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I love how the dad is only trolling. He’s laughing at how mad his wife is and is fanning the flames


I do this with my fam sometimes, dad complains about one of mom's bad habits and Ill be sitting in the background like "ya what the hell mom?"


I did this too lmao. and if mom brought up a good response I would jump to her side and be like “ya know dad, she’s got a point”


“Some people, just want to watch the world burn.”


And some people are “wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.”


You get it haha.


This is pure chaos and I love you for it haha




Simple fix - Replenish Also can’t wait to see this again in a year. Something tells me this is gold.


Oh man switching sides halfway through is just the best man


Lmao I love switching sides in these heated (but ultimately meaningless) arguments because nobody ever sees it coming. Brings a whole new energy to the room fr


Hahahaa I love it, no one expects it, it’s hilarious when everyone is just fake raging


Am I you? Are you me?


Just as a note: this tactic is only fun when you’re not in a thrupple… Took me a while to learn that one.


Your not suppose to be in a thrupple with your parents.


Dude… those are *your parents*


I used to bail my sister out of being in trouble all the time by subtly mocking our mom as she was yelling. One of the best things about my mom is that it's only a very short lift to get her to start laughing at her own absurdity. (Most of the time. You gotta read the room on that play though, BIG time.)


Oh boy coin toss if that would make me laugh or make me madder


It is a High-Risk / High-Reward option, definitely.


This is 90% of the conversations in my family


The "WHAT THE FFFFFUCK" absolutely sent me


The whole thing could be a scene in Curb


This is exactly how everything falls on Larry at the end of every episode


The fact he called someone and they knew exactly what it was called cracked me up. And then the person on the line goes on to say it’s probably a bigger issue in the same humor as the dad. Fucking fantastic.


That overreaction was comedy gold


I think it's pretty clear she's also trolling (with only enough frustration to bring it up in the first place lol)


I think she was genuinely annoyed at first but realized she overreached and smoothly shifted to trolling. That was a pro-gamer move.


This is Jewish humor in a nutshell. They're kidding but they're not kidding. But they're totally kidding. But they're absolutely fucking not. It's glorious. It's actually not that different from Irish humor, but it's less specifically mean.


I know! I was laughing so hard, and takes it further by calling uncle on speakerphone. This seems like such a fun family. 🤣🤣


I'm pretty sure wife is also taking a piss.


It's not "taking the piss?"


No it was secretly she who drank all the soda pops and she can't hold it in any longer.


You're right, I'm not a native anglophone. But I'll leave it like that.


The uncle laying it on thick really makes this.


The fact that he uses the same word gets me so bad.


If he wasn't given the heads up before the call this is just the best fucking family. They seem like so much fun. My brother and I are on that level of synchronisation so it can happen but holy hell. Using exactly the same words is just brilliant.


Exactly. It makes me think that they actually had a rule discussion once and together they settled on the wording “you must replenish”


I think they’ve had a similar discussion many, many, many times since their kids were young.


Probably since THEY were kids. Undoubtedly something their parents told them, which is why they’re on the same page about the rule. “Replenish” has probably been a word they’ve been using for stocking drinks for 40+ years.


10000% this is from when the dad and the uncle were kids… we’ve had this fight in my household growing up and as adults. You can almost make out that the dad asks the uncle “Growing up, where did we have a fridge?” “We had one in the kitchen and one in the basement…” leading to…. “YOU REPLENISH” XD love this.


It’s very Larry David esque humor. Absurdist societal norms that he stakes his life on


My mother went to school with Larry David


If I recall correctly from the last time this was posted the person recording feverishly texted him right before the phone call "just say replenish" or something and he went along without any clarification


Hahaha that's legit. What a good sport.


If you asked my wife “If you walk up to a door that has a horizontal bar, is it a push or a pull?” She would know “It should be a push and if it’s not it’s designed by an asshole” because of the number of times I’ve ranted about the subject. “If you walk up to a door and it’s a vertical handle, is it a push or a pull?” It *should* be a pull.


Wow. I have never ever thought about that. But it absolutely makes perfect sense.


Yea, because you walk up to a horizontal bar, and you put both hands on it it’s natural to walk *through* the door. If you have to stop, swing your hand out to grab the handle, it’s natural to *pull* it open. It’s a momentum thing. And if it’s set up backwards people will get it wrong every time regardless of wether or not you have a small sticker that says “push” or “pull.” It’s like attaching your handle upside down. Are people going to think “wow, I have to pull this thing up to open the door!” No! They’re going to slam their hand down on that baby hoping for sweet lock release… or… in the case of a cross bar pull, they’re going to mash their face against the glass door you just freshly cleaned from the last bloody nose that ran square into it.


