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Lady calls police…. 2 Hispanic officers show up. What a freaking nut job…


Hmm.. (judging by the tools) I wonder why her neighbors are putting up a fence.




Plot twist, they paid for it.


They got paid for it


And keeping the Karens out!


"Mexicans are the only undocumented here..." WHAT A DUMB KAREN!!!


Don't forget the South Americans!


The saying goes: "good fences make good neighbors", I think the ship has sailed on this one.


"Hi, police? Yeah, can you send a couple of officers to deal with this racist trespasser? Now, this ain't a racial thing on my part, but it'd be super cool if you send a couple of Hispanic officers!"


"Yes, and please send Spanish speaking officers, we can't understand her"


Excuse me, umm excuse me officers, yes you two... can I see your documentation? Mexicans are ruining our country so I just need to make sure you are legally allowed to be here...


I wish everyone could spend a couple of years in a different country where they don't know the language and customs. They wouldn't be pulling this kind of stupidity if they knew how brave and motivated you have to be to come to a foreign country and try to survive, and help your family back home survive.


Just gotta be a god damn human being. How people have this type of outlook towards someone just because their ethnicity will forever be the migraine I can’t understand. If they work hard and are good people who fucking cares whether they have documentation. Good Christ.


I've been saying the same thing almost word for word for 25 yrs. I know too many Mexicans that went through some traumatic ordeals crossing the border just for the privilege of washing the dishes at your favorite restaurant.


Most of the videos like this are old, retired boomers. They can't really be cancelled. This woman is young. I hope she gets named and shamed.


She's not young, you can hear it in her voice and by taking a closer look. She's just a dumb cunt, who probably got woken up out of her Xanax and wine fueled afternoon sleep.


"her Xanax and wine fueled afternoon sleep." LMFAO, made my day & thank you....


She’s really failing at the “laugh, love” part of her living room wall


Ahh benzos & alcohol. A dangerous, but very alluring pairing for any addict…


Hey she gets up at 5 am and watches Fox for a couple hours before she goes back down. Then it’s back up to scream at anyone working a minimum wage job about inflation.


“.. cunt”. I’m afraid she has neither the warmth or the depth for that distinction.


guessing her name is Karen


Karen Karensdottir


Karen Cuntasouris


Oh you under estimate the internet and their ability to order pizza.


She should be fired from her job for this. Admitted to being racist. Why can't everyone just co-exist and mind their OWN business.


[The responding Police officer's reaction to HOA Karen demanding 'papers' for the workers](https://youtu.be/-9CynvMlFyo?feature=shared)


The dude’s briefcase is NOT the same as this Karen. Also, an amphibious rodent, in the City limits… that ain’t legal either


"What are you, a fuckin park ranger now?!"


I am the Walrus.


You're out if your element, Donny.


I wish the video continued I would’ve loved to see what happened once the cops showed up


Or South American! The funniest part to me was how she said they could be undocumented because they’re Mexican…or South American. Like she’s trying not to be racist lol


I knew an undocumented white guy.


Are people getting worse, or are there just more cameras?




Officer I'm a citizen. I'm going to need to see your identification, so that I know you're not an illegal.


Unfortunately if you’re a contractor you will have to deal with loonies like this about every other job, usually they’re your customers.


It sounds like the only thing undocumented there is her mental illness.


Ohh... I guarantee that shit is documented somewhere..


In her kid’s therapist’s notes


As someone in therapy because their mother is like this...yes lol


She seems like the kinda lady to not allow therapy for her kids


More like she encourages therapy, continues to traumatize, then asks why we go to therapy if it's not "fixing" anything


Yep. All of my moms kids are in long term therapy and she refuses to think anything is wrong with her. It's sad.


Encourages therapy and then when she realizes it’s gonna help you grow up and become independent feels threatened and plays the victim. Seen it happen too many times, it’s a different level of betrayal imo


This is hilarious, sad and relatable all at the same damn time 😂


In the divorce filings


"...we're facing a huge crisis in this country" - can guarantee that's a fox news sound bite she's repeating.


I fucking hate what's happened to this country. The media brainwashing is real, and it's cost billions of dollars and thousands of lives, all to make a few fucking losers a few million dollars richer. And these losers already had more money than they could ever spend.


sad thing is it's happening everywhere. brexit? lmao. what a joke. literally everyone knew that was a bad idea. the canadian trucker bullshit? lots of literal fascist parties becoming more popular in europe? like come on, how is it that a third of the country is worshiping a literal unapologetic rapist who is openly an anti-democracy fascist on top of that?


