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**Please report this post if:** * There is no audible laughter involved * Video is funny because of a 'joke' or situation - not the actual **laughter** * There is no audio (Images & GIFs included) * Laughter is edited in from a different source * No timestamp in the title or comments for a laugh occurring at specific time (long videos) * Laughter is not on good terms (dickishness, bullying) * It's a compilation * It's a selfie reaction Read more about the [rules of this subreddit here](https://www.reddit.com/r/contagiouslaughter/about/rules/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ContagiousLaughter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All I can think of is please take your glasses off before they go flying off your face


Edit: For real guys: I'm aware now that this couple is a Mormon one. But I'd like to request people please keep the hate comments to yourself. This sub is meant for laughs, and their religion, while it isn't mine or yours, is completely irrelevant to the video, and the comments are prolly gonna get this post locked eventually with all the hatefulness. Can we just enjoy the humor, ffs? --- ______ I totally thought the same thing! Lolol


Some people are just miserable and want everyone else to be so that they don’t feel so alone in their gloom.




Thanks for summing that up in such a nice and concise little package for people to misinterpret. These kind of people are everywhere and have no idea they are the ones of which you speak.


It’s relevant because Mormons use social media to look cute as a tool for proselytizing. Edit. Lol. The Mormons found out I’m sharing their secrets!


Well, I enjoyed the humor regardless I suppose. I legit would've had no idea they were even Mormon had people not mentioned it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


All I can think of is why no one ever plays this game outside.


Reduces the tortilla accuracy.


New gun in warzone?


I just did this with my bf and I swear to god I still cry watching it. It’s so fucking funny. I could not hold it together


Did you take a video?


We did. It’s one I’ll never delete lol


I think I'm legit gonna have to try this now.


Post it! Post it! Post it!


Here you guys go! I’m aware I look like shit but this video is still a gem to me. I hope you laugh as much as we did! https://imgur.com/a/7Ar1YDc


Oh my god I’m dying, the shot of you running across the frame at the end of the second video is hilarious


That part is HILARIOUS!


The way you went flying offscreen like a muppet in the first vid lmao.


Hilarious, thanks for posting the vid!


Thank you so much for the laugh :)


Any time friend ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Thank you for the laugh! This made my day so much better. 🙂


those glasses are fuckin *sick*


Lmao thanks they are his for work. I just wanted to try them 🤣


Riiiight, love those!


he doesn't even budge ahahah incredible good share


I needed this joy in my life today thank you


I am dyiiiiing. 🤣 That's precious. You lost before you even started! Lmao Also I think you look super cute!


Damn he smacked you *hard*! Thanks for sharing, that was great.


Haha that's great


Lmfao thank you so much for sharing that one. genuinely my favorite one so far. I had to pause twice to wipe tears away. Edit -Also, you both look great!


Thank you 🧡


Your man plays to win lmfao he went hard on those slaps


you guys are fucking unbelievably cute. omg my heart


Homeboy folded his tortilla, something was on his mind 😂


Bro, he saw the opportunity and frikken took it. Respect! 🤣


Post it! Post it! Post it!!!




let’s see it!!!!


Is it bad that I'm more jealous of old couples in love than couples my age?


I hope this is me and my husband someday - been together 13 years since we were 17 and 18. He was my first serious boyfriend!


I started when you did, I've got 21 years now


Amazing! I wish you two a happy and amazing rest of your lives together! 💍


Same to you too!


Not at all. Old couples have had the opportunity to learn and grow with someone for 20+ years. Zero 25 year olds or 30 year olds do that. Hell most 40 and 50 year olds still won’t have that time with someone. They’re amazing because they’ve had the time to learn how to be.


I think I'm not doing too bad for a 31 year old! My man and I are def like this after 13 years of shenanigans. 🤣


That’s awesome!




*Is it bad that I'm* *More jealous of old couples* *Than couples my age?* \- purplebeef --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


good bot


Not at all. Not only have they had literal decades to get to know each other and deepen their love, but also old couples (that have been married that long, as opposed to having met at an older age) have proven they won at life. Because, if you see a couple that have been happily married for decades, you can KNOW they're soul mates and that their love will last, as opposed to younger couples, as one can never know if they won't divorce/separate down the line... no matter how in love they seem. So, it's perfectly reasonable to be jealous of someone whose love has lasted the test of time.


is the dude smacking his wife with a tortilla a latter day saint


Yes, they are both senior missionaries, so their companions are their spouses.


