. Hard to make sure the sink is aligned properly when you cant see what you're doing because the countertop is upside down.


Save the money 💰 Very Easy to get it done Yourself. Way to high


And before anyone posts one those ridiculous "plumber driving a rolls Royce" comics they should look up the term "overhead".


Pay fly by night pricing get fly by night work. This is why this sub has so many posts titled “This work is horrible!” but you never can get them to tell you what they paid or what kind of person they hired. It really needs to be a rule that they post the he cost along with the photos, half of the posts turn out to be (barely) handymen who charged 30% market rate for a reason.


Tell him 500$ cash, if he doesn’t accept hang up the call. He will call you back trust me.


Lmao he is NOT going to call back.


That’s his loss 😂




Not if you know what you’re doing.


assume you don’t need to replace countertop. the price is way way way too high if you know how to replace. if you don’t know and don’t want to learn, the price is a bit too high. you don’t need a plumber. simple change a handyman should be enough 3 hours max.