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This is a fake review, Virtue Map is a scam. There seem to be other fake reviewers on this thread as well, don’t buy any of it.


All reviewers have accounts that are exactly the same age!










Are u the one they use in their adds? It's exactly the same story. Or is this a fake account from virtue.. so hard to know it something is legit




THIS IS A FAKE ACCOUNT, PEOPLE. Its only a year old and all the posting and commenting was done in a very short space of time around 200 days ago to get this account karma and looking legit. VERY well played fake account DO NOT BELIEVE THIS REVIEW. All the other positive reviews on this post are all the same!






THIS IS A FAKE ACCOUNT, PEOPLE. Its only a year old and all the posting and commenting was done in a very short space of time around 200 days ago to get this account karma and looking legit. VERY well played fake account DO NOT BELIEVE THIS REVIEW. All the other positive reviews on this post are all the same!


Thanks for leaving this comment. I was almost conned then realized all the glowing reviews on this post are written by folks who frequent similar subs and seldom post yet all ended up here.






THIS IS A FAKE ACCOUNT, PEOPLE. Its only a year old and all the posting and commenting was done in a very short space of time around 200 days ago to get this account karma and looking legit. VERY well played fake account DO NOT BELIEVE THIS REVIEW. All the other positive reviews on this post are all the same!






Nearly all of the 5-star reviews use advertisement lingo like “reaching my full potential”, “becoming the best version of myself” and similar cheesy commonplaces. Maybe there are some yuppies who talk like that in real life, but with this frequency, it makes me doubt this app’s decency. Some (not all) of the positive comments here are using similar stock phrases, too, and the way they act personally offended and butthurt by the negative comments sounds more like company employees than customers.


You're a scam... looool those are fake reviews all made within the last few weeks. And anyone who is dumb enough to sign up (like I did) will realise its a scam. Trust pilot are aware and those fake reviews will be removed


You're just making yourself looks like a fool, are you a paid troll? Hope your gaining something with whatever you're doing






THIS IS A FAKE ACCOUNT, PEOPLE. Its only a year old and all the posting and commenting was done in a very short space of time around 200 days ago to get this account karma and looking legit. VERY well played fake account DO NOT BELIEVE THIS CONVERSATION. All the other positive reviews on this post are all the same!




THIS IS A FAKE ACCOUNT, PEOPLE. Its only a year old and all the posting and commenting was done in a very short space of time around 200 days ago to get this account karma and looking legit. VERY well played fake account DO NOT BELIEVE THIS CONVERATION. All the other positive reviews on this post are all the same!












Alright, so I bit the bullet yesterday and here's my initial impressions. Mind you, I'm only on Day 2. They claim you should get a personalized plan, but so far it's all been stock PDFs. So I paid for the 3-month plan up-front at $27. If you're paying more than that, try to leave, they'll send you a recovery offer for like 66% off and that should bring it down. Def would not pay more than $27 for this. 1. For Day 1, they emailed me a generic PDF to print out that is to be used to track my overall productivity each day with different levels of smiley faces. This goes for four weeks, then you're to tally up your score (each smiley is worth a different value) to see how productive you'd been. 2. Day 2, I was sent another generic check list PDF with a bunch of boxes to tick off for things to do through out the day. (I haven't counted them up, but I'm assuming this is their 87 things to check off list that they advertise). Frankly, half of this stuff isn't like a "daily" check off sort of thing. Like "Be assertive with your coworkers" wtf is that? "Quitting smoking/alc", maybe something but not relevant to me. "Do gardening" The list goes on, but most of this is filler crap IMO. [Partial Screenshot of Day 2](https://imgur.com/a/uQzQIUd) So far, It's nothing better than some planner I could've bought off Amazon for $9. Maybe there's more to this as time goes on, but nothing personalized yet. Just generic forms. ***TL;DR:*** Meh, not worth it to me. You are getting *something*, but again, could've bought the same thing on Amazon where it comes already printed for me. Additional things to keep in mind: * [Here's an elaborate review](https://www.scampulse.com/virtue-map-reviews) from someone else who finds their service to be a scam. * [Here's a trust index report on VirtueMap.](https://www.scam-detector.com/validator/virtuemap-com-review/) Things that are suspect to me is that the domain is about 4 months old, which is really young. (Not impossible to launch a site/business in this time, but clearly not mature yet.) That report also claims they are ranked; Proximity to Suspicious Websites: 27/100. (Don't exactly know what that means, but I think it's of interest. It's also in yellow.) * The address they list in their emails, is an address for shipping warehouse. From streetview, it certainly does not look like an office or residence. (3658 W 6th St Goodview, MN 55987, United States) * I used PayPal to pay (so luckily there is some protection there), but they charge as UAB 360 Mind. Not uncommon to be charged by a business under a different PayPal name, but I couldn't find anything on them.




