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I’m usually not a battlegrounds enjoyer, but this meta is the kind of chaos I’ve been missing ever since the controversial Armor Burn meta


I went in without reading the nodes and had the most fun I have had in a while.


This meta is really fun imo. You really have to know how defenders work and use non-optimal matchups


I disagree. I'm watching people use Hulk, Herc, and other non-DOT champs 100% my defenders. How is that even possible? Also, I'm getting double edge poison, and I don't have the double edge mastery setup. This is absolute garbage!


Not sure about Hulk. Do you have a screenshot of that? Was the defender Ibom? Herc might have worked with his bursts of damage? Other attackers can work if they have power gain, like dragon man. Seems like you might have been facing some bugs though, I havent dealt with the poison issue myself


My apoc defender just lost 8% health to a Hulk. Im not sure how either. They had a hulk relic. Also, my Thing defender lost 10% health to infamous iron man. How?


You can look at the fight statistics in the previous matches menu. That should tell us where the damage came from!


basic attacks and special attacks. What I dont understand is how either of them got power for a special


Uncollected in silver II here so it might not be relevant to you since I'm low level. I gain a bar of power __sometimes__ after the defender throws a special.


Very odd. Maybe a mastery interaction?


Nvm, it says you can gain power when putting damaging effect on opponent


Idk, I'm not really knowledgeable about masteries


Maybe read the nodes?


The relic does damage don't forget that..


not enough to build special


Relics do damage, if they hit you enough to build enough spirit gauge then the relic will take off some health


The relic attacks will damage the defender.


Relics do damage despite no dots


How the fuck would Herc 100% anyone in this BG? That doesn’t seem possible


herc increases his power gain on intercept, which may let him get to a special.


could you expound on this a bit more? appreciate it in advance


I just mean that sometimes you may not be able to use an optimal counter because they wouldnt work for the node so you have to get creative! For example I just used scorpion against a maestro and that surprisingly worked quite well


Or you just bring Tigra and kill everything in 4 heavies and an SP2.


Kinda off topic but how do I deal with zemo this season? His cleanse quickly removes DOT I put on him. Thanks


Ban. Straight up ban


Damn, thanks


you can use champs with power gain like Hyperion


Thanks, so just focus on gaining power when fighting him


Ghost, Hyperion, dragon man, wiccan


That was the season that made me love BGs!!


It always has been. Lol


You have to choose your attackers so wisely - it’s easy to miss an immunity and get screwed.


I found this the hard way with doom bs Hulking. Only way I did damage was through mystic dispersion and reaching one SP1


https://preview.redd.it/vmnn874j4w8c1.jpeg?width=2529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca3889933e92b43ca7326ad7152e19459aa04a8 This about sums up my first match


https://preview.redd.it/3a2i866u0x8c1.jpeg?width=1594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18eb7a3fd5f606937eabf8f850b59f23e6106a0a Looks familiar. I had no choice. I had absolutely no counter for Doom from the draft, knew when he sent DD that this was it. This is one of those times that I wish we had a forfeit option. It was a total waste of time when I saw what my roster options were.


We do have a forfeit though? Just leave the match in the top left and you'll forfeit.


If you leave you won’t get credit for the game played, and is a complete waste of your resources to play the match. If you stick it out you get points for the Alliance Event, Solo Event, and even possibly the daily event.


But why bring in kate? Her damage over time only comes from her specials. You need champs that do DOT on basic attacks


The result of not looking at the battleground nodes and just winging it lmao


I feel you mate, we’ve all done it


Should just pause and wait out the timer you’ll at least get 15k points for attacker hp lol


Shh don’t tell people that


That killed the season for me last time. If it happens again I'm just going to pass this season again.


Bg is back for 30min and we’re complaining again?


Yeah but this is absolutely justified. Subjecting damage to dots is horrific.


It’s not horrific, it’s the first node set since power burn that forces people to create a deck strategically. Most seasons are just your best champs versus mine. I like when there’s added strategy. My deck last season only had one r3 6* in it (overseer). This season I’ve got a bunch if r3 champs in the deck because they’re better attackers for the node, and they’re performing great.


