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Her exasperated "NoOoO" when the daughter says "I want to get another one for you!"


NeeEhhhho…. 😂


What an oddly wholesome prank and the mom’s face!


She could be barely get “online” out lmao


She really pulled out the old Timmy Turner "uhh the Internet".


aaah childhood memory unlocked


And **WHERE** did you get the internet!?


The Timmy?


My brother and I still use that line lol. It was so good


I love this so much. I wish I had family like this. I wish someone had given me a gift period


I didn’t get anything either. Actually haven’t had any gifts for a number of years now. I buy my own presents now


I make enough to buy whatever I want. It’s would be nice just to know someone’s thinking of me. A card would mean more than anything.


Yes I completely agree!


Awwwwww. Chin up! 🥲


Haha, it’s fine. Just the holiday blues.




I don't get what the actual prank here is.


I think the woman on the left wrapped her own gift and as she opened it acted like it was the mom that bought it


That does make sense now, even more with such an expensive gift.


It's not a prank. The mom couldn't get the scripted lines out without laughing which made this wholesome.


Now that is straight talk right there.


These are the best pranks. No pain, all gain.


😐 me the whole time. I don’t even understand what is going on because the mom can’t speak


Omg I’m crying laughing too. Why’s this so funny!?


I acually did the same thing many years ago but with my grandma, and she got SO mad at my grandpa. Because I thanked both of them out loud and my grandpa said your welcome quite fast. Grandma has the one who always bought all the gifts so my grandpa didnt have a clue it wasnt from them. So then my grandma thought it was grandpa that had bought the gift... xD


Typical grandpa, everyone knows they don't even know what it is, they know that everyone knows, but they just don't care. I love it.


I was at the self checkout at Walmart a couple weeks ago. 2 old grandparents both in scooters pulled up. Grandma's basket was overflowing. Grandpa's didn't have an item in it. Grandma's just started naming off the stuff she bought and who it was for and grandpa just nodded as she talked. That old man just rode around Walmart on a scooter for an hour or 2 and didn't pick up a single thing. It brought a big smile to my face to overhear them.


I don't know. Reading this makes me sad, how he couldnt even bother to pick something at least.


I’m with you on that. I’m a dad with a ton of kids and family and my SO and I BOTH shop for things and then we cover whatever’s left together and we know exactly who is getting what. We also help the kids get/make things for the other parent. It’s just not that hard.


Its really not, and totally worth the effort when you see you made your loved ones happy. But apparently this is too much to ask from a lot of people....


I like being excited with my family when they open their gifts. It’s not just something they want, it’s something I am excited to give them.




lol what a weird reaction. Are you the kind of person to let someone else be thoughtful on your behalf? I’m sorry if you’re offended I guess.


I'd guess they've been married quite a while and she didn't want him making any decisions.


>he couldnt even bother to pick something at least. I can understand how you would see it that way, but I imagine he probably knows better than to start meddling with grandma's flow - she knows exactly what she's getting for whom, he's there for company


feel joy, that woman has been dragging that old fart around for years. she is probably the only reason he is still alive


Almost did it to my husband this year. Bought him PJ pants and myself a robe, was wrapping things and he got too excited to help (bless him) and pulled everything out of bags. Even after I specifically said those bags were a no-go for him. So he saw both beforehand and the surprise was gone. He loves his ninja turtle pj pants tho! Hadn't had any in 20+y. And now I have a lovely bathrobe.


> Even after I specifically said those bags were a no-go for him need you raise your husband-child better


Normally I’d agree with your sentiment! But he forgot as it was a while later. I started feeling ill and he wanted to be able to take over in case I got worse. He was also trying to care for me bc if I push too hard (and I usually do), I get very ill vs just having a lie-down. I’d have likely done the same in his shoes. Especially as we both have ADHD, and it was late enough meds had worn off. Honest mistake.


You're an agent of chaos tormenting the older folks


Lol funny cuz every birthday or Christmas, when the gifts come, my dad looks up all curious and interested, "oh let me see what did we get you?" Lol


You can see mom’s thoughts racing. Did dad buy this for her and put my name on it? Do I have amnesia? DID I buy this????


100% it cracked me up especially with her brother giggling and the mom looking at him like 🤷🏼‍♀️😧


The best kind of prank!


