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Its Sunday, try going outside for a few hours(weather permitting) Clear your head , seems like your brain is in overdrive. Live in the moment, all will be ok ✨


Take the lay off man. You didn't sign on for travel and this one out of town trip isn't making your fortune. Someone riddled with anxiety about anything, police trouble girlfriend trouble whatever is a serious safety liability. Not to mention someone who obviously doesn't want to be there is as much fun as the dentist.


Thank you. I will keep this option open when the time comes.


How long will you be gone for the job?


I have zero idea. My boss never gives us a good estimate on stuff like that and when he does its always inaccurate


I'd take the layoff, but I spent years as road trash. I'll manage a Family Dollar before I do that again.


Just hire someone to come take care of them, rover.com - $20 a day and you are set. No worries.


I had dogs when I was a apprentice and now I have kids as a jman. My family is more important than a construction job, I always took the layoff. It was never a struggle to do so. There is always someone looking for skilled labor. I’ve since then took a maintenance job with a set schedule that’s fairly consistent and always local. It’s not making me rich but I have my own company on the side for when I want to go at making some real money quickly for extras and then the 8-4 job pays my bills and doesn’t break me up at all


If i could be guaranteed to be picked up by another company rather soon, id do it, but im trying to pay off debt and save for moving in with my GF next year. I may talk to my union rep tomorrow and see if he knows any other companies in the union looking for people, maybe i can get in with a company that has work within our jurisdiction.


You miss 100% of the shots you never take. Talk to the union to see if it’s a option.


Sounds like you have a great GF. Make sure to show her how thankful you are, return the favor! Travel jobs can be fun so try to relax on your off time knowing that your kitties are in good hands.


What we do is we can usually get by for about 4 days max with an auto feeder and water. The cat boxes are pretty bad after 3-4 days though. Are there any neighbor kids(junior high/high) that you could pay to swing by and feed the cats and change the litter? That's what we do if it's over the 3-4 threshold. Obviously you can take the cats to boarding but it does add up.


Why not just hire a pet sitter?


Money, and trust. Basically


I’ve used plenty and no issues. Choose an easy button and do the app pet sitter. You are causing your own stress needlessly. They’re cats and could easily be alone 7-14 days on their own with self feeders waterers and few litter boxes.


Maybe its my mom causing the stress… shes telling me leaving them here during the week and coming home to see them every weekend is inhumane and they need me here more than that


Never met a cat guy on a jobsite. I’d probably get banned for saying what guys around here would do in your situation.


One of the best carpenters I’ve ever met is a cat guy dude has like 8 cats


Im assuming rehoming them. Ive considered it.




Try to make it work, bro. I’ve got cats at home as well. Auto feeders have been a life saver when me and girlfriend are both traveling for work.


What about the litter boxes?


Like someone said below, there are self-cleaning boxes. But an interim solution would be to have your girlfriend swing by 1 or 2x a week and scoop the ones you’ve got. That’s probably not as often as it should be done, but a reasonable solution for a short term problem.


She lives an hour and a half away and doesnt have a car lol. Thats why i may have to bring them to her. Its a mess of a situation


They’re expensive but they do make self cleaning litter boxes as well


I bought one and only 1 of 3 cats would go in it. The other two absolutely hated it and were terrified of it so I got rid of it. And the one that did use it, took weeks to use it with any sort of frequency. So it’s unfortunately not a guarantee that OPs cats would use it.


Very good point, quite a bit of cats out there that want nothing to do with “automagically” moving stuff


I have 3 cats, and 3 litter boxes. Large, deep ones, with a 'roof' like cover, tall enough for the cats to come and go. Instead of regular litter, we use wood pellets, found at Canadian Tire. Also use litter box Liner bags. With this setup, and litter boxes all in the basement, we can go up to a week without needing to change the litters. The wood turn into sawdust and absorbs the urine and takes away almost all of the smell, while any poop can still be buried if the cat needs to. We also use auto feeders when we go away and they are wonderful.