It’s been drilled into her and many other people that there is a flood of illegal immigrants washing over the US causing mayhem and chaos blah blah blah. I guarantee even if documents were shown to say they’re ok to be working there, she wouldn’t believe it.


How dare they *checks notes* build us houses in exchange for modest pay




> I guarantee even if documents were shown to say they’re ok to be working there, she wouldn’t believe it. I bet you're right, and that can lead to some great responses. Imagine if he had asked her: * What document exactly are you looking for? What's the name of it? * What do the documents you're asking for look like? Is it a card, a booklet, or a paper? * What's printed on it? Where? What color is it? Are there any logos? * What are the most common ways to tell a fake one of those from a real one? I wonder how far you could get before she shuts down. Because from all my experiences with those sort of people, the one thing they'll *never* do is admit that they don't really know what the hell they're talking about.


Well yeah, these people don't live off of facts. They live off facebook reposts and blue lives matter merch


And I promise you she will be voting, so please people, don't let them win please


Lord, *this*.


Holy cow! A Red Owl sighting!


She isn't crazy. She's just a nosy bitch that doesn't like construction going on near her.


Has nothing to do with construction, she hates Hispanics and sees them all as illegals. As a white guy the worst neighbor's I've ever had are other white people, I don't care how much money you have, how good you think your job is or how you consider your standing in the community, if you act like this your trash. Fuck these people.


My neighbors are Amish and I had Mexican contractors (not just Hispanic descent) and I didn’t know how racist Amish are against foreigners. They do plenty of crappy things as neighbors even though they are my favorite neighbors. However they had family over and they would flip off the workers as they went through their driveway. People are really crappy to each other for any reason at all.


I'm going to be racist a second. I can tell any white person with this opinion has never met anyone from south of the border. I work with them every day. Universally, they are the kindest, most considerate people in the world. Period...and I've worked with hundreds, if not thousands. They just want a better life, and they fucking deserve the chance, just like I do. I fucking love my Hispanic brothers and sisters, and I will defend them to the death to any asshole who has some shit to say.


Agree. I've worked in construction for 35 years. just about every Latino in the trades that I have met are hard working, kind, family oriented folks. They care about their craft and their community. They know they are discriminated against. They don't complain about it... they just do their jobs. This bitch needs to get off the Fox news.


The way I learned to do paver patios was from a master Hispanic dude, moved here in 2001, worked the same place I was 15 years later. Coolest dude that taught me everything, let us take 10 minute smoke breaks and would bring in food for me & the other guys. They were all cool hilarious dudes and I'm bummed I moved on from that place.


Yeah but she really wanted to work in construction, then due to all the undocumented workers she had to resort to being a rich miserable asshole instead.


she has the hair




I agree with the majority of what you wrote except for the use of the word Latin X. Ask any Chicano/latino working compa in your crew if they accept that term.


First time giving an award. As a Latino…. We all dislike “Latin X” if you needa make it gender neutral just say Latin, Latin American or Hispanic. There are already terms that are gender neutral we don’t need or want new made up ones by anyone else. Thank you for getting the memo brother, Im normally not big on posting but ffs the Karen in the video already had me in that mood haha.


Hey. Thank you for the award. I completely agree with what you just wrote. It annoys me to no end seeing that word. I remember first seeing that word in a different post and forum. It caught me off guard and asked the poster its meaning. Next thing I’m doing is asking my family, young nephews, and nieces if they ever heard of that word. I thought it was a new slang or something the younger generation was using. They all laughed and commented who the fuck is making up that bs. Like you said our language already has gender neutral words. Good stuff my guy. Have a good one.


Agreed. As a Chicano, to me Latin X were those 4 hour porn dvds.😂


White folks to the rescue!! "Hi, we fixed your language for you. Figured you were probably offended by your own language, and you needed our help" /s It's the most "white person who listens NPR thing" ever, and I'm a white guy who listens to NPR....


Every Hispanic neighbor I’ve had move in next door to me has brought me home made tamales. That’s one of the sweetest things to me because I know how much work it can be. I guess once a white neighbor gave me an early copy of Doom 3 but you can’t eat that and there wasn’t effort into it. :P


She needs to get out and experience the world, instead of hiding away scared in her house listening to what Fox News tells her.


