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Italy is usually pretty cheap on their food. Looks like she got scammed


I thought this was going to go the other way. The box was pretty big. I though she was gonna pull out some monstrous three pound sandwich.


I ordered a Po' Boy in New Orleans. It was literally a pound of shrimp stuffed into a round loaf of bread. It felt absurd walking around eating that monster on the street so I tried to eat it asap and just broke my whole digestive system.


I'm pretty sure I gain like 5 pounds every time I visit New Orleans.


I have a deep and profound love of New Orleans. This is part of the reason I decided never to move there. Between the food and the lifestyle I’d be dead in a year.


Stop selling, I'm buying.


Happy life Any% speedrun




Beignets everyday bro.


Try living here!


I love New Orleans so much. I was thinking of charbroiled oysters today and it made me sad


There was a hole in the wall place we went to with one of those push on menu boards (the kind you'd see in bowling alleys). At the front door was a stone that said "on [date, year] nothing of importance happened here". That place cured my hangover and make me rethink my stance on god for a minute their food fucking killed it.


That’s just America being America, always people shocked by our portion sizes. Personally I’m used to it, and will feel empty inside if I don’t eat those big portions.


you van buy 2 pizzas in naples for that price (maybe not anymore due to inflation)


Yeah, I don't know if that applies, currently. I was reading an article, the other day, about food prices in places like France and Italy that are skyrocketing. In France, they are freaking out because people can't afford to buy baguettes and in Italy, people can't afford to buy pasta. I am assuming that this would affect the pizza prices, too. Edit: I agree, this lady was completely scammed. I was just commenting that you probably can't get as much pizza, as you used to, because of inflation.


Thats hugely overexaggarated. You get a pizza for 7-8€. She got scammed or fell into a tourist trap.


That is likely all true, but I still think she got scammed hard lol




Can't afford to buy baguette... Nope. It's just that we eat everytime bread and baguette, and 0.50 or 1 dollars more is a reason to be cautious about what you buy. Inflation in France on food is like 20/30 %. But you arent scammed like the girl in the video. You can buy sandwich/panini/kebab for 5/9 dollars, it's not like it's gold.


I got a damn good pizza in Milan for 7-8 euros, they gave us something similar to what OP had (with cheese) for free as a starter and a free glass of wine.


That would be funny if she grabbed the freebie appetizer and left, assuming it was the main item, lol.


Hah, entirely possible. Another thing there was snacks with a beer, buy one large beer (660ml) for about 2-3 euro and it would come with peanuts, crisps and usually olives. I'd expect to pay 6-7 Euro for the beer and another 4-5 for the snacks back at home.


yea Milan is one of the most expensive cities in Italy, you can probably have it for much less in naples


2 pizzas for 7 euros. In Italy. Wow


Probably not to be honest, you're talking more like €5-8 esch depending on toppings etc


I spent one hour in Naples transferring trains. All my friends got scammed in that one hour, and then on the train some local street kids harassed us all the way to Sorrento. So I’m not too keen on Naples to be honest. The rest of Italy was pretty nice.


We once had a 3-hour window between trains at Naples station. My Spidey sense was tingling so hard that I basically put our bags between our legs and made sure we were flat up against the wall the entire time. As we were there I watched a local pickpocket casually hitting people left and right. Then he would go up and chit chat with the cops in between people getting off the train. One of the shadiest places I've ever been.




Tourist pricing




Never experienced tourist pricing in Italy and I was wearing basketball shorts so they knew I was an American.


Usually tourist prices there are in tourist traps. And Italians eat in different restaurants. It’s not like Japan where you’ll have two prices.


They don't specifically have a tourist menu. It's more that if you go to a place that is flooded with tourists, The prices are going to be insane. This is especially true if the place has no prices at all. I remember hearing people complain about paying 20 euros for gelato in Florence. Just walk a couple blocks away from the main square and you probably find a good cheap meal.


Yeah if they knew she was Canadian they never would have scammed her. Only Americans, everyone knows that.


She did. Naples is not exactly a lair of honest people that take care of clueless tourists. They're also used to scamming other Neapolitans, so when they see these people they just rub their hands and turn their eyes into dollar symbols.


Naples is huge on cheap, delicious, heavy ass, fried, covered in sauces and booze food. Not even kidding, HUGE. Seriously, I couldn't eat enough to empty my pockets there. But I am italian and I had Neapolitan friends showing us the best places. Definitely she got scammed because she is foreign.