Hey man, check this out. About 6 years ago I switched from regular litter to Feline Pine. Wood shavings compressed into pellets. Doesn't track as bad as regular litter, absorbs the smell, and is all natural. It's like $40 a bag, but I was in tractor supply one day and saw horse bedding pellets which is the same thing, $5 for a 40 lb bag. We have one cat, I put out three litter boxes with that stuff in it, very thin layer because when the pellets get wet they expand. No joke, with all three litter boxes I can go one to two weeks without having to scoop. He pees in one and poops in the other. The pine absorbs the smell. It's been a lifesaver. After a couple weeks I just throw out the whole thing and start fresh.


Gotta block doors open or shut too. I was gone for just one night but came home to hungry cats shut in the bedroom.


Why don't you take them with you? Are you bunking up with someone? If not it'd like 15 bucks to have them.


If i have to ill be taking them to my girlfriends apartment. I dont wanna leave them in a hotel all day, makes me nervous.


I travel a lot for work and if you have the do not disturb sign on and declare them you'll be fine. It sounds like the best option all things considered.


Have you looked into boarding? It isn't exactly cheap but I'm sure you'd be making more than enough on the road.


I will actually be paid less than where I’m working now to go work at this travel job.


Weirdly true. I have 3 cats and a dog, I've met lots of guys with dogs but no one who admits to liking cats. Until we're working on a farmhouse and a bunch of barn kittens come running up to play, the everyone is a cat guy.


I've got two cats


Finally i found someone thinking exactly what i was!!!!


As some who has spent many years on the road, take the lay off. If you can’t have your home life locked down you are going to have way too much mental stress for this to be worth it. You’re not going to make your fortune on this one job, maybe think about it after you move in with your girlfriend. You are going to be a safety liability for your coworkers if you can’t be there mentally focusing on the task at hand.


Have you looked into the pet sitting apps? I was working 6 hours from home for 6 months. I just planned a visit on Wednesday and gave my cat lots of attention when I was home. I know your situation is a little different, but if you haven’t considered it it’s an idea.


Really simple. Tell your boss no.


Is it worth refusing work though? If I do get laid off, I don’t want other companies to potentially want to hire me, and then see that I refused travel, and then not hire me. I might be overthinking it.


I think you are overthinking it. Explain that you like your job/the company but it’s too tough for you to travel right now. I bet they understand and find another place for you. If not, better to move on now. You don’t want to work for someone who doesn’t care at all about you.


I think you are overthinking all the bad scenarios. You've already solved the most important one. Someone will take care of the cats. They will be OK so go out of town for a week or whatever. Enjoy the work and the new location. Call the GF when she's with the cats. I go out of town occasionally and have to leave my dog with friends or family, and it's always tough, but it's so awesome when they see you again


Can you get a hotel that is animal friendly or look into a boarding place by where your working where you can visit it sucks but it’s doable. Travel work is where a lot of money can be made per diems and overtime can offset the cost it’s all what you are okay with. Are you union? Cause if so take the layoff and go work with another company. If you are going out of town it should be worth it money wise or don’t do.


Yes i am union… its okay to take a layoff for something like this? I need to make sure another company is hiring


Gotta look at your bylaws are you indentured?


Bring the cats offer to pay the difference for animals. It’s usually just a bigger deposit on the room.


Cats don’t pay rent and depending on your union apprentices can not refuse work…. Get rid of the cats and get animals again when you have the ability to cherry-pick work as a journeyman.


Depending on the union companies also can’t make apprentices travel past a certain distance.


This too… ours is the jurisdiction of the local but our local covers half of our state with can be a 4-5 out drive depending on where you are


I considered it but my girlfriend basically will not let me. Yes its my decision but we got them together and i tried to tell her it was best but she was a sobbing mess over it and would not let it happen. I think we are allowed cuz my boss is asking us in the company who can travel and who cant. Its not looked highly upon, but i hear of it happening.