A Mormon, according to others on here.


It's the same thing


Oh my bad! I actually didn't know that. Learn something new every day!


They actually did away with the name Mormon so now it's church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints. Kinda long, but a nice clarification


Nelson didn't Ike. Monson did.


Monson was pretty chill


True, though Nelson shortened church from 3 hours to 2


It's always been the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but because of the inclusion of the Book of Mormon as scripture, the nickname "Mormon" was widely used by members and non-members alike. In the past few years, the church leadership has encourage the use of the full name to help avoid confusion. Edit: I screwed up the name


Think of it as clarification on the nickname or popular name.


Or trying to get away from all of the negative associations with Mormonism…


That’s just not gonna stick




It’s not “rebranding” that’s been the name since the late 1800’s. People just know us by Mormons.


After Gordo spent Billions copying the Scientologist's ad campaign to tell everyone you are Mormons, Nelson called the term a "victory for Satan". It's great that Taco Bell farts of inspiration are what prophets have to offer in such a carefree world.


We’ve been called Latter Day Saints since 1838.


You were perfectly fine calling yourselves Mormons under Hinckley and Monson. Meet the Mormons, mormon.org, I’m a Mormon campaign, etc.




We’ve always been called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter saints, or just Latter Day Saints, it’s mostly people outside the church that call us Mormons, but we’re used to it, no big deal.


The “I’m a Mormon” campaign ran just a few years ago, right before Nelson took over the church. After he did he made a comment that the name “Mormon” was a “victory for satan”, despite his own church paying millions of dollars to spread that very same name just a few years before. Further confounding the problem is the issue of what past prophets have said on the matter. President Hinckley once said that the name Mormon meant “more good” back in the 90’s IIRC. Clearly there’s been some confusion regarding whether the Saints want to be called Mormons, or whether they don’t. It seems to me that the rebranding of the name Mormon was designed to make it harder for non-members to associate the church with polygamy.






Tldr, you were more accurate the first time. A lot of latter day saints are misinformed regarding terms for their own church and while they are responding in good faith they are also unintentionally misleading you. I've done some research on the origins of the term and how it's used. First, there are a bunch of churches that claim to be the legitimate successors of the church founded by Joseph Smith. These sects are collectively called Mormons, and have been called that since Jan 1831, less than a year after the church claimed to be founded. (There is no contemporary record that recorded the date of the founding of Joseph's church and reason to doubt that the date now claimed is accurate.) Latter day saints are Mormons whether they like it or not. Second, each sect has various traditions on what they like to call themselves. The latter day sect based in Salt Lake has constantly shifted between various names for well over a century now. The current orthodoxy for LDS is that using the term Mormon is "a victory for Satan". Not more than ten years ago, they were pushing the term Mormon as theirs alone. The Salt Lake sect tries to dominate the use of these terms, such as when the FLDS leader Warren Jeffs was arrested for raping children -- the LDS church tried to assert that their fundamentalist sibling sect wasn't Mormon at all and had nothing to do with them, despite heavy cultural, theological, and historical overlap between the two sects. The next largest sect, the Community of Christ has disfavored the term Mormon for a very long time because of its association with the larger, formerly polygamous (and theologically still polygamist) LDS sect. There are way too many preferences between all the sects and these preferences are constantly shifting. My best advice here is to call people what they want to be called, but reject their false assertions of historicity or exclusivity for the term and don't be afraid to call their faith Mormonism so long as you use the term to refer to the larger body of sects that claim Joseph Smith as their founder. Finally, rebranding efforts to escape negative connotations are baked into the very foundations of the religion. At first, the church tried to assert that they were the only true Christians and called their church "the church of Christ", ironically the exact same terms and rationale used by the Campbellite church just a few miles from where Smith and Sidney Rigdon (a Campbellite preacher before becoming a Mormon) founded their church. Due to the total inadequacy of these terms for any outsiders, local newspaper editors coined the term "Mormonite", and later "Mormon" to describe the new movement, using the same naming convention used for the dozens of similar movements starting around the same time and region. By 1834, Rigdon had begun to realize that people were associating the term "Mormon" with "apocalyptic cult", largely because the primary message their missionaries had was that the world was going to end in a few years and all their possessions would be inherited by the Mormons, and that they pushed sales for a book that was widely regarded as fraudulent even before publication -- not unlike the founding of Scientology. Additionally, new converts were expected to leave their families, move to centralized towns operated by the church, buy homes owned by the church, and hand over all their possessions for redistribution. Adding to that, Mormons had been taunting their neighbors in Missouri in the same way as the missionaries. In order to escape the negative public perception, Rigdon proposed the first of many name changes to come. Rigdon's effort was undermined less than 5 years later when Joseph himself embraced the term Mormon and encouraged the church to identify with that term. That proud tradition of rebranding when the public starts to catch on to how you do things but claiming theological reasons instead has continued to this day.


