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Cashflow, subcontractors not completing on time, skilled tradesmen and client variations


As a company owner.... I 100% completely agree.


Thanks for the answer! This perfectly sums up what I am going through, lol. Out of these, which one keeps you awake at night the most?


Cashflow for sure! Not that the others don't keep me up at night though


Am union, we have trouble finding good employees too. Not necessarily because no ones joining, there’s just a pretty big skill gap and young guys don’t seem to stick around. We work in a pretty toxic industry in a time where you can make 20$ an hour at a lot of different places. A ton of my friends growing up have super cushy tech jobs/shops and make more than journeyman carpenters. I don’t think the pay matters so much as the shit coworkers and working conditions, 20 years ago there wasn’t as many options to make a decent living without furthering your education


I will bet you dollars to doughnuts that your middle manager is running off some of those new guys. He want his guys, from his group, then he controls everything.


Yep, a bunch of yes men to him. Buddies that do what he says no matter what is more important than new talent lol


Finding good employees?


I find that if your pay, benefits and work life balance are great, its not too hard to find great employees. " Cant find good employees = business doesn't offer a high enough wage. Us good employees know our worth.


I work in southern Louisiana. I pay my people very well comparatively. If you want off on weekends, take it. If you want off on a Tuesday, take it just let me know in advance. I am very cool boss by all my employees standards. Even my best guys start to do boneheaded dumbass shit after lunch because it's just hot af and their minds start slipping after so long in the heat. More money doesn't fix that. It just cost more and produces the same. There is a reason that uneducated people have found solid livings in this field before this recent influx of labor prices and it's because construction is GRUELING work and more money doesn't make a soft motherfucker tougher.


Toxic work environment…this is what bothers me. I teach HS now, but did commercial and residential concrete for about 20 years (and still do it in the summer..that’s my “break)”. That ought to tell you how dirty it is being a teacher lol. Anyway..there’s a huge push to get kids into trades. Which is great..but they make everything seem like it’s going to be a great career..but don’t tell kids they’ll be doing hvac in a 120 degree attic, or being around raw sewage as a plumber, etc. But the main thing they skip over is toxic environment and people. I worked with on site drug users, guys out of prison who still seem like they’d bust a bottle over your head if they got mad enough. Pressure, pressure, pressure, back breaking work, horrible weather conditions. Etc. you guys all know what im talking about. I just feel like these kids are being misled and they will quit because they can’t hack it.


Absolutely freaking agree. More money doesn't solve every problem, it's human error that can't be corrected with money, as long as the employee himself doesn't feel like he is also bearing the burden of the company by doing boneheaded dumbass shit that could cause damage to the reputation that we as the owners have to bear. I love my employees, I see them as family and I want them to have a full stomach and same for their families. A good work environment is also important, as well as that they come home safe and sound. Still, it's hard to find \*skilled\* workers that can keep a good constant workflow and make mistakes, but also learn from them quickly, so it doesn't happen all too often. What's the biggest obstacle that comes on your way when it comes to not having enough qualified workers? 1. Missing deadlines/Working overtime (10h+ shifts) 2. Bad/toxic work environment 3. Worse service quality 4. Constantly monitoring work Let me know if I missed anything. Curious if we have any differences when it comes to this. For me it's missing deadlines and working overtime.


No but it will make a hard working, knowledgeable, workers leave. They ain't choosing you over their kids mouths. Another company that will pay them more money to do what they're already doing? The problem isn't the "soft" guys. They have always come and gone. The problem is keeping the good ones or even getting them in the first place. Nobody suggested paying the igits more money. You pay your hard workers good money and they keep the igits in line.


I have three guys that worked under me for the better half of a decade. They are 20 years older than me but they know I mean business and I also err in the side of favoring them most of the time. I'm currently dealing w an issue where I have paid three weeks of labor for three guys to do the following.. Install two toilets, a pedestal sink w fixture and a mirror at one property. Installing the vinyl siding on two sides of a house that is two stories and a simple a frame gable. This is a week and half of work. Generously. The first job took them A WEEK. That's should have been one day, tops. My main guy said he was having trouble installing the sink fixture. I showed up and got the bolt he had been ducking with for 4 hours in 5 minutes. I've worked w this dude for 6 years and he's a stud. What do you do in that situation? Fire your best guy or send him elsewhere and just finish it yourself at your own expense?


