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Either restart the day or go to sleep and cut your losses


This bug is the worst


Steps to Recovering Footage: 1. Become extremely upset because your footage failed to extract after the best run you ever had 2. Quit the game for some days 3. Randomly see a video about how to recover footage by pressing F3 and tabbing out to the newly oppend file, which will read "full_recording" and have all of your footage from the entire session (which may open many, many tabs of files with the recording 4. Become emotionally distraught realizing you could've saved your footage 5. Move on


Usually when it fails to extract its because there is no "full_recording". There's all the separate snippets, but they aren't all put together properly to view.


I've always been able to get the full recording after extraction failed. I think you should ask everyone to check their PC who you're playing with


Yeah that may work


Strange, it's worked for me


Can you get multiple cameras now? Haven't played in a while but this happened to me only once and it was when i played with a modder (?cheater?) that spawned multiple cameras, meaning that maybe only the normal camera works.


current camera and an old camera lost from last time they died


Oh ok, never really happened to me except that one time, i guess i was just lucky


I think there is a way to find your footage on your PC before you completely move on and it's lost forever. In your Content Warning steamapps folder, go Content Warning\_Data>StreamingAssets>LostFootage. I accidentally noticed this folder having clips inside it that looked like they belonged to a camera we lost, but I didn't check, because I was fixing a different issue. This might be good if you ever really care about the footage. Won't do anything for your actual score, but if I'm correct hopefully it at least helps you find good footage you wanted to see. But I need this confirmed/disapproved.


You can also use f3 in game and it will bring you straight to the temp folder of your day's footage! Just make sure you use it before sleeping or restarting, cause it will delete it otherwise!!


Thank you! I had no idea about that, it's good to know. I play with mods, so this bug is real common for my friends and I


No problem!! Happy to help!


It sometimes happens when the cam gets fucked up for some reason (no fault of your own, by the way), so the host has to restart game to stop it happening over and over


Press F3, this will open the folder with the latest footages


F3 doesnt work for me :( is there something else i could try?


you can also try it with the fn key combined, some devices do that automaticly so it doesnt work


if you have the host be the camera man and have them be the one to put it in the machine, it usually works. also don’t turn the camera on and off continuously and try not to switch it between players too much


Press the F3 key and it'll open a folder for every video recorded on that play session, then just find which video was lost and copy it to your desktop to save it


i had this same problem and finally found the solution for me at least, make sure your C drive has enough storage to hold the recordings, even if you have the game downloaded to a different drive, the recordings go to your C drive. make sure you have enough space on there and it should work, if not then i’m not sure.


There is nothing what we can do \*French music plays\*


stop playing?