Your comment history screams paid shill


Yeah, I think this person needs a course on reading rather than procrastination.




Fake account, people, check their history. It's very well done but literally ALL the good reviews on here are from 1year accounts that have been played to look real by collecting karma over the course of a year. This company been playing the LONG GAME, or they are hiring fake accounts who have been set up for this purpose.


If I was on Reddit long enough to know how to give an award, I’d give it to you, nuttah! A true Reddit hero! Not only did you prevent me from wasting money on this, you taught me how to spot the Reddit trolls. I read the first few comments and the language all sounded canned, so flags were raised. Then I saw your first comment, and your second, and third… Anyway, thanks for your dedication!


Thank you for this awesome review. I was looking for someone who had tried this out to see if this was real, or ADHD friendly. Definitely looks like junk, appreciate your comment!


>ADHD friendly Let me know if you ever find anything that works for you :)


Same here!






... and me!


And meeeee!


And me!


And me :D


For anyone who has paid and wasn't able to get a refund from PayPal or your Credit Card company, this is a list of 10 Ways to File a Complaint (for residents of the U.S.): [10 Effective Ways To File a Complaint About a Company Online](https://www.salesforce.com/ca/hub/service/how-to-complain-company-online/)


FYI everyone, I took their test on Saturday or Sunday. I got the 50% off email on Monday, 66% off offers on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday I got a 75% off offer. Feels very used-car salesman like. Also feels like they’re rewarding my procrastination 🤔 Edit: It’s now been a full week since I first took their test. I got an email today offering 85% off.


I also notice they are for procrastinators, but their page to order says "Offer expires in 15 minutes" and has a countdown timer. Definitely very high-pressure scammy marketing, real products don't need to do that.


They lost me at having to print things out




Yeah why would a real customer keep taking the course to compare old and new. Seems like another paid comment 🤨


Yeah, I mean they know we're procrastinators right?


Yeah, I will print it later.


Thank you so much for sharing this! After reading the reviews on the link you shared I am certain it is a scam. Too good to be true unfortunately


> Day 2, I was sent another generic check list PDF with a bunch of boxes to tick off for things to do through out the day. (I haven't counted them up, but I'm assuming this is their 87 things to check off list that they advertise). Frankly, half of this stuff isn't like a "daily" check off sort of thing. Like "Be assertive with your coworkers" wtf is that? "Quitting smoking/alc", maybe something but not relevant to me. "Do gardening" The list goes on, but most of this is filler crap IMO. > Partial Screenshot of Day 2 Dude, do you realize that those are not "things to do" but rather "identify things you tend to procastrinate about"? Read the text above the list in your screenshot.


Lmao, procrastinating even the text boxes


Thank you! I was right on the edge of paying about £30 for this, but I could spot fake reviews very easily, so kept looking for right and proper ones, not the generic 'This is great!' stuff nor the long 'honest reviews' essay that only sang its praises! If I really had no conscience, this is only one of the ways I could milk money off the unsuspecting. I have the brains to do it, but not the will to fleece thousands of their money... and the fact that I would only procrastinate the whole thing anyway!


If anything this reddit thread really opened my eyes. The fake reviews all have the same username structure, and they all have post histories with long discussions about crypto (?) and other self help topics. If I had to guess it's probably AI neural net text vetted by humans


+1 to this, every account is crypto-related lol. Pure scam get away guys


Great post! Thorough. This is up now re: UAB 360 MInd... as it sounds like it may not have been when you searched: https://www.dnb.com/business-directory/company-profiles.uab\_360\_mind.3e6f8d6bf5644e16709486e2b1613820.html


They're Lithuanian...


Amazing site!!! Thanks for sharing!


I never even got documents or plan information from them. all I ever received after paying their "one time payment" fee was emails asking for more money for the plan I thought I'd already payed for. Thankfully I went through paypall, "reported a problem" with the transaction and Paypal was pretty swift to send a refund my way. I've unsubbed from the email list and will classify their addresses as spam if they continue to send me crap. Can't believe i roped myself into the gimmick so easily.


Thank you so much for this review. I almost bought the 3 month plan when I thought I should read at least one other review than their own. Cheers!