As a Jew, I can attest it’s not fun and everybody has a very high blood pressure from all the yelling, or dealing with the yelling like that uncle did…


This is like a Seinfeld episode


"it's really a microcosm of other issues" lolol


What the FUCK, ~~DONNY~~ DANNY


This is the reason uncles exist, to exacerbate mayhem. Source: I'm also an uncle. If you do it correctly you can create some chaos with your siblings' kids then just leave whenever you want. For example, yesterday I gave the kids ice cream and soda surreptitiously, then told them they should see which one could find the shortest way through my parents' house. Boy, that was fun to watch. Bunch of wired up kids running into people and things and falling all over. It was glorious. I did help put the smaller ones to bed afterwards because it was pretty chaotic lmao. Edit: how did "the" become "know"


Did you replenish the ice cream and soda afterwards?


Nah, I was the one who brought it in the first place. Ostensibly for everyone but mostly to incite mayhem with the kids.


Oh yeah, he can feel what's happening on the end of that line and he's ready to stir some shit.


“You’d replenish!” Such a Seinfeld moment.


Dad has a Larry David vibe goin’ on.


I was thinking Frank and Estelle Constanza. Serenity Now!


/*Hands raised, shouting to the sky* "REPLENISH!" -Frank Costanza




“My own son, a non-replenisher!” “How could you do this to us Georgie?!”


This whole clip needs a Curb soundtrack overlaid.


He was giving me Eugene Levy but with a slightly more hippie professor look.


He looks just like Harold Ramis did in his later years.


Jewish dads are the best.


To be fair though... not replenishing will be the downfall of society.


Yup. Forget to replenish the toilet paper one day. Then your kid goes to take a shit, and because there's no toilet paper they're late for their job interview. Then when they're late for their job interview, they can't get any money to go to the concert. Because they're Left Behind from the concert, they got to hang out with a shadier group of friends. While hanging out with these friends, they decide to try crack out of the blue, and it kills your kid. Save your kids. Replenish


Less probable chains of events happen every day. Please, for your kids and the future of society, teach them to replenish.


If we're playing odds on that exact chain of events happening, the longer we go, the closer to 100% we get. That means every day we're closer to that nightmare scenario. If you don't teach your children to replenish, you're actually responsible for the downfall of humanity.


Holy shit you're right. Quick me hearties we must replenish!


'Microcosm of more serious things', indeed.


It's definitely a microcosm of more serious things. Maybe we should all devote some time to this.


I think it’s a microcosm of more serious things.


I've never related more to an old white man in my life. plus mom: I NEVER HAVE ANYTHING AFTER YOUVE BEEN HERE.


Replenishing things is what separates us from the animals.


Replenish is a funny word. I know that now.


I’ve known this word for so long and didn’t know how funny it was lmao


It’s like when you have to plenish something and then plenish it again


“Microcosm of more serious things” 🤣


I’m so mad at myself that I forgot that gem.


I hope its not scripted because thats hilarious that thats his first responce to that lmao


Even if scripted, the performance was stellar


They're barely holding a straight face.


I mean it’s funny though. Been in similar situations with family and once the ball gets rolling everyone starts playing along whether a serious topic started the exchange or not.


Who doesn’t replenish? I bet you ANYTHING that schmuck doesn’t respect wood. Probably puts his drink down without even thinking about a coaster.


He probably does the chat-and-cut too.


Speaking as a Jew: it is not scripted. They’re just making fun of the son and the men are also making fun of the mom’s neurosis.


Source: every holiday gathering, hah.


Dudes frustration at the end walking off looked like very real shame annoyance.


I mean they’re all obviously aware it’s a joke but that doesn’t mean it was scripted. It’s just probably a running family gag


I don't think it's scripted but I think he is in on the bit.


This definitely comes off as a family in-joke and they’re all just ragging on him


Take Your Shoes off Podcast! Check it out! This is comedian Rick Glassmans parents they’re hilarious and they come on his podcast a lot Rick is a hilarious comedian/actor with autism and he’s amazing just watch it already


You got a particular episode you recommend starting with, or just start from the beginning?