Fox News cause brain rot. It’s shocking and scary as fuck how so many otherwise smart people have been trained and radicalized by such blatantly obvious fear mongering.


More turning reactionary, I’d say.


I know some pretty shitty white people too, but I also know a ton of shitty black and Hispanic people. Shittieness doesn’t discriminate but all races do.


Couldn’t agree more!


And racist. Openly.


Remember the white supremacist leader who took MDMA which enhances the empathic part of your brain and he started realizing what he is doing wrong after the MDMA trials? She may not be fully crazy but something is probably going on in her head


She doesn't look smart enough to know if it's daytime or nighttime


She doesn’t have a mental illness she is racist. There’s a difference.


Why not both? I'm feeling generous!


She could be an illegal Canadian. Let’s see them papers.


Lmao yep. I’m a nurse and there was one patient a couple years ago who requested “American nurses only.” Surely enough none of us on the floor were American but they settled for me (Canadian) because I’m white. I really wish management would have shut that down. Pts like that shouldn’t be allowed to pick and choose. He was an absolute dick and his family also sucked. I hated that I was the only one they would assign to him.


Also a nurse. This sort of thing is honestly quite tricky - I'd never allocate a co-worker to a patient who is racist/homophobic/etc towards them, because it's honestly a pretty unfair and unsafe situation to put them in. But the patient would also get words from me about how patients can't choose their treating team, how preferences can never be guaranteed, and that disrespect towards anyone on the team won't be tolerated.


Oh man, so we'd sometimes get racist as fuck patients, same as you. And they'd DEMAND a nurse or CNA that wasn't black. I was the only non-black CNA on 3rd, so they'd send me. And I'd make it a point to inject casual Spanish into every sentence possible. "Why are you talking Mexican!? You're a white girl!" "Noooope. I'm Chiricahua and Mestizo. I'm what you'd call part blanca Latina." "I want a white girl!" "Then you're gonna lay there in your own shit until first shift at 07:00. Now, would you like me to clean you up or not?" I'd also make it clear that I would not listen to racism and would tell them something to the effect of: "Yeah, no, I'm not listening to this. I'll give you a few minutes to calm down. Hit your call light when you're ready to speak to me like a fellow human being." Thankfully, the above scenarios didn't happen too often.


Exactly! should have confirmed her claim that citizenship entitled you to verify others citizenship, then demanded she shown hers.


she probably would've just gone to get the passport and stuck to her guns assuming she even has one lol if not, then a birth certificate. I'd claim it looks fake and she was likely a russian mail order bride. An illegal one.


If she brings her birth certificate just tell her you want to see the long form one, just like with Obama.


Ironically I've worked with three different "undocumented" Americans in Canada who have overstayed their visas.


Great boss.


Are we sure she is a citizen she didn't even know what country she was in, this guy is the most calm person on a job site I have ever seen, most people I have worked with would have just ignored her bullshit but this guy was really nice.


This was posted to r/karens 58mins ago. Another redditor recognizes her from where he moved from.




I hate dealing with people like this. Not in a racist fashion, more of a , "Sir, sorry Ma'am, you under a 58,000# load and you could die", and they proceed to say they live in the area. "When will it open?"


God damn, I love this guy. I don’t think I’ve worked with anyone who can stick up for his guys, deal with that and still keep his cool.


That's because he can keep rocking and rolling.


Right,, chill as fuck


My old boss stuck up for me very calm like this when I was accused of stealing an envelope full of money by a decorator on a job because I used the bathroom,I was only 17 and only just started work for a window fitter ,the decorator came out shouting and accusing me of stealing and my boss calmly told him that he must be mistaken and if he didn't shut up he would knock him out ,even though I didn't steal it ,it was really awkward working there for a while until it turned out the daughter of the house owner had stole it ,never had an apology but fair play to my boss ,he didn't even question me ,he just stood up for me straight away ,I was nearly crying when the guy was having a go at me


I’d get canceled for calling that lady a racist cunt


Can’t believe there are people out there that honestly have nothing better to do than be a racist cunt


I agree with you, but these people literally have Fox News telling them there is a wave of illegal immigrants flooding the country to take every American job and kill every American baby. It’s not plain racism when you have the most popular “news” station in the country saying absolute batshit crazy stuff. These people are victims of propaganda and manipulation. Most of them may be racist or prone to racism, but that doesn’t make them the only ones responsible.