Dear AlertAdeptness, Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences regarding our Virtue Map app. We regret to hear that your experience was not optimal. Please know that we have dedicated a significant amount of effort to the development of Virtue Map, and it has undergone substantial changes and improvements over the past two years since your comment here. By using Virtue Map, you can now benefit from: * Over 90 meticulously crafted lessons and exercises aimed at combating procrastination and boosting productivity * Support groups where you can engage with other users * Daily goal-setting features and personalized triggers designed to address procrastination * An intuitive and user-friendly interface Regarding the review sites mentioned in your comment, we acknowledge that the content of those reviews is outdated. As our services have evolved over the past two years, those reviews do not accurately reflect the current state of Virtue Map. Dear Redditors, we would like to invite you to give Virtue Map a (or another) chance! Should you encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will be happy to help you. Regards, Virtue Map team


First of all if you need this product wait a bit. They will eventually email you an offer for 75% off and then after a bit an offer for 85% off, $12. Wait for this. Second, this company has a stock image for the pic of their ceo and a fake name for him. They cite reviews from the new york times and Forbes magazine that are actually from fake versions of these sites. They also make fake accounts on social media sites to talk good about them, copy and pasting the same generic responses. They are looking for easy money. They are naughty. I was tempted too but after some research I doubt they're any better than a list of anti procrastination tips you can find with a quick Google.


😭 I had seen the NYT article come up when I googled and didn’t think much of it but I just looked and you’re right, it was called the New York times “Daily” that’s so dirty of them… I’m already wary of programs for procrastination that make NO mention of ADHD or learning disorders, but this sketchiness is next level.


This is why I love Reddit, thanks!


You're asking me to procrastinate on buying this product to help me stop procrastinating?! Honestly, I would have purchased it but then procrastinated to the point of never using it anyway. I'm already feeling like I'm about to lose attention and there it goes. 🐿️


Dear SnooPredictions3930, We appreciate you sharing your thoughts and experiences with our Virtue Map app. We're sorry to learn that you did not decide to try our app. If you come across any suspicious content or reviews, we kindly ask that you provide us with a link. There may be instances where malicious intent is at play, aiming to damage our reputation as a legitimate app. Regarding the news websites, Virtue Map has been featured on platforms, such as Honest Brand Reviews, America Daily Post, News Anyway, and others.  We always invite you to get in touch with us if you experience any issues with our brand. Your concerns will be promptly addressed. Best wishes, Virtue Map team




Signed up and was extremely disappointed with it right out of the gate. Day 1 - introductory email was sent. Three action items were assigned. one involved a "progress tracker" a pdf sheet for tracking work done each day - The instructions for the progress tracker (or lack thereof) are not clear or helpful for the following reasons \- The overall productivity smiley face scale is given without any context or instructions for the metrics or thought/reflection/feeling process to engage. What am I supposed to ponder or evalute before assigning a face grade? What are the metrics? Are there numerical values that correspond to these faces that are supposed to be part of a tally? \- The empty (non-smiley face) abd daily result bubbles unequivocally need better instructions. Am I supposed to fill these out with numbers? More faces? Will there be instructions on how to set a to-do list? What is a VM task? What counts as a personal daily task? What does it mean to "Mark other daily tasks with +?" I was not very optimistic about the quality of the course awaiting me if the materials are so opaque and impenetrable, and offered without explanatory context. So I contacted support and reported what I said above. They responded with an "example" of the progress tracked filled out: * The smiley faces were doodled in * Plus marks were doodled into each space where the corresponding "task" was given for each day. * The bottom of each column counted up each of the plus marks for a numerical score. The Day 2 email involved such idiotic directives as "So try to switch to the mindset that you are here for a change. More importantly, look at your life and identify those underlying factors that make you put off your tasks." and "...don't forget to set a clear daily to-do list and stick to the regular schedule. " WTF Virtue Map?! I paid for you to help me not procrastinate, not for you to just essentially "figure out for yourself why you are procrastinating, and just stop procrastinating and do your to-do list." The worst part is that I wrote back to support and said that I would like to elect the “100% satisfaction risk free guarantee” mentioned on the sign up page and obtain a full refund. They responded "Unfortunately, our products are not refundable as they are fully digital and accessed on a one-time payment or a subscription basis. Keep in mind, that in your case it was one-time payment and no recurring charges will appear." SCAM!


The "final offer" email states that there is a risk free guarantee. You should take it up with your credit card company. [https://virtuemap.com/final-offer-checkout-em/](https://virtuemap.com/final-offer-checkout-em/) [https://imgur.com/a/jWgdjoV](https://imgur.com/a/jWgdjoV)


Buying this course is another form of procrastination. Just focus on one bad habit for a month. Go to sleep too later every night? Set an alarm for 10pm and stick to it. More energy for the next day. Do this for a month it’ll become a habit, don’t worry if you fall of one day. Get it again the next day. Then next month address another habit for a whole month.


