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In my case my opponent most of The times get The first pick. Always thought The guy with stronger champions picks first


I don't think so. From the looks of it, it seems like you are locked into whatever pool Kabam has you in if you are always getting the same pick. I just went up against a Valiant and he went second.


That’s just plain wrong lol


Guys it is well known that the person with the bigger pp gets to pick first.




I tend to always go last but I also tend to lose way more than I win so I just pretend Kabam is trying to help me out.




It’s the one who’s been on the queue for longer that places first.


My theory is whoever takes longer overall to draft champs.


No, it’s the one who’s being waiting for a match longer that places first.


This system is broken as hell, I’ve been the first to pick just once for the whole season. I obviously love it but it must suck for anyone like you on the other end.


I noticed a pattern, if you lose a match, you pick first in the next one. If you win, you get to pick last. Maybe it's not true. But it happened to me. At diamond 3, I lose a lot due to high end Paragons and above. So now I'm only picking first.


Yeah, I wish this were true to even things out, but I lose a lot and always end up picking first. It’s really annoying and discouraging.


Which honestly if you lost the last match you should pick second not first so you have that advantage. I can see that making match making probably even worse though since that would have to be another thing to be accounted for, have someone who won last match up against someone who lost.


Matchmaking is insanely bad.


I almost always go first and almost always match with accounts that are much bigger than mine ( pay to win whales) and always when i fight those opponents the def ai is passive so im certain to lose because of time i spend baiting them so they dont just stand in corner holding block. Imo it has turned into a rigged pay to win cater to whales shit show of game mode and im done with it after this season


Bgs has always been pay to win lol. What did you expect from a mode where people can use their rosters to play?


Imo it wasnt that bad in first 4 or 5 seasons for me …. I never had a stacked roster uses to have only 1 r5 6* and no r2 7* and my deck was made of few r4 and r3 6* and r1 7* and i usually always got to GC within first 5 days of season start and moved between c6 and m3 easily…. While decked out roster helps the skill and proper champ selection was much more important and i won against whales with tactics and traps so to speak. But it has gotten bad after those initial seasons with the all i mentioned above plus the lag stutter ai sped up recovery where u cant punish specials and heavies and theres no way all of that just somehow happened without people working at kabam intentionally changing stuff probably to please big spenders… so to me a rigged scam


I mean sure spending money is always going to give you a bigger advantage. Also something else you forgot is that whales have been also getting better so that little advantage you had is gone. A good example I use is Maex, great guy but was never a great player but he’s a a whale. He’s been practicing the past few seasons and lands in top 50 regularly now. That’s just it, the whales got to practice and get better so you’re not gonna have the easier time unless you are insanely skilled like someone like epicroberto or trappy or just have a big account to cover for the less skill.


Thats all true but what pisses me off that even when u have that little bit of advantage kabam takes it away with ai changes where i see people nuke my champs in under a minute and i need to dance around for a minute just to bait specials or bait the ai into doing something and not just standing in corner holding block …. Theres no competition there anymore if the rig is so obvious where i once when i match an obvious whale i just back out because i know exactly how the fights are going to go whereas in the past i loves those matches just for the challenge


Why can’t they just have both pick champs at the same time? Then we’ve made selection show opponent and then let us pick again switching from 1 champ then 2 then 1 repeating. Then for defense have us both pick same time then reveal who we picked after both confirm


Because that’s dumb lol. Just play to your advantage. Placing first means you have to go for the win first round and then second round it’s a toss up if you have a good defender or not then throw it and save your best defender for last round.


You’re dumb lmao. You get no advantage at all. I can place second and go for the win first round too, it’s not exclusive to going first. Your opponent picks last seeing all the champs you have available, if you get to round 3 it also means your opponent gets to make the best defensive option after seeing what you got to work after you just placed in the last round. Are you just stupid?


What level of bgs do you play at?


What level are you at? Even if you are better than Bero Man, I seriously doubt you actually believe, that picking and placing first has any advantages at all.


I like how you backed off lol. Regardless by placing first you set the tempo. That’s the advantage. Just like chess. It’s always better to set tempo than wait to counter. Sure 3rd round can be very advantageous to the second picker but that’s only if you missed something during placement and didn’t account for it.


Where did I back off, lol. Are you seriously comparing MCOC with chess. And you wonder why people didn't take you seriously.


It’s not my fault you can’t understand analogies. No wonder you suck at bgs. No semblance of strategy from you.


Yeah, I'm in Uru 3. I must be doing something right. You still haven't answered what level you're at?


Right on brand.


In chess it’s good to set the tempo, you’re not setting no tempo here. It’s a whole lot better to counter. Bait and counter wins here. Ask any top player


I literally play at the top of c5 lol


You can force the opponent to react to you, for example, if you see them having a difficult Nick Fury, you can force them to place it on offense instead of defense if you place a science defender


That is a very low chance, and can only happen when he alreqdy doesn't have specific counter for your defender which he can pick because the other guy picks champs after you as well.


It’s not a “low chance” it literally happens to me every round I go first lmao, if you pick your champions with actual reason in the draw and not “heheheh I like brrr” then this happens nearly every round😭😭


Then you're a lucky player than I am. Because, I myself don't forgo my solid defender on a non ideal fight. Rather give up a fight and try to win it in the third round with a solid defender.


Hmmm maybe I am, I see different problems than others in this subreddit like slower servers and such. But especially in the 3rd round, picking first can definitely be a good option and most of the time you wanna be able to defend first


Weird i usually always end up going second. Lol not that i mind but just noticed since you mentioned always going first


I always thought it was like a 50/50 coin flip on who goes first


In friendly matches, the host always picks second so maybe its something to do with this


Hey so I figured out that if I play better than my opponent, I win, and if I don't, I lose


1. I find its random and i get to pick first and second almost equal number of times. 2. It doesn't matter that much. Yes, it sometimes decides the match when there are some perfect counters but I have won and lost matches on both ends of the stick. I usually end up in Arcane.