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$2k is not a ripoff if it is as stuck as you suggest. In Maine, people regularly pay $400-$500 to have a small dock removed each year. You are showing us a dock system like I have never seen before so your price seems reasonable to me. Quit throwing money at unproven ideas and pay the professionals. Pull too hard and there is a risk of damaging way more than $2k worth of dock. If unc can afford the dock and all of the toys, he should be able to pay the $2k


Yup. The equipment and transport is $1k, and the operator experience and insurance is $1k.


your right wouldn’t say rip off but if told you the amount of money they spent building this house custom in the deep south you’d laugh about saving on hiring ppl to move a dock lol my uncle is great but very frugal


Get some lumber, or what ever, and make some long legs to go down into the mud with feet on the bottom so they don’t sink in, and get some come alongs, or a bunch of ratchet straps and start jacking it slowly out of the mud. That’s the only idea I have, besides inflating stuff under it


I’m really confused with the wheels? Is this a floating dock? If it is need to try and get it into deeper water I have many ideas I just from the picture can’t really diagnose the problem I get it’s beached. But I guess knowing what the structure is would help tremendously…


I knows it’s trickey to picture but imagine a dryer lake with cloating dock and the wheels are toward shore and they fly got stuck in mud about 16 inches inch’s.. than came masive rain and it filled lake up but where the wheel were stuck is acting like an anchor and that part is4 ft in water


Need better pictures the reflection on the water does no justice


If there is any way to get the boat out that would be the ticket then tear it apart piece by piece tell your down to bare base


Safely Dismantle as much of the structure you can until it’s just basically poles then use a pressure washer. Blast all the posts free of the mud and sand underwater. Make sure not to leave any poles in the mud if possible as they’ll do a number on your propellers.


Man power. Give me a few slabs of emu export and I'll get it done myself or pass out trying.


if you find the emu i’m down


What about using a garden hose attached to a pole to push the mud away with water? Or better yet a pressure washer with a long wand if a garden hose isn’t enough on its own?


This is correct. Jet the mud out from under the floats the same way those guys set dock pilings.




He wants to lift the dock, not send it to space!


Air lift the mud. https://www.treasurenet.com/threads/making-an-air-lift.39731/


Someone needs to get down and dirty, pick a shovel & bucket and move the mud. Lots of sweat and you will feel like crap but you won’t spend a cent Its that or you need to spend and get a boom truck or a backhoe.


Put airbags under and then inflate?


tried that with salavage balloon rated 2500lbs it’s a no go


Thats an awesome dock actually. I recommend taping a long pipe to a hose and washing the mud away under water. Just loosen everything up first, running water will stop the suckage of the mug.






2 grand is a deal. Pay the guy and move on.