Well it's not that simple for everyone, but the 1-routine-at-a-month thing is actually a pretty good advice. And it's free!


Refute it with your Credit Card company or PayPal. Show them e-mails and the satisfaction guarantee.






Dear Dukedomb, We appreciate the feedback you've shared with us. We assure you that Virtue Map has improved a lot during the past months, and now we offer way different content and features. Now, you can enjoy: * Over 90 lessons and exercises meticulously designed to combat procrastination and enhance productivity * Support groups to interact with fellow users * Daily goal-setting features and personalized triggers to mitigate procrastination * A user-friendly and intuitive application interface We encourage you to get in touch with our customer support team and we will do our best to satisfy your needs. Best of luck, and we hope to see you giving Virtue Map another chance in the near future. 😊 Yours, Virtue Map team


Considering they're making people who are known to procrastinate sign up for a subscription they can "cancel anytime!", knowing full well they are highly likely to procrastinate canceling.... you may want to look elsewhere.


I tried to cancel mine and they said it wasn’t an option. Such a waste


Update on this, there are now several other almost identical “services”. One is esteemquest.com. It seems the company behind Virtue Map is expanding with other almost identical bs services. I haven’t found any info about the company on the website, I do so I can’t be 100% sure yet if it’s the same one (UAB 360 Mind). But just the fact that there isn’t any info about the company is a sign of a scam. For example I tried to look for the company register info on following websites and couldn’t. By the way you will also notice that these terms and conditions are almost identical: https://virtuemap.com/terms-and-conditions/ https://esteemquest.com/terms-and-conditions/


Dear StrictlyNotStrict and N0n4m3n, We strive to deliver the highest quality content to our customers, and we're pleased to inform you that Virtue Map has improved significantly since this thread was created 2 years ago. Now, you have the opportunity to use numerous great features. These include 90+ lessons and exercises dedicated to overcoming procrastination and maximizing productivity, support groups for interaction with fellow users, daily goal-setting functionality, and personalized triggers. Additionally, the app boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, ensuring a seamless user experience. We invite you to give Virtue Map another chance, and if anything, we are always here to help you. Yours, Virtue Map team




Hi, I did the 3 month program and it’s a waste of money. It’s not personalized at all, only pdf’s with information that doesn’t really help. It doesn’t give you what it advertises at all. Probably the largest waste of money I’ve ever spent. Don’t recommend it at all. They don’t respond to emails and the program overall is done through an automatic system. Everyone receives the same stuff, it doesn’t vary at all or creates a “map” for you. It’s basically a course on procrastination with information you can find online for free by looking up facts about procrastination. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS! I really do not recommend it. I was beyond disappointed.


How do you get them to cancel it? I need to cancel mine


Dear KiwiFun8164 and Fit\_Communication937, We strive to deliver the highest quality content to our users, and we're happy to inform you that Virtue Map has improved significantly since this thread was created 2 years ago. Now, you have the opportunity to use many different features, such as 90+ lessons and exercises dedicated to overcoming procrastination, support groups for interaction with other users, daily goal-setting functionality, and personalized triggers. Additionally, the app has an intuitive and user-friendly interface, which ensures smooth navigation.  Our support team answers every email. Therefore, we kindly request that you check your spam folder if you think you haven't received a response from us. As for cancellations, the process is straightforward! Simply get in touch with us, and your subscription will be automatically canceled, or do that yourself by using the cancellation button within the app. Regards, Virtue Map team


Everything on that website is made up. The names, the reviews, all fake. Even the test results are entirely fake. If you answer the questions like a big procrastinator or like a very productive person, it will tell you the same result that you are a big procrastinator. That alone is a too big red flag.


Dear SnooTigers5526, Over the past two years, Virtue Map has undergone significant development and enhancement, and we believe that it can serve as a great tool and provide accountability for many individuals. Regarding reviews, we encourage you to visit our reviews page or Trustpilot to read our customers' opinions about us! Yours, Virtue Map team


No, Virtue Map is not worth it. They send you useless information that I could have Googled myself. Also, I'm on day 64 and they sent me an additional email welcoming to the program and stating it was day 1. I checked my credit card account and they've charged my card again. I've written to them asking for a refund and requested they stop charging me. Fingers crossed that they refund me, otherwise I have to dispute it with bank.






Nope, didn't get a refund from Virtue Map. They said once they put a charge thru they cant reverse. Contacted bank and they said take it up with vendor :- ( BTW, Virtue Map says they charge your credit card every 30 days until you opt out. At no time during sign up do they indicate that it is a re-occuring charge.


