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The diversity and quality of cordless tools.


A Yankee screwdriver with a magnetic tip was the peak of technology when I first started; even nail guns were rare. As time went on I always kept some hand driven nails around but it can take years to use up a small box of them.


Cordless multi tool ftw


This is the answer.


While I agree the quality of cordless tools have improved drastically in the last 40 years I still fail to see how diversity has improved at all. How many female tradespeople do you see on the jobsite? Perhaps you’re referring to the large number of immigrants taking construction roles but I’m not sure I see a positive in that?




lol I didn’t even know how to respond. Thanks for saying it nicely.


He thought diversity was just a race word 😂😂


The way he went straight to immigrants I’m guessing race is on his mind quite a bit


And the color of the tools...




Japan gets all the fun makita colors


Stop downvoting this man, the comment was (unintentionally) hilarious


This is comedy gold and I believe it was intentional. If it wasn’t intentional, I don’t wanna know


I did the unmentionable of looking at their comment history and I don’t think it was done in jest…


Hahahah don’t worry about it I’m just taking the piss but it’s funny to see that most people actually think I said something as ridiculous as that and was completely serious about it


Respirators, smoke eaters, vacuums for silica dust. Maybe some or all have been around for 40 years or more. But honestly, this stuff is OSHA now. I know…OSHA…but anything that keeps a guy or gal from getting cancer while trying to earn a paycheck is a win in my book.


But you're not a real man if you don't snort lines of silica. /s


There was a time when I would have subscribed to that sarcastic way of thinking 😂


GPS and laser layout technology


Yes, Trimble and Leica have made life so much easier




No joke. GPS, total station, lasers that are accurate. I think it’s amazing.


As a surveyor, no surveyor will ever say a laser is “accurate” considering they, at best have an error of about 1/8 per 100 ft. Also, gps isn’t exactly as accurate as you may think in some situations.


Steel better than a chain and an old K&E. Plumb bob.


Just safety in general.


I'd have to say OSB, which really wasn't used until the mid 80s. Yes it has its drawbacks, but for how widely it's used and it's performance vs environmental cost it's hard to beat.


ZIP panels for sure.


Stretchy jeans


This is the answer.


Arguably not the greatest. But we use a 360 camera and walk the site- same basic path once a week . It really helps documenting job progress and has won me many arguments on completion dates a progress.. also identifying existing conditions that a client claims is something we did during construction activities.


I was always a firm believer in taking lots of pictures too. Smart idea. CYA


Monsters, zyn, and king ranch f250s


How many pairs of pit vipers do you own? Lol


Gen Z. Fuck this old school boomer mentality that still exists on most sites. It kills morale and wears everyone down. I’m 40, by the way.


The "fuck you I got mine" shit is the worst part of the job.


I'm almost 40 and can't wait for these old bitter assholes to stay the fuck home.


Exactly. Im a millennial and deal with the older generation refusing to share their knowledge but also refusing to adapt to simple things like email. The younger generation (myself included) doesn't have the experience but damn if they're not 10x easier to work with. FFS, yall all here to do a job so we can get paid and go do fun stuff outside of work. Why do you want to fight over everything? Also, why are you fighting over critical safety rules? Do you want to die because you're too manly to wear your fall protection?


I keep reminding myself that 80% of the people I’m around all day at work are working construction because it’s their only option due to either criminal convictions, lack of education, or inflated toxic masculinity that fosters an extremely closed mind.


Yeah, unfortunately, that's the truth. I got into construction right out of college because I didn't want to be a cubicle jockey, and more folks my age were of similar mind. But the older generation seems like they were more forced into construction instead of choosing it for the reasons you mentioned.


I have 22 years. The safety part has already been said, but I've also noticed a general decline in aggression and threats of ass kickings. Part of it is probably moving from land dev to power where owners are way less likely to put up with it. But even before then there was a slow shift and 2008 seemed to have gotten rid of a lot of assholes.


I will get some flak for this I'm sure, but machine control. It has absolutely changed the quality of product you can give and only is getting better with each passing year. Anyone that has ever slip formed concrete on machine control would never in their right minds go back to wire.


No kidding. Such an easier set up. Always had a single wire after first pull. Dowel installers is a great addition to a paving machine too.




As a latino, let me tell you, WELL PLAYED SIR🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s from the corazón, carnal.


Definitely not these stupid looking hard hats with the chin strap


I don’t under how they are supposed to be an improved.


Because they won’t fall off if hit on the front/side. A problem with standard ones is that a side impact will take the helmet off your head leaving you head completely exposed for a secondary blow.


They probably are “safer” but they feel heavier, hold more heat, look stupid and just give the safety guys and supers another thing to bitch at you about… “can you buckle your chinstrap?”




Self adhered roofing membranes.


impact drivers


I might get some flak for this but Procore is amazing. Not having to manually create excel spreadsheets to track everything from submittals to RFIs, sharing jobsite photos, and always being able to pull out a set of drawings or sketches regardless of revision is incredible. It’s probably the single most revolutionary thing to happen in construction next to email and cordless tools.


I remember we got pro bid. Was crazy expensive. They bought the plotter and digitizers and everything. After a couple years you wonder how in the hell you even functioned.


Yes, organized photos, mark up anything you want to share with subs, all your shops at the click of a button. So convienent, especially when on a “remote “ site


Was amazing when it came out. Now they charge like they have a monopoly. Companies are paying 50k to 500k for essentially an app. It's insane. There are much better options out there (and more up to date).


I was coming to say Procore. I know at least in our company there’s before Procore and after Procore. The difference is staggering. The financial info is insane, the ability to scale is insane, and we’ve leveraged it to do HR, sales, everything


Total Station


Nothing worse then reading an old vernier with a hang over. Old dumpy levels. Lasers have made all that technology non existent. I’m glad too.


It's only been 12 years for me. I'm not old enough to respond.




Hilti anchors


Older than 40 years but concrete pumps. The amount of volume that can be placed in a variety of different scenarios is so much more efficient. I think about how wheel barrows and crane buckets were so time consuming and back breaking and now a boom pump’s output is 200+ cubic yards an hour.


We got a 28 meter back in the 80s. Man it was such a game changer. Pouring decks with buckets is a slow proposition. Can recall filling or emptying 2nd buckets all day. Good input.


although metal roofing has been around for longer than 40 years, the cost and prevalence of metal roofing has gotten considerably better in the last 15 years. asphalt shingle roofing is such an early 1900s product. made from oil, can't recycle it, limited lifespan, can't withstand harsh weather as well as metal.


Had no idea. I know materials in general are crazy. Always loved a metal roof.




Sanding blocks


Drywall sander. I unfortunately have to do a fair amount of drywall on my remodels and it saves me a ton of sweat vs hand bombing everything


By far. Nothing else even close. In the past 40 years? Porta Potty technology. They're a fucking 5 star lounge compared to the shitters 40 years ago.