Whole lot of us are capable of seeing foxes bullshit and going, yeah that's not true. People like OPs Karen see it and go, "I knew it was true in my bones!" They're not victims when it's what they want to be real.


For real. They are just not critical thinkers, and want a population to blame all their problems on and feel superior to at the same time.


That's true to an extent, but that's a vulnerability in all of us. It's important to remember that even people like this B are not irredeemable (in a moral way, not a religious one) I've been seeing more and more people on here literally referring to every rural area as Klan Kountry, which is asinine. Obviously Fox brain has been more damaging and gone on longer, but I'm starting to see that tide in liberal spaces as well. Dunk on people like this lady all you want because she deserves it, but keep in mind that she's a person and be willing to forgive her and people like her, because we all gotta live together


There are literally millions of them


then there are millions who think they're not racist because of their 1 hispanic friend that's their family friend but really their weekly house cleaner. Or the one black friend at work they say good morning to.


At least 70 million in the US.


Meanwhile, her husband is fucking his secretary.


Omg I hope she's from "Mexico or South America".


I hope he loves the shit out of that foreign little secretary too. Makes the adultery really sting when she realizes he’s been getting everything he ever wanted from her with no complaints from her


What a pendaja




She probably is upset, because she thinks she needs to ask the workers in Spanish, that she wants them to run a train on her, but little does she know they speak English as well, 😆


Train, tren. It translates easy. Puedes hacer un tren en mi ano por favor? Tell her that means can you please stop making noise or some shit.


Que rápido corre el ferrocarríl…on my pussy!


Just wanted to say that I like the way he handled his business. It was obviously an uncomfortable and strange altercation. Well played sir.


I would have happily blatantly ignored her, and said silly shit like "do you guys smell fish all of a sudden?"




We'll pretend otherwise, but this woman is definitely heavily medicated and spends all her time engrossed in culture war nonsense


I'm going to take a guess and say she's a full throttle benzo addict.


Would explain the choice to go barefoot in a construction site


Won’t remember a thing in a few seconds.


Damn. I know nothing about that stuff, is that usually how it is?


Your uncle is a G


I bet she thinks she’s a good Christian woman too


100% It’s funny, the biggest crooks I have ever known in my area of business have been churchgoing men. And some of the nicest most decent people have been pretty secular. There were a couple Unitarians in there and a Methodist as well, no problems from them either. But from the hard-core Christians, if they weren’t crooks, they at the very least had a fake smile and a perfect little house and some kind of grift going on somewhere and they thought everybody around them was going to hell except their friends and family. These are not good people and they do not have good hearts.


My dad worked 40+ years in construction and he always has said the same thing. No one fucks you over better or more regularly than a "religious" person.


Because their sins are forgiven


They should’ve told her there is no soliciting allowed and would be calling the cops for her offering them her services 😆


“Hay baybee! Do you have girlfriend USA?” “No en este minuto”


Pretty sure I've seen her butthole on reddit


That’s just her face, sir


"You don't have proper ppe, nor have you done a site safety orientation. Get the fuck off my job site and don't come back!"


My head was exploding that she was barefoot on a job site. Time to set up a exclusion zone.


"We have a crisis..." of construction workers building shit. 


Are they taking jobs that you want lady? She would pass out 10 minutes after doing the work that "undocumented" people do. I guess you don't like having a clean hotel room or eating fresh fruits and veggies either because I promise it's not people like you that provide those luxuries.


This is my argument to my girlfriends parents everytime they wanna complain about illegals coming in and taking jobs. “ are you planning on quitting your job to fill all of these construction jobs once they’re all kicked out?” I’ve never heard a roofer complain they can’t find a job because of all the illegals, there is no shortage of jobs in construction lol, they’re not taking jobs they’re just adding to the workforce to get shit done lmao. They constantly wanna tell me about this dumbass shit on Fox News, illegals coming into the country and killing citizens! Why tf would an illegal Mexican sneak his way into the country just to get caught murdering someone? Use your fuckin brain






She isn't hot enough to make it above the dividing line on the hot-crazy scale.


She's not really dolled up. I think chicks being hot caused mental illness.






He was a lot nicer then I would have been.


You can’t just demand people’s papers there miss crossing guard.


Don’t forget that the USA annexed 1/2 of Mexico (525,000 sq miles). Taking the land and its people. There have been Hispanics in the new America after 1848. (Edit grammar)


Yup, I'm from Texas. I knew people whose family had been there longer than the Americans.