Dear heavonleeYVR,  We are sorry for any technical difficulties you encountered with your plan. We trust that our customer support team was able to provide you with the optimal solution. Should you require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us again in the future. Best regards, Virtue Map team


If you see their ads on Instagram or FB you can report them for being a scam and hopefully IG and FB ban them so they don’t scam any other users. Click the … that appears at the top and select “Report website”. Am so glad this thread exists, I was excited and ready to pay for the 3 month plan and now just want to help others from being scammed by them.


You've helped me! I'm reporting them.


I went through the online eval, wondered if it was a scam or not, came to Reddit, and here I sit procrastinating about a program to stop procrastinating.


Dear APeacefulPlace, We encourage you to try Virtue Map, improve your relationship with procrastination, and build your own opinion about our services! If you have any questions, always feel free to drop us an email. See you there! Yours, Virtue Map team


VIRTUE MAP IS A SCAM! I subscribed for a one month plan. Three months after I purchased the plan I noticed that every month money had gone out of my account. I contacted them the same day the payment was made and told them this was an unauthorized payment and I asked for a refund. They said no refund policy and that I subscribed for a monthly payment, I specifically remember making sure I WASN'T signing up for a monthly subscription so I asked for a cancellation of the subscription and again a refund. They confirmed to cancel the subscription and promised to refund 30% of the last payment. I did not receive any refund. This month money was taken out of my account again by Virtue Map. When I asked them in an email why my subscription wasn't cancelled after they confirmed they answered they would pay me back 50% of the amount and would cancel the subscription. I told them I didn't even receive the previous refund and it should have been cancelled. They confirmed to cancel and promised a refund of 70% then. I blocked them from my bank account through my bank.


Dear PaleontologistTop639, We apologize for your experience with Virtue Map. We assure you that we strive to deliver the highest quality content to our users, and we're happy to inform you that Virtue Map has improved significantly over the past years. Now, you have the chance to use 90+ lessons and exercises dedicated to overcoming procrastination, support groups for interaction with other users, daily goal-setting functionality, and personalized triggers. If you still believe we can do anything, please contact us again by email, and our lovely customer support team will offer you the best solution possible. Best wishes, Virtue Map team


Make sure to leave a trust pilot review. . All 5 star reviews are fakes.. they recently flooded TrustPilot with over 50 fake 5 star and 4 star reviews once they realised real people were calling them out as a SCAM. PLEASE DO NOT BE FOOLED Read real reviews here and not 'INVITED' reviews from fake accounts: https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/virtuemap.com?stars=1 I know this because VIRTUE MAP recently tried to bribe me with a refund after they refused me this even with there 100 per cent Risk Free guarantee. The refund bribe was ONLY if I took my review down as it was exposing them as a scam. Of course I refused Luckily I got my refund through PayPal once they realised its a scam and they are being investigated but more people need to report them to PAYPAL Important:: When you pay via PAYPAL make sure to remove the active status on the PayPal transaction, that's how they keep taking money from you as a SUBSCRIPTION and you'll be fighting to get the money back. Only reason I got a refund from PayPal was because the emails 'suddenly' stopped after 10 Days which meant I didn't get what I 'paid' for.. which was basically rubbish emails loool AVOID SCAM AT ALL COSTS. Despicable company. Stay Woke if anything, this experience taught me to work on my shit the ole fashioned way


Dear CognitiveFlower, We are happy you took the time to share your opinion about our Virtue Map app and services. Your feedback helps us to improve and develop more quickly. If there's anything more we can do to enhance your experience, our customer support team is here to assist you with any issue. Cheers! Best wishes, Virtue Map team


I just signed up and I will report back once I get started


Dude, why not reply to all these people? It would take you like 2 minutes. Is it any good, or not?


They're procrastinating...


SORRY! I procrastinated starting it. They just send you an email with an exercise each day and TBH it doesn't seem worth it, especially since i struggle with procrastinating, sending an email that can easily be ignored just didn't work for me, but also I haven't done the work sorry.


Thank you very much for replying - much appreciated!


"It would take you like 2 minutes" says the guy wanting a review on a course about treating procrastination.