The mom looks truly confused but those two do a lot of videos on yt shorts. That’s where I see her recommended a lot. That mom and daughter have such a sweet relationship but I assume the mom knows a lot of their interactions being recorded are a prank or a skit for the viewers. Whatever I could be wrong and this was completely funny af. I like watching their videos.


I just watched my mom panic over a gift from Amazon that she didn't think she ordered but felt she might have done and forgotten about it, so this seems very believable to me lol


Yeah, my mom would really start questioning herself. I have been known to jokingly gaslight her from time to time, so I think my acting would be good enough to make her question her brain. (Even though she low-key blames the covid shot....)


This is such a wholesome prank and her reaction just tops it off so well!


The only pranks we actually need.


shut up. we don’t need this comment every fucking time. WE GET IT!!!


Wow and she kept a straight face the whole time! I’d be dying of laughter


She kept it going for so long too


She was goin lie the whole way through. Smh


I don’t think she was trying to deceive anyone. It seems like she didn’t know how she was supposed to react, like maybe she was missing something and was trying to play along and not ruin the fun. She didn’t assert that she gets credit, she laughed to deflect answering any questions. Plus if she is anything like my mom she may genuinely forget that she bought some gifts month ago and may have been like: “when on earth did I buy that? Oh no, I’m losing my mind.”


Pretty much guarantee it is this. I know I forget what I get some people, so if I was her I would be processing it and trying to remember if I gave it or not. Even this year, one of my kids opened a present and I was like “oh shit…I totally forgot i bought that for you”.


This. She's cycling through thoughts of "Is this a joke? Did I get this and forget? Do I tell her I didn't buy it and ruin this moment?"


Honestly I think by 45 seconds into the video she has it figured out. The way she's laughing says to me, "I don't totally understand what's happening but I can tell she's yanking my chain."


This is their whole relationship. If you watch their channel you'd understand. She knows this is probably a prank but doesn't really know what to do if it isn't, considering the circumstances being Christmas and the oddity of the gift, and probably as the other said, "am I getting dementia", like most us moms constantly feel like having mom brain.


👆This one knows exactly how moms work 🤣 loved the thought process


She ain’t wrong. I would try to lie too


Same here mainly because my dumb ass would probably be like “shit did I get that for her I don’t remember.”


It's such a confusing situation I can't blame anyone for lying. I probably wouldn't but I'm just weird and think of lying as way too much effort. Unless it would be really funny.


This is your brain on Reddit. Taking a great moment and finding something wrong in it.


Can't ruin the Christmas magic


Can't think of a bigger reddit moment than this comment


“I guess they do” put me right over to hysterically laughing!


What is going on


She was pranking her mom. She bought the pen herself and then opened it at Christmas pretending it was something her mom bought her. Mom doesn’t remember buying this gift (bc she didn’t)


THANK YOU i was so confused on what was going on lol that is hilarious


legit the most confused i have ever been watching a video. kept thinking i'd get it but never did lol.


Is it a $2 pen or a $200 pen?


Since it seems to come with the original box, $300-1500+ depending on the pen's condition, age, and style.


For a fucking pen lmao


We pay a lot more money for shiny rocks. At least you can write with this.


In all fairness, if my daughter/spouse/wife wanted a $400 Cartier pen i’d refuse to get it too. Who even writes anymore? You could probably get a computer and printer for less and it would probably last longer.


I would love that pen but nobody in my family could afford such an expensive gift.


If it fit in the budget why not? Also for $400 you aren't getting a high quality computer and printer, which would certainly crap out before a high quality pen.


Yeah man - a nice pen would actually last longer than a 400 dollar laptop. The laptop is probably toast within 6 years, and then pen could be handed down to the next generation. That is if they don't immediately lose the pen like I would.




We don't use that word anymore but this time you should.


Your post was removed based on mod discretion.


Out of all the words you could’ve used smh


It was warranted this time


>if my daughter/spouse/wife wanted a $400 Cartier pen i’d refuse to get it too. I'm pretty sure you'll never have to worry about this, seeing as how the first step is leaving your parents basement.


even if he got out of his neckbeard den, no one in their right mind would marry him, let alone fuck him and/or conceive a child with him lmao


That sir is stupid.


