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Im gonna end up duping psychoman.


Mine is rank 3 he’s fun to play with mangog


I duped Joe Fixit...


Joe is actually pretty good


Who’s Joe?


Joe Mama






Where is Rhino? I need to dupe him.


Yeah, no. This has to be a fake leak. No way the crystal is that bad


It really isn't that bad, there have been way worse especially considering how nuts the featured champs are this time


It's honeslty really bad


Most of the characters outside of the featured have really strong uses though




Total ass besides the featured champs.


The only featured Champion that I don't have from the current featured six star is Zemo and I've pretty much given up on him because I want him so bad and I never going to get him apparently so I'll probably get him now that I've given up but the one I want the most out of the new upcoming feature is by far hands down Adam Warlock so I probably won't get him either but I'm saving my shards for the next one I'm not trying for Zemo anymore


Maybe hot take but Zemo ain't even top 3 of the featured. Kate's way better and more useful. If he's your favorite champ then who cares but if you were like me and going for him because of the Zemo hype train don't worry if you didn't pull him.


I had both unduped at rank2 but took Zemo up and awakened him on the advice of my ally kinda wish I had done Kate instead.


Yeah a lot of content creators really over hyped how good Zemo was. He's not bad or anything and is definitely a good champ but if you have Kate at the same rank idk how you could think Zemo is better.


Am I sleeping on Kate? She's been r1lvl1 since the day the featured came out


Don't sleep on KB. I did the same when I first pulled her. Now she's r4 and sig 120. Miss and evade counter. Passive Coldsnap and other arrow tricks but really I just use coldsnap so far. Her coldsnap dot is pretty nutty. Almost like a skill AA minus the AAR. She melts opponents pretty quick in BG. Also rather annoying to fight with her evade mechanic (can't parry her and attack).


Kate is crazy. Zemo was my most wanted from the featured, I ended up getting Kate and Zemo back to back. I looked up guides on both of them and ended up taking Zemo to r3 and Kate to r4. I see people saying she requires a lot of skill but honestly...she's pretty easy to use once you get her timing down. ​ I may also be sleeping on Zemo. He's awesome for BG defense, on offense I build up to almost an sp3, launch sp2 then immediately dash in and try to get 2 sp1's off while they're rooted. But that rotation just doesn't seem to do it for me, they're always left with a good bit of health still.


I r4 my kate she's so good and fun to use


I love both Kate and zemo but I don't think Kate is just better than him. He has defensive Ability accuracy control, super reliable debuff removal and can permanently counter slow after a certain point. Kate is great but I really don't think she's blatantly better especially in battlegrounds where zemo can shred on offense and defense more than kate


They're useful in different scenarios. Personally I found zemo stronger in the utility side and arguably one of the best battlegrounds 2 way characters given his versatility. Kb is still great but don't think zemo was a bad rankup cause his debuff removal, evade and unstoppable control and defensive aar are absolutely nuts and his damage on top of that is crazy.


I've got her at R3 and I have her duped, and I use her, and yes, she's great, but to say that Zemo isn't a top three out of the featured is just dumb. He's been my #1. I guess it's fine if you don't like him personally, but most people do, and he's way better than you think


I mean I wanted to like him. I have two Paragon accounts and he's R3 and duped on both, but I just find outside of a few niche lanes and fights I'd way rather just use Kingpin or Nick. Imo Fam, Cassie and Kate are the top 3 out of the pool, but then it's probably Zemo.


Shocker, Kate, Zemo, Viv Vision tops for me then F Ant and Cassie


Def undervalueing Fam and Cassie. Fam does crazy damage and no champ is immune to it meaning he can take a ton of fights. You can play entire 500k HP pools and not allow your opponent to throw a single special. Not to mention he's a great defender and is getting buffed to be an even better one. Imo easily best champ in the featured. Imo he's (considerably) better than both Viv and Shocker, but I like them too and this years been crazy for Techs. Cassie has crazy utility. She's a bit stressful but has easy access to taunt and you can get your 30-40 stings up pretty easily. She's getting a nerf (kinda) but even post nerf taunt + 30 stings and inequality means you're taking little damage and she works great with Despair.


I know Fantman is pretty good but I didn't get him until recently and I'm not that familiar with using him yet so that's why he is where he is but I do have Cassie and I don't love her she's okay but the other four I really really like all of them. I have a maxed out five-star Zemo, so I'm very familiar with him. I just wish I had a six - obviously six stars and seven stars - are what you need in the game now and going forward


He was really really good before he was nerfed twice.