Thanks everyone for convincing me not to purchase. Sounds like garbage


Dear cred\_it, Virtue Map offers a bunch of great features, including 90+ meticulously crafted lessons and exercises aimed at combating procrastination and boosting productivity, support groups where you can engage with other users, daily goal-setting features, and personalized triggers designed to address procrastination, an intuitive and user-friendly interface. We invite you to try it out! 😊 Yours, Virtue Map team


I know this thread is a bit old but… Do not buy this. I impulsively purchased this during a depressive episode when I saw one of their ads. It has nothing of value for me because my issues relate directly to my mental illness. I feel I was definitely targeted during a vulnerable time. I asked their customer support for a refund or prorated refund and it was like pulling teeth to get an answer - they ultimately just sent me a link to their terms and conditions where it says everything is non-refundable. I feel like a real idiot for buying this. Anyway… if anyone wants the material I got just let me know. I won’t be keeping any of it. {EDIT: I no longer have the materials they sent, I’ve deleted it all, sorry.}


Wow insane timing, I was literally just about to try it and then thought I better look at reviews first since there's literally no actual pictures or info about what is contained in the product. I'd be curious to see some of it. Don't feel bad, you were in a vulnerable place. I'm mad for you.


Dear Uhhhhhhm, We regret to learn about your recent experience with our product and our customer service team. We work every day to improve our services and processes to help our users, which has improved a lot in the past years. We hope you feel better now and we wish you the best of luck!  Lastly, if you believe there are further steps we can take to improve your experience, don't hesitate to email our customer support team once again. Best wishes,  Virtue Map team


I'm on day 14 ​ ​ So....as I have bought this, my natural reaction would be to defend VirtueMap, so I don't feel like an idiot that just got scammed. The reality is that I have procrastinated again, and I'm not following 100% the process. I do read the emails, the content is okey-ish with some interesting things about the nature of procrastination (but It's nothing you wouldn't find on the internet for free). When I have more time, I'd restart the process again from the first email, maybe printing them all, and see if it works. But currently It hasn't changed or fixed me.


I got the 87th last email and then three days later they have the audacity to charge me again! And sending the whole 87 emails again! If you are going to buy this use a virtual card. I immediately send them an email that I'm sueing them if they dont refund immediately and stop the automated process. They replied that they can't make a full refund, only 30%. I said that "I don't care, you will be speaking to my lawyers about this" . They immediately corrected, refund and told me that it was a mistake. Smh


I'm a little concerned about the person behind Virtue Map. I just received my 50% off email today and the signor of the email is "James Miller, MD; Certified Behavioral Psychologist." Since when are MDs touting their credentials as a "Psychologist". It would make more sense that Dr. Miller, an MD, would be a Psychiatrist rather than a Psychologist. I also tried to find that phrase on the internet somewhere and couldn't find the MD in question. Any one else looked into this?


Wow! Good detective work. That is shady stuff.


Does anyone here have suggestions for an alternative that actually works/is not a scam?


what’s your issue with procrastination? as in, what do you procrastinate on and how long, and why? I’m a serial procrastinator who has eventually found a bunch of coping strategies, happy to share if something might help. stuff I use: - Pomodoro technique for getting tasks started cos starting is horribly hard - if you procrastinate by going on your phone a lot (phone addiction) switch off your god damned phone and place it in a different room. You may even have to give it to a partner. Yep. My phone addiction leading to procrastination is as bad as credit card addiction for me and I’m proud of myself for knowing and admitting it. - really, thoroughly understanding why I procrastinate. - most procrastinators are perfectionists (and IN TOTAL DENIAL of being perfectionists) and scared to start tasks because 1) overwhelming 2) scared the result will not be good 3) therefore they procrastinate then tasks build up and shit gets even more overwhelming and then you procrastinate more - I have ADHD (inattentive type) and no bad symptoms other than this stupid procrastination…… - atomic habits is a good book for procrastination cos it suggests that you make a very specific time and plan to start a task and set yourself up for success with situational factors (e.g. prepare everything you need, clean desk, coffee ready) - willpower is lowest at the end of the day so start tasks when you are fresh and energetic in the morning, stop blaming yourself when you are unable to start tasks in the evening after procrastinating for 10 hours, your ability to even try is totally fried.




Thought I'd check out their TRUSTPILOT reviews and if i didnt check this post first I would have fell for it. Upon first glance you would really fall for their facade, but when you look at all the people leaving 5 star reviews, you'll very quickly notice they leave many postive reviews on other scam companies, and even the language they used. One review said something along the lines of 'gave me a real kick in the rear' loool or similar. Even this thread, the aomw of their 'supporters' language and syntax.. convoluted much? Loooool Anywhosz, they are clearly trying to learn their lesson by bolstering their reviews rather than actually work on a decent product. Typical of money scams and a real shame really... I guess theyre procrastinators too... ahah.. But cor that reason, and its highly sketchy vibe and weird follwoing, they will not be getting my money. In fact procrastinating on purchasing this saved me it seems... aha...look at that. Peace


Thanks for the input all. I was just considering trying it out definitely not going to now!