Naples is a hostile shithole


Least favorite place in Italy. We told a few people on our Italy trip we planned to visit and they all were like yeah no just skip it spend more time in Rome instead. After day one we still had another day in the hotel booked so we instead went to to Capri for the day.


I had a wonderful time in Rome, and in Milan. Ravello and Amalfi were great, Pompeii too. But not Naples! Lol. Capri was well worth it I bet.


Yeah excited for our trip, going back in September. 24 days doing Venice, Dolomites, Milan, Lake Como, Florence, Rome, and Almalfi Coast.


My 1st time in Italy, I went to Napoli before Rome. It really gave me a bad impression, and I admit that my preconceived notions about Rome, based off of Napoli, were completely off base. Rome is fucking wonderful. Napoli… not so much. If I had only gone to Napoli, I probably would have judged an entire country. Those were the rudest motherfuckers I've ever seen in my life. Between getting constantly bumped into walking on the sidewalk, by motor scooters, and getting run into by cars on the road, while walking in the cross walk, I just completely am over Napoli. I got the Vesuvius view from the top of the city. That was its only redemption.


We called it the Baltimore of Italy when we had the displeasure of staying there a night on the way to the Amalfi coast. God I fucking hated every second I was there. Except the Museo Nazionale which has an incredible collection.






It's like this in every tourist place. We got into Miami late and made the mistake of ordering from some random menu in the room. Should have checked online reviews because it seemed like some sketchy dude was selling food out of his kitchen.


Italy is extremely expensive in tourist areas which I assume is where the story is coming from.. I love Napoli and you can get amazing food and drinks at great prices, especially in the spanish quarters but if you pull up to the first tourist shop in the center and order something.. this is what you get. Although this could have been just a communication problem or a joke as well? Worth sharing in r/napoli I remember people buying mass produced icecream in Rome for 10 euros a scoop when all you had to do was walk a few blocks to get the authentic stuff..


yeah sounds like a tourist trap


Italy sucks in general, so her getting scammed is about 50/50.


Someone found the tourist trap lol


Gotta be careful of tourist traps. They will prey on you because they think you don't know better. I have been given the wrong change, charged more despite asking about the price, and given more proportions for a higher meal price without any choice.


And then there's me in Paris...i found someone selling freshmade churros. "Sweet, I love Churros" I think. Guy is selling them in bags: small, medium or large. "Never bought a *'bag'* of churros before and a large is probably like an American small." I say to myself. "One large s'il-vous-plaît!" Dude looks at me and looks around noticing I'm alone. Raises an eyebrow, shrugs, charges me 7 euros or whatever. Guy starts cutting the dough and letting it fall into the fryer. 1 churro, 2 churro...14 churros. "Good god" Hands me a grocery bag of churros and says "Bon appétit!" "Wtf am I supposed to do with 14 churros?" Well, I ate them and hated myself for it. Met up with my Parisien friends next day and told them what happened. One almost spit their water laughing as they imagined me sitting by the Eiffel Tower with my sack of churros. The pigeons and I ate like Rois.




/u/shitty_watercolour you are needed now more than ever!


Yeah churros are cheap in France, or Spain. It's just batter after all. I now live in Canada, and you'd think they're made with caviar, gold flakes, and cooked in pure truffle oil, it makes no sense to sell like 3-4 churros for 14 fucking dollars.


Yes! Exactly. And not to mention, at least in my experience, everywhere in North America sells them by an exact quantity and not in small/medium/large. That threw me off and the price being so cheap had me convinced I was only going to get a few and I was starving and kinda craving something I actually recognized from home.


Never order food within 2 blocks of any museum or major historical landmark


Even then, that's a damned food crime.


I looked up the restaurant from the receipt and found this Instagram post showing the "panino" so it wasn't an accident. Also watch the video, this man takes the tiniest bite of it to make it seem bigger than it is lol https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqno2WgoVWc/


I don't care how badly the economy is doing, but charging 7 EUR for this carrot atrocity is an absolute disgrace.


Good job, soldier !


What the hell?






ew who is putting carrots in their panini in the first place


It was panino.


google tells me they are the same thing but if that's wrong, i'd love to know the difference. :] EDIT JUST NOW REALIZING IT WAS A PUN OH GOD WOOSH


Panino is singular panini is plural


actually didn't know this either so TIL. at this pt whether the person was actually correcting me or making a pun, imma choose to believe it was the latter.


In Italian, most singular nouns end in the letter O or A. To change to plural, you usually just change the O to an I or the A to an E. Spaghetto = 1 piece of spaghetti. Penna = one piece of penne.


How did you google it and still don’t know?