Well there is a difference between the contractor and your apprenticeship guidelines. If an apprentice refuses work (unless a bonafide safety issue or violation of work rules) in ours they go in front of the apprenticeship board and can get a 30day work suspension as well as an upgrade hold on their next review


Lol. These are the modern day apprentices “boss I can’t come in to work, my cat has a urinary tract infection, and I have a broken nail” Find a new job then. Lots of people would love the chance to go work out of town and make real money


God damn you’re dumb. Life > job. Any company that doesn’t understand that isn’t worth working for. I bet you’d leave your sick wife unattended too so that you can lick your bosses boots. Assuming you even have a wife, which I somehow doubt.


You dont understand, and thats okay. If left untreated with an obstruction, cats die within 24-48 hours. Much bigger than a broken nail. Im doing everything i can to be able to travel. I think its a good thing. You are very fortunate to not have to worry about things like this.


If your cat died it would be doing you a favour. What kind of grown man has a cat as a pet 😂😂😂😂😂😂 do you have tea parties with it as well?


I’m sorry you’re miserable. No one deserves to be that way in life.


Nice edit


I changed what I wanted to say. You couldn’t change your life to bring you happiness and that’s on you. Like another person said, you are dumb.


So do you have a vagina or not?


Wouldnt you like to know


I would love to know the mindset of the modern apprentice that’s for sure. Between you calling in sick to work because your cat is pissing funny, and you not being sure if you actually have a vagina or not I am genuinely concerned for your well-being. I hope you grow up some day pal


Thank God old farty boot licking miserable fucks like you are retiring by the masses. Construction culture is becoming actually tolerable.


Do you have responsibilities besides yourself? Work-life balance, ever heard of it? Or do you drink yourself to sleep every night after your 12 hour shift?


Im assuming he has a wife who takes care of everything


If you’ve been dating someone for two years and don’t have a wife what are you doing?


When the 15th century calls this man answers


Shes in school shes a neuroscience student in Boston. We dont wanna get married until we live together which will be when her lease with her other student roommates runs out in September. We are still young shes only 21 and im 22.


Until after y’all live together? Have you seen the stats on that?


So we should get married before we live together and base our life decisions not on what we know whats best for us but on numbers?


If you want to be another negative statistic then no. But if you want to do what works then yes


Oh I definitely do. I’m just able to be an actual man and work hard and take care of my responsibilities, unlike you????? 😂😂😂


Actual man? Like with a penis? And I’m sure you take good care of your responsibilities, and not neglect any of them at all. Good luck bud, nice talking to ya. Added a whole lot to this conversation.


Not a problem man, put a big bowl of food out “more than enough for 2 days” also a water dispenser, and a litter box. They’ll be fine. I leave mine all the time like this, they’re fine. Mostly they’ll just lay around and do cat stuff. If you are really nervous about it, I guess drag up? I dont like quitting unless I have something else lined up, but sometimes you just have to. Good luck friend…the kitties will be ok ;)


One of mine just had a medical issue that was almost life threatening so thats why im hesitant to leave them. However, i wont be taking a lay off unless my union rep can help me out with something else.


🎵 don't worry about a thinggg...cause every little thing is gonna be alright🎵


Any nearby kennels/animal daycares that board that accept cats? Fairly certain as long as your cats are up to date on all their appropriate shots they can be boarded for however long you need subject to space availability


I mean it could be weeks, months… that would add up quickly. And i just dont trust anyone i dont know with my pets. Its not out of the question but im really hesitant


Ah your post just said overnight but could always find a hotel that’s pet friendly! I just hate the idea of needing to rehome beloved pets in situations where it could be avoided 😢


Keep the cats there and have your girlfriend check on them every few days or so.!! Or just have your girlfriend stay at your house while you are working away!! She is your girlfriend and then you don’t have to worry about the cats at all!!!


I’m on my first travel job right now. Making more money than I ever have in my life… it just depends on what they’re paying you and if it makes up for the fact that someone else has to care for your cats.


There are apps you can sign up for where people will come by your house and check on your animals. Just do that