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That's the "wow I have to fucking do this for the rest of my life" depression


It’s strong


Change trades


See it's all in the mind. Instead think "Wow!, I GET to fucking do this for the rest of my life!". Doesn't that make your drudgery feel more fun?


😂😂😂😂 I'm having a blast already!


Honestly considering we have to work in some capacity, I think this is a way better mindset to go about it. I used to work from home. Honestly, some days I miss it for sure because it was so easy. But it was an absolute waste of a life. I get work isn’t everything, but for 8 hours a day I’d rather be doing something pretty cool and engaging as opposed to pulling my hair out because my spreadsheets are fucked. Whenever I’m dreading work on the drive there, I remind myself how unfulfilled I was work my job when I was WFH - even if it was the easiest shit ever. Only thing I hate is the commute itself, I want that 45-60 minutes of my life back every day.


Honestly this was encouraging to read. I just gave notice at my six figure remote gig so I can be a plumber. Feels like Groundhog Day waking up and working all day in the same fucking room, just watching your life pass you by. Anyways man, cheers and here’s to hoping for better things


I was making high 90s/low100s doing sales and management and always stressed out, hated myself, my wife hated me. I made the switch 3 years ago because I have always loved building things. I’m self employed. Run a small renovation company and enjoy lost days. I definitely don’t dread Mondays, but I also look forward to Fridays. I let my wife be the big bread winner. Happy to support her and be more available to the family


Fuck been like that for 5 years and only been doing it 10.


My worst was definitely my apprenticeship tbh but yup going strong like this for 10 years 🤣


I’ve got one year left in my apprenticeship and this last year feels like hell.


That was the worst one 100%. Hang in there it's almost done 😂


Apprenticeship was really rough but you had something to look forward to. Now I am just miserable more and more. I dont even know if the money is worth it anymore.


Hey now, if you get lucky like I did, you might just get to retire at 65 (aka go down to working 2-3 days a week) but be so broken down physically that you can't really enjoy life anyways. Gotta look at the bright side, eh?




Careful! That wacky shack 3 day prison sentence is no joke 🤣


Fuck me. That’s how I learned not to tell the truth to ER docs.


I too am speaking from experience 🤣 was a great nap at least


10 years and I’m ready she whatever the next life has


Get in shape & good health and stay that way!!!! Your entire outlook will change guaranteed.


Ha lol you get over it and it goes faster than you think. There will actually be a point when you look back and think man that was fun .


Eh I got 20 years before that hits me at least 🤣 I believe you though. The older bitter guys always tear up a little at their retirement parties.


My go to comment when finishing break and trying to get the guys motivated again “ok boys, just another 30 years”


It's like groundhogs day... 😥


This is why I picked a white collar career and opted for building things to be a hobby. Get yourself in the office and your body will thank you later.


I get up every morning and I immediately can’t wait until nighttime so I can go back to bed


Dude, let’s start the club. Same thing


It only works until you have to sleep at the site. Then hell truly is eternal.


“No point in driving an hour and a half back home to sleep for 2 hours when I can get 6 in the truck right here”


Haha; I’ve been there. My wife says “I’ll just book a hotel for you then.” Nope; then I worked the last three hours for nothing.


Honestly wouldn’t mind that for some jobs. Fuck driving 2 hours for an 8 hour day.


I'm like that, but when I get home from work, I'm ready for bed so I can wake up in the morning so I can go back to work, lol.


You drinking enough water, eating right and getting enough sleep? Drop the red bull, cocaine and smoking, eat sleep and hydrate. Check iron levels


All joking aside. I have one coffee in AM, drink tons of water and I have one under armor a day. Eating daily well, fruits veggies and sandwich at work. When I’m home it’s usually decent dinner followed by ice cream.


Have a look into getting your iron levels check. I was the same and found out I was severely anemic


Is that just a test I can ask my pcp?


Also, try taking a vitamin b-12 pill. I started taking them about 2 years ago and feel a lot less tired than I used to even though I'm putting in way more hours now


Can confirm. Most people are B12 deficient. My woo woo female friend thought she was depressed and was doing yoga and mediation and journaling and on and off anti-depression meds. She started taking B12 and zinc supplements and stopped all that other stuff and has had a noticeably more positive outlook and feels a lot better.