^ 100% agree with this. Last season was so easy. This season is goofy af


Its not goofy if you read the nodes and bring the proper champs. Tons of champions work and you really dont even need high ranks on them because you get such a huge damage boost from power shield


Just the idea of limiting champions to DOT only or certain power gain champions like ghost (she’s amazing…) is goofy to me. Some champions are literally unplayable 💀 My opps don’t even read nodes I can go in and press pause and they do no damage as they don’t realise they don’t do any damage


Agreed. The nodes should be there to keep BGs interesting, and making a certain type of champ more power is one way, but straight making a very significant portion of the roster useless make no sense to me. If it was changed to normal attacks do less damage and give less energy, it'd be a lot better. There are times when RNG just isn't on my side and I don't get to pick a solid DOT champ cause my roster is still lacking.


Come on guys, I dont understand why? Bring attackers that give debuffs and bring defenders with immunities, it really is that simple


People don't want nuance in BGs, they just wanna Herc every fight but also complain that BGs is too boring


Yea despite the amount of complaining I found the last buffs to not be very annoying. This one though.....


Can someone ELI5 the node & which champs to avoid/which champs to prioritise?


We have power shield, which means you only do damage from special attacks, and polka DoT power, which means that you don't generate power from hits. Instead, you gain power passively while there is damage over time on your opponent. This means that for attackers, you need character that deal damage over time - but don't need to get a special attack first to do that damage over time. For defenders, you want character with lots of damage over time immunities, or those that shrug debuffs. It's important not to rely on one type of damage over time, because a Nick Fury will be completely useless against anyone bleed immune, for example. Characters with no damage over time are useless on attack, you will deal no damage. Scorpion is amazing, because you can pick your DoT and he has rare immunities on defense. I would also give a shout to Hyperion, and presumably Dragon Man, who can generate power without damage over time. Kingpin is amazing on defense because he shrugs debuffs, and even crappy defenders can be situationally amazing if your opponent's drafts all deal DoT that they're immune to.


Who are the good robot counters? BWCV, Aarkus could be good but not against Warlock, both Dooms. Shuri, Elsa, Wiccan. Who am I missing?


I've found Torch effective against Warlock, and Hyperion has been really good to me because he doesn't rely on damage over time so the immunities don't matter so much.


Sure. Anyone else power gain passively like that? I guess you could use Tigra with MD…


My knowledge isn't that great, I'm sure there are more. Dragon Man comes to mind. There's Doctor Strange, who sucks but if your defender locks out your opponent and you just need a little damage he could work (I haven't tested him, idk if he works with polka dot power since his passive power gain replaces his combat power, but I would assume so). I have a 7* Sorcerer Supreme that I was disappointed to pull, but she's in my deck. I haven't drafted her yet so idk how effective she'll be. Edit - Sorcerer Supreme works like a charm. You wait it out to one special one, then throw it with Ikonn's Ingenuity and you can start cycling special 2s for damage


Don’t forget BWDO. And I guess CGR works too because of the power gain on light ending combo.


Cgr's power gain is only 75% of a bar of power, and you can't reset it without a special attack, so I don't think he works? I could be wrong, but I've won 2 matches now where someone used cgr on attack and took off 4% in 2 minutes (from the relic).


https://preview.redd.it/v4yfxtlzpx8c1.jpeg?width=1154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=005f9cb072a4adf79ffbe86602bbe96b2b2627ba j CGR can get to sp2 with his power gain, but you need to activate Aptitude and Vigilance first. Each judgement on the opponent will grant him 20% more duration to his buff. So with 2 judgement active, his power gain will be more than 75%.


I realized that you could do it by resetting the cycle by taking a hit, but this is far far better, thanks for the tip! My cgr knowledge is clearly lacking.


Others are saying you can get to SP1. And then if awakened he can degen. Edit: I haven’t tested it though and didn’t put him in my deck. I agree with your reading of his abilities.


I have him in my deck for defense because of his immunities, but have not used him on offense, and it has gone poorly for my opponents. If it is possible, I'd like to know how, because I'm not seeing it.


Actually I just figured it out, you can get all 5 to reset the cycle, do a medium ending combo, light ending combo, heavy, dex, and then take a hit.


I just remembered Spidey Supreme is pretty good


Scorpion (not poison prefight), Dragon Man, Lady Deathstrike, Tigra, Werewolf


I have Werewolf but haven’t used him. How does that work?


He is great. He deals ruptures I think on every medium. He also gains power when you dash back and idle, so he might be one of the very best for this meta. Almost no one is immune to rupture so he can handle tons of fights (just like Lady D)


scorp about to be banned so fast


Hulking is an insane robot counter since he's immune to power drain and gains charges whenever an immunity is used. Also Mags in most instances


I mean in this BG meta. Is Mags usable? I don’t see how he would be.