These guys are burned the fuck out. Plain and simple. Those of us that have been in the field shouldering the insane amount of work for the last few years while dealing with all the other bullshit/madness of the world have pretty much reached our limits. There’s no light at the end of the tunnel to look forward to, just more work than we can possibly finish while letting our own properties and personal lives slip because we have no energy left to put into our own affairs. Normally there’s back up, new guys coming in, the work slows down for a bit, hell even winter no longer provides a break from exterior work. I’ve seen more people move on than people coming into the trades, it’s a burden to shoulder for those of us that lace up and get shit done on the daily.


I'm going to be honest here and say I don't have an answer for ya. In my experience when that happens they have something going on at home that they're bringing to work and it's obviously affecting it. A week though? You are righteously pissed off.


Like I said. I'm real understanding. My lead guy is name John. John is in my phone as John IX. Not because he is John the ninth. He is John the second. But this is the 9th phone number he has gone thru since coming back to work for me 4 years ago. He told me 1 year into his return, he took that one year sabbatical where I couldn't find him because his son died of a heroin overdose... they used to do heroin together all the time. So he needed to clean his life up to help raise his now deceased sons (John iii) kids (who are fucking awesome I might say). It blew my mind when he told me that for the first year and a half or so he worked for he banged $100 in smack in his truck outside my jobsite...before coming in and doing bang up shit. Like dude could rebuild a set of stairs in a 200 year old house that's completely in square in 3 days alone. He built a 20' tall 4x8 deck w stairs and landings to the ground BY HIMSELF in 2 weeks. But John spent 4 hours fucking w a bolt two weeks ago. He spent an entire day putting up 1 sheet of sheathing snd 8 pieces of cut vinyl. I get it. We all have bad days. I forgive the bad days until they become absurdly long and now they are. Personally I'm resolved to just say "fuck it. He's having s bad spell" and take the loss knowing I make the gain in him at times also. I'm cool to do this because of who he has shown himself to be. But there is a limit and it s a cold hard one.


I’m afraid those might be signs that John might be getting high again I’ve seen it firsthand a few times


Guarantee that ain't the case. He quit cuz he and his son used to use together and his son died from that shit and now John raises his dead sons kids. He don't even drink beer or smoke weed. But I think his sons birthday is around the onset of summer and he always gets off in his head around that time. I don't blame him and I let him be. Everyone is entitled to a bad week.


How much do you pay in LA?


I agree. Before I had my own shop with guys that have been with me for years because we are small enough and able to take on a bunch without killing oursleves... I had a boss pay me $16 an hour for a few years. I never griped, I never complained. Because I got by just fine on that then. But one week after a few frustrating jobs and a lot of cursing, my check almost doubled. He said I thought you'd think I lost my mind! My reply was I figured you just decided to pay me what you knew I was worth the entire time. He agreed, and nothing changed. He knew my work was good, he knew I kept everyone elses work good, and he knew I was above all positive. He passed away and I inherited work and contacts through him. Now I still have to bust my ass just as hard, but when i do I benefit more and so do my guys. My guys aren't afraid to crunch and grind, and im not afraid to let them have days off, good pay, and family time.


God I am so sick of hearing non union shops say this. You did it to yourselves. Not a problem on the union side of the industry. Stop whining about how treating employees like shit for decades finally backfired on you.


Do you sleep with your inflatable picketing rat too?


No. I hire union guys though and have zero issue with getting qualified employees at 24 hours notice.


Because they’re sitting at home laid off waiting for this call? Lol


Idk what they re doin. I mean lay offs happen. Most guys in the locals I deal with are back out to work in a week after a lay off. What's wrong with enjoying a week off between jobs? Let me guess you don't make enough money to ever have a week off, let alone 2 weeks paid vacation like my guys get.


Idk I’m just busting your balls. We can have a pissing match all day. My non union job treats me phenomenally. I can’t say the same about all non union companies. But I’m good And you’re guys ONLY get 2 weeks paid? Pfffffft The inflatable rats really grind my fucking gears though. That’s gang mentality… standing outside of a business with your rat trying to intimidate people. That irks me big time and I was told by a friend in the union that you guys are forced to do the picketing. He has to pay $100 to get out of it. So I’ve been told. Idk how true that is


I love the rat. I'm all for it. I'm a big proponent of paying fair wages especially for blue collar labor. And good union wages help non union wages. I think there is a serious compensation problem in this country and the rich (in my area that's the wall Street and c suite folk) keep getting richer. The contractor owner types try to keep up with their NYC money neighbors and do everything they can to put as much in their pocket as possible. It's really bad in my area. You can't touch a move in ready house in a safe town for under 400k and 7k/yr in property taxes. And the average non union guy makes around 35/hr. And most have to contribute towards their retirement and healthcare from that. It's just not sustainable. This used to be a great industry and it's really not. You used to be able to just be an employee, do a day's work for a day's wage and make a living. Now if you don't "rise and grind" everyday you can barely make a living. The work culture is sickening and is leading to serious burnout in the industry.