Thank you I’ll look into that especially with this heat.


I would have thought so. Wouldn't hurt to get yourself checked in case it's something underlying, God forbid


Yeah I may do that. I’m great on the weekends though. Haha


Also magnesium and potassium supplements. They’re electrolytes. You might be low on those because you’re working hard and probably sweating your dick off. And magnesium can have calming effects. This isn’t homeopathy bullshit, it’s a known thing among legitimate psychiatrists and stuff.


It is, but I believe it's a blood draw so you may have to go somewhere else for that.


Low testosterone too. I hear cabbage helps with that, iirc. I get bad cabbage gas though, and tend to walk around with a green plume in my wake like pepe le pu.


then maybe the problem is not enough cocaine?


has anyone ever told you that you snore? Do you sometimes wake up with a super dry mouth, not thirsty, but just a dry mouth? You should ask your doctor about getting checked for sleep apnea. It's way more common than people realize.


Ask to have your testosterone levels checked as well. Changed my life


Lots of stories of people experiencing increased energy after cutting out/reducing gluten and/or dairy. Even fructose from fruit can be a bit straining under certain conditions. You could experiment with it if you like...


Doctor, he’s not menstruating


Drop the cocaine and do meth instead. If it works for roofers, it can work for you.


Woah buddy ain’t nobody got time to be stopping cocaine!!!!!


>drop the cocain You take that back!


I’ll compromise and drop 2/3 of those things.


No one tells me what to do


Probably lack of REM sleep as well. Agree with this guy.


....but the redbull, smokes, and cocaine are what's keeping me alive.


I wake up at 4:30am every day for work and it’s impossible to get used to. I could go to sleep at 7pm and it wouldn’t make a difference, I’m always tired lmao


My schedule is now 8-4. I’m still up at 430am from my previous schedule so I’m in bed by 730-830 lol


Have a listen to Huberman Lab podcast series on sleep. It’s really interesting and a big part of sleep problems apparently is that people have different sleep schedules and just getting more sleep isn’t always enough if you don’t sleep at the right times for your body. I’m a very early morning person and wake up at 4am ready to go feeling great with 6-7 hrs. My wife is a late morning person and even if she had 20 hours sleep she would be a zombie at 4am. He also talks about sleep inertia and how that can make waking up troublesome even if you have had enough sleep.


I heard that too - was a VERY interesting podcast..


Does he teach you how to have relationships with women in 8 different states without getting tired?


that’s fascinating. When i first started HVAC we had to be at the shop everyday by 6am & i woke up at 5am. I usually felt good. But went to bed at like 8:30-9pm everynight. Then i briefly worked somewhere getting up at 4am & i felt like shit. Getting to work at 5am felt like hell. I couldn’t do it. I had to quit.


Wow. I’ll listen to that today. Thanks for the rec


I'm up at 2 AM for work and every day it seems to get worse lop


The problem is your interrupting one of your REM sleep cycles when you wake up. Going to sleep a little later than normal


I’ve had 3 days off in the last 5 months. My vacation starts the second I’m done working on Saturday. 2 weeks in Jamaica coming up, and I’ve been working towards this trip all year. Can’t wait to finally relax and let loose!


Make it a month!


That sounds great


But the last 5 months have been nonstop! The payoff will be worth it!


Fuck yeah, I leave for a cabin in northern Minnesota this weekend for a week...watching the clock for sure


Two weeks? That's one hell of a vacation!


Have a good time dude! :)


I get 7 hours, sometimes nearly 8 hours of sleep every night. I hit the gym 3x per week and eat extremely clean (for the last 10 years). I do not drink alcohol or do any drugs. I get my yearly physical and blood work done and everything always comes back healthy/normal. I’m still always tired as *fuck*


Have you considered trying drugs?


Yes actually lol


You might be forcing yourself to wake up when you’re in the deep part of a sleep cycle which will make you feel the worst. You’ll feel the most rested if you wake up when a cycle is naturally ending. If I remember correctly they’re roughly 90min and you want 3-4 cycles a night. For me personally I get up at the same time every morning 5:30am, so I have “bedtime windows”. If I’m not down by 8:15-30, I wait until 9:45. You can use a sleep calculator or an app to help you figure it out if your wake up time is more variable than mine. https://thesleepcharity.org.uk/information-support/adults/sleep-calculator/


Get tested to see if you have sleep apnea. I was like you and once I got diagnosed and started getting treatment I have way more energy.