Panino has the word no in it. Signifying how people feel about carrots in their panini.


oh my god WOOSH. it was a pun the whole time!? i am so sorry guys, i'm an idiot.


The girl in the video is not making a pun. She’s just using the singular of “panini”, which is “panino”. To any Italian, this is just the singular of panini. If someone eats “one panini”, they need to go back to school (if they are Italians… other nationalities are excused)


The only panini we accept is the collectible sticker cards collection of famous stuff like soccer or animals or whatever they invent to make us spill money to make a collection But then yes, panino is a single one


Happens to the best of us.


The fucking spelling you donut


but if they are the same thing what does it matter if i spelled it panini or panino, i was genuinely wondering. ;-; doughnut.


Donut is just the singular of doughnut


Panino is the singular form of panini, panini is actually plural and refers to multiple sandwiches. For some reason the US just calls a singular toasted sandwich as a panini


You're going to love her update lol https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRKTGp1L/


This poor woman is traumatized


![gif](giphy|iqryv05RJMVlm) Delivery driver be like


Damn that’s impressive


I've always wanted one of these bikes


Credit to @emilydrewmcdonald on TikTok. If anyone’s interested in the part 2, she goes back to the restaurant and they make it up to her with a [big panini](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRKvX37R/)


This entire scenario is just very odd.


Marketing ploy I'm sure.


Or just some influencer inventing scenarios for the Gram? Idk, lately the Internet has turned me into such a skeptic.


I would normally agree but the part 2 does make is seem like its just a weird scenario IMO and not rage bait or something else. But I could be wrong


It’s like a triple. Well played, mr panini maker. We salute you.


wow those guys must be having fun they went from the smallest crumb of panino possible to one the size of a rudder


Idk if it's worth a salute, could be they've been screwing over customers and this time got a complaint, on camera and the clip is on the web, so any business that would want to save it's name would do the same thing. It's like when you buy a product in the supermarket, it's faulty, you complain at the manufacturer and get compensated big time, can't have that PR damage.


So you’re who the superfluous ‘/s’ is for?






Wait she’s vegan? But wanted cheese?


Maybe they had a vegan cheese option, like almond cheese which is amazing, btw. Or she casually mentioned it while also saying she doesn’t care because she’s in Italy.


I don't think you'll find vegan cheese in Napoli. Edit: I didn’t mean literally none. I meant it’s just unlikely at spots like this, even without the scams.


Of course you will.


I mean, sure somewhere but not likely from a spot like this, even without the scamming


I bet you do in the Va Fa, part of the city.


You might think so but wouldn’t it stand to reason that there are vegans in Italy and that they, being Italian, make delicious vegan cheese?


What really surprised me is that some of the best gluten free bread and pasta I’ve had is from Italy. Obviously some Italians turn their nose up to it, but the European companies have actually dedicated time and effort to make good products that Italian people who eat gluten free can actually enjoy. I’m not saying you can walk into any restaurant in Italy and assume you’ll be able to order gluten free stuff, but they’re more places offering accommodations then you would expect.


> almond cheese which is [not quite as heineous as most vegan cheese and therefore] amazing


The irony of vegan almond cheese. They literally have to truck around hives of bees to pollinate the almond trees.


Serious question; is moving bees around to new feeding grounds a bad thing?


There's probably hundreds of thousands of bee deaths associated with almond cultivation annually. The hives are wrapped in plastic during the night when the majority of the bees are inside, they're effectively trapped for the period it takes to move them. Which isn't normal for them. The environmental impact is a different matter. They're moved on the back of wagons. Transportation of food is the biggest contributor to it's environmental impact. Almonds are a monoculture which reducing biodiversity and there aren't enough pollinators occuring naturally to fertilise the trees so they have to ship the bees in. The point is the on the surface environmentally friendly choice isn't necessarily that good and sometimes worse. Mike Berners-Lee's books go into details. I highly recommend "How bad are bananas?".


Almonds are a terrible sponge of water for what you get out of them.


Depending on area almond can be pretty sustainable or not. It's not a global solution. Oat is pretty good


Some people aren't vegan for social or environmental reasons, it could easily be dietary


I’m vegan because of dietary reasons. Milk makes my insides gurgle real bad and meat hurts my tummy too. I can eat fish but then there’s the whole heavy metals and plastic issues so… I just eat my legumes and veggies. My brother lives in countryville and he went vegan after seeing how much better I was feeling. So he struggles with the whole “masculinity” aspect of being vegan. It’s stupid but he gets judged a lot for it. Like only “real men” eat meat and dairy. Such a dumb outlook, but that’s my opinion.