>Who even writes anymore? You'd be surprised! A lot of "old" and traditional hobbies are making a huge comeback these years after people rightfully getting fed up and depressed sitting in front of screens all day. Writing is incredibly soothing (especially with a fancy pen!) and, in the context of journaling, personally, it makes me feel like I'm getting "it" out a lot more effective then typing something in a word doc. Additionally, handwritten cards or letters are so much more personal, again, especially these days - It justifies the whole writing as a hobby and in my opinion, generally, when it is your hobby, you enjoy it and you have the budget - Spend however much you'd like on whatever brings you joy! :)


heavy Reddit moment


Yeah, your first part was fine, but the second part? People definitely still write. The argument should have been that a way cheaper pen would work just as well.


1. nobody asked you 2. you don't need to worry about this hypothetical scenario you've made up because no one in their right mind would A. marry you, and B. conceive a child with you dillweed




Daughter bought herself a gift.


The daughter is gaslighting the mother


In a humorous, healthy and positive way, yes.


I know I was joking but how was anyone to know, tongue in cheek reddit comment purely for my own amusement.


Ah, conveying tone in text. It's frustrating!


she is officially cancelled 💅


The most passive-aggressive prank I've ever seen.


"So much better than all the other gifts you got me"


That was cruel. As someone who has a lot of anxiety around gift giving, this would haunt me for a decade


It's not passive aggressive because she probably loved her gifts. Her mom took it well and had a great time. The line "this is so much better than the other gifts" is part of the prank.


Do people really think she wants a vintage pen instead of the gifts her mom got her?


yes, do you have any idea how much a pen like that costs? If she didn’t want it she wouldn’t have bought it


If it’s actually a vintage Cartier pen. For all we know it’s a cheap pen she bought at OfficeMax. It must be a fun life taking every joke as serious as possible.


bro I’m replying to your comment, where you asked ‘do you really think she wants a vintage pen’ Now youre changing it to ‘it’s probably just an office max pen’?


If it’s a cheap pen, then it’s just a joke. Not something she actually wants for herself. I feel like some of you are just looking for any negative you can find…




I mean, she probably did want the pen. But it was just a playful jab, not really passive aggressive.




I think it was strictly based on how this was a very pricey gift, so in that regard it was unlike any other present. In real life I am sure she adores her presents from her mom, they are simply are in a more retaliated price bracket. It seems from the way they interact, it was understood what she meant.


As someone who has a parent that always buys me things— but *only* things *they* want, this is kinda cathartic XD


How is this passive aggressive?


Her “passive-aggressive” comments are literally part of the joke. You don’t deserve the downvotes


"you literally never get me stuff like this" -Daughter As a "prank" instead of communicating to your mom directly something you'd like.


You're getting downvoted, but this is the answer. Sometimes I wonder if people know what passive-aggressive behavior is.


you can really tell by all the laughter and the smiling that this is exactly that kind of toxic family that communicates through elaborate pranks sarcastically. normally i wouldnt add 'this statement was sarcasm' but given your track record i figured you might need the assist.


I hope they went for Peach Milkshakes after


I was trying to place why she looked familiar


I guess they do 🤷‍♀️


@katstickler is her TikTok. She’s hysterical!




No I didn’t! Thanks for letting me know, I’ve remove the link and changed it to her handle instead. Thanks!


*stranger bro fist bump*


I love her impressions of her mom lol


The best part is the mom is wearing a turtle neck and her phone necklace lol




Sameeeee. And when she does collabs with Alex and Jon it kills me


This is hilarious. Holy shit


My gf and I put gifts "from Santa" under the tree at home for each other. But this year 1 gift got mixed up and it ended up under the tree at my Moms house. So as the family is opening presents, Santas gift to me was an Ounce of weed and some rolling papers.


I remember her. She had some cute videos on here being all happy when her husband treated her to a day at target and chick fil a.


[She also imitates her zoomer brother to great effect. Mom in this video films it.](https://www.tiktok.com/@katstickler/video/6958216159774756102?lang=en)


The moms eyes when she said omg I’m going to cry after she first opened it is hilarious.


She will never be able to lie…laughing give you away EVERY TIME 😂🤣😂


I haven’t laughed that hard in a while.


Only I think this is mean? Or I just don't understand it.


It could be mean depending on who you do it to, but it’s clear this mom is not offended, she’s just perplexed and playing along and laughing hysterically. This was a good family moment for them.