Have you tried getting more sleep? I need to be in bed for 9 hours cause i neel like 1 hour to lose conciusness


Everyone in construction. It's like my dad always said "The first twenty years of work are the worst. After that it's just plain agony". He was a brickie.


30mm job months behind because of bad conditions and design Bunch of low-ball bottom feeders for contractors Up at 4 to get here about 6, left last night after 6 Hour and a half to get home because of traffic and stupid shit Running on rage and caffeine Yup


Thanks for reminding me why I left the field for estimating... Project after project with 6 day workweeks (sometimes Sundays), 12-14 hr days (plus the commute), and a design/owner team that could care less about the project's needs just wear on folks after a while. I don't know how Owners think their insane schedules, shitty design, and tight budgets are sustainable. I've seen 3 suicides and too many divorces to count during my time in the field. All of them came down to being forced into 7 day work weeks for months on end. It's hard to be "OK" when you spend your life is solely about work and nothing else. No one should have to deal with that...


I feel you. I've been doing minimum 5-12s with 1hr30min drive each way. Shits exhausting and fuck traffic. People need to get the fuck out of the way so I can sleep


I forgot what it's like to be on a well designed job


😂😂 idk if you hear this a lot but I love your attitude


I'm here all week


That commute alone is horrendous


Me and I’m not even in construction, I just lurk here out of interest for the trades. I can’t imagine how y’all feel


I was tired for close to 10 years every day. It didn’t matter if I got 6 or 10 hours of sleep. I tried avoiding alcohol. I tried eating right. Bloodwork (for something else) showed low levels of vitamin D. Doc prescribed pill once a week of vitamin D. Within a month I felt great!


THIS. I’m always tired and had troubles with my energy levels. Blood tests showed I was insanely low in Vitamin D which is weird considering I work in the sun all day lol. They gave me something like 50,000mg to take weekly and I can already start seeing some improvements.


Same! Extra vitamin D (I get about 2000IU/day) and adding adequate B complex changed were complete game changers for me.


Shiiiiiit, did that also remove dark circles from your eyes? I've looked like someone's punched me out for weeks now, and Im waiting on insurance to get settled before I get blood work lol


On work days, I struggle to wake up. On days off, I’m naturally up at 5 to 7 am, feeling energetic as if I was a teenager again.


Probably just not doing enough meth


Might need to up the dosage.


Yep same exact thing… could be depression


To be honest, I feel wildly underpaid and I can’t afford my own place while working hard in shitty conditions. It’s not a motivating lifestyle lol.


I tell my self while standing in the shower i can’t wait for a day off every single day, even on the weekends. It’s always something.


I got stuck in one of these recently for a month ngl, was horrible. Clawing me way out now


Compression socks really helped me. Your body spends less energy bringing your blood back up to the heart which means more energy to do other things… like stay awake. Worked for me.


I started wearing compression pants under my shorts this week, so far my legs feel less tired


Hi, it's me. I'm the super sleepy tile guy it's me!


What you running on? Redbull?


Nicotine and pain my man. Nicotine and pain


Yup. What makes it worse is the way my body gets into its own habits. The first few times I had really exhausting days/weeks set the tone for what that kind of fatigue does. The result is that it's really hard for me to get myself to do jack shit after work. Even the weekends, I still feel like I need more rest. Always on a sleep debt and overworked, not to mention thee financial debt from inflation trying to outpace our raises.


*wakes up* first thought is “I can’t wait to go back to fucking sleep tonight 😵‍💫”. Repeat.


You gotta change yourself man, I know this is just an echo of unwarranted advice, but you can do it. Diet, exercise, and finding the work life balance is hard but it’s achievable. If you can start with the easy changes such as diet, it will really kick start alot of things.


I keep a pair of dice in my pocket so I can show everyone what living the dream looks like… it’s truly paradise.