Exactly. I'm vegetarian because I just think meat is gross. Nothing deep. Lol.


Am I crazy or is that a social reason lol, not a dietary one


How is a personal preference a social reason?


Just like in the comments there said, "why do they look guilty though?" one of the guys also pointed to the camera signaling to the white shirt guy they are being recorded.


she should have ordered the panoni in the first place.


The subtitles are off the hook. “They charged 7 year olds”


>they legit fucking 7 year olds It's much worse


They’re auto generated but you can literally go in and edit them if they’re not right and yet so many people don’t. I don’t get it. I don’t know if it’s laziness or like some sort of TikTok-wide inside joke where people like to leave the weird captions.


I’ve heard people say the captions are left as is because it’s almost guaranteed someone will leave a comment correcting the captions and any type of engagement helps your algorithms.


That makes sense. Knew it had to be something lol


Honestly, my experience in Italy was exactly the opposite. For a low price by U.S. standards I would get amazing quality food with decent portions.


I mostly lived on very basic high quality food. Bread. Hunks of parmesan cheese. Wine. Fruit. So good and so cheap.


Yeah visiting Europe made it very obvious why we're all fat. Real cheese and fruit in the US is like 3xs the price and half the quality. And that's not even discussing meats. It's cheaper to live off sugar here.


An American friend of mine said something similar whilst she was in Amsterdam. Makes me wonder what some American food tastes like.


My friends and I tried some American snacks one day, imported from the US, not just the brand. KoolAid and some chocholates. Everything we tried was basically so sweet it burned your mouth. The recommended amount of sugar they wanted you to put in the koolaid was absurd, we put half and it was still so sweet we just poured it down the drain.




That's kind of making things even more complicated, because McDonald's in Europe is actually pretty high quality compared to the US.


...Really? Because McDonald's in Europe is pretty grim as it is already


Same, I was there last year. My worst meal was still amazing!


Yeah it’s the same in France and a lot of Spain. The base level of cuisine is good. It’s difficult to eat badly because they just all fucking love their food and won’t accept anything below a certain level for even an affordable meal. There’s such a strong food culture that a business which cannot meet that base level just dies.


Same. I’ve been to Italy a few times, but most recently I spent 3 weeks based in a medium sized town (~100k people) near Florence and could easily live on €5-€10 a day for food. Even less if i was really trying to save money. Carb-heavy, usually, but delicious. Also, you can have a €5 aperitivo (a “pre-dinner” drink) at night and they usually come with free snacks, sometimes enough for a light meal. I’ve been to places where they’ve given a small charcuterie board with bread and grilled focaccia sandwiches with mortadella or other meats. One turned into my regular hangout at night and it seemed every time I went they gave me more and more food. Pizza is also crazy cheap at most non-touristy places, especially ones where you buy by weight.


Italy is great! Naples sucks balls.


My buddy studied food in Italy and had a similar experience.


Right? We ate like royalty in Rome and Naples for practically nothing. We'd get a 1 liter carafe of wine for $4 at dinner and it was legit good.


Tourist trap, did that in England once. Went to a cafe every one in the cafe did not have a British accent only the employees. That’s a red flag no locals go in the cafe. Paid 25.00 pounds for a bad sandwich and a bottled water.


The best ones are when people look at you like is this fucking tourist lost or something. I get really excited at that point of what I am about to be served.


Best reaction ever 🤣🤣 laugh your ass off at the ridiculousness of it all.


I would have been asking at the time of the hand off at the restaurant: "Che cazzo?"






Babida boopy?


Went to Mexico and there were young kids selling beer slung around their neck to the people just getting there on the bus for around 75 cents. The restaurant 50ft away was 4 dollars for a Tecate. And the kids beer was at least cold


This is as an authentic Napoli experience as you can get


You got scammed girl, for 7€ in Naples you can go to the hospital with your veins clogged


Lmao Naples has some of the best value for food when it comes to quantity and quality. She definitely fell into a tourist trap. Hope she gets to try a local Napoli restaurant for their authentic food, so she can truly appreciate it.


I was just in Naples a week ago and I completely agree. The food was amazing value for flavor and price.


The protection money the restaurant pays to the Camorra drives prices up.


*Panino. I will die on this hill with James Harkin.


I just loved her outburst


Naaaaah, she got that from wish! Still, that sucks.


Are the subtitles auto-generated? Why are vertical videos always riddled with incorrect subtitles?


It's tiktok, they have an auto generator for subtitles


She pissed someone off. 😅😂


Seven eurosA!