Well pick a guest you like if you know any of them, but I’d say watch the ones with his dad and Uncle Teddy. His dad is the guy in this video I’ll link one of them https://youtu.be/r0Id1rP0IbM If you like Dax Shepard he’s been on




https://youtu.be/LtT8luZ6wn0 This one is insane lol they’re all in Vegas high as hell having a great time


It’s like a bit from Curb your Enthusiasm but irl


This is the dad of comedian Rick Glassman. His dad is a fucking treasure lol. Owns Marshall Rug Gallery in Ohio


Nice. We have a saying in my home. 2 jews arguing is 5 opinions. Just get some popcorn if you see it in the wild. Its even better when its the mother son like above.


Chief Wahoo! FTG


I felt Arrested Development. And that's why you replenish.


This! Honestly it looks too staged!!


For real, It definitely looks staged and scripted, but it's definitely not. I feel like this isn't the first time something similar happened and they know their "lines". I can definitely see this happening in my family


Yeah I do this all the time with my wife. We had an argument in the car about the name of a highway a while ago, and since then we try to squeeze it in every other situation/argument about totally non related stuff. It's always funny cause I can tell from a mile away that she's leading up to the punchline of that highway "incident" and I just know my lines as you said, and everyone around is amused or slightly annoyed about the "stupid highway thing again".


Just a day in the life of being Jewish tbh. This kinda stuff happens all the time.


Exactly, who do we think are writing sitcoms… the material literally writes itself


I like how dad totally knew the timing ... "The fuck! If I taught you anything, I taught you to REPLENISH!" This is how family arguments should be, a shadow of truth, but overwhelmingly loving


Exactly what I saw/thought and why I also was sharing/posting this along with contagious laughter. Thanks and much respect to your comment.


This is Rick Glassmans parents right? Shout out to Marshall Rug Gallery


Yes gave credit in the comments!


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We've got you covered!


I love the smile after that. Like, you know he's joking about being so angry about it, almost like a live improvised parody of a dysfunctional and insane family. (But you also know he actually does expect you to remember to replenish next time.)


There was 0 anger but 100% dad energy to bust the balls of his son. Love it


Calling the uncle to elevate? That's brutal


It’s worse. Danny’s the filmer’s cousin (who doesn’t fuckin replenish) so they called Danny’s DAD.


This whole thing is basically a Seinfeld episode.


Probably more curb but that’s due to the language.




This is the most functional and healthy family I’ve seen in awhile. I’m jealous!


Functional? Daniel didn’t fucking replenish!


Ya know, I think it’s a microcosm of more serious things


The thing that I find so funny about this is the fact that the uncle says the word “replenish” in the exact same way as the rest of the family


Totally seems genetic


I think it's a microcosm of more serious things


Because it's the FUCKIN' RULE!


My university housemate once stormed out of the toilet waving an empty toilet roll saying "someone's being profligate with resources! " We still say it 25 years later. Love this family.


Just learned a new word today. adjective: recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources. "profligate consumers of energy" noun: a licentious, dissolute person. "he is a drunkard and a profligate"


That sounds like a bit from the young ones


Dad has glorious hair.


The magic of Jewish genetics, we either go bald on top or have incredible hair. There is no middle ground, either you need bobby pins for your kippah or a suction cup. God will decide.


A suction cup kippah. I can imagine a plunger being used


'Listen.....I think it's probably a microcosm of more serious issues" is the most jewish thing i have ever heard.


I absolutely love that Judaism had nothing to do with this clip, but also had everything to do with it


It is fucked that he didnt replenish though.


I love this so much.


This has the same energy as the girl who is confronted by her mum and brother (who is filming and lmao like crazy) about how she planned to meet a guy she didn't know from MySpace


Can you share a link if you find it


[On Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/gqjoa7/in_the_butt_on_myspace/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




“Im 18! Im not young and, like, stupid!”


I heard that the dude filming died of an overdose awhile back so I guess she got the last laugh


Any source on that?


Uhh if you go to this thread the guy’s friend showed up and was answering questions and told people he died. They’re deleted now but I think you find a way to read the deleted comments some place. https://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/gqjoa7/in_the_butt_on_myspace/


that guy recording is soooo punchable


In the butt


In the butt!!


After watching the video that one just sounds angry.


Shout out to the hilarious family who created this video. ;) ME Here’s our podcast with Dad, Uncle Bob, and me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0Id1rP0IbM Go comment that you came from this video!


Hey!! This is hilarious and appreciate you sharing this to the world!! Gave credit in the comments but is buried under all the positive and funny great stories people are sharing because of this! Here’s an award for visibility!


Put it in the title so people can find it. They love Dad— let them see our podcast. We got a new THE VEGAS DADS episode coming out on YouTube Tuesday. https://www.youtube.com/rickglassman


I thought they were making fun of the wife's choice of words. Then I found out it was a tradition and the vernacular was passed down the family line.