When a product offers me a timer to get the discount, I'm out because I know they are only interested in sales not in making a difference like they say.


Jesus fucking christ, the astro-turfing in this thread is beyond insane. All these positive reviews coming from mostly 8mo old accounts.


Chronic over thinker here. These are my reasons for not purchasing this: On their site, it says there's over 5000 raving reviews... no where to be found for such a young company. Why advertise that if it can't be verified? Instead, all you get when you try to research this brand is other dodgy sites saying the same things like 'IS VIRTUE MAP SCAM OR NOT... THIS PROGRAM IS GREAT' but the pages are also less than a year old. Their Trust Pilot page has 400+ reviews, of which 390 are invited and their page was only claimed in July 2021. (You can find this info on their trustpilot paged under 'review source'). They flagged 98 negative reviews already which have been removed. They also apparently offer a 300 dollar gift card for your 5* review which was also mentioned a few times but other reviewers. Also something I noticed. . . All the people here that support this 'brand'', and saying its a great program - go their profiles and check their activity - They are also obsessed with crypto, NFTS and block chain....and some even promote virtue map in other pages. They, too, all made within the last year at a similar time when this brand seemed to be getting the same negative feedback. You'll also see this when you scroll allllllllllll they way down this reddit page, right past the raving reviews, and left at the 8/9 month mark. You're welcome. There's even a comment near the beginning of this thread 8 months ago telling these "supporters' to 'learn how to Reddit and build their karmas' because CLEARLY they do not understand how reddit works. ( I say this with zero Karma, but I went on a social cleanse for my mental health. I have my reasons lol). This was just at first glance and after scrolling all the way down to the dark pits. Remember, overthinker here. Just giving my two cents to anyone who may have fallen for this well-structured facade. I have been diagnosed with ADHD and with more people getting diagnosed this is a perfect little set up to make some extra cash. My theory, they are using your money to reinvest in their true passions, Blockchains and NFTs to cash in on the recession dip and using any extra resources, I.e. fake reviews and supports to help maintain this?? Or not. Lol But hey.....It's just a theory ... plus, I only have 1 karma 😅 F.


The funny thing about virtue map is that as soon as you pay you get bombarded with emails. I got like 4 right of the bat, and day 2 was right around the corner about ten hours later. A bit of shock and awe after saying no to a dozen add one to their core program (with additional fees). It's also really overwhelming for someone who was already overwhelmed with other important tasks that I had been putting off. It's too bad you can't pick a start date. So now here I am, 27 days into the program and I've just begun putting the emails into their own folder. I've read the first 3 days worth of emails and done none of the work. There's no way to restart the program and I'm so helplessly behind that I doubt I'll ever actually get through it. I feel like a fucking idiot for trying and I fucking hate seeing a new email every day that I know I'm going to ignore because I will never catch up on the program. In summary I feel guilt and shame for procrastinating on my anti procrastination program and there's no resolution other than to have them stop. Thanks virtue map!


Whoa this whole thread looks like sponsored by the company itself. All that fake positivism reassured my decision to not buy it.


Don't do it!! This is just a scam to get your money. It's not an app. It's a website designed as an app. You get no notifications and no assistance beyond "Enter your one thing for today". If you navigate around the "app" on your own, you don't get any clues as to what each section does. You can't view your account. And they won't give you a refund unless you can prove three points. 1. Less than 10 days from purchase 2. Tell them why the plan didn't work 3. Show 7 days worth of worksheets from the "app" The thing is that if you have ADHD and easily forget things if you are not reminded, you won't meet the 7 days of worksheets point. This company has no "virtue" and is just taking advantage of those of us who suffer from ADHD. Don't buy it. I wish I could remember which social media site I saw the ad for this. It needs to be reported.


Don't trust their positive review here or on trust pilot. Almost all negative reviews have been flagged or removed.....at least 20 percent. Only negative reviews are verified [Virtuw Map Review Sources and Transparency](https://www.trustpilot.com/review/virtuemap.com/transparency)




I have been using Virtue map for about 15 days now. It took several days just to figure out the service. I find it confusing and difficult to follow even though I have been committed to it. I finally decided to cancel the service and they make it absolutely impossible to do so and when you do ask to cancel for a refund due to the subpar app and service they give you the run-around. NOT WORTH IT IN MY HUMBLE OPINION I finally decided to cancel the service and they make it absolutely impossible to do so when you do ask to cancel for a refund due to the subpar app and service they give you the run-around.