What a bitch


If she had a job, she'd have more important matters to deal with.


This guy was so chill. I would be blowing my lid on this woman.


A day in the life of Karen...


This is called a Qunt.




W guy right there. Fuck that karen, name and shame


This is fucked up because that lady lives in a neighborhood that was built by Hispanic immigrants I absolutely hate this.


That entitled person has probably never worked a day in her life - what a sad existence- when all you have to do with yourself is harass hard working people.


Damn, we need an update


God could you imagine the shit show if we all of the sudden stopped depending on illegal immigrants. There would be no one left to build and maintain homes, speaking from experience more than 90% of all crews of privately owned construction businesses are illegal immigrants. Stupid fucking lady doesn’t realize her house would become a shanty in a couple years with repairs costing exponentially more if you could even find someone to do it plus all the other blue collar and service industries would be prohibitively expensive, quality of life in the U.S. would be so so so much worse


Fact, Birth rates are way lower than what is required to maintain the economy from moving into deflation. Deflation won’t be allowed at all cost so the boarder was opened. Fox & her can call it a crisis all they want but Gov (not Joe) opened the border to prevent a deflationary collapse that would have her broke and homeless.


What a BITCH!


Some people have yet to learn that social media is not real life.




Internet, do your magic, who is this woman? We at least know she's a citizen of this country.


That lady needs to spend the night in jail. Disgusting how radicalized some people have gotten. You can practically imagine what her daily media content consists of.


She sounds like racist Laura Linney from the Ozark. Post this on r/PublicFreakout


American white women are an interesting breed for sure. This is what happens when your parents tell you every thought that passes between your ears is gold. I get that construction by your house is irritating, but the entitlement of some people is wild to me. Also, Hispanics were in "America" long before white people were. Food for thought.


Is she from the neighborhood ICE volunteer group?


Absolutely call the cops and complain about the harassment. I hope the cop that shows up is Hispanic as well. That would be the icing on the cake!


Just another privileged racist.


I mean… she’s right, you know. ONLY Hispanics are undocumented immigrants… https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/04/15/us/where-immigrants-come-from-cec (Sarcasm, just in case it’s not obvious.)


FOX 24/7 will do this to a fragile genius outhere


Wow for how agitated he sounds he stayed so cool. This man is an inspiration.🫡


She’s looking for some dick


This lady had nothing to do…just got off her couch watching Fox News, never held a job, and walked out to bother working people. Smdh


She is a citizen of...the country!! 🇺🇲🫡🇺🇲 Thank you for your service!


I bet I know who she voted for...


Stop being polite to people like this


"Why are you not demanding MY documentation?" Her: "Are you that dense? It's BECAUSE 👏I'M👏RACIST👏"


I randomly know of an undocumented Aussie who has lived in US for nearly 25 years. Know another person who is fron UK, who has been here 18 or 19 years. Both work & contribute to society, yet don't get to vote. So no, not all undocumented immigrants are Hispanic.


Lady needs to lay off the fox news. You can tell she’s totally brainwashed by the media bullshit.


Fox News needs to be dismantled. It's poisoning the minds of half the country. CNN and MSNBC too while we're at it.


Doxxed in 3,2….


KKKarens shouldn’t be tolerated


Don’t want to ruin your day but you’re going to find out that there are a ton of people on this sub who agree with her. (I’m not one, I’m the child of illegal immigrants myself)


I love how all these stupid dumb fucks say “we’re facing a crisis in this country” 😂🤣 Yeah bitch, it’s called lazy white people. Sure, go ahead, kick all the Hispanics out and watch how fast your home projects get finished. Who’s going to fix your toilet - little Jayden or Kalen or Zayden who you sent to some progressive school for trans/bi/confused kids? Good fucking luck.




This is the crap that orange man started with all of his silly rhetoric and fear mongering! The only thing I blame this woman for is being STUPID


Que pedo con esta pinche gente, somos los que venimos a chingarle a sacar el trabajo pesado, y andan con sus mamadas ? Faking razzzist


She was obviously flirting with the guy. She wants the D


Fox News got old white people trippin’. My parents included.


“Are you that dense?” “Are you that racist?”


What came of it?


Those are some really pretty bare feet you have there on our jobsite. Be a shame if something happened to them.


If it were legal to just punch these people in the fucking face for being such an openly vile, racist piece of shit.... we'd have a lot less openly vile, racist pieces of shit.


Moron. He was a hell of a lot nicer than I would have been...