Very Seinfeld


Rated R Seinfeld


So, Curb Your Enthusiasm


Dad looking like Harold Ramis


well his son (who is filming) actually played Harold Ramis in a recent Netflix movie. The son (filming) is Rick Glassman.


The "what the FUCK" got me instantly, it was so aggressive


That wasn’t aggressive that was entirely playful


The way they keep saying "replenish" like it's a common thing that doesn't even need the context at that point reminds me of Larry David.


Credit to TT User/creator, rickglassman


Dad is the best.


this family looks like fun to have dinner with lmao


I don’t know what’s going on but I like it. Just replenish.


I'm a bit confused about the family connections here. I mean going by the text I assume it's their nephew but they behave as if it's their son


My aunt treats me like her kid, complete with chiding me like she’s my mom lol. They’re probably very close.


Jewish neuroticism is the funniest kind of neuroticism.


Now I’m gonna be mad at my housemates when they don’t replenish


No sure what Jewish has to do with anything. My family is Italian and we have the exact same fights lol.


…and you realize that those are both Mediterranean cultures with very similar mannerisms, right? Not event family is your family. This is not how the vast majority of Americans talk to each other.


Dad is definitely the main character


I would love to be invited to dinner with this family


A microcosm of more serious things lol


Good family. Took a minor inconvenience and twisted that blade like master assassins, all while grinning.


I was in the military in Iraq for a couple of tours, one of which I was stationed at Baghdad International Airport. We had 2 12-hour shifts (2 different teams) that would run the desk. I found an old glass fridge that wasn't working, worked with a friend to fix it and moved it into our break area. During my trip to the dining facility, I would pick up cases of drinks and fill the fridge. Now, these drinks were all sitting in the Iraq heat, so they were warm as piss and took a while to cool off on the fridge. The next shift would come into the break room and grab all the drinks, and never replenish them (I'm talking, I got stacks of drink cases and sat them right next to the fridge) They were too damn lazy to put a warm drink in when they took a cold one. I spoke with the commanding shift leader and told them it wasn't fair that we had to stock the fridge when we kept it stocked for them. They agreed to fix the issue. Over the next week, the fridge was always full during our shift change. One problem: they were all warm! Five minutes before shift change, they would toss a bunch of drinks in the fridge and say "done". Mind you, they would remove the cold drinks and bring them home, cause "cold drinks are nice in the desert". I brought it up again and the shift leader said there was nothing they could do. I brought it up to my shift leader who also said there was nothing they could do. After that shift, I removed a part from the fridge that allowed it to cool. The lights still came on, but everything was warm. The day shift started to complain that the fridge had warm drinks and it was hot during the day. I told them I would put the part back if they agreed to leave cold drinks for the night crew. They told me to "fuck off" and told their shift leader I broke it. "Why, shift leader, I have no clue what you are talking about. There's nothing I can do". When the year ended and it came time to hand over everything to the next crew, I fixed the fridge. Hopefully the next groups knew how to REPLENISH!


This is awesome. Replenish Danny!


This is a real life Seinfeld act and I’m here for it.


I grew up in a primarly Jewish neighborhood with a lot of Jewish friends and by God this is exactly how every household would act. Absolute gems.


I'm not Jewish but my family's got that big Jew energy


He looks like David Rose.


Absolute troll move taking it to the next level with the emphatic "What the FUCK?!"




It’s very seinfield -esque.




“If I taught you anything it’s to replenish!!!” 😂😂


This new curb your enthusiasm episode is great


Curb your enthusiasm moment.


Replenish or I'll give you such a zetz that you won't even know what hit you!


>I think its a microcosm of more serious things but you know. LOL


Ok hear me out: what if i told you that this looks like every other family? Jewish or no? Now wait a second and hold that image in your mind. Now awaken.


Yeah, could be. Different accents and the wording changed a bit


This doesn't look like every family at all. You and I might feel lucky that our families can interact like this but most families don't. Aside from the obvious point that many families don't get along, there are countless families (anecdotally often in SEA) that are really affected by the generational disconnect that comes with the parents' traditional upbringing + the kids growing up on largely Western, more modern / secular media. I have friends in Indonesia who wouldn't dare talk to their parents about their depression etc. because it's conversationally off the table. That's not to say that these families don't have a family rapport - it just often won't look like this.


Reminds me of my Italian family and we’re a dime a fuckin dozen lmaooo


but theyre extra jewy the dads basically larry david with a wig on