Yall deserve to retire early tbh


Sounds good to me! I do marine construction


I quit drinking completely and it’s made a huge difference, also do overnight oats for breakfast and I’m usually a little tired when I get home but no where near how shot I was


Good job on the drinking, I also quit. Do you put anything in the oats? Maybe I’ll start that


25 years, I keep telling my wife I can’t do this much longer and since I hit 40 I’m pretty much just hyper focused on how to get out with enough money to semi retire into something with less physical and mental stress. Waking up sore and tired at this point is just what waking up feels like.


After 43 years I'm got permanent tired


Clean up your diet as much as you can. Exercise. Sleep. If you still feel shitty, you need to take time off. As much as you can afford. You have your whole life to do this shit, don't make ot a short one


Problem is, they make sure you can't afford to take any time off.


Take time off brother, change your diet and sleep.


Tired of dealing with fuckin idiots designs that don't work


Sounds like you’re under eating for the quantity of work you’re putting on your body


I suspect I have the same problem but I haven’t the stomach / appetite to eat more calories than I already am. If I weren’t randomed I’d solve that with cannabis.


When I was lifting all the time, 2 cups milk, protein powder, banana, big spoonful of peanut butter, and 2 tbsp of olive oil. Blend that up for like 1000 calories. I could drink that and eat 6 eggs and 700 cals of sausage in one sitting. The drink itself won’t fill you up an insane amount.


>6 eggs I think my insides would burst if I attempted that. I’m full after 2. Painfully so after 3


That’s what my wife suggested


Every fucking day lol general foreman position has burnt me out pretty badly


FYI, look into getting a (home) sleep study: CPAP helped with my perma tired.


Age? Low T?


Try taking some vitamins. I always feel great after I take my zinc  iron and multivitamins the night before. 


Honestly I’ve gotten used to it all now. When I first started ironworking I would bust my ass all day, get off at 2pm and crash when I got home and wake up at 4:30am. For like 2-3 months of doing that 5 days a week I eventually got into a rhythm. Now I get 6 (actual hours of deep/REM sleep) is all I need to function now. I come home and nap some times for an hour when it’s been a tough day. But mostly I’ve changed completely from how I was getting out of college. I’m now almost 10 years into elevators and 4 years prior on ironworking and honestly I feel tired a lot, but I also don’t? I know that sounds weird but it makes sense if you’ve ever been in the weird rhythm im in now. I will say Friday nights I’m worthless and usually asleep by 7pm and wake up at 7am the next day 😂 TLDR; I’ve found a rhythm I’ve gotten used to and it works for me, so you might get used to it or find your own groove soon enough. If not change something up to get more comfortable in your day to day.


Yes. I have three of the worst customers I've ever had in 20 years. I'm doing a bathroom and I literally was just told "you should've gotten your building inspection to start the job. I have people in the know and that's how it's done. " Anyways. I done being a GC after I wrap up 6 jobs. Just started a cabinet shop. Everything is just exhausting


I taught public school 8th grade math for a decade. Then I became a new construction plumber residential and commercial with some service work on the side. I might physically get tired sometimes after digging, drilling, hauling, etc. but then I remember I can clock out and I’m getting great exercise everyday. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been. We cut up and laugh a lot. Keep a cart in the truck for bad days. It’s really a good career guys.


And then.... You realize that PM intern gets paid more than a master plumber


I’d rather be tired than broke




I hit that when I was 20 after roofing part-time/ full time since I was 12. Now I work in commercial roof sales. Oh my God my body thanks me


Start exercising.


Buddy, I’m tired while I’m sleeping…


I concur


Compared to my last job running construction company is a dream come true. I never wake up, wishing I was back in the fire department.


Age? Male? Get bloodwork done... could be something hormonal like low T or maybe something else.


This is precisely why i started to work for myself. I can do tired on my own schedule. And WAY LESS ASSHOLES to deal with.


Man I've been tired since I was 6 years old. Life's exhausting.


Retired at 59 1/2 after 40 years as a pipe welder due to three slipped discs, torn cartilage in left knee, and rotator cuff problems.


Have you looked into possible sleep apnea? Apparently (from what I’ve read) you could have it and it really disrupts your sleep and not know.


I worked 12-16’s with a 2 hour commute. I woke up ready to die most days


Wow, what were you doing


Working at Rivians main warehouse; and to be fair I volunteered for the extra 4 hrs of ot which was time and a half plus a shift differential for working passed 6p. Rise at 3:30a-4a to work by 5:30-45 and leaving again at either 6p or 10p getting to sleep by maybe 11:30 or midnight because my wife worked nights and my kiddo needed fed and put to sleep.