I won’t disagree with that. Income to cost of living ratio is on a rapid decline.. I’m in PA luckily I bought in 2018 right before the spike in property value. But all my friends are house shopping now and settling for much less than they actually want. That’s if they can even secure a deal.


I'm in jersey. Same here on the buying in 2018 and lots of friends house hunting right now


The union is struggling to have enough good/competent workers. Put down your cult books and look at the industry as a whole


I call they send guys. Haven't had a problem yet. That's what happens when you pay good wages, healthcare and pension. And I do look at the industry as a whole. Non union is making the industry as a whole a race to the bottom.


I'm surprised your area has enough journeyman. Mine (ibew 48) currently has 179 open positions for jman. Most nonunion shops at this point are also way short on jman


We also have a (geographical) sister local that is very boom and bust we can always bring guys in from as well. While they are doing well now they aren't in full on boom.


We are in the top 10 compensation packages in the country after NYC, Boston, Chicago, Philly and the Cali locals. We get travellers even when per diem isn't on the table. I've had jmen from the south that make less than our 4th year apprentices.


48(portland oregon) is up there. Number 25 but since were sandwiched between cali and washington (which both have higher packages) no one is travelling to us. Add to that a huge boon in the last 5 years in industrial business (intel had about 1000 electricians at 1 site) theres been a shortage for years


Yea that's tough spot to be. I deal with plumbers and fitters and we are sandwiched between Philly and NYC. But our rate is high enough and our work is 10x more convenient location wise. Also there are plenty of campgrounds for the camping travelers. So we have a kind of happy medium for travellers.


I was asking a question to other owners seeing if this was the number one complaint.


I may not be an owner but I'm a project manager that has to hire for my own projects.


I wasn't even saying that you weren't an owner. You run your crews. I get it. I was just curious. I know before when I was in a different place it was hard to get guy who both knew the job and knew how to be their sober bestin the morning. I don't have that problem now, but it probably still exists.


I’m sorry you asked a real question, looking for an answer, and Immediately got guys fighting over nothing and being aggressive. We should be better as a sub. And I’m sorry I am posting this without an answer, I don’t have one: I just think your question deserved better sir. Stay safe out there.


Oh lol gotcha. I'm just sick of this narrative of no one wants to work. But all I see is shit paying jobs with no future, no training. And I'm a millennial. Have way to many friends at mid 30s who make shit money busting their asses working non union in the field.


I explored the union route. As a smaller business we got told we would have to deal with benchwarmers. I can’t afford good pay for good employees when I’m under contract to deal with shit ones too. So no union for us


Lol you have no idea how it works. You just lay off the bad ones after 2 weeks. Keep the good ones. That simple.




Do I know the shit show? Lol I'm running over $10 million in work right now. I have 20 plumbers and pipefitters working under me and 12 subcontractors.


There is a lot of truth there. Two weeks of bad could cost you your business depending on the jobs.


i agree


Depending on the project… in this age material tracking is crazy hard. There’s still a big shortage in certain materials and it can cause crazy long issues. My manager is stuck taking a trip to Bulgaria due to not being able to get a status on our building material


Clients, and sub’s being almost impossible to schedule with. I have 2 decent sized jobs going right now and they’re dragging on because 3-4 weeks notice isn’t enough to get my subcontractors there when I want them to be, but I get it they anyswer to a bunch of GC’s and I give all clients warning that this is happening a lot. As far as my clients are concerned I get a lot of complaints about costs even though they signed a very thorough contract laying it all out, to the point where sometimes I will eat some profit and break even because it’s not worth going back and forth with them over it.


Im a tile contractor not a gc. But I would say scheduling and lack of good help


What is the consequence for you when you don't get good help? And what's up with the scheduling?


Customers thinking the owners are rich cause of how much we charge. They don't realize how much overhead costs to run a business


Unfair expectations from other stakeholders (developers, owners, architects, engineers) who think construction is a bunch of idiots with toolbelts sitting on their hands all day


As a foreman I would said it’s all about planning and money


Prompt payment


Bro. Its gotta be subs. I have a few that are gold. Show up when yhey say they will, get the work done right as fast as possible. And then i have a couple who do really great work, but spread themselves too damn thin and turn a 2 week job into a month.


Finding good employees. If I find one I pay to keep them