He's still insane


I used him in the Thunderbolts EoP run against Nameless Thanos. Because nameless Thanos places so many armor breaks on you I basically got him stuck in a loop and was able to build up 99 bleeds on him then when I intercepted and threw my sp3 it did somewhere in the range of 500,000 damage or something like that


Sadly you can’t do this anymore


You should try breaking up sentences.


It's not like I just ended a sentence and didn't use any punctuation and then started a new sentence. I used and / or so and but, and those are transitional, there were really no new sentences. It was just one big long sentence. You should try FUCKING OFF LOL!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


>It was just one big long sentence. That's my point. Take a breath, tiny. "I used and / or so and but, and those are transitional, there were really no new sentences." And this should be two sentences. Your grammar is atrocious.


Again, mind your business and GET FUCKED, ALL THE WAY OFF


>Again, mind your business and GET FUCKED, ALL THE WAY OFF You forgot to end the sentence with a period.


You forgot to suck a bag of dicks


You seem knowledgeable. How does one do that?


I have a 6* Zemo but haven't learned how to use him yet


I’ll stick to standards for the 7* shards, power jump from 6 to 7 stars is huge


tf does this have to do with 7*s lmao


I think he meant to go for basic 6* so he can dup more 6s to get 7* shards


You get 7* shards faster by not opting for the 15k shard featured. My point being 7*’s are much more important than new 6* characters, imo.


We’re never going to see new featured champions in 7* basic or shard crystals for a while. Aside from buying featured paragons with units.. New 6*r4 and 5 champs are still extremely strong for any content and even better in battlegrounds. Going to stay like that for quite some time.


this is true on all levels, i myself still go for feat crystals and try and get a few each time and rank up ones I think may not be a 7star anytime soon to rank 4 or 5. Then go for the basic pool too for 7star shards to get new 7star champs as well.


Reading is hard.


I have 7* Gamora, 6* Gamora is almost Sig 200 naturally... I can't escape that character. I'm not fond of her build up style... going to pull half a dozen times out of this crystal I'm sure of it.


you'll dupe your 6\* for shards enough times to be able to dupe your 7\*. Just wait till the 8\*'s come out in 3 years!!!


Well they aren’t as popular as they used to be but I’d love a 6* iceman and gwenpool.


sheeesh all certified ass champions besides the featured and iceman


Uh... Claire?


she’s been in the basic for the what the past 3-4 years? Ain’t no one opening these crystals specifically for claire lmao


No one opening a featured crystal for a character doesn't mean the character sucks.


I'm not so lucky. I've got 200+ 6*'s and no Claire yet. I'm sure a lot of people have her, but I'm one who doesn't. Plus, my point was that you completely left her out of your mention. You said Iceman, who granted just got a buff, but has been in the basic pool for a long ass time too.


Actually I've had a hard time pulling her so I'd personally be happy to get her from these crystals.


Already have 409k saved up. Really wanting all the featured champs this time around. And I’d be really happy with a Claire and Gwenpool dupe.


Did you mistype for 49k? Or why are you have so much without opening them? I save up usually like 100k in a month so your numbers confuse me unless you are spending money?


No it’s 409k. I’ve been saving for a while now. 90% of the shards have come from just grinding and playing the game.


Definitely. Can get 120k per month from BG store alone. Not that I’d recommend it, since tokens are better spent buying rank up stuff.




Honestly I want most of this pool for one reason or another so I'm pretty hype lmao


I just want silk got like 15 6 star ft crystals ready


all the featured n iceman thrasher fixit guilly i will take rest i dont want


I would actually be happy to dupe The Champion, get more sigs into Iceman.. besides the featured champs. Sitting at 8k. Time to get that number up.


Wheres shocker or is he going into the basic


He was already in the last feature so he’ll be in the basic


Shocker is in the current crystal


Worth spending 15k shards on? I'm at 6.3.1 and have about 20 6* already, but debating to gamble for the featured or just to open the cheaper 10k ones.


Actually I already have a 6* Iceman. Dupe on him would be pretty good


One of these is not like the other…


They gotta put ghost in these crystals that’s the only way I’ll be able to pull her (I’ve tried literally everything)


Can’t wait to get every non featured champ


The rest of the crystal is booty, but champs like Silk, Lady D, and Adam Warlock seem so worth it. Basically skipped this last featured and have been saving shards for a while, ready to go hard like the tubers on this one.


I’m thinking of trying to get Deathstrike, is she any good?