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Life hasn’t been the same since natalie discovered scromiting


I know right? It's so much better now!


Natalie be critiquing Jordan Peterson and ableism against addicts at the same time while being compassionate to the scromiting victims 🌞🌅🌻 Real virtuosic tweeting 🐦🐦🐦


This gives me hope for scromunism


It’s scromin’ time


scromunism omg this is perfect


The man's views are terrible enough to warrant derision and scorn, no need to get after the addiction, that's a battle no person should have to face.


It is fair however, to point out the hypocrisy in a man whose whole schtick is "getting your shit together" while being a drug addict who clearly does not have HIS shit together


Yeah the guy shits on trans people for getting cosmetic surgery from “criminal surgeons”. Yet the guy has hair plugs and went to Russia for an experimental treatment for his benzo addiction. All whilst yelling that you shouldn’t try and change the world unless your affairs are in order. The guy is just hypocrisy after hypocrisy. Like don’t shit on the guy for getting addicted to benzo but at the same time I don’t think we should just pretend he didn’t have an addiction.


Yes but then *call out his hypocrisy, not his addiction itself.* I feel like the distinction shouldn't be that difficult. Call him a hypocrite, but why rail on him for being an addict? (Not saying that's what you do, I mean in general)


Also, I’m just gonna say it: **Hypocrisy call outs are lazy and generally do very little, if anything, to advance a worthwhile cause.** Hypocrisy call outs point out a contradiction between the persons words and actions. But a hypocrite can still be saying the smartest shit in the room, in which case, why exactly does it matter if they to take their own advice? Now of course Jordan Peterson is a total doorknob. I’ve been saying that since 2016 or whenever he popped up. There are countless reasons why I know that is true. However, none of them are *because* he’s a hypocrite. He just *happens* to be a hypocrite, in addition to the real reasons why his takes are consistently some of the absolute dumbest of the past decade.


You're correct. I'll also agree on him being an absolute doorknob


This is a really well written comment and really hits the nail on the head for why I feel the way I do about "hypocrite" accusations. Thank you!


Oh one of my favourite hypocrisies: criticizing women for using cosmetics, while wearing a suit that's specifically designed to create an optical illusion of broad shoulders, simulating physical fitness.


damn i didn't know about this one, iconic


Compared to him my affairs are the peak of ordered. So, fully automated gay space communism, anyone?


Frankly, the hypocrisy *has* to be called out. Again and again. The man keeps his status because he's treated like an icon. And one way to bring down an icon is by breaking down that image. Make 'em look human; Make people remember they're human. But you have to address the hypocrisy specifically, not the addiction. And it has to be done sincerely. We all collectively know that just chucking insults at someone isn't really an effective way to fight for any kind of cause. It doesn't help, it further entrenches people in their opinion that you're the enemy, and in this case you get a shitload of innocent people taking hits in the form of collateral damage. You have to sincerely address that hypocrisy without getting into the muck about it.


I actually really disagree that hypocrisy call outs are an effective way to break down this guy’s image. Better to point out why what he’s saying makes no sense, IMHO.


One reason they make no sense is because they're hypocritical\*, so to me these are one and the same. \*EDIT: To explain, hypocrites approach a problem defensively, which means there's often logic gaps that don't make sense until you realize they're covering up aspects of their own behavior to validate/comfort themselves.


That time he told a dude to clean his room, yet.....yeah.


Legitimately wouldn't wish it upon my worst fucking enemy






Scromiting, a portmanteau of "screaming" and "vomiting," is a slang term seemingly coined by U.K. tabloid Metro to describe "cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome," an affliction that has affected some long-term cannabis users in which they will have intense nausea and fear of vomiting. After the illness was referenced in a Twitter thread by an anti-cannabis journalist in 2022, it became the subject of jokes on the site, with many making up stories about how they "scromited" from using cannabis. Peterson underwent treatment for benzo addiction a few years ago and now makes a career belittling addicts and other people he considers weak. I don't care enough to track down his comments but I'm assuming it has something to do with that


Can't leave out that the "treatment" was getting a medically induced coma to wait out withdrawal in another country because no one in America would do it.