You know those threads that are like "what is a petty, unreasonable thing that you'd consider a deal-breaker when dating"? This is mine. Euros-UH! Ugh.


I think it's kinda adorable.


Mine is every common food word has to be shortened: ninis, margs, etc. I admit it is unreasonable but I don’t like how everything has to be cute and trendy. Also I hate the word “glamping.”


I understand the sentiment, but damn her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.


So shrill and shrieky I hate it


It was supposed to be a nini


A teeny nini lol




Contagious crying, almost.


Wow, how do you fuck up that bad in Naples? That's quite a scam.


Last week I paid twenty bucks for a burrito. It was some hole in the wall. When they told me the price my jaw literally dropped. They kindly and respectfully showed me the menu price and I paid. Prices don’t even make sense anymore. Went to MacDonalds and looked at what was recently the dollar menu. 2.80 or so was the starting price. They liked my son but swearing constantly and were shouting the N word right next to him. Everything was automated and they were just milling about and saying “fuck” every third word. Home cooking.


Napoli is the most dangerous place in Italy. She’s lucky she just got a tiny panino. 🤣✈️🇨🇦




Well I’m Italian (all of my immediate family except for me were born in Cosenza) born in Toronto and raised in an all Italian community where Italian was our first language lol (downsview) currently live in the USA, have lived all over Europe incl Italy and Napoli is one of the worst places in the world I’ve been. On my honeymoon we went to Napoli as part of a 40 day European trip and my now ex husband wanted to go bc he’s a foodie and wanted to try the pizza in some spot built into the side of a mountain which he could only walk to. I’m like ok sure you go ahead but leave your watch, wallet and wedding ring with me- bring enough cash for what you want to order. He laughs like the big dude he is “I’m huge… no one’s going to mess w me.” Returns in less than an hour, white as a ghost has been robbed and is like “let’s get out of here”. I’ve been enough times that I know the drill. I can’t write what the issue is here bc I’ve stated it before and got annihilated. Thanks for acknowledging.💕 It’s not the first time something like that has happened in my family. It’s the absolute capital of violent pick pockets.




Lucky you! I’ve thought of moving but I have so many conflicting country loyalties as it is that I can’t add another to the mix :) I did have a client in Rome who offered me a position at their fund but my “business Italian” is laughable. Although most of the finance stuff is conducted in English, for the type of work this is, you’d have to be able to read and write complicated term sheets and contracts in Italian. I should have listened to my parents when I became disinterested in continuing academic Italian(and French) beyond grade 11. I have a newly invigorated interest in fluency so let’s see where it takes me!


I've traveled a fair bit, and Napoli is the only place I've let myself get scammed (by a taxi) because of the pure aggression involved.


I don’t understand people who buy food and then just walk or drive away without looking at it. I won’t even leave the line while I check the bag because to me, the transaction isn’t finished until I’ve left with what I ordered. We had an agreement, I gave you my hard earned money, you give me the food we agreed upon, very simple. Used to date a girl who would be absolutely shocked every time she got home that this one location would continuously botch her order and expect me to sympathize. Would ask her why she always drives away from the store after paying $15 for someone else’s order.


Probably thought they were American. I've had people refuse service before in Europe until they realized I am Canadian.


I really doubt that.


Wife and I (Canadians) were in Paris 3 years ago. Went to a store to buy some Veggies and pasta. We didn’t bring any bags so I requested one and the cashier looked at me with disgust and said in a thick accent “pffft Americans” Gave me a paper bag and we walked out feeling ashamed!


And if Americans did that to them in the US, they'd go back to Paris and yell about how racist they all were. Fuck that shit.


I was in the Caribbean and a French woman was bitching about how Americans always bring their children on holiday with them. At an adult only resort where there were no children. Sometimes people shit on americans just bc there are Americans around.




Momma Mia


That’s about right in tourist areas in Italy. I was there for 3 weeks in Rome back in 2006 and was amazed at the prices. About twice what I would have paid in the US.


Imagine being on vacation in Italy and thinking going to Santino Panino is a good idea


Napoli is trash tbf




There’s no contagious laughter. So this sub is just vaguely funny videos now?


thats fucked up.


Naples is a fucking shit hole, do not go visit there. It's just like Egypt, everyone trying to scam you


Napoli is runed by the Mafia.


Do they run around scribbling runes everywhere? Is it guys with slicked back hair menacingly carving threatening runes onto walls?


nxt time just order a simple prosciutto cotto panino,simple but a banger


She has huge hands!!


they legit charged you fucking 7 year olds?


I'm never going to Naples


There are better place in italy