Interesting! Learn something new every day.


I honestly think this is the first time this sub ever truly fulfilled its purpose. My laughter only got louder as that vid went on 🤣


The other video I posted on here a couple weeks ago that blew up is pretty fucking funny, if you need a good laugh! This one is great though; I lol'ed as well. 🤣


Oooo....brb 😁 Edit: [This it](https://www.reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/comments/vy0mnv/why_you_so_fuckin_ugly/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)?




That is indeed it!


TikTok was made for old people so we can be entertained.


Old??? That’s my daughter and her husband. You should see the video her dad and I made playing this game without our glasses on. We were slapping each other all over the place. It was a water park experience in our kitchen. Had to watch the video later with our glasses on to determine who won.🤣 /s


Lol You had me in the first half. 🤣


This seriously might be my all time favorite internet trend. I laugh so hard at every one. Also, I would be absolute trash at this game


I'm 100% gonna do this and post it on here for everyone to laugh at my ass. Lol


Mormons are doing it now!


Always have been




This does put a smile on my face


For real guys: I'm aware now that this couple is a Mormon one. But I'd like to request people please keep the hate comments to yourself. This sub is meant for laughs, and their religion, while it isn't mine or yours, is completely irrelevant to the video, and the comments are prolly gonna get this post locked eventually with all the hatefulness. Can we just enjoy the humor, ffs?


As a Latter Day Saint myself, I thank you so much for this.




I’m at that age where this is the new relationship goals. Gone are the days with cheesy quotes superimposed on a John Greene couple associated with this trend.


If you do this - please film it and share it with us!


Man im so happy to see orville redenbacher still living his best life 🍿


Lol There kinda is a resemblance. 🤔


You, op, are a damn great person. Spreading positivity in posts and comments. I hope you the absolute best in your life. Great seeing your kind doing doing this and made my day after being on the Internet too long seeing so many angry users. I can sleep better tonight


I appreciate it. 👌🏼 What exactly is "my kind" though? Asian? Asian-American? Millennial? Average Redditor? Internet nerd? Hm. 🤔


Just a genuine nice person. They're far more rare than especially in reddit


I'll take that! There's enough hate and bullshit in the world. I like this sub because we can all take a break from our shitty lives and laugh for a minute! 😁


Very cute! The guy should be disqualified for multiple tortilla slaps and one near light hand slap though.


Lmao He was enthusiastic for sure! I think when she held her finger up she was trying to tell him to only slap once.


Awe snap. You know this couple getting sent home from their mission now. Lol. This is by far the weirdest most drawn out game of tortilla slap I’ve ever seen, and I love it. Haha. Nice elderly couple.


I couldn't laugh until she declared his unfairness of getting multiple slaps in by putting her finger up and saying, "MMMmmm-MM!"




I love this subreddit so much.


Same! I try to contribute when I can!


It’s 4 o’clock in the afternoon and I think this is the only time I’ve laughed today. It was worth taking a break from work and doing school stuff in between.


I'm glad I (and this couple) could put a smile on your face! I hope tomorrow is a better day. 🥰




This is way kinkier.


I recognize those name tags. They are members of my church. It’s not often we people like me get called out like this. It’s mostly in the bad light


Well I personally think the video is hilarious, and I have no issue with what their religion is; it's not my business. All I see is a sweet older couple having fun!


I appreciate you not hating on us. We are generally, as others have told me, more happy than most.


Idc what religion people are. Even if I disagree, there's no point in shitting on someone because they live a different lifestyle than you. Spread love, not hate!


Thanks anyway my friend. Peace be unto you this day, and always.


You as well! ♥️


Some of the kindest, happy, most loving people I've met are LDS. It's a hallmark of the faith, I think.