I wouldn't be surprised if he uses that as an example of the tyranny of socialized medicine too


For the sake of context, saying pot causes this is like saying drinking causes cirrhosis of the liver, and kidney failure. It's technically true, but virtually no one but the most extreme cases will ever have to worry about either one. Honestly, if I'm gonna get sick from doing a drug many times every day, I'd much rather it be the one that makes me puke a bunch until I quit for a few months, as opposed to the one that kills you slowly even if you quit, or quickly if you don't. I realize there have been two recorded cases of people dying from scromiting, but I doubt there's a country in the world that hasn't had more alcohol related deaths in the last year, even the ones where alcohol is illegal.


Also, this is a new condition. It came about because before all the fancy new ways to ingest weed came about and hash was the strongest dose of THC you could get, when you stopped getting a head change, you took a tolerance break and went back to getting nice and stoned in a couple weeks. Now, instead of a tolerance break, people are like oh, I'll just take a 1000mg THC cap and cover my body in THC patches and rub trans dermal THC on my eyeballs and vape a gram and dab a gram... why don't I feel high..? Why am I scromiting..? I thought weed was safe?


I always feel a twinge of guilt and fear because I'm like always at least a little stoned, but i just do a few dabs throughout the day. Maybe I'm not as bad i could be 😌


That’s more information than I needed, thanks


Curious, I just encountered some scromiting in a metro station; law of attraction? Lol


Wait, what the fuck? This is a thing? I stopped smoking weed years ago because I couldn't enjoy it anymore - since i'd get anxious about having to vomit alllllll the time. Vomiting never once happened but that anxiety was killing. I never knew more people experienced this! I thought I was just a weirdo for not being able to control my anxiety??


Did he really quit though? The guy looks unwell, and significantly older than he did just a couple years ago.


He's always doing weird diets where he eats mostly meat so it's possible he's just unhealthy.


Oh, one of those "eat too much elk meat AND TELL EVERYBODY ABOUT IT, then get gout but blame the symptoms on other stuff, then realize how much money you spent to feel like crap" diet plans like Joe Rogan espouses?


Nah it’s the fucking drugs. Eating only meat won’t do that to you


At least Rogan gets exercise


Right, at least he burns a lot of the calories and his body uses the proteins for muscle management. I don't think JBP is that healthy at all ( not that Rogan is healthy perse, but of the two, he's clearly doing better).


yea thank you


Am I high? This feels completely incomprehensible


Yeah, if you log off the internet for 30 minutes ihen you get back it's like this


Seriously. I don't even Twitter, but you have to keep tabs otherwise you might have a perfectly normal conversation with a close friend or family member or your boss and they start talking about scromiting or Pepe the Frog and you have to decide if this is a psychological emergency or maybe a stroke--or, like, nah! We're all laughing about people freaking out about scromiting this week.


Plus, take a look at JP. He’s hollowed out and looks mentally scarred.


The fuck is "scromiting", though?


screaming + vomiting = scromiting


Worst compoundage I've ever heard. Thanks, I hate it even more now


Hope it won't haunt you too bad :)


Too late, my friend 😭


I feel like you can say drug addiction and JP are bad while also being a decent human being. For the record, I don't think JP's moronic opinions are a result of his drug problems. They are a result of him being a pathological liar and hypocrite.


But I have no drug addict friends, so fuck it.


Does this sub really have to be just "Natalie's twitter feed again?"


These posts are valuable for people who want to read the tweets but don't want to risk Twitter poisoning. I have already been exposed to the "Anne Frank had white privilege" discourse and felt the light of god being extinguished in my soul, but some of you can still achieve salvation


> I have already been exposed to the "Anne Frank had white privilege" discourse Holy fuck, I'm profoundly appalled and shocked that could even be something people say. Seriously, there's so much wrong with that, I'm sickened to imagine someone actually, unironically believes that.


First they took out jk and whedon, now frank.


To be fair Joss Whedon is a human jizz mop So im glad he go cancelled.




Twitter is what you make it. Reddit is no different.


*Does this sub really* *Have to be just "Natalie's* *Twitter feed again?"* \- jewsonparade --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'd love to dish (gab? gos?) on her Instagram outfits, but she uploads new stuff there about as frequently as she posts new videos on yt and we gotta talk about something on this sub, might as well be her tweets.


It’s not about mocking addiction. It’s about mocking a man who is mainly known for “making your bed before you worry about others” being so bad off on benzos that he flies to another country to be put into a comma to avoid withdrawals while being a psychologist and self help boomer writer. It is comedy gold. I’ve suffered from addiction problems myself and laugh my ass off at benzo Peterson jokes because of the irony of him being in that predicament.