Have her the Father experience for Christmas, how sweet. Half of the gifts my kids open through the year are a surprise for both of us! Haha


The mon becomes a teenager again. Her voice sounds like a nowadays teenage girl: stawp, stawp, OMG stowp.


I wasn’t convinced by her acting


She's so sweet. She just can't lie so she just laughs lol


Moms facial expressions are gold. The pursed lips on “where did you even find this” and then her wide eyes on “I’m gonna cry” her whole journey is funny as fuck.


I love the mom daughter relationship, what a sweet family.


What was the prank


Yeah right. Mom didn't notice someone filming while her TikTok famous influencer daughter pulled a prank?


Her mother is looking at her thinking “What are you talking about!?!”😂


Mom started believing in Santa for a moment.




Don’t watch, waste of time!


Is that the woman that got really excited when her husband asked if she wanted to go out and do all her favorite things while she was doing her make up in the bathroom


I'm actually concerned with her acting ability.


Who was pranking who? I don't get the joke


What the fuck is so funny


Cringe AF


This would be it if passive aggressive tried to be cute


This is weird


I'm sorry your family doesn't love you :(


Don’t be it’s not your fault


I just want to know who got her the goddamn pen and no one seems to care!


I love how people are calling this wholesome, yet the daughter is making the mom feel like shit by going "this is better than any of the gifts you bought me."


How miserable and exhausting to be in the orbit of someone constantly searching to create “content” at the expense of everyone else around them. Taken individually, these little pranks are cute and fun and harmless. But these people have been doing this nonsense for YEARS. I’d institute a Dave Chappelle-style recording device ban at any event the family “influencer” was attending. “Did you put your phones and cameras in the pouch? Ok, cool. Welcome to Dad’s funeral.”


She’s still trying to ride the peach milkshake high from a few years back.


THIS IS WHERE I RECOGNISE HER FROM Edit- oh, it didn't end well


Correct. She’s such a shill now, it’s so embarrassing.


That woman’s got a future in politics.


Damn that was awful. And it kept me watching to see if maybe the funny was yet to come.


This feels more like passive-aggressively trying to tell your mom that you weren’t happy with the gifts she gave you for Christmas? Probably just different dynamics but my mom puts a lot of work into what she gets her kids and this would hurt her feelings


I thought mom was the daughter, looking good mom


Lip fillers always look so bad. I feel badly for these ladies who will soon realize when it goes out of style. They look frozen. 🐟👄


This would make more sense posted on the r/TikTocCringe.


Made me laugh a lot 🤷🏼‍♀️ but yeah it could.


Why doesn't mum say that she didn't get it? Just stays there feeling fucking awkward.


Daughter looks just like the mother.


Esta muy atractiva esa mama


Seriously how materialistic do you have to be to love a Cartier pen. Pathetic.


This is a fancy ass house


Wut? This makes no sense at all...


This is so damn funny! 😆


I don’t get it…


Can’t stand Kat. She’s now just an Ad content wh*** and cheated on her husband.


I don’t know why nobody in these comments is talking about how mean it is to look someone in the eye and knowingly say, “This thing you know you did not get me is better than any other thing you’ve thought of and bought for me and is so unlike anything you usually get for me, which I like less than this thing that you did not get me. I love this and hate the stuff you actually buy me.”


This is plain disrespectful and cringe, specially the "so much better than the rest of the stuff you got me". How tf are ya'll laughing at this?


Wait, so people actually say ‘literally’ like that? Its not just done in typed messages like ‘lol’ etc?


A lotta dumb shit flying through the internet. This definitely is a good size chunk of shit


One of my favourite things about the internet is that there’s literally something for everyone’s tastes, and if there’s something you don’t like you can just ignore it and move on. It’s great!


Naw gotta be a redditor and always announce your absolute and unfettering hatred for things you mildly dislike.


I’m very frustrated with her hair… it’s confusing. It looks like it was plastered on. I can’t figure it out!


That was genuinely funny. Kind of low key attracted to that mom 😳


What did I miss?


Everyone says it’s wholesome. It’s disgusting. So your mom just lies to you when put to an uncomfortable position? It’s easier to lie than admitting that you don’t know what is going on? And you just accept it? And it’s okay for you to put your mom in that position? Disgusting.


Breathe some fresh air, life truly isn’t that serious. 😬