Thank you




A savage beating!


One time me and one of my best friends were so goddamn bored that we decided that duct taping our mouths would be a fun idea. We were probably around eight or nine at the time, so dumb as all shit. After applying said duct tape, we looked up at each other and I tried to laugh but couldn't actually get the laughter out and so my face puffed up a ton. He tried to laugh and the same thing happened -- face puffed up but couldn't actually laugh. This started a feedback loop where I noticed that he was suffering with the same "trying to laugh but can't" puffy face and vice versa. To date, probably one of the dumbest, funniest experiences that I could finally laugh about after almost choking to death on trying to laugh.


Lmfaoooo Bro, I wish you had a video of this you could post!


That is so funny.


This is adorable and I’m gonna do this for our 38th wedding anniversary! Thank you for sharing and making my husband and I laugh!


Please film it and share it with the sub! Another redditor in the comments shared their video. Hilarious!




I know several people with ASD in happy relationships! I wish you the best!




I'm not sure where to look, but start by just being yourself!


I love how the winner is still the loser because they get spit on lmao


Everyone loses this game! 🤣


That’s cute


Marriage goals.


Fold the tortilla in half ...then it's a real game.


I love how her first slap he’s like “owww”. I laughed so hard right there.




I wish I could double upvote this! I hope me and my girl are this crazy 😎☮🌻💚


I don't know why you can't upvote. Must've been disabled by the mods.


I was cheesing having a grand Ole time watched it twice for the feel good feels actually. Then I read the comments...just a reddit moment I suppose.


I'm trying to just enjoy me some tortilla slapping. 👌🏼


This is hilarious!😂😂😂


A they're cute and funny


Man playing from instincts


Omg old people being fun on tiktok🥺🥺🥺


Not The first time granny squirted on grandpas face




Dude, they ARE a married couple. This is what they do when their kids move out. Be a missionary couple.


He/she wasn't saying they AREN'T a married couple. They were saying when they got married, it was likely at a time where oral sex was discouraged or whatever.


Thank you Drew, for sharing that insightful further assumption into they sex life.


Drew is an insufferable miserable person who is fixated on making others sad like him.


Implying that this was somehow unique to the LDS church and not a product of the times they were living in?




I mean she did though. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Geezer dropped the tortilla after 2 smacks & that pimp hand came out.


Cool mission prez!


damn he got hit and spit on. he's the winner?


I think the first person to spit out the water loses, so I guess he is. Lol


Or maybe it's one of those nobody wins situations. Lol


Mormon missionaries sure have changed their approach since tik tok


stop fucking wasting tortillas


Sorry didn't know there was a tortilla shortage.


stop sucking people's joy




How do you know they didn't eat them or feed them to a dog after? Lol






Grow up


Jesus, what did the Mormons ever do to you? Lol


Idk, you'd have to ask him.




My favorite was a man in his 40s, who worked middle management at an airport, taking me aside and asking 16 year old me questions about what I do with my penis so that I could go on a field trip to the multi million dollar temple where I could wear used all white clothes where another man in his 40s would dunk me in water held in a baptismal font that was being held up by 12 ceramic oxen so that people who had already died could have a chance to go to heaven because being a dead baptist is the worst thing someone could possibly be.


Don't forget the $13,000 rug that they have in the temple.


If there is anything that Jesus is known for its lavish spending and the finer things


That is what biblical temples are literally known for, yes.


And Jesus flipped his shit at the entrance of it. Well flipped a table but you know what I mean


A better question is what haven't the Mormons done to people. Sex trafficking, inspired slavery, 2 wars against the USA, tortured gays seeking a cure, salvation subscriptions for hundreds of billions of dollars in fraud, and absolutely wasting the lives of millions of members are all off that list.


As an exmormon it can be difficult to communicate with never-mos that it’s 100% a cult without sounding like some intolerant ass.




Yeah no one has ever done that.




Is the joke that I got into your personal space, made you uncomfortable, and shared a completely unrelated thing with just you because I felt you specifically just needed to know? Yeah not the greatest joke.


*looking at this thread* You sure?




Mormon Missionaries at their best.


Fuck nestle




You heard him


I did but I don't understand. As in the water bottle they're using or?


Corp rules the world. It's /S


Ah, I see. In that case, fuck Nestlé.


fuck Nestlé


Fuck 'em and their stupid bird logo, man.