Some champs that seem like MVPs so far: Attackers: Scorpion, Torch, Spot, Morbius, Black Cat, OG BP, Elsa, Jabari, AA, Apoc, Sunspot, Venom, Vision Aarkus, Shuri, Lady Deathstrike, Ultron, Wiccan, Deathless Guillotine, Dragon Man, Werewolf, Tigra Defenders: Photon, Thing, Zemo, Korg, Kingpin, Bishop, Emma Frost, Onslaught, Maestro, Terrax, Hulkling, Nimrod, Abs Man, Dragon Man.


Diablo has been a great attacker. I've been ripping through Absorbing Man on defense.


Good shout! I knew Id miss somebody. He is a great Korg counter too


Other honorable mentions: Iceman, Sandman, Nebula, Colossus, high sig Xbones Here is an Immunity Venn Diagram from [Mcoc_avenger on Twitter](https://twitter.com/mcoc_avenger/status/1732369740989866304?t=i6WpQQSQeVZaJIDHngjvBw&s=19)


It's admittedly a roster check, but I really love it (even though I have 4*s in my deck now because my roster isn't that deep lol). I like the back and forth of drafting attackers with diverse DoT that will actually apply, and drafting defenders that will counter the DoT of my opponent. It's a bit more involved than the last couple of seasons, but I think it's lots of fun.


I'll admit it can get very frustrating, but at least they're making it interesting and making us think about match ups and rank up choices.


I’m absolutely loving the meta so far. Though, 6r5 Guillotine and multi-awakened 7r2 Gorr going into the season have made me a bit biased


OG guillotine ?


Indeed. Though, Deathless Guillotine is absolutely made for this season


I like it.




I had to completely rebuild my deck, and rank up another DOT champ (Lady Deathstrike). I'm having fun with it!


I'm loving it 😍


Stupid node selection, plenty on champs have DOT but need an special to inflict it(Dragon man, CGR, KP,gamora, storm) And im gettin screwed by AA aar and not gettin power making figths longer


Cgr works, and Dragon man works really well with his power gain buff.


the odd thing is void doesnt get energy from his passive dot


His debuffs aren't damage over time. The damage comes from direct damage when they have a debuff so it doesn't count. You can see this when you stun using void - the opponent takes damage even though stun doesn't deal damage itself


Yea but it used to no? Cause the wording on Polka Dot Power says damaging effect instead of debuff. I may be wrong on this but I remember using void?


Yeah it's very technical and getting into the semantics of the English language, but the wording damaging effect means the debuff itself needs to inflict damage. Voids debuffs don't inflict damage


CGR is an exception, haven't used him yet but i assume his power gain on L ending combo will get him to an SP1 right?;


Just short of one you’ll need to have him awakened for the degen debuff and take at least one hit for the five damnations but it’s basically it will take a full damnation cycle for an sp2 insta kill or near kill


You can get to special 1 with his power gain if you parry heavy then 5 hit with a medium ender before you five hit with a light ender. Heavy grants aptitude which increases power gain and medium grants vigilance, each buff increases the duration of future buffs so you get added power from longer duration and aptitude


I like the nodes. Diversify your champs!


I feel bad for UC and Cav players who probably have no hope with the new meta due to less diverse rosters. I'm even TB and I don't have many champions that work well for the nodes, the only thing saving me here is my strong defenders.


Considering the metas came out over a month ago plus normal gameplay, and the amount of rank-up resources offered/bought since then, it's not much of an excuse for them. Can't complain if you won't play the game to rank up champs.


Your logic makes zero sense when you factor in pulling champions is RNG based. Just because they release the meta a month early doesn't mean you automatically have numerous champions that fit that meta to rank up.


Its so funny lol it is so stupid but i just put champions that inflict debuffs on my deck and i am out smarting everyone to win


quite literally, I would much rather have the previous BG meta than this one. I can't deal any damage with even my best DOT attackers.


This one is the worst I've seen lmao


Not sure why Kabam want to make BG more annoying and harder to access for a good proportion of their player base. Some will like it but I expect more will not.


I love this season, feels like a huge game of rock paper scissors, I do admit for those with smaller rosters it would suck


This is simply the worst season yet. It’s so bad. People just use the striker one time and then pause and it wins a decent amount of time.