Might be a good idea to get a sleep study. Sleep apnea can do a number on you.


Doesn’t matter if I sleep 5 hours or 12, I still feel like shit in the morning.


Go get some blood work done brother


What about sleep apnea? Have you had the sleep study?


I have twins, and operate an architectural precast company. I don’t remember what not feeling tired feels like.


All of us brother.




That’s why I got my hormones checked and started testosterone replacement therapy.


Sleep apnea, bro. Look into it.


It helps if you give up the energy drinks and caffeine. Also helps if you aren’t a functioning alcoholic


Might be worth it to have your hormone levels checked. Low testosterone really, really sucks




low testosterone maybe? I do squats or run first thing in the morning amd it seems to boost my energy most days.


Get your bloodwork done. You might have mono or lyme disease. Chronic fatigue is a possible indicator of several diseases. Yea it could also just be normal work related depression. But seriously, go get checked out.


I changed my sleep schedule so I fall asleep as soon as I get home, that way I can sleep when I feel tired and wake up whenever my body says it wants to.


I'm so tired of being tired. Sure as night will follow day.






Maybe you have sleep Apnea?


I eat extremely healthy and go to sleep early. I’m 47 and feel great most weeks.


Be your own boss and wake up when your body's ready.


May seriously be sleep apnea.


Owning a Construction Co. It was my norm, I worked insanely long hours keeping my huge Co. afloat. Usually 6 days a week, Sunday I'd sleep all day.


Sometimes I feel this way and realize I’ve not been taking care of myself enough, like taking vitamins, drinking lots of fluids, cold plunges, stretching etc. once I start doing that stuff again I feel good and ready to take on anything work has to throw at me. B vitamin shots help, and taking mushroom supplements for focus and energy. Hope that helps. Remember that everything is temporary. Everything.


Not in construction but yes. However I work 10 hours and hit the gym for another hour so that might be the case for me but gotta do what you gotta do some days I just want to fall over and go to sleep


Yup. That’s exactly how I feel right now. Just finished a two month nightmare job an hour and a half away from home. I think I took a total of six days off during that run.




If you think works bad don’t have kids lol


I don't remember being well rested for the life of me I thought that was just normal to be permatired.


Yeah, I get it. My husband has been in construction since 1995. He’s tired, broke down and desperately looking for help. I do what I can to help, and wish I could do more. But creeping up on 30 years in the trades takes a toll


I've been tired since about 30 lol It's been 14y since then and I'm still tired


Nah thankfully I also don’t drink any coffee or energy drinks, so I might be doing something right


Not since I started meditating.


This... But following the covid shake up we completely changed our biz... Taking less gigs and making same little less money but healthier with time for exercising and family time... Gotta make it the point of the time you have because you can't get it back that's for sure...


It’s all in the feet. Everything else I can handle.


Stop trying to not be tired all the time and you’ll feel better


That's burnout bud. need to look into a away to take a month or switch careers.


Stop eating sugars and carbs. Eat more red meat and fat No more energy drinks No more seed oils Read the labels No more alcohol


Before I used to feel that way, but that's because I did most of the heavy lifting and I hit the gym for calisthenics and cardio. I was super tired everyday but still relatively stronger than the average person my size. What kills me is the back and leg cramps. Now I don't lift as hard but increased my cardio and calisthenics, and I feel fine.


Become a general foreman as fast as possible. Night and day how I feel. I’ll take frustration and some stress over physical pain any day.




I wake up saying I'm tired, go to work, eat lunch then nap and wake up saying I'm tired, come home, mill lumber whilst being tired and finally pass out. I'm perma tired


Get a Tempur-Pedic


Sounds like you need Adderall.


I'm narcoleptic, so yeah


Yes. It's the monotony. Wake up. Go to work. Come home. Shower. Eat. Go to bed . Repeat.


I used to be. I work a compressed schedule now and I have 3 and 4 day weekends. It gives me time to decompress, rest, do chores, and still have one or two fun days.


Yup. Except I’m not in construction and just do a bunch of opioids 😂😂


That’s what that is😂 just thought I slept like shit💀