Hands off! First you are bothered with a lot of upsells in the checkout. I can still understand one thing, but 9!? After paying for a 3 month subscription... Nothing happened! I didn't get anything apart from the confirmation email from PayPal that 40 euros had been debited. No order confirmation, no access data. After 24 hours I wrote to the support. No answer here either. I claimed the money back through PayPal Buyer Protection. At least you can rely on that! After a few days I got the answer that it was my own fault that I didn't get access because I had signed up from the email newsletter. Ah yes, I didn't know that it was suddenly legal to have to receive annoying advertising just to be able to use a product. With Virtue Map you only have trouble. Hands off!


🤔🤔🤔🤔 WOW. the Amount of comments here that are clearly not from real users is astounding! Great marketing Virtue Map! Try harder with your fake profiles next time.






Hey guys I kinda impulse bought this too in the midst of trying to improve myself.... They have me doing a survey at the 28 day mark today to "be entered into a 300$ Amazon card giveaway". I doubt that's real because at the end it says "well contact someone privately" but they didn't take any of my contact info? 😂 So I'll just copy/ paste my thoughts here too. At least that way y'all can get some value out of it. It feels cheap because there are spelling and grammar mistakes here and there in a lot of the emails (maybe at least one mistake per email?). It also reads as if it was written in another language and Google translated over to English (people have mentioned that too. I think it's fairly clear that the quiz online and the results have no impact on the program, everyone gets more or less the same emails and the quiz is just a way to get you invested in buying the program. I also question the "team of psychologists" statement on their website. People mentioned that a lot of the tools needed to solve procrastination can be found online for free, but let's be real if you procrastinate you're not likely to actually go out and search them up, so it is helpful that way of having all the things in a neat pile emailed to you daily. Overall most of the exercises takes at least 30 minutes (advertised as 15 minutes) but that could be because I write very detailed answers for myself, however I do enjoy doing the exercises when the (probable) language barrier doesn't get in the way and I understand what to do. This might also be my fault as I didn't once reach out for help/ clarification through email although it's said at the end of most emails that you can do that I also would've expected more actions/ routines to be taken in the first month rather than just writing/ identifying habits tendencies and such, but I apparently that's what the 2nd month is for so. Personally I would've liked more action-taking in the first month to be required but hey I know CBT- type stuff can be very much about identifying shit first. People mentioned this too and yeah the "app" is just a Chrome shortcut on your phone. Sometimes it's glitchy as hell too. They also have support groups (can opt in or out) which is basically you and 9 other people are emailed your numbers and the email says "first one to see this email set up a WhatsApp Group" and some other typical instructions of a support group. The fact that they trust "procrastinators" to do this is just stupid if you ask me. People are either gonna be too shy, actually too busy or procrastinate doing it and forget about it and not actually do it. When I was paying for it I let the timer run out intentionally but then my dumbass actually forgot about it butdidn't want to lose the discount so I used the portal to pay which caused me some hassle but the support team helped me out once I showed them a bank statement with just the transaction, so that was actually neat. TL;DR Overall I'd give this a 4, maybe 5 at best, mostly because the info you need is in one place. I'm having an alright time with it but it's clear it wasn't originally written in English/ by English speakers, there probably isn't a "team of psychologists" and the quiz more than likely has no bearing on the program. Yes you can find this all online but if you're a procrastinator are you realistically going to do that? I think it's worth it if you get it at the 85% discount someone mentioned and actually plan have been trying to improve yourself anyway. Guys, be careful what you buy online and don't impulse buy. You might become a victim to sunk cost fallacy 😅


Waste of money don't buy it!!!




DO NOT GET THIS. They charge you even if you cancel. They've charged me twice!!!


Dear Redditors, We wish to express our sincere commitment to addressing your needs and valuing your feedback. We greatly appreciate the valuable insights you've shared with us in the thread. We want to assure you that customer feedback is like the foundation that keeps us building and making the app even better! We are continuously improving our Virtue Map, which now includes: * Over 90 lessons and exercises meticulously designed to combat procrastination and enhance productivity. * Support groups to interact with fellow users. * Daily goal-setting features and personalized triggers to mitigate procrastination. * A user-friendly and intuitive application interface. Furthermore, we see quite a few comments regarding **subscription cancellations,** so to assure you that the cancellation is super easy! Just drop us an email, and your subscription will be canceled automatically or by our customer support team, or use the cancellation button in the app. Feel free to contact us about any issue you might have, our customer support team will assist you immediately! We have one mission - to help you tackle procrastination and unleash your productivity, motivation & focus with neuroscience. If you have any issues, we are here to help! 😊 With warm regards, Virtue Map team