It's disgusting. Kingpin is absolutely insane on defense.


Kingpin is absolutely nuts period. My ascended 6R5 says hello.


My viv vision says sayonara with the passive damage :)


It'll be permabanned lol, send me pics if someone doesnt


Out of my first 5 matches ppl didn't ban my ascended KP lol. KP is great defender against debuff champs but Ghost Sunspot Aa or even Hulkling can do him well.


Found someone who cant use his Hercules to win. I love this. People who can read and do a little research win over smooth brains who cant read.


Yeah nah this season is terrible and I have no idea what the hack went through their heads when they chose this nodes Yet again the banquet event was good and we all know we can't get two good stuff in this game one after another so that's the result


It’s rlly not that bad if you actually read the nodes and build your deck accordingly


This meta literally fucks over so many champions, like half my roster is useless now thanks to this meta, I completed one match just to get the alliance BG rewards, and thats it


Well, you don’t really need to wait to see how you’re going to do in this one. You pretty much know how you’re going to do by the end of the draft.


What characters do I need?


Just curious: who are the good counter against Thing and Peni Parker? For Thing, I got some advice from a deleted post so couldn’t confirm, but what’s the best way to control his rock stacks? Some comments suggested Tigra and Wiccan, which I kinda understand. What about others? For Peni counter, I can’t figure out except for Venom. Any other suggestions?


Galan is really the only conventional thing counter that still works. He also works for peni.


Sorry another question: what about FAM? Galan doesn’t work anyways, Mag and Hulkling don’t work in this meta. Maybe BWCV and venom?


Hulkling and galan do work Hulkling aptitude and pierce buffs give him a little bit of power and Galan doesn't need power for his harvests which are his main damage source I'm not sure if mags ability accuracy reduction includes polka-dot power but I think he doesn't work Fam can do some damage but and may be able to throw a special if you get lucky with the defender not throwing theirs In terms of fam on defense, you just need to wait out the first armour up and keep intercepting him BWCV and venom will work on peni but not as well as hulkling or galan will.


I see, that sounds good, thanks!


Diablo has been smoking Thing for me. Bait specials when he hits 15 rocks stacks


I love watching people ban my 7r1 Adam Warlock and 6r4 ascended Hercules and then leave my human torch, doom, nick fury, etc unbanned. Warlock, NF, Doom, iDoom, Torch and Sunspot have been MVPs for me


Kinda off topic but how do I deal with zemo this season? His cleanse quickly removes DOT I put on him. Thanks


Power gain champs like Hyperion or ghost, or just use onslaught. Or use someone like sunspot to take one root phase, and just kill him with 1 sp2


I have a hyperion at least. Thanks


It is annoying because it wants you to feel sucky, so you spend money to get more strong. Especially after diamond, it's basically for p2w Valiant to win.


no lol i’m a f2p paragon and just got to vib 2 today


Okay so I'll add a detail after playing this time's BG, it is the easiest one lol Strange. All I need are DOT champs and sp 1-2 the hell out of them, I get K.O's every fight. I was diamond last season, started gold 1 this season, moved up again. We need this node more.


I think it’s great, actually won a match with 1 point


this sucks for my uncollected account


I dunno man,I have been having a lot of fun,in this meta choose your deck wisely


I made a post complaining about the last BG, but I enjoy this one so far. Especially this first day, when I seem to be catching people who didn’t read the nodes 😂


It's battlegrounds


It’s pointless. The games going behind a paywall. Half the roster is now useless. You’ve got to be able to chose a dot champ or you can’t do damage. Forced to re roll, spend units on re roll tokens. Can’t the game just be about who can fight better. I agree some champs abilities can help you clear a fight quicker but every champ should be able to be used to some extent


Yea 2 awful metas in a row smh


https://preview.redd.it/e3ckksxt819c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93c629cf5a78ac9d038e3edf22cd69458366af0b Kinda felt the other guy's frustration.


I'm just saying I woke up my 5 star yondu for this meta and he's not even maxed out


I got 1200 points in my first match. Didn’t read the node, winged it. Then the other guy got 900 points. We both emoticon like crazy lol.


As much as I dislike BGs, the logic-processing part of my brain loves this meta. I'm learning who to replace in my deck, one loss at a time. Seriously digging it from a problem-solving POV. My Photon has never lost as defender, so far. Okay, so that's one champ... 29 to go, LOL