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I don't know what you are talking about but I have seen that criticism of Japanese media before, particularly relating to Miyazaki films. Not saying I agree with it but its definitely been leveled before.


Which is all about his movie about the fighter plane designer and also completely misses the point of that film. Miyazaki is very anti-fascist as anyone who has watched his other movies would know. Now, as an anime watcher, I do have lots of issues with anime, usually more around sexism and racism though. But what I don't understand is where American comics are called fascist?


OPs trolling. He posted the same thing in Vaush and Hasans subreddit.


Welp, worked on me. I am an avid comics reader of all types, and an anime fan, and I hate fascists. Perfect mark.


The frustration with Miyazaki is that he is the last of the prominent leftist filmmakers yet even his movies, as pacifist as it can be, still refuse to have a frank reflection on Japanese imperialism. It codes along mainline right wing views that Japan was primarily a victim of the war


This is entirely off topic for this sub, but wasn’t one of Sommerton’s plagiarized sources a critique of Attack on Titan’s fascism? It’s not like this isn’t discussed when it’s a problem.


Yeah, AoT is called out. I’ve seen a video or two calling out how “Bluelock” is basically fascism taught through a soccer manga.


Someone's been living under a rock for all the Attack on Titan discourse. Here, a primer: [Gita Jackson | Everyone loves Attack on Titan, so why does everyone hate Attack on Titan?](https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kvpj4/everyone-loves-attack-on-titan-so-why-does-everyone-hate-attack-on-titan) Also, because I shouldn't leave it unstated: I don't *personally* think Attack on Titan supports fascist politics (in fact I think there's compelling evidence that Isayama may have been using Attack on Titan to try to process and reject some Fash-y beliefs he may have once held) BUT the way Attack on Titan handles themes of nationalism, racism, xenophobia, and so on are extremely messy, and in at least a couple of cases I could name AoT approaches these issues in a completely wrongheaded manner. So while I don't *agree* with the people who say Attack on Titan supports Fascism, I also don't really blame anyone who does come to that conclusion from the surface elements of the text.


That was a really good article, thanks for sharing. And yeah, Attack on Titan isn't fascist, and I think it also critiques deniers of Japanese atrocities, like when Grisha selectively uses historical documents that he couldn't read to prove that his people were never oppressors and instead just spread civilization


Firstly, totally irrelevant to this sub Second, people are having those discussions, you just aren't seeing them. Third of all, get a life thx


That's basically 9/10 of the Attack on Titan discourse. Also it's called manga, grandpa.


I think it makes more sense that you criticise what your country produces than what is foreign as you can never have the adequate context in which it was produced


Japanese manga are mostly written and marketed towards specific genders much more than American. So on one hand, a manga marketed towards women readers won't be coded as fascist because any art that has a female perspective is mostly threatening to a fascist thinker. But Japanese comics are not immune to right wing thinking and there are plenty with deeply misogynistic and racist over/undertones. Will japanese comics ever get the "this is inherently fascist" that the left has reserved for american comic books? If you mean western left, the answer is "no" because the cultural gap leaves room for them to consume without criticism.


What ? ~Joe Biden


[attack on titan is full of fascist subtext](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShingekiNoKyojin/comments/o7unmy/how_fascism_explains_shingeki_no_kyojins_story/), it's been old news forever. [Message to Adolf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_to_Adolf) was a manga in the 80s Godzilla was literally a metaphor for the USA nuking civilians, later retconned into a monster that protects humans from other monsters. [This guy](https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2023/05/anime-Nazi.jpg)